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Why go to Iraq and America says sorry :D

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if your mom, and your dad, and your brother, and your sister, had been in the world trade centers and they couldn't get out in time, would you be critizing bush for defending the nation and for attempting to eleminate terrorists from the world? what if he hadnt went to war? the terrorists would do it again!

There might be a chance that Bush's goal is indeed to eliminate any terrorists threat... That could be possible.But don't tell me the war in Iraq is just a logical step to eradicate terrorism ! Because Bin Laden hasn't be found doesn't justify a war on the country next door... Bush is just trying to takes the momentum of the whole patriotic feeling in your country to its advantage, and provoke wars where it is not needed. I'm really proud on how my governement acted (ie: wait for prooves of real menace, before deciding to bombard a country, which never occured).

Generating wars and tensions all over the world won't help getting the human losses of 9/11... Being the most powerful country of the world has to get a few drawbacks, obviously here it is : the fav target of terrorists.. and a pure economic-oriented president who doesn't respect the environment.

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Everyone has their own opinions I guess... =/


But I DO agree with this:


Bush is the worlds worst enemy! he is satan in human form. He seems to do whatever he pleases! And what pisses me off even more Tony blair(our prime minister) is kissing his *bottom*...

Bush say`s god bless america. he says he is an reborn christian! Answer me this? How can you be a religous man when you have the blood of tens of thousands of people on your hands..

Religion cause`s war`s...

Iraq will never be free! it will become a training ground for american troops and it will be  bled dry of all its oil


The worlds gone mad for power and greed..

Nuke the planet

if your mom, and your dad, and your brother, and your sister, had been in the world trade centers and they couldn't get out in time, would you be critizing bush for defending the nation and for attempting to eleminate terrorists from the world? what if he hadnt went to war? the terrorists would do it again!

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if you were killed in an terrorist attack, would you want them to get away with it or would you want someone to avenge your death? just answer that for me.

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I may not completely support George W. 's decision to go into Iraq but think that action, even a misdirected action, is better than not acting at all. At least now the countries that support and harbor terrorists will think twice before they allow them to operate freely within their borders. Also, do you think everyone agreed with America's involvement in WWII in Europe. I'm sure there wasn't unanimous support then but do you not see Saddams actions where starting to remind a lot of people of Germany during that period? This is just my opinion, but I think you need to learn from history to keep it from repeating itself. It was inevitable that Saddam would have collected enough weapons to start where he was stopped in Kuwait.The one thing I agree with you on is that Saudi Arabia should be looked at closely and they are not.JUST MY OPINION

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Bush wouldnt reply with lets bombb iraq wha are you talking about? he hasnt told anyone to bomb any place in iraq. its like the perosn whos their, the amrines, navy, etc..'s general or whatever. and the marines bomb a building if neded, you want the marines to let the terorists walk right out of the building playing with them selves? whats wrong with bombing a building full of terrorists?

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My opinion on the matter:I will not say whether I supported going to Iraq. I will say however, that now it is too late to do anything. If we pull out now, terrorists will retake the country, and then most likely commit an act of terror on American soil that could measure up to or be worse than 9/11 in revenge for us bombing them or even being there in Iraq.

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cool pics thx but abt bush i think maybe he is going to fight Iran OR Syria after iraq i understand the way that the american ppl think abt their relatives who died in trade center but that disaster was done by osama bin laden not by iraqi ppl

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I still think bush is a big twat and if anybody sides with him! im gonna think your not thinking straight

he is a greedy war monger...

He wants control of all the oil in the middle east.

and did`nt he get re`elected because of his policy on morality..

Dont you think that is a dangerous in this day and age

(politicians dont have morals..they think about power).

And i also believe 9/11 was a big setup by the most corrupted goverment in the world ! no second guess to who that is..

(Why was there no windows in the plains that stuck the WTC buildings? why was`nt there plain reckage found at the pentagon?)

i do feel smypathy for the familys who lost loved one`s...

you have a movie star turned governer with a brain smaller than mine

im not against america i just think the american people are being constantly lied too..

But arnt we all being lied too? what for our own safetly? to prevent mass panic.......


And to be honest I dont like any politicians and hate religion.


im allowed to have an opinion! people may not like it! I accept that..

but hey its life

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Well, Bush seems to be on an Command and Conquer game lol, lets bomb, but, he is playing with real lifes, real ppl being mutilated and killed!! they don't need to pay for nothing, USA is not apreciated here in my country by those who had whent to school and learned that USA has made our schools crap by some "Good Deals" with our Military (CORRUPT) Goverment. But, the point is YOU SHOULD NOT HATE SOMEONE, i hate the WAY things was done before but i have lots of friends from USA and i disscus it with then all the time. I lost someone at sep/11, but i dont hate Iraq. Yes Bin Ladden have to pay for it, but not Iraq itself ( IM HATE WAR ). And if you think that someone is gona break trough your country and dominate it, wake up man, the only contry with power to do that is USA...and, i dont think USA can break a big country.Here in Brazil we have way more violence that ppl have in USA, loooots of corruption, and we r not bombing anyone, but im sure that someone has already though about bombing us for our tecnology, forests, but wile ppl still think that Brazil is a big jungle, we're safe down here. Now is the oil rush and Iraq is the goal, maybe the next rush shall be water...

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if you were killed in an terrorist attack, would you want them to get away with it or would you want someone to avenge your death? just answer that for me.

yheap, but same thing applies for the thousands of innocent (way more than the 9/11 victims) dead Iraqi's, that American's killed during this war...

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Why is this thread Stiky? Is it of major interest, os just Chit Chat, like all the other threads on this forum? :shock:


By the way, I wonder how can the american people re-elect a man that bombed 2 countrys, on of them after a single man that they never found, and the other because they had nuclear bombs, that were never found. People, try to figure out the sum of people killed on these 2 wars by the US and its allys, plus US and its allys casualties. The economical interest of Mr. Bush is greater that the worth of thousands of human lifes.

Plus, I wonder how can the american people re-elect a man that did not signed the Kyoto Protocol... What a shame.


Thank you!

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By the way, I wonder how can the american people re-elect a man that bombed 2 countrys, on of them after a single man that they never found, and the other because they had nuclear bombs, that were never found. People, try to figure out the sum of people killed on these 2 wars by the US and its allys, plus US and its allys casualties. The economical interest of Mr. Bush is greater that the worth of thousands of human lifes.Plus, I wonder how can the american people re-elect a man that did not signed the Kyoto Protocol... What a shame.

I'm sorry Snipe, but you're just wasting your time...
Noone's ready to admit they're wrong... So even if I completely agree with you (especially for the Kyoto Protocol), they won't listen ! :?

Besides, it doesn't care now, we're already set up for 4MY...

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It's amazing: the way people play with words:Deep down, there IS NO difference between "war" and "terror". Both have to do with "power", "murder", "fear" and killing people. As far as I see it, the war in Iraq has nothing to do with democracy or "giving the power back to the Iraqis". It all has to do with who has power in the middle east. Power in the middle east = control over oil. If democracy was the issue, then I can think of allot of countries on this globe that have dictators that are far worse then Saddam. In any case, the only people that can fight for thier rights, are the people themselves. We can't do it for them. That includes the US and all the countries that are involved in Iraq. The US should, instead, take care of it's own national problems. The money that has (and will be) used for war (such as in Iraq) could be used in a much better way... and we are talking about allot of $$$$!!!!! I am sure that the more war there is, the more terror will be created and at some terrible moment, there will be another disaster somewhere on the globe. Maybe not in New York... In any case: there is an ongoing disaster in Iraq right now. As far as I know, there are more dead people in Iraq, then there was at 9/11. Terror, war? Same *BLEEP*!

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It's amazing: the way people play with words:


Deep down, there IS NO difference between "war" and "terror". Both have to do with "power", "murder", "fear" and killing people. As far as I see it, the war in Iraq has nothing to do with democracy or "giving the power back to the Iraqis". It all has to do with who has power in the middle east. Power in the middle east = control over oil. If democracy was the issue, then I can think of allot of countries on this globe that have dictators that are far worse then Saddam. In any case, the only people that can fight for thier rights, are the people themselves. We can't do it for them. That includes the US and all the countries that are involved in Iraq. The US should, instead, take care of it's own national problems. The money that has (and will be) used for war (such as in Iraq) could be used in a much better way... and we are talking about allot of $$$$!!!!! I am sure that the more war there is, the more terror will be created and at some terrible moment, there will be another disaster somewhere on the globe. Maybe not in New York... In any case: there is an ongoing disaster in Iraq right now. As far as I know, there are more dead people in Iraq, then there was at 9/11. Terror, war? Same *BLEEP*!

Well Said !



~ un-bold ; especially for a 2 word post... ~ Infraid

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