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Favourite Super Hero Movie

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"The Punisher" - I dont know if you can consider The Punisher a super hero movie since he posesses no superhuman powers, but neither does Batman really.....I think it was an awesome movie, good storyline and not too farfetched.

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The Punisher is not a super hero, he's a character. I was going to say *BLEEP* Tracy but thats not really a super hero movie. Its just really good.

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The first Batman.And yes Batman is a Superhero. He has above average physical human strength, agility, and intelligence. Not everyone has to be a mutant to be have superhuman abilities.And out of all the Superheros to choose from Superman would be the worst. The guy didn't have any weaknesses. Okay so he gets a fever when hes around a very rare item (Kryptonite). They should of made him an alchoholic or a schizophrenic. That would be realistic. At least Batman had reoccuring nightmares, failing love life, and guilt.Chris Langsdale

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With all these great ones coming out it hard to rank them but Spiderman has to be my fav with the xmen movies coming close second. I really hope the xmen movies are ruined now that Singer went to superman and someone new is doing X3. But I'm glad singer is doing superman though.Batman 1 was the best.

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Stanaka, u wrote :

I like first Ultraman. Are you know Ultraman?
Please show these URL.

Sometimes i watch Ultraman too ^^ But there's too many kind of Ultramans that make me confuse enough. From all kind of Ultramans, which one do u like most?

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Superman but he's very flawed. I think hes quite possibly the dumbest person ever. I enjoyed the movies but when I started to watch the old tv serie "Lois and Clark", I concluded hes dumb. In each episode, the same things would happen. Petty thieves do something. Superman comes by and stops them with ease. Its then a trap in which Lois Lane is kidnapped by Lex Luther and Lex just happens to be carrying kyptonite with him. Then when its all over and superman defeats Lex, he flies off with Lois. That's practically like him saying "Cya tomorrow Lex, same time, same place."-End rant.

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