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Posts posted by bsdpowa

  1. Hello, I play Counter Strike also.I don't play games and I never really did but there is something about Counter Strike that attracts me to it.Perhaps because it's multiplayer and i rather play against other people around the world then against bots and because it's not fictional but rather realistic.I personaly like guns and I also shoot with AK sometimes that's why I like the feeling of grabbing an AK or M16 in the game and start shooting others pretending to be enemies.I play Counter Strike 1.6 online and Counter Strike: Condition Zero singleplayer, becase I don't have the money to buy CS:CZ but one day I will.It's a good update of Counter Strike 1.6 and I especially like the crosshair which is much smaller.I play at some local servers, where do you play?

  2. My main hobbies are drinking exessive amounts of alcohol, smoking and chasing pretty girls :).I also like making money and I sorted that as a hobby, most people do that for living but I find it interesting and do it in any occasion.I also like football (soccer if you wish) and computer programming (unfortunatly I do most of coding for school and very little in my spare time).I have only one regular hobby that I could say I do every day, when I wake up I boil myself a cup of cofee and light up a cigaret then I go downtown for a burger.The tradition is on for a year or so and I hope it will last for couple of more years :).Well, weird hobbies I have.

  3. I totally agree with wild20.I don't think UFOs exist and I don't belive in ghosts either because I'm a Christian.If UFOs are so advanced why are they observing us for hundreds of years.I think they would have got in contact with us by now.I also don't belive those stupid stories about spaceships crashing.Do you think they would travel for milion of light years with their warp-speed high-tech crafts and crash on one dumb Earth? And why is it always US? Why don't they crash in Europe? Something fishy is going on here...

  4. ;)


    Hmm I don't think I agree with this... checkout http://www.zone-h.net/

    If you'll look at the targets 30% or 40% from the attacks are impossible to be reached by script kiddies which use exploits from forums and so on. In these attacks are used only 0day's which meanse they CODE them... So that's the prove that cracking it's still alive and freshy...

    If you think there aren't crackers/hackers anymore where do you think the exploits that the "guys who sit all day behind the desk" use come from? Maybe moon or something... you never know what those little creatures do up there...




    Yes, but those people are called system experts rather then hackers, hackers are extinct.No hacker would allow people to run exploits so they can harm computers, it's called criminal ectivity.Perhaps crackers, not hackers.A hackers from 80's would code a patch (exploit) and notify the company/user about it.

  5. I wouldn't spend a cent.I would triple it.Ten thousand is not much but not little either, it all depends on what you wan't to do with it.With that amount of money I could open a little bar here and start making cash.I don't know why you want to spend everything right away.If you want to spend 5,000$, make 10,000$ first and then spend those 5g, then make 10,000$ again and spent 5g.

  6. Well, gambling is not an option and I don't want to buy comic books and wait 50years to sell them :).I don't have 5,000$ so it's all hypothetical.Putting it on a bank is same as buying comic books and you can't earn alot of money by doing that.Stocks...well you would need at least 100,000$ in order to gain some serious cash, 5,000$ is way too little.Ofcourse you would like to spend it, who wouldn't :D but it's harder to gain money then to spend it.Let me hear some more suggestions.

  7. DANIELGender: MasculineUsage: English, Jewish, French, German, Scandinavian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, BiblicalPronounced: DAN-yul (English), dan-YEL (French) [key]From the Hebrew name Daniyel meaning "God is my judge". Daniel was a Hebrew prophet whose story is told in the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament. He lived during the Jewish captivity in Babylon, where he served in the court of the king, rising to prominence by interpreting the king's dreams. The book also presents Daniel's four visions of the end of the world. Famous bearers of this name include English author Daniel Defoe, Swiss mathematician Daniel Bernoulli, and American frontiersman Daniel Boone.

  8. Well, I think there are no hackers or crackers anymore.These days you have computer experts and cyber criminals.There used to be people who tweak some things on those days computers or who modifed codes, wrote new stuff, explore systems and on the other side there were those who took advantage of it, so called crackers.Today all you have is a bunch of kids, who don't know jack S about administration, and like to play cowboys and indiands.There are NO hackers anymore, just regular cyber criminals.To me, people who would be called hackers in the past are open-source programmers, system experts and those who want to make something better and not those guys who sit all day behind the desk and look for some phpbb exploits because every idiot can run a program.They are not a threat at all but very annoying.Legal or illegal, depends on your countrys laws and your "hacking stuff" content.If you encourage people to break laws, it's illegal.

  9. It's wrong to decide between window managers over which one has more software.Software can always be installed later, you should check for desktops functions.At first I used GNOME all the time since it wasn't so resource hungry, lightweight and simple but then I switched to KDE because I needed more.I missed some functions and capabilities in GNOME KDE had like its great Control Panel, nice integrated clipboard...

  10. I use Fedora Core 4 and FreeBSD 4.11.I use Fedora as my primary operating system and WindowsXP as a workstation when I do stuff for school since everything we do, we do on Windows.FreeBSD is on my other box and it's used as a server but I like it so much that I'm thinking about moving from Fedora to BSD.I used to use FreeBSD 4.7 alot but I couldn't setup my sound card for some reason so I had to move to Linux but I don't regret it (much :D).

  11. Actually I was making fun of myself since I was wrong about the EDIT button but there's no reason for explaination if you didn't get it.Oh, I wasn't mean! Did I provide a solution to your problem or not? I wouldn't call that a "mean thing". :D

  12. Oh my God people! Is it really that hard to use search engines or you just want to add hosting credits? Don't answer.

    Anyway, it took me incredible 3 seconds to find a free pascal compiler.I'll reveal the secret to you.I first pushed CTRL + T to open a new window tab in Firefox (less then a second), then I typed in https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl and waited for it to open up (aproximitly 2 seconds) and then I typed "free pascal compiler" and it found 769,000 result in 0,18th of a second! Incredibly 3 (three) seconds!




    Since you're so lazy I'll stick some links up:

    Freepascal - It's really great.You can choose between 32bit and 64bit version and you can download it for multiple platforms (Intel, AMD, PowerPC, Sparc, Motorola) and I won't mention operating system support.


    Virtual Pascal - This is a compiler for pascal and has full support for delphi projects, but according to the author of the website, it's dead.


    Borland Delphi - What's up with that? You never heard of Borland's Delphi? Yes, it's free.Check the Personal (Open) edition.


    It's unbeliveble what a man can do with his hands in three seconds.You should try it sometimes.


    P.S. Next time use the EDIT button.It's not there to make the world a better place or something.


    P.P.S I'm sorry for being arrogant, but it's exactly 3AM and I have to study for some exams I have next month and I really hate when people open such topics.If you want credits, start a discusson about pascal, delphi or anything else but don't ask people to find you information you would spend few seconds on by yourself.Good night!

  13. I don't know why don't you look around before opening the same topic for the bazillionth time.There's one just bellow yours where we discussed game programming.Game programming is a HUGE notion so you can't ask people to suggest you books if you don't know what you want to do, nor which programming language you're going to program in.Discuss some topics with yourself and read the topic "Game programming" and if you have a question related to general game programming ask it there, don't open another topic for the same problem because it'll likely be considered as a SPAM.If you're afraid for your posting credits then I'll tell you (99% sure) it's the same as if you'd post a message there or if you'd open a new topic.If this topic, for some reason, stays alive, edit your message and be more specific and I'll reply again.

  14. I just want to state my opinion about GoogleAd program.It's a freaking ripoff!!!I had them displayed on my website with a line "You can visit my sponsor" which is totaly allowed and GoogleAd Team agreed.Few months I was getting nothing, people didn't want to <- snipped -> but then I was starting to get lucky.After some six months I got about 70$ and the amount was enormously rising, since you get more money per click when you're advanced, and then they suspended my account.They send no notification nor explanation so I had to email them and after a week or so I got an email saying the reason for my suspention was that I was getting invalid clicks from my own computer! I asked them to send me their logs in order to prove that because it was inpossible that I myself would click my own ads but they refused to do.I was so angry back then I stopped using GoogleMail and I thought of making an Anti-Google campain but what can you do.One big money-eating-corporation more.But that really makes me anrgy.}

  15. Hello everyone and let me introduce my newest project.Today I lanuched a website called "Duck Express" with a goal of providing different types of challenges and contests for people, hobbyist programmers, graphic designers and others.Some contests will include prizes but most won't since I don't have any sponsors.Developers goal is to collect as many points as possible, which he/she will get solving the problems.Contests divide into several categories: programming, graphics, animation, modeling and web design.I hope, with your participation, this will grow into something big so one day it will become a tradition.Excuse my non-proffesionality, but I'm a busy student with lack of finances.I'll do my best to make this work.You can visit the official website and read more about it there.duckexpress.rs.srP.S. Both, website and the forum, are hosted at Xisto so I'd like to thank you guys for everything.

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