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Everything posted by Static_Fury

  1. I was engaged about a year ago....called off....ANYWAYS her engagement ring was $2,900.....but i think it depends on where you get it....lol my mom got hers for lik 800 and it was on a half price sale thingy.....just shop around....besides the ring is just the symble, your love for one another is what counts. And its work i hope you to never wanna stop working at it.
  2. My first kiss....was messed up. ok im 19 i lost my "v-card" when i was 18......well i never kissed her she left because she felt so bad. But anyways. I wanted my first kiss to be the best one in my life.....2 summers ago (2004) I was 18 still. I met a special girl at bible camp, what a way to start huh?, anyways we did all the stupid high school flirting and then we started holding hands and what not. Well when camp was over we started dateing, and it seemes to rain everyday that summer...She was always wanting to kiss me, but i kept telling her no....anyways one night she was walking me to my car as i was leaving her house and i slipped on the wet grass, it was raining, and she layed down beside me and we just layed there for like 2hrs, then her parents came out looking for her. well he started to get up and i pulled her back down on top of me and i kissed her. Not all that tounge crap you know the kind where you peck the first time then you go back in and just open your mouth slightly, the kind of kiss where you loose your self in them and you pull away just befor you two are one. And i bit her lip a little as i pulled away........ANWAYS we later got engaged, then we called it off......youth love..... i still have th $2,900 ring :S
  3. If you can live together without the papers, then why not simply further prove you love to one another?.....the papers are not what ruin the marrege. its the fact that people more than ever do not want to put out the effort to make things work. Love is learned it takes work.
  4. Dish is by far the better choice....my aunt has direct TV and its ok but its lik $2-4 more expensive, and its a b it more confusing layout. Plus DIsh has a MUCH better starter package.
  5. PSP blows the DS away in every category. The PSP is just not a handheld gameing sysytem its plays movies and MP3s, as i am sure we all know....and what does the DS soem crappy touchpad that will quite working after 6months....no thank you.
  6. I run a 1124x876 on a 17in monitor......i like it i can keep more stuff on my Desktop and it makes it ALOT easier to surf i dont hardly ever have to side scroll....and that my friends is nice
  7. Just text i dont want any graphics. Thanks anyways i already ran across that one.
  8. Thanks man your a big time life saver. Maybe you could help me with one more thing today??? http://forums.xisto.com/topic/25296-needs-self-resetting-countdown-clock-any-help/ just money.
  9. Ok its a big problem to me, i need to make my drop down menus options link to a web page. I know i can do it with a button, and i can get that to work but i need/want to have it link as soon as the option is selected........How do i do that?
  10. HEy, I hope i can post and ask for help here without getting into trouble. Anyways, I searched the web for countdown clocks and i just cant fid what i am looking for; What i find is a bunch of graphics, or generators that generate for like days and years at a time. What i am looking for is a clock that counts down from 24hrs to zero then resets hr:m:sec format. With so many scripts out there about countdown clocks i think it would be seemingly easy for those who know Java. Notice from snlildude87: Changed Topic Title from Html N00b, Needs Some Java Help to Needs Self-Resetting Countdown clock. The HTML n00b is just useless because you're not asking for HTML help.
  11. I am looking for a good free FTP. I looked and see a post for free HTML editors, but i didnt see one for FTPs. I know i should just pay for one, but i am a BROKE college student with limited knoweleg and just need something decent and basic; and knowing everyone has their little golden freebie they found some where; and i you guys have been good to me already so i com to you trusting
  12. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Is the site. It is on of many scripts that are rippped off of KingsOfChaos.com. And that is not the problem. Them problem comes from the face that they have stilen graphics from WarCraft. This alone isnt something to upset me, but they make money off of this site. And there is no metion of permissions to use the copywritten material ANYWHERE on the site. Im just wonderin if i am being dumb or is this something that is rather serious?
  13. I seen them everywhere, and some pages ask to install them. I do not know what they are or what they do? I dont ever install them, i was just wondering what their uses were?
  14. ITs a game of tatics politics and diplomacy. And the community is good. Horus....he is my dog
  15. Once you realize that is is real come back and vouch for me and lets get the word out and help all poor college kids buy a movie ticket!!!
  16. Thank you this really helped out alot. I am learning html, i am designing on and really kinda pushing my skills; few as they may be. I was using frams, and desinging one using tables. Pretty basic stuff, i know. Then i was planning on learning CSS, but i was lost after that. And i have photoshop7 does it make a big difference if it is pro or not? And thank you for leading me the next way. I did not know HTML was the base of the rest of the lang. And i did have a question about the validation thing. I seen it on alot of site saying they were validated. Thank you that was a huge question for me. I am current ly using TEW webcoding to do my work on; its free and i dont really understan ALOT of the things on it. But i will try and get the other programs that are better. Thank you ALL
  17. Handyarchive.com is my fav. and of cource Download.com and freeware.com
  18. I looking to learn a web design lang. and i do not know whati should learn. Basically I am a huge n00b. Please can you tell me the advanteges and disadvanteges of each; and what your opinoin is that i should learn.
  19. Dang for your first try, it blew me away. Very good just the font color is kinda hard to read.
  20. I like the community i just joined up:) Fun cool place.
  21. Well, i liked your templates. Yeah they are kinda simply but they are neet and have a little spice. Anyone who would use them doesnt need anything fancy.
  22. The first layout just seemed a bit boring to me.The second layou was my favorit the graphics are cool esp since is a web design site.The other two designs arnt too great, and i mean that as just looks i am not in any way a codies expert; i am a totaly n00b
  23. Its got a very atractive feel to it. Very clean. I am bookmarking it to keep up; looks like it could be intresting.
  24. HAHA. He got one of those ineternet freaks, who just got one email too dog gone many:)
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