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Why go to Iraq and America says sorry :D

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Everyday we hear from our TV, innocent lives die, people killing each other suffering....can you imagine being in the people of Iraq's place...Their life is much harder than the life when the're under Saddam...Seeing your neighbourhood, the places you loved to hang at being bombed and destroyed. How sad is that?

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Indeed it is sad to see the situation in Iraq. But Why they keep fighting when they are already being liberated. Iraqis were not happy under Saddam, when they are liberated, why don't they cooperate with the US and set everything right? Those Jehadis will never learn a lesson. Too hard to explain the way things go there...

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Indeed it is sad to see the situation in Iraq.  
But Why they keep fighting when they are already being liberated. Iraqis were not happy under Saddam, when they are liberated, why don't they cooperate with the US and set everything right?  

Those Jehadis will never learn a lesson. Too hard to explain the way things go there...

One thing to say.



Go here if you don't even know what the kyoto protocol is: http://www.vexen.co.uk/USA/pollution.html

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those are great pictures!it was said as a joke that we meant to really bomb Iran but a typo happened and we bombed Iraq insteidI know its not funny at all but neither is our President!

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YES yes netdroid9... I DO


Even if America didnt' go to war with the fallen Iraqi govt. those jehadis will be still there... so... what's your opinion?

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The jihadis have been surrounded by hate, oppression, poverty, violence in a continual on-the-run refugee culture that remains proud and hopeful for justice. But like the american people, they are vulnerable to the bad fix - listening to those who tell them that the only way out is terror and war - even against the wrong targets as long as it gets on CNN and Al Jezirah. The more the jihadis are shunned and oppressed, easier it is for the fundamentalists to lead them to suicide.The IRA in Ireland have all but vanished now that their country is one of the fastest growing IT development countries in the world - and they did it with no oil and not much money to start with - but nobody was continually hunting them from refugee camp to camp, shelling and shooting them and blowing up their houses.If world leaders sincerely want to stop terrorism, they must give people security, stability and the tools for them to develop their own creative prosperity. It is a long process because if you grew up your whole life with the violence of the refugee, you might not be one who can be a leader in the creative prosperity of your people - but those ones growing up in safety and education with a sense of a possible future could.Only problem is that the jihadi prosperity must come from having the right to prosper from their own lands and resources which means oil - and the jihadis are brown so the countries of the G8 get the oil instead.

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listen to this!(^^ not my link, found it on altavista)

'nuff said

Beautiful. I will never forget watching those people run from those towers as they collapse and people leaping hundreds of feat from the ground.
Most of you arent even in America, so you don't know what we've been through in the last four years.
The days after the attacks the whole world supported us in eliminating all terrorism. What has happened since then?

You have turned your backs on us.

And just because Bush has a southern accent, it doesnt mean he is dumb. He is a lot smarter than most of the people here on this forum.

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listen to this!(^^ not my link, found it on altavista)

'nuff said

Beautiful. I will never forget watching those people run from those towers as they collapse and people leaping hundreds of feat from the ground.
Most of you arent even in America, so you don't know what we've been through in the last four years.
The days after the attacks the whole world supported us in eliminating all terrorism. What has happened since then?

You have turned your backs on us.

And just because Bush has a southern accent, it doesnt mean he is dumb. He is a lot smarter than most of the people here on this forum.

I'm America, served in the navy in the 1977-1981 and I believe 100% that Bush is in this for the oil. Did you know that the Bush family and the Bin Laden family are in the oil business together. The Bin Laden family financed both Bushes in the oil business.

Why during 911 were all of the airports closed, but the Bin Laden family was able to fly out of the country on 9-12.

Americans need to wake up!

pete :D

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listen to this!(^^ not my link, found it on altavista)

'nuff said

Beautiful. I will never forget watching those people run from those towers as they collapse and people leaping hundreds of feat from the ground.
Most of you arent even in America, so you don't know what we've been through in the last four years.
The days after the attacks the whole world supported us in eliminating all terrorism. What has happened since then?

You have turned your backs on us.

And just because Bush has a southern accent, it doesnt mean he is dumb. He is a lot smarter than most of the people here on this forum.

I'm America, served in the navy in the 1977-1981 and I believe 100% that Bush is in this for the oil. Did you know that the Bush family and the Bin Laden family are in the oil business together. The Bin Laden family financed both Bushes in the oil business.

Why during 911 were all of the airports closed, but the Bin Laden family was able to fly out of the country on 9-12.

Americans need to wake up!

pete :D

You havn't happened to use the alias of "rojo" "hallmark" "robert stout" or "w_benami" on another forum have you?

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listen to this!(^^ not my link, found it on altavista)

'nuff said

Beautiful. I will never forget watching those people run from those towers as they collapse and people leaping hundreds of feat from the ground.
Most of you arent even in America, so you don't know what we've been through in the last four years.
The days after the attacks the whole world supported us in eliminating all terrorism. What has happened since then?

You have turned your backs on us.

And just because Bush has a southern accent, it doesnt mean he is dumb. He is a lot smarter than most of the people here on this forum.

I'm America, served in the navy in the 1977-1981 and I believe 100% that Bush is in this for the oil. Did you know that the Bush family and the Bin Laden family are in the oil business together. The Bin Laden family financed both Bushes in the oil business.

Why during 911 were all of the airports closed, but the Bin Laden family was able to fly out of the country on 9-12.

Americans need to wake up!

pete :D

You havn't happened to use the alias of "rojo" "hallmark" "robert stout" or "w_benami" on another forum have you?

NO... just pbolduc. The truth does get around though. I have paid close attention to these matters since about 1993. Don't even ask me if I think the Bush administration had pre-knowledge of 911. Not enough space on the server for that one.

pete 8)

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Bush say`s god bless america. he says he is an reborn christian!

Which brings me to my next point... Does anybody else see the US falling into a theocracy? I mean, it's a little talked about subject, but look at what became the majority of power votes in the election- Christians. Slowly but surely, religion and government are alligning. I mean, I remember watching video of public rallies on Bush's tour to office, and when one guy was asked a question, he goes, "I don't have a question, but I would like to say... I have never felt more strongly than now that God is in the White House."

It's a little frightening, but, all I keep saying... Four More Years...

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