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Posts posted by bsdpowa

  1. Dear optimistic friend, your knowledge of Javascript and "how to use websites" is far far away from what it's required to know in order for a programmer to code a social community system. You're looking at a heavy skill level of PHP and database programming so if you don't master PHP, I would really advise you from trying to do something like this on your own unless your goal here is learning web programming.

    Please go to Google and type in "social community script". You'll get this, a list of most popular scripts used for online communities such as the one you're trying to build from scratch.

    If you have 600$ laying around, you should take a look at AbleSpace but if you're broke or just looking for a cheap'o'rama take a look here. Boonex offers Dolphin for free. Dolphin is most popular FREE software among webmasters and I'm sure you wouldn't have any trouble starting with it.

    Here's a list of technical requirements for running Dolphin.

    - Dolphin requires at least 20Mb of space and 1Mb of MySQL DB space for installation.- Your host must have any Linux/Unix OS (RedHat, Debian, FreeBSD, Mandrake, etc). NOTE: SAFE_MODE must be OFF, register_globals must be OFF.
    - Or Windows OS with Apache Web Server, MySQL and PHP (WAMP).
    - PHP version 4.3.6 and higher with XML and XSL extensions and with mbstring support, exec() must be allowed, allow_url_fopen must be On;
    - MySQL version 4.1.2 and higher;
    - ImageMagick (for photos resize) or GD Library as an alternative;
    - Cron Jobs (Shell access (SSH) or other access to set Cron Jobs (CPanel, Plesk)) for Linux platforms.

    Now I haven't been here in years so I can't tell you whether Xisto hosting is configured to run Dolphin, you should ask admins or mods about that, but I know you'll have a hard time running the website when your user database grows. It's okay when you have couple of members but when that number passes few hundred you'll find yourself in deep sh*t. Shared hosting is not meant to host large websites with complicated structure that eats a lot of resources, you'll have to find yourself a nice VPS (I would strongly suggest Wiredtree, not a single negative review in years of VPS hosting) or Dedicated server for that matter.

    Now the question is what are you trying to do here? Are you just playing around or do you want to get serious with your website? If you're just experimenting I say go with Xisto but if you plan to grow your "myspace" start off with a VPS right now because moving complete portal systems can be a pain in the *bottom*. I know for sure, trust me.

    Anyway, good luck on your project.

  2. I bet it's going to suck. Why can't they just stay with Windows XP and work on that? XP is the only Windows version I don't have complaints about (at least not major like in previous versions). It's stable, fast and has a large community of users. XP does the job for me so I don't see a reason to switch to Vista and Windows 7 in few years. Like they say, if it's not broken, don't fix it.

  3. <a href=http://forums.xisto.com/topic/47161-the-end-of-the-world-by-december-21-2012/ to Smack</a>
    The Mayans don't have a end date, but just a cycle that happens every 125,800 years or so. The cycle is our solar system moving in the milky way, so that our sun goes through the center of the galaxy (if your looking from earth not actually going through the center). We are on the out skirts of the milky way. Scientist say the sun is having negative solar flares, which is very bad. Dec. 21 2012 there will be an eclipse as the sun visually passes through the center of the milkyway. I beleive there is a link between the suns position and the solar flares. The sun is going to have a so called storm around this time. The fact is the world will have a disasterous end, whether it happens in 2012 or not it will happen as we destroy more life and the earth! The only hope for this world is to end human kind we do not deserve this wonderful world we are only destroying it!

    Finally, a voice of reason.
    I'm really sick of all this mumbo jumbo about Planet X, coming of UFOs, Apocalypse... Perhaps we will experience a stronger destroying force of hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes and many people will die but there won't be any massive extinction of a human race in 2012. Although I really wish the World would come to an end in few years because we really don't deserve to live here.

  4. If someone asked me that question in real life and offered me an opportunity to go in space I wouldn't hesitate a single split of a second! I don't need Earth, I don't need people, all I need is peace and quietness in the deep mystical Space exploration. So close but so far away, unconquered and undefeatable final frontier. Just thinking of going to Space makes me want to cry because I know that won't happen in my lifetime and I won't be able to fulfill my biggest wish, to travel in Space. Wandering in the quietness of mother nature chatting with nobody but my subconsciousness and experiencing one true love, peace and higher states of mind...


    Look at it, so quite but so powerful...


    Posted Image

  5. PS2 is history, you should be looking at a PS3 SDK (11,250$) unless all you want to do is learn programming for Playstation. Besides that, individuals cannot buy SDKs, you will have to own a game programming company to do that.

  6. I can give you an invitation but you must understand that your account status reflects mine. That means if you come to Demonoid and download a lot of stuff without seeding, I will get punished for inviting you to the tracker. Can you handle the responsibility? If yes, post your email address here and I'll send you an invite.

  7. Keep your both hands on the wheel and look at the front mirror (the one that's inside) as much as possible.That way, the commision will know that you follow the traffic.And be sure you hear the orders (if they don't say anything, drive straight) you don't want to overhear something like I did when I was doing my test LOL.Ah, those days ^_^.

  8. I have three favorite card games.Blackjack, Poker and Tablich.You probably haven't heard about the last one so I'll explain the rules.You take four card from the bottom of the pot and turn them up and put them on the table, then you give six cards (three by three) to each player and the one next to the dealer starts.It's basicly a math game.You calculate and pick up card.Say you have the Queen (which equals 13) and you have 10 and 3 at the table then you pick up those two cards with your Queen.You do this untill you can't do any addition anymore then you throw a card away (onto the table).Cards that count: K, Q, J, 10, A, 2(cross) and who has the most cards at the end.May sound pretty stupid but after a beer or two you'll love it ^_^.

  9. I had so many websites that I forgot about their history ^_^.But I can tell you one thing.I build my first 'website' at Fortunecity webhost provider why there were the first public-known (at leat to me) free web space providers.I registered and got my 5Mb space with tons of banners flying around and pop-up jumping on your screen, but I was happy.I managed to successfuly buid my first so-called website.Delighted I was, I decided to get rich one day (and I still hope I'll make cash with IT) and so I start selling my homemade software ^_^, omg those time, but ofcourse no-one bought anything, especially because no-one actually visited my website ^_^.What did I know, I thought if I make a homepage people will start coming but it wasn't like that at all.Then I discovered search engine submission and so I submitted my personal homepage and still no results.Then the new webhost peovider came to market, it was called Geocities (ahh, do you remember? :P), I got 10Mb and I decided to make a new website, this time it was a computer progammers community.Still nobody came to my website and I was so sad and didn't know what was I doing wrong.Now, years and years after I know what's it all about and I personaly like blogs more then websites, for personal use.I would use a website only when doing e-bussiness of a sort, blogs are just more cute :D.Not much of a story, but that was my beginning.

  10. Hello, does anyone know about the Skyscreaper website? It's absolutely amazing! It's a forum where people from all around the world post pictures and news about the constructions going on in their cities.


    The website is located at: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/ and you have many subforums for all continents and countries! I'll post some of the most beautiful pictures I came across, I encourage you too add some of yours.


    Complex Federation (Moscow)

    Posted Image


    Project Ijdock (Amsterdam)

    Posted Image


    Zlote Tarasy Compley (Warshaw)

    Posted Image


    Rogier Tower (Brussels)

    Posted Image


    You wouldn't belive what kinds of building and facilities are being beuilt as we speak at some european cities!

  11. I'm in a dilema.I don't know what should I buy, Counter Strike 1.6 or Counter Strike: Source? Right now CS1.6 has more players and servers registered but what will happen in the future? Should I invest my money in CS:Source or should I buy CS1.6? What's up with the gameplay? Are there any difference between these two versions? Please, advise me!

  12. I used WorldWind only a month ago because it's far more better and advanced then GoogleEarth but sincethe arival of the third version of GoogleEarth I've changed my mind.With the last edition you get over a hundred new high-resolution locations which are not supported in WorldWind.EDIT: Damn, why there isn't an EDIT button :/.I've just remembered something.Does anyone know why there aren't no people? I mean, if you search the Earth with GoogleEarth you can find veichles and even animals but there are no human beings.What's up with that? Did they remove people for some unknown reason or what? I mean, I've searched the whole Los Angeles (which has the higest resolution images) and I couldn't see a man in the city.

    Notice from cmatcmextra:
    Merged double posts. There is no edit button because people found a way to abuse the credits sytem w/ it, when they had the priviledge

  13. Ghosts does not exist.If you are a Christian then you would know that a soul cannot return to Earth after leaving its body until the second arival of the Christ.And for those non-belivers, when a soul leaves its body it goes to a higher dimension (non-physical form) so we cannot see it or make contact with it while being on the 4th dimension (physical form).So beliver or not belivers, ghosts does not exist.

  14. What They Have Told us to Believe & What We Believe In.- Many Believe the path to righteoushood is believing in God and having Faith in their Religion no matter how many Lies put in to it, and without knowing what god really is, well everyone believes in their own kind of God, each have different beliefs of what he looks like and even what he has done, but when you ask someone, "What Is God" , they usually answer you with the same quote, "God is The One Which Made The World",well my question is, "Who Says Such a thing" , "If God Exists and has created the very world we live in today,then What is God Made From?",But whenever i ask that, I Get Cursed and then forced to apoligized such a Sin! , Well i want to clear up my beliefs in God & Religion, and why i think what is said is true,is nothing but complete Fables.

    Just because you don't know what God is made of it doesn't mean he doesn't exist.I'm sure you have many other questions but these questions are simply above us, if you know what I mean, that's why nobody can answer them.In the quote tag below I read that you belive that God is our sub-c or mind or whatever.Can you show that to me, do you know what it's made of? I don't think so, but will this stop you from beliving in it?

    - Napoleon has said,"History is Nothing but Fables Agreed Upon",well, all of these rumors about God & Religion has come from History, People all over the World believe in a Story of their Own,they have their own Beliefs and say God is something else than what others think, I Myself Believe that God is a Power in each of our Minds and Bodies,People Always need something to Back them Up and Give them Self Confidence,well thats the god i truly believe inside of me,its just a Power that Helps us go through the Worse and pass hard obstacles,there is no such thing above us,and there is no way to prove it,well actually there is,and we call it religion,people say Religion is what God gave to the Messiahs to take the people to a right path and help them in their life,but what i think is that religion is just some lie that is used to make people against each other and compare them to each other,its what has made Racism,and Terrorism all over the World,Muslims Kill Jews & Christians because they arent Muslims and Follow Islamic Rules in the Name of God,the Christians & Jews do the Same thing to the Muslims,the Church calls Islam a Dirty Religion & Language,Islam calls Christianity an Incomplete Religion,and numerous examples like what was stated.

    You have no clue what you're talking about whatsoever.When you say religion, you must be precise, there are many religions and since I'm Orthodox Christian I can tell you that my religion doesn't have ANYTHING to do with racism or terrorism.What the hell?!? Did God say: "Hate the black people" or "blow yourself up" ? Read the Bible if you want to talk about religions and the God.My religion also never ever called Islam a "dirty religion".Dude, I don't know what they teach you there but its definitly WRONG! At least from the perspective I'm looking at it from.
    There were always individualists who took advantage of the specific religion and its followers and abused them in order to achieve their goals whatever they might be, but will you stop beliving because of them? Is your belief based on what others do or say or do you belive because you know it's the right thing?

    -Also they say "God" Believes that Both Women & Men are Equal and are no different from each other,but Islam which is said to be the most Complete and the Last Religion of God says otherwise, in the Quran there is a Passage Called "Nesa" which means Women in Arabic,and in that Passage it clearly States that a man can hit his wife if she refuses to give him sexual pleasure,is that really what our So Called God wants us to do when it says he believes in everyone being Equal?, as you see The Religion made a passage against the thoughts of God,this was an Islamic Side,now let me take you to the Christianity Side,The Holy Grail is said to be the Cup Jesus Drank from in the Last Supper,but if you look at the Word Holy Grail in the French Language which is Sangreal and if you easily Separate the Words from it it will clearly be shown as,"Sang Real" which means Royal Blood,so the Holy Grail wasnt actually a Cup it was a Person,and it was the very same person sitting next to Christ in the infamous Last Supper Portrait by Leonardo Da Vinci,it was Jesus's Wife which the Church named a ***** to Cover Up what and who she Really was,it was Marry Magdelane,Marry was the the Holder of Jesus's Blood and Baby which was Later named Sarah,so Unlike what the Church & the Bible Says,the Holy Grail wasnt a Cup but a Person,History Bashed itself yet again.

    Again, you're mixing different beliefs and religions.First you say Islam teaches to beat your wife and next you ask if OUR God teaches that? I suggest you first clear up some things before getting into a discussion like this.
    Jesus had a wife? Says who? Historians, scientists, you perhaps? OMG I learn something every day.Once an unknown scientist calculated a formula which he proved God in, LOL, and then they found out he made a mistake with substraction so the whole theory went down the toilet.
    And I still don't see the connection in "beating your wife" with "holy grail being a person", if you tried to compare Christianity to Islam...

    -Now for the last part im gonna Mention the Holy Books of God,the Bible & the Quran which are said to be the Exact Words of God Carried by the Messiahs For the People,but come to think about it,Christ nor Muhammad Wrote the Books,Their "Followers" Did,and anyone could proclaim to be their followers and write anything they want in the book and say it was the book of Jesus or Muhammad,and this is the Exact thing which Happened due to what i stated above,they though people were so simple to believe such things and handed it out to them which proved to be true and everyone is now doing everything "God" wants them to do,and were have they gotten too?,They are Either Priests who Rape Kids,or Believers which create their own organazation and execute whoever that disagree's with them.what i mean is,anyone can just go on top of a Hill and shout that God has sent them a Message and they are forwarding the message to the people,then they say some *BLEEP* and eventually people will believe them and call them the Son of God,then they will create a Religion and kill everyone in their way to advertise it,and eventually the followers of the religion will suffer,You Want an Example?..ill give you an Easy one,Iran and their So Called Islamic Republic,We are all Dying and Suffering over here and Why?..thanks to our Islamic Laws and Religion,Iranians were Forced to Accept this Religion Hundreds of years ago when a Cult of Arab Muslims attacked them,they gave up their Proud and Profound Heritage to Now become known as one of the Poorest Countries in the World,Most Disagree with me but i Blame it on Religion.

    Shut up idiot! Sorry, but why the hell do you bother? Followers wrote books?!?! As far as I know the Bible teaches GOD wrote the Old Testament.Belive it or don't! It's simple as that, don't search for explanations because you won't find them in ANY of the existing religions.And those Illuminati you were reffering to are a science fiction, like the so called "Moon Hox" and the famous story about Bill Gates being 666 crazy *BLEEP* *bottom* son of Satan.Oh my God! Muhamed also raped 8years old girl and his brothers wife, so what do you think of him?

    Do You Believe in God or Religion?

    In God, but a religion is a way of honoring God.
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