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Hello i am new to trap 17's free hosting website....that they hooked up for me. I'm used to using phpbb & other forums....and i never used this kind of thing before....so wut im trying to say is that i dont understand how to work this. LIke i cant get any thing done cuz it keeps saying error's. All i want to do is make a site that can take me to forusm and other things but im new to ftp, & stuff if any body could help me set this website up. that would be greatly appreciated. When i try to install a phpbb forum i get this error: wut does that mean? Notice from cmatcmextra: Merged double post and added quote tags around the error messages
SOCOM III: The Motherload of Information Technical Information Official Website: http://community.us.playstation.com/t5/SOCOM-Series/ct-p/12684 Expected Release Date: 09/15/2005 (September 15, 2005) This date isn't for sure, many sites have different ones. Platform: PS2 Publisher: SCEA Developer: Zipper Interactive, Inc. Genre: Action Preface Okay, this is basically a collaborative post, I've combined all the Threads regarding SOCOM III and have added all the latest info that has just been acquired. Thanks to blykmik I really love this guy, blykmik from Playstation's message boards. All the users on the SOCOM Board have been compiling a list of questions that they've wanted answered regarding SOCOM III. Well, this guy blykmik actually took their huge list of questions and went to the E3 Gamers Convention. He talked with a devloper of the game and even got a 30 minute interview with the Lead Multiplayer Designer. According to him, he got to talk to the person that could actually say, "Oh, the 'man down' thing, yeah I put that back in." So what I'm saying is that this guy is my hero, he took his video camera and recorded the E3 SOCOM III Alpha Demo at the convention, trust me when I say that the game looks so *BLEEP*ing great. Some General SOCOM III Information SOCOM 3 will take place in Morocco, Poland, and Bangladesh. All-new streaming technology will be employed here, which is said to increase the size of the game's single-player maps by five or six times over what was seen in the previous SOCOM game. To help compensate for that size, single-player missions will have checkpoints, allowing you to save your game midmission. The missions will also have multiple paths to success. The AI will see some improvements as well. Players' team AI should be better at assisting you, and the enemy AI will be better equipped to coordinate with one another to form smarter attacks against your SEAL team. Weapon customization sounds like it could be a big part of SOCOM 3. You'll have 31 weapons to choose from and 21 different attachments, making for more than a thousand possibilities. SOCOM III will have vehicles and boats, which can be used on 7 different multiplayer maps. 32 players can now play online together at the same time. 2 new modes of online play: "Control" and "Convoy". Huge improvements in Clan support... including a radically revamped online system to provide much more support than before. The ability to create and remove different types of Clan Ladders. Designated private rooms created automatically for Clan Battles/Matches. Other new features include: Leader Boards, E-mail and a Private Messaging Center. The Leader Boards will now show an 90 new Statistics, in addition to normal Kills and Deaths, including the number of kills with any individual weapon. Just to list some of the things that SOCOM III has to offer: Colored Smoke (Yes, it's true, watch the 2nd Video to see footage of it.), the amount of people able to play in a single game has been doubled from 16 to 32, the amount of people able to be in a clan has been doubled from 16 to 32, increased statistics tracking, including the ability to view your stats online, just like Halo. You can send and accept Friend/Clan Invites in-game or from the Game Lobby. The game is also accompanied with the ability to drive multiple types of vehicles, including Humvees, light strike vehicles, technicals, T72 tanks, an SSCR assault boat, and a customized speed boat. The Interviews Thanks to blykmik, we have audio interviews with a developer of the game and the Lead Multiplayer Game Designer. Many thanks to him and his efforts and thanks also to CJ (The Lead Multiplayer Designer) and Travis. (A Developer) The audio quality isn't the greatest, as it was recorded with a video camera's microphone and that it was recorded at the E3 Convention, which you can imagine was rather noisy. So listen carefully and turn your volume up! Audio Clip #1: Developer Travis (trt- 05:18-) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Audio Clip #1: Lead Multiplayer Designer - CJ (trt- 12:03 -) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The Video Footage Again, thanks to blykmik, we have video footage of the SOCOM III Exclusive E3 Demo. The footage is great and I can't wait to get the game after watching it. Keep your eyes peeled for additional footage that will be added as it becomes available. Video Clip #1: First Day of E3 Convention - 5/18/05 (trt- 06:16) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Video Clip #1: Second Day of E3 Convention - 5/19/05 (trt- 19:52) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Gamebattles Official Interview With Zipper Interactive, Inc. Credit To: Ryan Greer (Gamebattles) GB: Framerate slowdown was a big issue in SOCOM II, especially in certain maps such as Vigilance and Bitter Jungle. Has this been addressed in SOCOM 3? Brian Soderberg (CTO, Zipper Interactive): For SOCOM 3: US Navy SEALs, we're working hard to optimize the game to improve overall multiplayer game performance. We've done many things with the new SOCOM 3 game engine to speed up network, character, and background processing. I believe that our pre-alpha SOCOM 3 multiplayer missions, with 32 players, already run at a faster framerate compared with some production SOCOM II missions. And we're continuing to work on additional optimizations for the final release of the game. GB: Will PMN mines make a return? Will claymores still be able to be blown up? CJ Heine (Lead Designer, SOCOM 3 Multiplayer, Zipper Interactive): Yes, PMNs will be returning for SOCOM 3. Players will be given fewer in order to help balance them, and we've reduced the blast damage slightly. The players can still destroy PMNs and claymores with explosives. GB: Will we be seeing a return of SOCOM 1, or SOCOM II style crouching/proning/standing? In SOCOM 2, was the inability to pivot while prone without getting stuck on nearby objects intentional or a glitch? Doug Wilcox (Lead Animator, Zipper Interactive): SOCOM 3 locomotion and interaction with terrain and obstacles has advanced dramatically. The character will slide more easily along walls, and be allowed to turn in all situations, including prone next to a wall. GB: What are the pros and cons of using a vehicle? CJ: Before I begin, it is important to note that all of the maps are designed around the players on foot, and the vehicles are designed to support and compliment these players on foot. All of the key objective locations in the maps require the player to be on foot before the player can interact with the objective. Whether this involves simply stepping out of the vehicle to take control of a hostage, or having to exit the vehicle and walk for a while on foot to an area that doesn't allow vehicles, this was intentionally done to keep the focus of the game on the players and not the vehicles. The vehicles are great for moving around the maps quickly. In some maps it will be important to reach key locations as fast as possible, and the vehicles fit that role perfectly. However, while the vehicles do have speed on their side, the players on foot will always have more stealthy options for moving around than the players in vehicles, which increases their survivability, since players in vehicles tend to draw more attention than the players on foot. Also, most of the maps force the vehicles to pass through specific areas on the way to objectives, wheras players on foot have multiple options and shortcuts. The vehicles make excellent mobile turrets. Most of the vehicles can provide more powerful firepower than what can be selected by players from the armory. Also, the accuracy of the turrets in SOCOM 3 has been increased so there is additional incentive to use them. Again, the trade-off here is that when players are in the vehicles, they're going to be drawing a lot of attention. Most of the vehicles are suceptible to gunfire, especially explosives, and can be destroyed if they take too much damage. In addition, the majority of vehicles leave the drivers, gunners, and occasionally the passengers exposed, and able to be shot by players outside the vehicle. We intend for all of the maps to have a good balance between the players on foot and the vehicles, but we also wanted the players to have the option to disable them if they choose. The player always has the option in the Game Create screen to disable the vehicles. GB: From the demo at E3 it appears as if the quick L2 switch is gone. Will it be back in the final version? Travis Steiner (Lead Designer, SOCOM 3 Single Player, Zipper Interactive): Updating our control scheme was necessary to optimize gameplay and accommodate new features. It may take seasoned SOCOM veterans a few rounds to get their muscle memory adjusted to the new setup, but we are confident that they will quickly embrace the new control scheme based on the advantages it offers. L2 will now be used for communication, which makes the player less vulnerable when attempting to chat; they can keep their other hand on the aim and fire controls. No functionality is lost by having L1 as the lone weapon swap button, and it is actually quicker for players to switch between their primary and secondary weapons now. GB: Some users on our forums are expressing concern about how gunfights may be effected by the ability to throw grenades while running. How is this being prevented from happening? CJ: The ability to throw grenades while running should not seriously impact any of the gunfights. If the player is shot while attempting to throw a grenade, it will drop at their feet and detonate, making this a risky maneuver. GB: Have flashbangs or smoke been tweaked to be more effective? CJ: We've adjusted the range and angle at which the Mark141 will affect the player. We have also increased the amount of time players are under the effect of the grenade. We are looking into increasing the density and volume of the smoke cloud produced from the smoke grenades, to make them a more attractive option for concealing player movements. GB: Will players be able to see their hit percentage and hits taken at the end of each round? CJ: We currently do not have these stats listed, but we will look into adding these in addition to the numerous stats already available. GB: Is there anything Zipper can do to prevent players from pulling their cable or pressing the standby button on their modem to purposely lag? Bob Gutman (Senior Engineer, Zipper Interactive): We obviously can't prevent players from pulling their cables or otherwise manually inducing network lag. There are a variety of techniques to determine how frequently messages are getting in and out of the console, but it always takes some time to determine if what we are seeing is an anomaly, or just normal internet behavior. If players are disconnected from the network for more than a short period of time, they will be removed from a SOCOM 3 game. The best solution to this problem is to make sure there is no advantage for lagging players. We are looking at how we can best address this in SOCOM 3 as we are committed to offering a quality multiplayer game experience for broadband players. We also encourage players to take advantage of the built in features that allow them to police fellow gamers by voting off players or password-protecting games. GB: Can you explain the evolution in hit detection from SOCOM, SOCOM II, and SOCOM 3? CJ: In SOCOM: US Navy SEALs, our goal was to create realistic feeling weapons, damage, and player health. This translated into a game where players were taking very few hits before dying and the rounds usually ended very quickly. There was very little feedback given to players, such as blood effects and health meters, but the overall goal of creating an accurate damage and weapon system was in place. In SOCOM II, we wanted to add in more feedback and effects. For example, we added the blood effects to help players see when they hit their target, and a more accurate health meter to allow players to monitor their health. We tightened the player controls and movement so that players were more responsive than they were in SOCOM: US Navy SEALs. We also experimented with ways that could allow players to live longer in the round. This included decreasing the accuracy of the weapons when fired from longer ranges, increasing the health of the player and slightly reducing the damage done by the weapons and ammo. When all of these were brought together in SOCOM II, we got many of the results we were looking for, however, there were several undesirable results as well. The reduced accuracy ranges, faster player movements, more health and less damaging weapons encouraged close-range, circle-strafing battles in which players would dance back and forth in front of each other until one of them finally died. For SOCOM 3, we've focused on identifying and dealing with many of the issues that arose in SOCOM II. This includes reworking some of the network code, the hit messages, the blood effects, and some framerate issues. In addition, many of the features we've added to SOCOM 3, such as the attachment modification system, which allows players to customize their weapons to be more accurate and longer/shorter ranges, and player encumbrance, which will slow down the player movement speeds, work to bring the gameplay back to a more strategic, slower paced style of playing where players can expect to kill their targets with fewer shots and at longer ranges. GB: Has the night vision been improved to be more like SOCOM? Travis: Our development team frequently evaluates the content we put into the previous SOCOM titles as we work on SOCOM 3 features. For night vision, we have considerably updated both the look and functionality of it to maximize its usefulness. GB: Many players have also voiced concern on our forums regarding Nextel and AIM use. Will the camera still track players indefinitely after killing a player, or only for a few seconds? CJ: We are currently looking into reducing the time the camera tracks the shooter before returning back to the player's corpse. We're also removing the 360-degree camer rotation when ghosting a living player, so that they can only view what the player is viewing. EGM SOCOM III Preview Article by Joe Rybicki of 1UP.com The basics: Sony's immensely popular team-based online shooter returns with some hefty enhancements: 32-player matches, controllable vehicles, and a revamped matchmaking interface. How was it? In the interest of full disclosure, you should know that I've spent some serious time with SOCOM 3 (I wrote the Official PlayStation Magazine's recent cover story on it), so when I recently got a second chance to play it, I wasn't surprised to see the awesomely huge levels, the 32-player games, and the extensive use of vehicles. It was also no surprise to see control, the new game mode, with its capture-and-defend gameplay. What was surprising--no, perhaps "shocking" would be a better word--was how incredibly smoothly the game was running. For a series that's been slammed for online lag, seeing a speedy 24-player game was a very big deal. And knowing that each one of those players was using a completely customized weapon (courtesy of the game's new weapon-mod system) made it all the more impressive. But this was just one level, and getting one level into shape for a demo is one thing--getting 12 into shape for public consumption is another thing entirely. If nothing else, it proves that bigger levels, more players, and vehicles can be done without lag. New Multiplayer Information Released By Zipper Article by Matt Leone of 1UP.com It's no easy task to describe all of SOCOM 3's many new multiplayer ideas in one sentence, so let's try to describe the approach in one word: bigger. The SOCOM series has always been popular online, so rather than make the same game again, the team at Zipper Interactive decided to scale up many of their key features. Number of players, map size, number of options -- all much bigger. The most obvious way the game has gotten bigger -- literally -- is the increased size of the maps. Much like the single-player game that we reported on previously, many of the new multiplayer maps will all be large enough to house the new maximum number of players in a game: 32. Two teams of 16 can go head to head, showing off the necessity of having larger maps, but based on early impressions, the same level of detail seems present in the large-scale environments. To help with the large map size, players will also be able to select spawn points so as to not have to spend half the game trying to get back to where they just died. Another reason for the large maps is the addition of vehicles to the gameplay. Along the lines of what'd you'd expect from games like Halo, players can team up and utilize tanks, boats, and other vehicles to cross the maps quickly and add to their firepower. Unlike some games, however, the designers at Zipper want to make it clear that vehicles will not dominate the experience with everyone running for them as soon as they spawn. Naturally, Zipper decided to add a couple new gameplay modes to take advantage of these other changes to the game, and what they've come up with are modes called Convoy and Control. Convoy plays out pretty much as it sounds -- you start the mission with two cargo trucks and must protect them as they go along their charted path, eliminating all the terrorists that spawn nearby along the way. Control plays out where each team has to race to capture five points on the map; both teams can capture the same locations, though, so it's less of a tug of war and more of a race. The first team to get all five wins. With the extensive options presented to the player, the team at Zipper wants to make sure everything stays organized, and a big part of that is the new group of community features. In addition to a messaging service, the game will include forums, surveys, and even a setup so players can check their stats on any PC with a web browser (similar to the system seen in Bungie's Halo 2). And then of course there's the PSP version compatibility. While Zipper isn't going into specifics quite yet, they have said that players who put in extra effort in the PS2 game will get bonuses in the PSP version, but not vice versa. Given all the options available in the game (you can turn off vehicles, choose small maps, etc. if you want to play it conservatively), SOCOM 3 seems poised to be the ultimate PS2 SOCOM game and perhaps the last we'll see before the PS3 comes around. The ideas are all in place, so assuming Zipper can polish up the gameplay in time for release, the PS2 should be in good hands for a long time to come. Preorder SOCOM III: US Navy SEALs Video Game from EBGames Preorder your very own copy of SOCOM III: US Navy SEALs from EBGames, here. Miscellaneous Media SOCOM III Photo Slideshow http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Video Footage Gamespot (E3 2005) - SOCOM III: US Navy SEALs Stage Demo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ IGN Video Footage LocateVideosHere Gamespot - Interview with the Developers Download Coming Soon Gamespot - Gameplay Footage 2 Download Coming Soon Gamespot - Gameplay Footage 1 Download Coming Soon 1UP - E3 Trailer http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (You'll need WinZIP to extract the contents of the download. Don't have it? Get it here.) 1UP - SOCOM III: US Navy SEALs High Resolution Footage (Parts 1 & 2) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ | http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Here (You'll need WinZIP to extract the contents of the download. Don't have it? Get it here.) 1UP - Swimming Footage http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (You'll need WinZIP to extract the contents of the download. Don't have it? Get it here.) 1UP - Introduction Footage http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (You'll need WinZIP to extract the contents of the download. Don't have it? Get it here.) 1UP - Tank Footage http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (You'll need WinZIP to extract the contents of the download. Don't have it? Get it here.) SOCOM III: US Navy SEALs - Fact or Fiction List List information taken from the "S3 Wish List Thread on the S3 Board at Playstation.com Key :yes: - Added in one way or another to SOCOM III :no: - Not added to SOCOM III :notsure: - No information or "still being looked into" by Zipper Interactive Gameplay :yes: Bullet hits have an effect on characters aim and speed * Bullet hits will slow you down for a moment or two before you ramp back up to full speed. So yes, you are affected! :yes: Variable movement speed based on equipment load * Yes, it's called "encumbrance". Heavier weaponry and equipment will limit a player's mobility. :yes: Overall speed more realistic, especially side to side strafing * Socom III will add some momentum to your side to side strafe in order to cut down on unrealistic side to side firefights. :notsure: More commands for VIPs and Hostages * Zipper is "looking into" the possibility of this. :notsure: Training and practice modes * Unlikely to be put in the game. :yes: Improved turret realism, rotation degree and strength * All guns have supposedly been "rebalanced". :yes: Return grenade drop when shot while throwing grenades * Yes, this was somehow lost on SOCOM II after the March 10 patch. :yes: Toggle thermal and night vision on/off while in scope * You'll be able to turn the Nightvision/Thermal On/Off whenever you please. :yes: Ability to toss grenade while running, less accurately * Yes, obviously less accurate but more realistic. :notsure: Ability to "cook" grenades * Unlikely to be put in the game. :no: Co-op play online, 4-8 man missions and other game types * Zipper apparently wanted to put this in, but the game was too full to accomodate this feature. :no: Knife/Butt kills if you can get behind opponent for 2 seconds * Unlikely to be put in the game. :yes: 32 Players Online - 16 vs 16 with 4 spectators * Yes, most player number limitations have been doubled. :yes: Player Driveable Vehicles * Yes, the game is built with the ability to drive multiple types of vehicles, including Humvees, light strike vehicles, technicals, T72 tanks, an SSCR assault boat, and a customized speed boat. Maps :notsure: All lights should be able to be shot out * Another idea Zipper is looking into. But, remember, this is more info to be passed around so it could affect network conditions. :notsure: More destruction of walls, doors, bridges, vehicles, etc * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :yes: Variable Weather and time of day on all maps * Night / Day confirmed, weather is being looked into. This means that you will have the ability to play your maps in either the day or the night. The ability to change weather conditions is being looked into, but is as of yet, uncertain. :no: Keep at least current total number of maps * 12 New maps have been built from scratch and must now be larger. Zipper will make no promises about old maps being re-built from SOCOM I/II for SOCOM III. :notsure: Innocent civilians in some online maps * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :notsure: Lockable doors that can be shot or blown open * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :yes: Choice or Random spawn starts on maps * Yes, you will now have the ability to choose your Spawn Location, instead of spawning in the same place. This will help you to avoid being "spawn camped". :yes: Choice to play on different sized version of all maps * Yes, you can instruct the game to delete portions of the map so that it is sized appropriately when smaller numbers of players are competing. Game Design :notsure: Default option on dead body should be weapon switch, not dance * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :notsure: Clan [TAG] not needed over head during actual play * There's been no word that this will be removed from the game. :notsure: Host can force game start after 2 minutes * Something that is being looked into. :notsure: Instant replay available after you die * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :no: Health bar shaped as human figure with specific damage locations * No, this will not be implemented into the game's design. :notsure: Player names smaller and more transparent during play * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. Game Options :yes: Complete customization of online games * Much more online game customization will be included... to what extreme detail, is unknown. :yes: Quick switch (L1) should be toggle for primary and secondary weapon * L1 will now toggle between your Primary and Secondary, leaving L2 open for the "Run and Talk" feature. :no: Custom online character skins (uniforms/camo) and faces * No, this will not be implemented into the game's design. :no: Fully customizable (mapping) controls * No, this will not be implemented into the game's design. :yes: / :no: Opacity setting for all on-screen HUD displays, including scrolling info * It looks like you can turn off the scrolling messages if you choose to, but that's about it. :notsure: Headset audio to TV speakers * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. Community Features :yes: Improved friends list system * No absolute details, but it's been confirmed that you can now send/receive friends/clan invites in-game or in the game lobby. :notsure: Name-link feature to link all your user names and friends list * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :yes: Join games directly from friends and clan lists * Yes, you can now go right from looking where your friend is and then being in the room with them, if the room isn't full, that is. :notsure: More keyboard chat commands * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :yes: Internet access for clan management and friends list features * Yes, you can now check your stats and ranks online. :yes: Ability to check user profiles/stats from game lobbies * Yes, you can now check user stats right in the Game Lobby. :notsure: Waiting list to join full games * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :notsure: Vote off option available in lobby * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :yes: Player Name and Clan Search Function * Yes, you can now search for users and clans, without having to scroll through the lists to get them. Chat :yes: Lobby chat can be heard while in armory * Yes, this was apparently implemented into S2, but a bug prevented it from happening. :notsure: Add no mic icon when no mic is present * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :notsure: Option to chat (trash talk) with enemy in one on one games * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :no: Proximity Chat Feature * No, this will not be implemented into the game's design. Clan :notsure: Clan tags can be any five characters, not forced brackets * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :yes: In game clan ladder and tournament system * Details are sketchy, but we do know that the game will have it's own built in ladder system, including clan challenges, and auto-created clan war rooms, which will most likely allow only members from the warring clans access to the room. This will cut down on ringers and make it easier to find and war other clans. :notsure: Clan leader can assign internal clan ranks * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :yes: Better Clan Message Board * Yes, there is an internal email system AND message board for clans. :notsure: Auto Clan Queue that puts you in room with highest available ranked Clan * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. Game Detail :yes: Use Universe News Screen for Daily Stats Updates and more * Yes, there will be an in-game message board system that will supposedly be up to date and allow players and the developers to communicate better. :yes: More game details when browsing server games * From the screenshots, it appears so. :notsure: Blood trails when wounded (like in offline) * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :yes: Add colored smoke * Not sure if it is selectable or just something at extraction/hold type points. :notsure: Info scroll at top should show enemy kills and friendly kills in different colors * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :notsure: Show hits taken and hit percentage at end of each round * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :yes: More stats, team kills, MVPs, overall Seals vs. Terrorists, etc * There will be more stats in Socom III... Exactly which ones is unknown. Rankings :notsure: Automated system to detect and eliminate rank-up tactics * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :yes: Names not used for 15 days hidden from rank ladder until they re-login * Not sure exactly how it will work, but names will not be shown on the ranking ladder until they've played a specified amount of "ranked/scored" games. How this is adjusted for names that become inactive is unknown. :yes: Add additional Navy ranks for more brackets of rank * Not sure exactly how it works, but naval ranks will be - (shown here in Navy Column) :notsure: All friendly-fire OFF games should be unranked * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :yes: All rooms have option to be ranked or unranked * Yes, SOCOM III will have this option available to choose during Game Creation. :notsure: Auto feature that puts you in room with highest available ranked players * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. Game Servers :notsure: Moderators for online play to eliminate cheating and ranking up * Possibly, apparently, they are trying to make this happen. There is a new rank system which will obviously require it. It would be a huge blunder by Sony not to provide 2 or 3 moderators. :notsure: Show player connection speed in lobby * Zipper is apparently "looking into it". :notsure: Ability to switch user names without re-booting PS2 * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :notsure: Change password feature * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :notsure: Favorite server list, to be placed at top of all servers * There's been nothing confirmed about this being implemented into the game. :yes: Quick Log-in Feature * Yes, though details are sketchy about how it will work. Additional Changes :yes: More Guns! Primary Weapons * Yes, be advised that this is not necessarily a full list. Please don't make assumptions about weapons balance... the E3 Demo was a Pre-Alpha version of the game, every weapon was not visible and Zipper may very well still be arranging weapons, attachments, and load setups. o Seals Primary: M4A1, M40A1, M4-90 (semi-shotgun), M60E3, MK-48, HK-36(?), IW-80 A2, M14, M8 (Next Gen Assault), HK5, M16A2 ---- Terrorists Primary: ATK-74, AK-47, AG-94, RA-14, STG-77, 9mm Sub, F90, M40A1, M82A1A, SASR, 12 Gauge Pump, TA 12 Gauge, M60E3, 552. :yes: Gun Modifications! Primary Attachment Options * From the videos of E3 2005, we were able to see the following primary weapon attachments. Be aware that different guns may have different choices. Again, this is not a fill list, just what was seen on the E3 video. o SEALS PRIMARY ATTACHMENTS - Suppressor 1, Suppressor 2, Bipod 1, Bipod 3, M24 Airburst, 4x Scope, Low Scope (1.5x & 3.0x zoom), Medium Scope (3.0x & 8.0x magnification), High Scope (5.0x, 10.0x and 16.0x magnification). o Terrorst Primary attachments - Suppressor 1, Front Grip, Low Scope, Medium Scope. :yes: More Guns! Handguns with Attachments * So far th following handguns have been seen in SOCOM III. Again, this is not a full list, just what was seen on the E3 video. o SEALS - Mark 23, 226, 9mm Pistoll. Terrorists - F57, DE .50. *Both SEALS and terrorsts have 1 slot for attatchments to handguns. I've only seen "suppresor" selected on the SEALS side... Haven't yet seen a terrorist handgun attachment. :yes: 2 Mines max load with adjusted damage radius * From the GB interview with CJ, he stated that they'd do less damage. :yes: Socom 3 will NOT be Pay to Play * Correct, online play will be free as usual. :yes: Multiple Gametypes on each map * Yes, you can play Demolition, Suppresion, Extraction, etc. on any Map. The Sea Snipers Talk With Zipper at E3 '05 Courtesy of the Sea Snipers - E3 '05 Newsletter Read the entire newsletter, here. [sS]: Will there be an arrival screen where you can select which team you want to be on before you join the game? Zipper: Yes, that is how we have it setup now, however it is a bit tempermental and may not be in the final release. (We proceed to tell CJ that he needs to make sure that it DOES make it into the final release because too many times 1 or 2 guys from each side will get booted in a match, and the match has to be played short because the right people can't get back on the right side.) [sS]: What is being done about the lag? Is the game still peer to peer connection? Zipper: There's nothing we can do. Lag is seen when one person has a bad connection to the rest of the players. [sS]: Has the hit detection been improved? Is it body part sensitive? Zipper: Yes, the hit detection now falls somewhere inbewteen S1 and S2. Yes, damage is body part specific. If you get shot in the arm, it can take a certain amount of hits before it becomes "dead" at which point, if it gets hit any more, the damage will be redirected to the torso. In addition, players will get pushed back a bit when getting shot depending on the calibre of the bullet. [sS]: Will there be any changes to the in-game player stats screens and the final screens? Zipper: The screens are the same as they are now but with more stats. The in-game screen will show you everyones stats, and the final screen will show you your personal stats and team stats. (We tell CJ that it should be the other way around and that the in-game stats should be your personal stats, and the final screen should show everyones stats. He makes a note of this and says its a good idea, they are going to talk about it.) [sS]: What can you do about dead-speak? Lots of clans use nextels, or have 2 systems set up next to each other and relay information to the living while they are dead. Zipper: We can't really do anything about that. (We tell them that one way to minimize this is to have it set up where when you die and you can rotate to other players views, to set the camera to the first person view only. This way they can't look behind. CJ says, great idea! We're going to talk about this as well!) [sS]: Will we be able to have the same weapons on both sides? Zipper: No, for authenticitys sake, we have terrorist weapons and seal weapons available for their respective sides. (They are however making the weapons more close in damage and accuracy to each other.) [sS]: Will all the weapons be configreable online? Zipper: Yes. You can put several different scopes, silencers, grenade launchers, and bi-pods (like a tri-pod) on your rifles. (so you can have an M14 with a silencer and a scope, awesome!) [sS]: What about the web-stats? Zipper: We will have a website where you can view players online stats etc. (We ask if it would be possible to put a link on our site that says "View Sea Snipers Stats" and bring up a page with just our stats pulled from the online xml data. CJ says, "Wow, thats a great idea!" He pitches the idea to Sony and tells us the next day that they are talking about it and Sony will get back to them on it.) [sS]: Will the S2 maps be available in S3? Zipper: We can't really comment on this, but what we can tell you is that the game will ship with 12 new maps. [sS]: Will the maps have selectable weather and day and night? Zipper: You cannot select weather options, but you will be able to select day or night. [sS]: How many people can you invite to the clan? Zipper: 32 [sS]: Is the map size automatic or host selected? Zipper: The host can set how much of the map will be playable before the game starts. So, the game will remain peer to peer, but based on the time we put in, the hit detection is MUCH better. The game is smooth, the graphics are great, the vehicles are fun, the maps are huge, the configureable weapons are awesome, the game modes are great (we played a control point game which is kind of like Battlefield or Battlefront). Seeing as S2 was originally intended to be an expansion, we believe that Socom 3 will be much cleaner and less buggy than S2. They have a built in ladder system which allows people to challenge other clans up to 20 slots ahead of them with only 1 challenge acceptable by a clan at any given time to avoid huge backlogs of challenges. When you challenge a clan, you set the date and time, and once accepted, the room is automatically created privately, 30 mins prior to match time. Once you log on, you get a message saying that the room is up and it gives you an option to join. It will not show up in the server/rooms list. Very cool. An alternative to GB and other ladder sites. We asked when it would be released, and they could only tell us "Fall".
Movies Quick Log-In Walkthrough of main Menu Create-A-Room Seal Weaps. Characters Terr Weaps. Characters 6 Mins Of Respawn Round Of Control Opening Video
I ahve a bunch of info for socom 3: Here's some new features that we didn't read before in all the Socom III previews. * No SP-10 for seals, no M14 for terrorist * Kill a seal, take his weapon, it's yours for the entire MAP * In surpression they're no draws (unless teams are equal) -- team with most people alive as time expires wins * You only get two mines now (unless you double up mines) -- and with such a big map you gotta be damn lucky to get a mine kill * As soon as the lady says "Seals Win" or "Terrorist Win" the dead and alive people on the same team can talk to each other. No need to wait for the start of the next round.HARVESTER MAPThe map the public beta is currently testing is called Harvester. This huge map is about the size of Last Baston + 1/2. For those of you who haven't played Last Baston (a HDD map) figure on it being about 5 or 6 times (at least) the size of a normal SOCOM II map. As you probably know by now each of the 12 new maps in SOCOM III can be played in all seven -- suppression, demolition, escort, breach, convoy, control, extraction -- modes. The map evolves based upon the mode you're going to play. For example, in breach walls appear where they don't exsist in control. Vehicals and available spawn points also change based upon the mode of the map. Each map can also be played in night or day and some have changeable weather. Check out these screenshots of the map Harvester in all it's modes.
What New Games Are You Looking Forward To Getting?
ProfBob replied to zuhayr's topic in Computer Gaming
Neither can i man... i wanna play it sooooo bad.......But i also wanna play THAW.... For ne 1 that doesnt know wut thaw is: Tony Hawks American Wasteland....thats gonna be kool....but i want socom 3 more... OCTOBER 11th!! -
Favorite Tv Show? what your favorite??
ProfBob replied to SharpShooter22's topic in General Discussion
Lol i remember that...on mythbusters But my favorite shows are: Family Guy, Futurama, Simpsons, Mythbusters, And American choppers.....lol i love family guy, peter is hilarious, "BOOO" HAHAHAhHAHAHHAHAHAHha hahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHH haahha lmao -
I love all the TH games....i expessially like thug 1...but thps4 was fun b4 i got thug...but theres gonna be a new tony hawk game, THAW (tony Hawks american wasteland) its all one giant level...where u can ride bikes, skateboard(of corse),u can edit yourguy like change his clothes, Tattoo's, Hairshops, And other things......So Basicly its like GTA:SA, u can pretty do eveything the same...except in thaw u can not steal cars, kill people, or gunz....(+ other stuff)...BUt thaw looks like a sweet game...so i love all teh tony hawk games....(2 was my favorite)
A good series is SOCOM....they r rreallly fun...but u need a network adaptor & an headset....if u get this u will be addicted to in in a second......but if u can wait till october 11th u can get socom 3 wich is gonna be awesome....cuz of the vehicles n stuff
Right...u may want a free psp or xbox 360 (w/e) but if u put ur real address they will send u stupid offers in the mail like sign up here n get a free psp.....n when where ever u have to sign up costs money or w/e...so yeh just go out n buy 1 if u want...but dont be <- snipped -> 's that say free stuff...its all just a BIG SCAM!
I voted for Playstation 3 becuase: Ps3 is gonna have a bigger & more powerful motherboard Xbox360 has a smaller 1 but it is gonna have some good qualities...buts its not gonna have as good graphics as ps3... i dont like the ps3 controllers i think there too big and ugly look the handles r too long but i like the xbox controllers...but ps3 will rule xbox 360
Socom 2 Glitches Learn Socom 2 glitches Before Patch....
ProfBob replied to simipro's topic in Computer Gaming
"I couldnt Edit"But did u want the the one after the r0004 patch or earlier cuz if it was after its in my previous postPlant Bomb AnywhereWhat you do is you make sure that there is a dead guy in the bombsite. Stand so that you can plant bomb and pick up the dead guy primary. Fill up the plant bomb bar and when your guy goes to plant the bomb tap x to pick up the primary. you should then have bomb as primary and just press R1 to plantShoot Claymores/pmn?s out of m203Note:-Can't be host) Get an M203, Claymores/PMN mines(whatever u want to launch out of ur pistol), and an SP-10 or Model-18. Put ur M203 on Quick 1 and ur Handgun on Quick 2 Put ur M203 on Frag Launching mode Run up to the turret with ur Handgun out Press X then Flip ur Switch, then press L1 then L2 then press X twice Flip ur switch back As soon as u Flip ur Switch back keeping switching from Quick 1 to Quick 2 Once ur connection re-establishes stop switching back and forth U should then land on ur primary Ask people what gun u have out, if they say u got ur pistol out and on ur screen u got ur M203 out u did it correctly, if not, try it all again Then press R2 to go to ur Armory, put ur Mines/Claymores on Quick 2(MUST DO THIS VERY QUICKLY), then press X on them to select them. Then, quickly go to ur Armory again and select ur M203 to pull it out Ask others if ur pistol is still out, if it is out on their screen and on ur screen u have ur M203 out, u did it Now just fire ur M203 away and on other's screens u'll be firing Claymores/PMN mines or whatever u chose to launch out of ur Handgun If u kill someone with it it'll say u fragged 'em with a Claymore/MineAutomatic Pistol (while Host)Make your armory like how I told you how to do the auto pistol glitch, if don?t know this is how, PRIMARY PISTOL AT4/RPG AT4/RPG(round) CLAYMORE/PMN 1)Go to turret with pistol and crouch 2)Flip your switch(you'll get on the turret) get off turret open inventory go up and select your Claymores 3)The open your inventory and select AT4/RPG, then open your inventory again and select your primary 4)Flip switch back in and run away from turret, then voila!Symbol Codes#C?? = Green Dot #C?? = Red Dot #C?? = Brown Dot #C?? = White Dot #Caa = Left D-Pad (the alternate a under 6) #Cii = Right D-Pad #Cnn = Up D-Pad (The alternate n is with line above it) #Coo = Down D-Pad (The alternate o next to ?) #Caa = Start/Over Grown Triangle (Alternate a under 5) #Caa = Select #Coo = L1 #Cuu = L2 #C?? = Square #C?? = X #C?? = Triangle #C?? = ?No Timer1. Have everyone g^ but you 2. What u need to do is hit standby then ready almost 1 second apart. 3. This should take u to the loading screen 4. When you start D-O NOT TOUCH STAND BY 5. If you freeze u did it wrong but if not.. U did it. (Now note ur standby will be off) 6. U can play 80, 000 min respawn room. Its mad long.Host Turret GlitchMUST BE HOST 1. Get on turret 2. Press standby then get off turret 3. Get back on turret 4. Get off turret and hold lean to the left 5. Press standby to get connection back 6. When lag catches up let go of lean.Prone Slide Without Unplugging1. Get on ladder with PMN or CLAYMORES out 2. Ladder slide, and while your ladder sliding keep pressing R1 3. So when you do get to the bottem it plants it right away 4. While your planting the claymore press triangle for about one second 5. Then after you let go off triangle keep pressing X so you get back on the ladder right away 6. Now get off of the ladder and you should be prone sliding(aka snake glitch)Explosion At Start Of Round1. Be alive at the end of the round where the next round you want to blow up the other member's spawn for instance, then go to where you want the grenade to blow up, and then count 5 seconds after the music stops and throw a grenade or plant mines or claymores. 2. When the game freezes and goes to the round statistics screen, unplug your Ethernet cord and wait until' the countdown timer reaches five and plug back in. 3. This will make you spawn 15 seconds before everybody and the other team will feel the effects of your grenades or claymores or any other explosive that you planted there. [Note: You must be host]Casper1. Person 1 dies, and Person 2 finds Person 1's spawn. 2. Person 2 Plants Claymore(s) around Person 1's spawn, and then Person 1 and Person 2 decide a time. 3. At that time, Person 1 unplugs his Ethernet cord and respawns then plugs back in before he freezes, while Person 2 blows up the claymores. 4. If done correctly, for person 2, as soon as person 1 spawns, he dies. 5. The next time Person 1 spawns, he will be transparent.Ladder to Heaven 1. Climb up a ladder and go to about the middle of the top half of the ladder, about two feet from the top. 2. Then start moving forward AS SLOW AS YOU CAN. 3. You will then keep climbing up and up, but it takes a long time to get up to a good height. Ladder to Hell #1 1. Climb up a ladder, make sure you are on higher ground and that you are able to prone jump down and then turn around and face the ladder, Unplug your Ethernet Cord, press X to get on the ladder, but you shouldn't, and then prone jump straight off higher ground to lower ground, and when you hit the ground, wait one second and then plug your Ethernet cord back in. 2. You should then slide to the ladder and then climb underground. Ladder to Hell #2 1. Go up to any ladder, and prone at the bottom of it, facing it. 2. Then lean any direction, and press X to get onto the ladder. 3. You should climb into the ground.Ghetto Game Glitch1. This gives the same effects as the #1 Assassin Glitch, which is infinite health, no timer, etc. Have Person One create the room, have person Two join, and Person three should be waiting. 2. Person one and two both start the game normally. As soon as the game's timer reaches around 0:20; Person three starts to join the room, and he presses Ready. At around 0:15; Person one aborts, as soon as the timer reaches 0:10; Person two aborts, right before Player three enters the room, Person one should have already left, and Person two should have left as soon as Person three got there, the timer should be 0:00 and stay 0:00 for Person three, and should not switch or do anything. 3. Now, people can rejoin the room, and the game will have the same effects as the #1 Assassin Glitch, except everybody can play.Furry Hop1.go to a ladder 2. unplug cord or flip switch hit x 3.run to a box plug cord or flip switch while running to box hit x to climb on box(make sure its a place u can hang) 4.keep holding forward on the left analog stick the lag should catch up when ur right foot touches the top of the box causing you to get sucked back up the ladder while being thrown to airGod Jumphold mic and prone ninja jump about 3-5 times while holding the mic and at some point you should do a really fast and Far one. It?s really cool. I always do this in ff though but it works in all maps562DC?s Glitchgo to any room with rockets: 1:pick any gun & pistol but u have to have a rocket 2: go on top of a house ledge like in vig: 3:go all the way to the ledge like you do in Xroad to get inside that one house by the seal spawn??? 4 k go to the ledge and prone then go to ur armory by hitting R2 5:pick ur Rpg or ur heat right when u get out ur Rpg or heat hit L2, u should fall down if u did it right, u will see what it does, this does other stuff to like hold ur main gun in one hand but its ur pistol, have ur pistol with ur main gun u will see ur pistol if u hang from something, if u have ur main gun out and do this u will have it in one hand, just keep changing ur quick 1 & 2, to different stuff that?s what I did, u can do rapid flash bangs, lucky stuff: u can see ur gun inside ur body ur gun is on ur head rapid flash bangs and other stuff to if u put ur brain to it I hope u get this -
Socom 2 Glitches Learn Socom 2 glitches Before Patch....
ProfBob replied to simipro's topic in Computer Gaming
Socom II GLitches After The Patch Categories Lobby Glitches= Glitches that change your name or that you do outside of the game Gun/RPG Glitches=Glitches that you use your gun or rpg for Turret/Ladder Glitches=Glitches that require a turret or a ladder Box Glitches=Glitches that require a box PMN/Claymore Glitches=Glitches that require pmn mines or claymores Team Glitches=Glitches that let everyone be on the same team Showoff Glitches=Glitches that arent useful they are just fun to showoff Shotgun Knockups=Glitches that require someone to shotguns you up to somewhere Useful Glitches=Glitches that are useful in legit or other situations Random Glitches=All the glitches that wouldnt fit in any other category Text Glitches=All the glitches that change something with the room name, clan name, clan tag, or player names Glitches Released After April 15th=All The Glitches That I Release Name, Tag, And Lobby Glitches Get On Int With Codes 1. Load codes. When pressing Login, tap stand-by 2-3 times fast, and leave it alone during dnas. 2. Tap stand-by while connecting to international 3. Log in. Hit stand-by, accept user agreement, and from there you can 4. Press auto play Real fast and hit stand-by to get connection back 5. Hit join any server. Press stand-by to get connection back. You will get a ban message but it will go away if done correctly. Then, when in server, hit stand-by; create game, then your good to make a game. Then press standby back on. Credit: Swifty Get On Int With Codes Version 2 1. Make A New Name And Go To The User Agreements Screen 2. Press standby and accept 3. Go to autplay and press x, then right after you press X count to five slowly 4. Press standby back on and it should say joining room then it will say your banned 5. Screen will go black, as soon as its black press standby 6. Press yes I would like to join late, then press ready 7. Wait till you actually see the map start to load then turn standby back on Credit: DNAS See Every Room On Socom 1. Highlight any briefing room but dont join it just yet 2. Hit standby and press X to join the briefing room. 3. While it says "joining briefing room" keep tapping triangle until the "would you like to log off" thing appears. 4. Press NO then go down to Auto play, turn standby off and count to 3 and hit auto play 5. It Will Bring you to a briefing room but you will see all the rooms Credit: Mike~Da~Man Auto Mic v1 1. While in lobby highlight ready 2. While talking slide your finger from circle to x 3. Left go of x Credit: Yo Mamma Auto Mic v2 1. Grab mic 2. Unplug your controller from your ps2 3. Let go of circle and plug your controller back in Credit: Yo Mamma New No Terrorist Perfect Rank Up 1. Make a respawn room like a normal rank up, any map. 2. Put the host in the spectators box, and put your terrorist in the game. 3. Green up the terrorist, and unplug your cord until it says disconnected from the game. 4. Put your terrorists cord back in, but don't hit X on the pop up message. 5. Put the seals in on turbo. Credit: Fred Jones & Loneranger Lock Up Room 1. Must be host 2. While the game is forcing unplug your cord till it says disconnected to briefing room 3. The room will be locked and the players will be stuck in lobby Credit: CandyMan Server Spam Version 1 1. Go to create game and call the room whatever you want (Example: Glitchers Kick Azz) 2. Select any map it doesnt matter what 3. Highlight restore defaults and press square then X Credit: l) NAS Server Spam Version 2 1. Go to create game and call the room whatever you want (Example: Glitchers Kick Azz) 2. Select any map it doesnt matter what 3. Press standby then press square so the loading bar goes back and forth 4. Go to choose maps and take away whatever map you chose 5. Press standby back on after you took away the map Credit: =[P]eRFeCtiON= Switch Teams In Clan Only Room 1. Find a rank up room 2. Enter the room 3. When your screen goes black hold down triangle so you have switch team options (game has to be started already) 4. When they come back in room hit switch teams. Credit: Mikie#B Lock Up Auto play 1. Find a desired briefing room 2. Do my server glitch (Look in glitch archive for Big server glitch) 3. Once youre in the briefing room go to create game and make any room name ex. Mike pwns you. 4. Put EVERY MAP down to crossroads on your play list. 5. After you have all your options set highlight restore default and hit Square to create and x. 6. You will see a message appear "game creation failure" press x to accept and you will see your room at the top of the list. 7. Now press join game but an error will appear, so leave back to the lobby. 8. Quickly do my server glitch again in the SAME briefing room. 9. Have someone hit auto play and they should join your room 10. Now your room should turn into crossroads on your screen, join it. 11. Now while in the pregame lobby there will be no map 0 rounds 0 times and ALOT of people coming in and out of your game. 12. G^ and you will get booted now go back, let the map load and have fun locking up auto play/seeing your room a lot. Credit: Fatal Rank Up Room 1. Go To Create A Game, Pick all Your Settings (Name Of Room, Etc.) 2. Hit Square To create and while loading hit Triangle a lot of times to get booted to the lobby. (Turbo Control Works Better, and if you dont get booted and get sent to your room, you did it wrong) 3. After Getting Booted Go Back to create a game. 4. Highlight Respawn. 5. Hit Square to Create, and really fast pull Ur cord and hit X. 5. Wait 10 secs plug Ur cord back in and count down another 10secs. 6. Hit X and You Should get booted Offline. (2 PS2s Needed For This Glitch, Or A Friend Waiting In The Lobby For the Room to Pop Up. If you have a friend waiting to catch it, dont touch the room till you see respawn at the bottom. If it doesnt pop up and the room is gone, you *BLEEP*ed up) Credit: PR Double Clan Glitch 1. Must already be in a clan 2. At the accept/decline user agreement screen press standby and hit accept 3. Go to create clan and press standby back on 4. Then make the clan Credit: Clan cMf Accept Clan Invites While Doing Double Clan Glitch 1.Be in a clan that you want to be in and have the invitation of the other one u want to join also 2.Do the normal clan glitch first (standby at accept go to clan and create) 3.This is where it differs, once u are in the glitched clan send a clan invite to someone and appoint them leader 4.Then click invitations, and highlight leave clan 5.Press X then leave clan and while the msg is fading away press X rapidly and you should accept the other invite too 6.Now u are in two clans and u are not the leader of any of them Credit: ><SLAYER>< Gun/RPG Glitches M203 Attachment Doesnt Take Up A Slot 1. Go to seals and pick the m203 so it makes your first slot and m203 attachment 2. Put 2nd equipment slot as an m203 frag and the 3rd equipment slot as claymores 3. Press done 4. Press standby then switch teams, then switch teams back over and press standby back on 5. Go to armory and the m203 attachment will be gone Credit: HUNT3R Pick Up Turret 1. Take out primary and get C4 as primary 2. Get on turret and wait till your primary pops up about 2 minutes 3. Get off of turret and go pick up someone elses primary 4. Take primary out and C4 as primary 5. Get on a different turret and wait till primary pops up about 2 minutes 6. Get off of turret and you will be running around with turret Credit: l)NAS Scope With Pistol 1.Get any sniper rifle or any gun with a scope. 2.Press Circle and R2 right after each other. If you did it right the tactical menu should pop up. 3.Press triangle to close it. 4.Then your inventory will pop up 5.Then scroll down in your inventory to Zoom in and then select your pistol. Credit: Not Available 3rd Person Binoculars #1 1. Take out claymores and get into first person 2. Press R1 and up on your D pad rapidly till you go into binoculars 3. Your binoculars will slowly more towards you and after about 30 seconds you will see yourself in your binoculars Credit: Not Available 3rd Person Binoculars #2 1.Take out your pistol 2.Press Circle and R2 right after each other. If you did it right the tactical menu should pop up. 3.Press triangle to close it. 4.Then your inventory will pop up 5.Then scroll down in your inventory to Zoom in and then select your primary Credit: Dragon And ZEUS 3rd Person Scope 1. Pull out your rocket and start tapping right on the d-pad hit quick 1 and you will have your rocket on your shoulder but your primary is in the box in the bottom of the screen 2. Take out primary press circle and R2 right after each other 3. If you did it right the tactical menu should pop up press triangle to close it 4. Then your inventory will pop up 5. Then scroll down in your inventory to Zoom in and then select your pistol 6. Now walk forward and your scope will start to move towards you slowly 7. About 30 seconds later you will be in scope but you can see yourself Credit: Not Available Lock Your Armory v1 1.Get a rocket and c4 2.Go up to any c4 breach, and take out w/e you want to get on turret, put w/e you took out on quick one 3.Take out your rocket in front of the breach 4.Lean to the right and tap quick one at the same time and keep tapping lean right until you have you rocket out on your screen but in the bottom left corner it says you have w/e you picked to get on the turret 5.Get the c4 icon, up hit X to start planting 6.As soon as you see the c4 in the little icon in the bottom left corner run away 7.When your done your armory should be locked 8.Then you can wait on a turret and your gun will pop on it like c4 as primary Credit: Cable Guy Lock Your Primary v2 1.Get c4 as primary 2.Hold R1 for about 20 seconds or until you pull out w/e you started with 3.You armory should be locked 4.Then you can wait on turret for gun to pop Credit: Cable Guy Invisible Rocket Off turret 1.Set up your armory Primary Pistol RPG ROUND c4 RPG 2.Go up to breach take out your pistol 3.Lock you armory 4.Wait on turret, when your gun pops get off the turret 5.You could have the RPG round as your primary 6.Get c4 as primary, with your RPG ROUND out the normal way 7.Wait on a turret 8.The RPG round will pop up on the turret, and when you shoot it will be invisible on peoples screens, you have to hit people in the head with them to kill them. Credit: Cable Guy Rocket Super jump 1. Put rocket on quick 2. 2. Go to a place where you can hang. 3. Hit x and then L2 and you should be hanging with a rocket out. 4. Now climb up and you should go really high. Credit: Not Available 14 Rockets 1. Pick frags frags frags. 2. Have everyone on you team pick claymores and at-4s. 3. Line all your teammates up then kill them in a line. 4. Throw 2 sets of frags then run over their body and find pick up AT-4. 5. Now unplug your cord and pick up the AT-4's off of everyones body. 6. If you pick up 5 AT-4's off of peoples bodies then you have 5 AT-4's. Credit: l)NAS No Reload Version 1 1. Go up against a wall and lean against it in prone 2. Now while still leaning against it start moving away Credit: Stealth No Reload Version 2 1. Go to the crane switches in chain reaction 2. Hold lean left and press X five times then lean right and press X five times 3. Keep doing this back and forth and soon you will get stuck 4. Shoot your gun and you will never reload you will just keep shooting Credit: Stealth Quick Switch 1. Press lean and quick 2 and you will switch to your pistol automatically do vice versa for the primary Credit: Dragon Infinite Rockets Version 1 1. Have clays or mines out. 2. Highlight your RPG or AT-4 heat in your armory. 3. Then hit r1 then press r1 and x together rapidly until you plant the mine or clay. 4. Then you will get out your AT4/RPG. Credit: Stealth Infinite Rockets Version 2 1. Get at4/rocket out. 2. Do rapid flash bangs glitch with pmns or anything you can throw. 3. Once u get that highlight rocket. 4. Plant the pmn mine throw the item. 1 sec after that take out the rocket. If you planted or throw the item u did it to late, if no rocket came out u did it to early. Credit: Swifty Assassinator 1. Get on the team you want to be on 2. Press standby and press switch teams then go to armory 3. Pick the first guy and press standby back on 4. Right after pressing standby back on press square rapidly 5. After a few seconds you will see a message come up then disappear 6. After message goes away pick the weapons you want 7. Customize, then press done 8. Switch teams and G^, Dont go to armory Credit: #1 Assassin Skin Glitch 1. Go to the seals team and go to armory. 2. Select the first guy and pick HK5SD,SP-10,Frag, and Frag. 3. Customize that setup two times. 4. Leave the armory and switch to the terrorist. 5. Pick the 4th guy. 6. After selecting him select the weapons you would like to have on the seals team. 7. Customize the setup 5 times. 8. Return to the lobby of the game you are in, hit switch teams, then x right after to make youre self-green up right after. 9. After that green down and go to the armory on seals. 10. As soon as you click armory, hit x as fast as you possibly can, until the armory is messed up, but still clear enough for you to see. 11. Press up and the weapons should appear (Terrorist ones you pickes) but sometimes the HK5SD set will appear. If that happens, leave armory and repeat steps 9-11. 12. When the weapons do appear, keep pressing up and down until you hit done and then green up. Credit: Bwell Stand Up With Rpg/AT4 Out 1. Get out a rocket. 2. Then keep hitting r3 and L3 and after 10 seconds you will stand up on everyone elses screen. Credit: :SkilLZ: Rocket AGG 1. Make your armory like this Any Primary Any Pistol RPG/AT4 round PMN/CLAYMORE RPG/AT4 2.Go to turret with pistol out in crouch 3.Press standby hit turret icon, open inventory 4.Go to mines, then rpg/AT4 5.When you have rpg/AT out run forward to the turret then run away from turret for about 4 or 5 sec./or until you freeze Credit: =PyRO= Grenade AGG 1. Make your armory like this Any Primary Any Pistol M67 PMN/CLAY M67 2. Go to turret with pistol out in crouch 3. Press standby hit turret icon, open inventory 4. Go to M67,then mines, then M67 5. Switch to pistol then run forward to the turret then run away from turret for about 4 or 5 sec./or until you freeze Credit: =PyRO= Rocket Prone Slide 1. Take out your rocket and do rapid flash bangs so you have your primary out in the corner but youre in rocket position 2. Set handgun to quick 2 and primary to quick 1 3. Now press triangle and in the corner you should see prone 4. Once in prone keep pressing L1 then L2 about 10 times each really fast 5. Stop switching and make sure you have your primary weapon out 6. As soon as you stop switching hold lean left and press down on your left analog stick Credit: Stealth Prone Rocket 1. Put rocket as quick 2 and primary as quick 1 2. Go up to a door and take out your rocket 3. Press X on open door and hit L1 then L2 right after your press open and you will be running around with your rocket out but you must get in prone to shoot Credit: Stealth Run And Shoot RPG 1. Get C4 and a RPG. 2. Go to a wall you can climb near a C4 place (e.g.: Vigilance in the center). 3. As your planting C4 turn and climb the wall [C4 should be primary now] 4. Go to a gun turret and get on it, and wait there until the turret starts shooting by it's self. 5. Get off and take out RPG and you should be able to run and shoot. Credit: Clan M*G Turret/Ladder Glitches Host Turret Glitch 1. Get on turret 2. Press standby 3. Get off turret, get back on, then back off and hold lean left 4. Press standby back on and wait for lag to catch up than let go of lean Credit: l)NAS Ladder to Drum Hell 1. Prone at the bottom of a ladder with primary out 2. Lean Left 3. Press X once while still holding lean left 4. Let go of lean left Credit: #CAmO DRUMLINE Turret Glitch Without Unplugging 1. Get pistol out and be in crouch 2. Lean left or right and spin in a circle 3. Every time the mount turret icon appears tap it three times, do this until you have done it 5 times Credit: Talaban Monkey Climb Version 1 1. Go to a ladder at the bottom. 2. Jump at the ladder at an angle. 3. In mid air hit x and triangle around the same time. Credit: HeMaN Monkey Climb Version 2 1. Go to a ladder and climb all the way to the top. 2. Go into prone and then lean left or right. 3. Unplug your cord and press x to climb the ladder. 4. Plug your cord back in. 5. Unplug cord climb up the ladder again and the plug your cord back in Credit: Not Available Prone Crawl 1. Get on a ladder 2. Press standby and get off of ladder 3. Get into prone and lean left right in front of the ladder 4. While holding lean left press climb ladder 2 times 5. Press standby back on and continue pressing climb ladder 6. As soon as you get on ladder press down and you will get off of ladder and be prone crawling Credit: l)NAS Prone Crawl Without Unplugging 1. Get on ladder with claymores out 2. Press ladder slide then keep pressing R1 and as soon as you hit the floor you will start planting a claymore 3. While tapping R1 and planting a claymore press triangle hard like you want to get into prone 4. Then stop tapping R1 and get onto the ladder, then as soon as you get on press down to get off Credit: l)NAS Mikies Ladder Fly back 1. Go by a climb ladder symbol 2. Press X on climb ladder but press standby right after that way you dont get onto the ladder 3. Run away then press standby back on and it will fly you back to the ladder but you can only have unplugged for about 2-3 seconds or you wont get sucked back to the ladder Credit: Mikie Ladder To Heaven 1. Get about 2 feet from the top of the ladder and slowly climb up , so slow that you can barely see yourself moving Credit: David Slide n Slide aka Superman 1. Go mikie's ladder fly back and while getting sucked back press triangle Credit: Mikie 2 People On Ladder 1. Must be host, get on the ladder 2. Press standby and get off of ladder than get back on 3. People will see you floating up and down and they can get on the ladder Credit: Not Available Box Glitches Claymore Clipping 1. Take out your primary then take out your claymores 2. Hang on a box 3. Climb up and when your right knee is level with the box plant a claymore and dont press anything Credit: DarkSoulBlade Invisible Box Climb 1. Go up to a box and run to the side of it and while running away press X and square at the same time Credit: Not Available Hulk 1. Press standby and do the invisible box climb 2. When you land press standby back on and wait till lag catches up Credit: .22 Cali David Blaine 1. Press standby and run and jump at the box and while in the air climb up the box 2. Once on top of the box press standby back on and stand there till lag catches up Credit: :SkilLZ: Hulk Without Unplugging 1. Do invisible box climb but hit a wall so on your screen your not doing it but on other peoples screen you are 2. Take out your pistol 3. Do invisible box climb again only really do it this time and climb up Credit: l)NAS David Blaine Without Unplugging 1. Do the hulk without unplugging 2. Run and jump at a box and while in the air climb the box Credit: l)NAS Prone Invincibility 1. Hang on a box 2. Press standby get off of the box and do invisible box climb 3. After lag catches up Press triangle and on other peoples screen you are proning Credit: Mike19687 PMN/Claymore Glitches Claymore Teleport 1. Take out pistol, then take out claymore 2. Go up to a building and lean left, kind of like your trying to throw a grenade throw it 3. Keep tapping R1 till you touch the ground then stop pressing R1 Claymore Jump 1. Plant a claymore on a roof 2. Run and jump off of the roof and in the air blow it and it will send you flying forward Infinite Claymores heres What You Need 1. Get nades nades nades for your equipment 2. You need to have someone on your team Heres How To Do It 1. Make a Vigilance Non-Respawn room 2. Have the person on ur team, grab Rockets and Claymores 3- so u grab 3 sets of frags 4. Now kill the guy that has the rocket and claymores and waist 2 sets of ur frags 5. Now ur going to pick up his rocket 6. Now when ur done with that ., Open ur armory and u should have Rocket Claymores and Nades 7. Then u take out ur rocket and make it so u have ur nades out with ur rocket ( The Rapid Flash bang glitch ) 8. now open ur armory and highlight ur Claymores... Now hit R1 and X and u should Plant a claymore automatically. 9. Repeat process's 7 and 8 .. Credit: l)NAS and Swifty Infinite PMN Mines 1. Have clays out and highlight mines in armory. 2. Hit r1 and then press r1 and x together at the same time rapidly. 3. Then you will plant a mine and it wont take any away form your ammo. Credit: Stealth Have Clays And PMN Mines 1. Go to terrorist if you want mines as Seal and visversa. 2. Go to armory and pick the 4th character. 3. Switch PMN mines to thermal scope and then the characters sniper rifle to anything else. 4. It should say none in the first slot. 5. Change M67 to OMN mines. 6. Custom the character and get out of armory by pressing done. 7. Leave the room and come back. 8. Depending on what team you started on , if you started on terrorist and you landed on terrorist, switch to seals and you done but if you started as seal and landed on terrorist you have to switch teams twice. Credit: Latin Mobile Clays/PMN Mines 1. Go to a building that has a table with plates on them in desert glory. 2. Shoot the plate off the table. 3. Plant claymore on the plate. 4. Shoot the plate around. 5. On your screen it will be on the plate but on everyone elses screen it will stay in one spot. Credit: l)NAS Plant Bomb Further From Base 1. Take out primary and find plant bomb 2. Start planting the bomb and halfway through plant a claymore 3. You will be able to walk around with the bomb for about three seconds Credit: Not Available Team Glitches Team Glitch Version 1-Works With 5 Or More People 1. Have 5 people in room, 4 guys on seals 1 guy on terrorists 2. Have three guys on seals greened up 3. Have someone count to three and on three the guy on terrorists hits switch team and the guy on seals greens up Credit: Not Available Team Glitch Version 2-Works With Any Amount Of People 1. Have everyone on same team and have everyone green up besides you 2. Then press standby hit switch teams 3. Then press switch teams and green up 4. Press standby back on Credit: l)NAS Team Glitch Version 3-Works With 4 People Or Less 1. Have everyone on the seals except you, you should be on the other team 2. Have everyone on seals green up except one person, there must be one person ungreened 3. Then you green up and have someone count and on the count of three you green down and the person on seals greens up 4. You will see everyone all of a sudden green down that means they are in the loading screen so you just switch teams and green up Credit: Code Hax Clan Team Glitch Version 4-Works With 4 People Or Less 1. Have everyone on the seals except you, you should be on the other team 2. Have the seals green up 3. Press standby and press green up then wait for counter to go down and green down 4. Press standby back on and you will see everyone just green down 5. That means they are in the loading screen so switch teams and green up Credit: :SkilLZ: Show Off Glitches Ninja Float 1. Make a crossroads room and be terrorists, and have someone on your team. 2. Make sure the person who is going to be doing it spawns on the stairs. 3. Wait until the end of the round and tell the person who spawns on the stairs to run and jump off the steps and never stop running the beginning of the next rounds. 4. Then hears what you do unplug your cord 2 seconds after the music stops and keep it out for 6 seconds. 5. Plug cord back in and it should skip the round stats screen, then when you spawn you should see him doing it. Credit: l)NAS Make Someone Else Type Something 1. Type & as many times as you can. 2. Then go back using the left d-pad then space then use the right d-pad to go forward and type one more &. 3. Now type in what you want like l)NAS(All): Im a *BLEEP* Credit: Not Available Shoot While Victory Dancing 1. Go to a dead body. 2. Victory dance quickly press reload and start shooting. 3. On your screen you are just shooting but with everyone else you are victory shooting. Credit: Not Available Floating Gun 1. Go to a climb. 2. Put rocket on quick 2. 3. Put handgun on quick 1. 4. Unplug cord Press x to climb then L2. 5. Then when you get done climbing hit L1. Credit: Not Available Double Ammo As Primary 1. Get C-4 as primary then go to a turret and sit there till your gun pops up on your screen while your on the turret.(Usually comes up in about 2 mins). 2. Get off and you will not have the gun that popped up on the screen next tale out your pistol and get c-4 again. 3. Then get on the turret and sit there again until the pistol pops up. 4. Then you should have what ever you have as your other equipment, equip it then get c-4 again. 5. Now go get on the turret and your nade should pop up in about 2 mins. Then get off and you should only have c-4 and double ammo left go plant all your c4 and the it will pop up on your screen. Note: Best things to get for this glitch is Ra-14,SP-10,C4,Flashbang,and Double Ammo. Credit: GIM Seizure 1. Get your pistol out 2. Get your AT-4 heat 3. Get out claymores 4. Run forward with claymores out and hit L1 so you pull out your primary. 5. Your gun should still be on your back but you can still shoot. 6. Hit triangle so you crouch and then shoot your gun. 7. Your body should be shaking side to side looking like your having a seizure. Credit: Not Available Rapid Flash bangs 1. Get an RPG and flash bangs. 2. Set RPG as quick 1 and flash bangs as quick 2. 3. Take out RPG. 4. Lean to the left and take out your flash bangs. 5. Then keep tapping lean. 6. You should then see your RPG out, but your flash bangs in the bottom left. 7.After that happens, you just keep tapping R1 to throw them. Credit: l)NAS Shotguns Knockups Shotgun Version 1 1. Have someone stand on your head and shoot them in the legs with a shotgun Credit: Not Available Shotgun Version 2 1. Have someone hang then climb up and while they are climbing shoot them in the legs Credit: Not Available Shotgun Version 3 1. Have someone stand n your head and keep switching from pistol to primary and shoot them in the legs with a shotgun Credit: Not Available Shotgun Version 4 1. Have someone stand on you and take there rocket out then while they are putting it away shotguns them in the legs Credit: Mr. Bigelsworth Shotgun Version 5 Have someone stand on your head and jump up and down and while they are about to jump shotguns them in the legs Credit: Clan Fusion Shotgun Version 6 1. Have someone stand on your head and jump up and down and when they are about to jump shoot twice with the M3 Credit: Not Available Shotgun Version 7 1. Prone at the top of the ladder and while they and getting off of the ladder shotguns them in the legs Credit: Not Available Super Shotgun Needed : 2 people, one with rocket, and the other with a shotgun. 1. Person one does the rocket hang, so they are hanging with their RPG/ AT4 out. To do that have your rocket on quick two, go up to a ledge you can hang on, and then stay hanged there. 2. The next person regular prone shotguns them and they go amazingly high. 3. If you do the double shotgun with this glitch, you go INSANLY high. Credit : Blind Useful Glitches Throw Grenades Through Walls 1. Turn to the left side of a wall, but stay about 2ft away. 2. Lean left and you can chuck them through the wall. Credit: Not Available Get Any Gun On Turret Without C4 1. Put nades to quick 1 2. Get the bomb and go to the bomb plant area 3. Do rapid flash bangs in the bomb plant are so you are in RPG stance but have primary out 4. Look straight down and plant the bomb 5. When you see the blue bomb in the bottom corner of the screen run backwards and keep hitting L1 for quick 1 and it should take your nades out 6. Make your nade meter full and press X on turret right after you press X left go of R1 and the primary or whatever you had out while planting the bomb will go on the turret Never-ending Respawn 1. Have whoever the host is to open their disc tray 2. Vote him off 3. Now as long as he has his ps2 on the respawn will never end and noone can abort Plant Bomb/ Defuse Bomb 1. Start planting the bomb 3/4 ways through plant pull Ethernet cord out. 2. Then plant will finish and while cord is out plant icon will come up again plant again halfway through plant plug Ethernet cord back in. Credit: Candyman Easy *bottom* Prone Slide 1. Get in prone 2. Press standby or switch 3. Press reload, then press reload again 4. Hold lean right and reload twice 5. While still holding lean press standby or switch back on 6. Right after pressing standby or switch back on make sure your still are holding lean right and keep reloading till lag catches up 7. Stand up Credit: DNAS No Fall Damage Version 1 1. Plant a claymore at the bottom to where you are going to jump to from a high place, or throw a nade. 2. Now when you fall off the edge you will either get blown back up in the air by the nade or claymore landing low enough to survive. Credit: Not Available No Fall Damage Version 2 1. You must get blown off of the roof by a clay or shotgun, so when you do right before you hit the ground press triangle Credit: Not Available Kill The Hostages But Terrorists Win 1. Be terrorists on Fishhook and damage all of the hostages 2/3 of their life (best idea is to get a crap handgun, like model18 single fire). 2. Now go upstairs and out the door of the building where the hostages begin. 3. Now go on the plank and when youre about halfway on the plank run off to the right. You will know you have done this right as you damage yourself and the seals have killed the hostages, making terrorists win Credit: Not Available Prone Ninja Jump 1. Get In Prone and shoot your gun so it is up. 2. Press triangle twice lightly fast. 3. Then *BLEEP* your right analog stick to the right slightly. 4. Then hit triangle hard. Credit: Mikie Reload Ninja Jump 1. Get into crouch with primary out 2. Press reload, and while reloading press triangle lightly 3. Then while you are standing up press triangle hard and look to the left Credit: Not Available Backwards Ninja Prone 1. Have grenades on quick 2 and primary weapon on single shot. 2. Shoot twice then move your right analog stick to the left and press triangle and quick 2 at the same time. Credit: l)NAS Crouch Ninja Jump 1. Get in crouch and shoot one time to make your gun up. 2. Wiggle your right analog stick right and left. 3. While doing that jump (make sure you are still wiggling your stick) and when you are all the way in the air hit triangle hard. Credit: .22 Cali Teleport Ninja Jump 1. Get on top of the fish market roof in crossroads 2. Get in prone and start crawling towards the edge of the roof that is closest to the seals roofs 3. While proning towards it look straight down the whole time 4. Keep proning towards the edge until your crosshairs are on your head 5. If you missed it because you went too fast get up and back up and do steps 1-4 again 6. After crosshairs are on your head just do ninja jump in prone and you will teleport over to the other roofs Host Spawns Early 1. Host pulls his cord at 5 seconds left on the stat screen. Credit: Not Available Proxy Drop 1. Go to any staircase or ramp. 2. Have some get at the bottom of the staircase in crouch with their feet touching the stairs. 3. Then the person getting in the stairs get in prone on the stairs. 4. The person in prone crawls towards the person in crouch. 5. The person in prone should lean left and reloads when he touches the persons feet. 6. And you then should be in it. Credit: l)NAS Host Boot Room 1. At the end of a round not game pull your cord at 5 seconds remaining. 2. The plug it in when rounds starts. Credit: Not Available Random Glitches Exorcist 1. Whoever wants to do this glitch, go and die. 2. Find their spawn and make sure they are still dead, and at a certain time tell the person to pull their cord and re-spawn, wait 2 seconds, then plug the cord back in. 3. Then when they do this throw a grenade and wait. If done correctly they will die after re-spawning, but still look alive on your screen. You can now shoot them around. Note: You can also do the prone slide with the same method, but respawn when in a prone. Credit: l)NAS and BANANNA RAMMER C4 As Primary Version 1 1. Find a dead body next to a c4 gate. 2. Get both victory dance Icon and C4 icon up. 3. Scroll to C4 and then just tap x until you have it. Credit: l)NAS C4 As Primary Version 2 1. Go on a map where there is a c4 breach and an edge where you can fall off right next to each other. 2. Get the c4 icon up then back up or move around till you are about to fall off the ledge. 3. Plant c4 if you dont fall automatically then turn your body while planting c4 so you fall. Credit: GIM Shoot Anything out of turret 1. Get out gun you want as primary. 2. Then get c4 as primary then go get on a turret and wait there until it pops up or shoot all the ammo out of it. Credit: Clan M*G Have 2 Pistols 1. Get c4 as primary over your primary gun 2. Get on turret, wait for primary gun to pop up and get off 3. Find a dead body and pick up their pistol 4. Open armory you have 2 pistols Credit: Unknown Blue World 1. Get c4 as primary and then get on a turret. 2. Shoot all the ammo out of the turret. 3. When you have 54 bullets left unplug cord and continue shooting it. 4. Then when your gun pops up while you have your cord unplugged plug it back in and thats it. Credit: GIM Talk On Mic After Getting Voted 1. Talk on the mic till the last vote comes. 2. As soon as your screen goes black eject your Socom cd from you PS2. 3. Now you will be able to talk and hear people. Credit: CandyMan One Man Exorcist 1. Put grenades on quick 2. 2. DIE. 3. Pull cord when you see the repawn icon. 4. Respawn and throw a nades. 5. Put cord in for 2 seconds. 6. Take back out until you die then plug it in. Credit: Swifty Door Slide 1. Go to a door. 2. Get in crouch. 3. run along side the door and hit x and square at the same time. 4. He should open the door in air then slide. Credit: Not Available Bomb Slide 1. Get the bomb. 2. Point at the ground so your icon comes up. 3. Jump and hit x to plant the bomb. 4. If done right you will slide after planting bomb Credit: Not Available Bozo Float 1. Get c4 as primary and get on a turret. 2. Now wait till your gun pops up. 3. Get off the turret and get c4 as primary again. 4. Now get on the turret and wait again till your pistol pops up. 5. Now when you get off you should have your rocket out. 6. Get c4 as primary one more time and get on turret and wait. 7. You should take out you rocket while on the turret. 8. Shoot your rocket and get off the turret. 9. You should freeze. 10. grab turret again and get off and youre floating. Credit: GIM Get Bomb As Primary Then Turret As Primary 1. Get c4 as primary 2. Mount a turret and wait for your primary to pop up. 3. Ask someone too commit suicide. 4. pick up that persons primary the choose it in your armory. 5. Pick up the bomb 6. Get c4 as primary 7. get on a DIFFERNT turret and wait for youre primary to pop up Credit: K A R N I V O R Shoot M203's Out Of Any Gun 1. Ask your second person to get a shotgun and you get an m203 havent tested with launchers but you can try it :wink: 2. Get C4 as primary get on turret until gun pops up. 3. get off turret after gun pops up and ask that person to commit suicide. 4. Pick up his shotgun BUT make sure you didnt waste your m203's before you pick his gun up. 5. choose it in your armory. 6. get c4 as primary again and get on turret until your gun pops up. You should be able to shoot m203 as primary... DONT GO TO ARMORY and... you can do this with any gun as long as you have an m203 as starting.. with ammo cause your not going to gain ammo..(m203 ammo) Credit : K A R N I V O R Text Glitches [****] As Clan Tag 1. Make clan tag [fkć] Credit: Not Available [*****] As Clan Tag 1. Make clan tag [FK] Credit: Not Available 50 Star Room Name 1. Make the room name FK Credit: Not Available Red Clan Tag 1. Press standby and go to manage clan 2. Change tag to #C and leave manage clan 3. Press standby back on and clan tag will change to [#C??? but in red Credit: l)NAS Changing Long Clan Tag 1. Go to Options, Setup Taunts. 3. Set a Taunt to a maximum of 14/15 characters. (Tip: If your clan's name is Killers; make the tag -K-%%%%%%%%%) (Tip: Replace the % with a space; the is the European E) 2. Go back to the Main Menu and go to Clan. 3. Go to Clan Tag. 4. Enter ]]] into the Text Box, but don't press Enter yet. 4. Press Standby. (To Disconnect) 5. Press Enter, to enter ]]] as the Clan Tag. 6. Go back to the Main Menu, click Options, click Setup Taunts. 7. Press Standby again. (To Reconnect) 8. When the ]]] shows up as your Clan Tag, Press Standby again. (To Disconnect) 9. Select the Taunt with the Spaces and European E symbols. 10. Press Circle to exit from the Taunt. 11. Go back to the Main Menu, then select Clan. 12. Press X and then Circle on Clan Tag. 13. Press Standby. (To Reconnect) 14. Press X and then Circle on Clan Tag, again. 15. Wait about 5 seconds until it pops up. 16. Your tag should be something like [TAGHERE ] 17. Press X, then Triangle, and then Triangle again. Credit: Nepdawg and Vezman Curse In Clan Tag 1. Press standby and go to manage clan 2. Change clan tag to the curse (Example: KKK, *BLEEP*, *bottom*, JEW) 3. Leave manage clan and press standby back on Credit: l)NAS Change Room Name Without Making New Room 1. Go to create game and type in what you want room name to be but dont enter it. 2. Pull cord and enter it in. 4. Leave create game and go to thee room that you want to change name. 5. Now for it to change on everyone elses screen you must become host and then everyone will see the room called whatever you called it. Credit: l)NAS No Room Name 1. Make the password maps and settings how you want them. 2. Pull cord and then press x on the room name then o to enter nothing. 3. Then Press x again to bring up room name and type anything then enter it. 4. Press square so bar starts moving then press standby again and while it is creating the name will disappear and it will be nothing. Credit: l)NAS MSG Codes In Room Name 1. go in lobby and open chat message.. 2. Type (for example) _52_Select_MSG But dont enter it! 3. Flip your switch and press enter go to room name and just type something quick like "A" then flip your switch back and when the lag catches up you will have it... Credit: l)NAS Long Clan Tag 1. Make your clan tag ]]] 2. then press standby 3. Press circle then enter, then go to your options and press standby. 4. Go into taunts and make a taunt with NO spaces that you want to be your clan tag 5. Then highlight your taunt and press standby. Press X then triangle and go to your clan tag 6. Press X circle then press standby again. Press X circle then your done Credit: Crezza Long Clan Name 1. Go to taunts and type in whatever you want clan name to be but dont enter it 2. Press standby and enter the taunt 3. Go to create clan and type anything in (Example: hhfhfhfa) 4. Press standby back on and keep pressing create clan rapidly and the clan will create 5. Now leave manage clan and go back about 3 times and you will see the taunt for your clan name Credit: l)NAS Long Room Name 1. Go to the briefing room and type whatever you want the room to be called in the lobby but dont enter it 2. Press standby and enter the message 3. Go to create game and type anything in for the name (Example: a) 4. Press standby back on and the a will change to the message that you typed Credit: l)NAS Have Buttons In Player Description 1. Go onto LAN without the patch 2. Go to taunts and change it to however you want your player description using MSG codes or whatever 3. Save the taunt and go on S2 online and go to taunts 4. Hit X on the taunt you just made then hit standby 5. Press O then go to your player description and type anything(Example: a) 6. Press standby back on and the a will turn into whatever your taunt is Credit: l)NAS Glitches Released After April 15th Portable Box Climb 1. Go to a room that has a bomb and somewhere to climb 2. Go up to the climb spot and look down till you see climb and drop bomb at the same time 3. Press standby and drop the bomb then press standby back on 2 seconds later ( Example: 4:48 Press standby, drop bomb, 4:50 press standby back on) 4. One second after you press standby back on do invisible box climb 5. You will jump like your going to do it but then it will say bomb dropped while your jumping, and when you land you will drop bomb, while dropping the bomb turn towards whatever you want to get on but you only have 2 seconds to turn then after dropping bomb you will then slide away 6. Dont press anything until you want to climb, when you do want to climb just press up on your analog stick Credit: SiLeNt and l)NAS Magical Hang 1. Take out your rocket 2. Press standby and do the old super jump that got patched 3. While you are climbing up press standby back on 4. Take out your rocket after lag catches up and ask if youre doing magical rocket 5. If you are then take out your primary and press standby 6. Reload then take out pistol, then reload then take out rocket 7. Right after you takes out rocket press standby back on and walk forward then do invisible box climb 8. Climb up as soon as you hang then ask what your doing 9. If you did it right they will say hanging from there take out your rocket then just press forward and jump at same time Credit: l)NAS Portable Box Climb In Frost fire 1. Go to the box inside the box room thats closest to the door and open the door 2. Get into crouch and run and start to do invisible box climb 3. While in the air press close door 4. You will slide but dont press anything till you hit the ramps then climb up Credit: SiLeNt and l)NAS Invisible Name/Clan Tag 1. Go to LAN and make ~$~ a taunt 2. Then go online and do long clan tag glitch using that taunt Credit: Clan Evolution Hulk Using Ladder After Patch 1.Must be host 2. Get to the top of the ladder but still be on it 3. Press standby and climb up 4. Do a small running jump then get back on the ladder 5. Then climb back up and press standby back on 6. Dont move till lag catches up Credit: l)NAS Blinks Turret Pose 1. Press standby and press mount turret then run and fall to death 2. Press standby back on once you die Credit: (-BliNK-) Shoot Anything Out Of Grenade Launcher 1. Go up to a turret with your handgun out 2. Press X on mount turret then press standby so you dont get on turret 3. Take out MGL then take out pistol 4. Press mount turret twice again then press standby back on and run away 5. While running away keep switching from pistol to MGL over and over and over 6. After lag catches up keep switching weapons and ask what you are doing and they should say nothing you just have your pistol out 7. This means that you deleted your MGL from your armory so no matter what people will never see you have the MGL again for that whole round 8. Not that you did all the take out whatever you want to shoot such as claymores 9. Take out MGL then just shoot it as someone and it will kill then with whatever you had out before the MGL Credit: What And DNAS Shoot Anything Out Of AT-4/RPG-7 1. Go up to a turret with your primary out 2. Press X on mount turret then press standby so you dont get on turret 3. Take out your RPG/At-4 then take your primary out again 4. Press mount turret twice again then press standby back on and run away 5. While running away keep switching from primary to yout RPG over and over and over 6. After lag catches up keep switching weapons and ask what you are doing and they should say nothing you just have your primary out even when u take out your RPG/AT-4 7. This means that you deleted your RPG/AT-4 from your armory so no matter what people will never see you have the RPG/AT-4 again for that whole round 8. Not that you did all the take out whatever you want to shoot such as claymores 9. Take out your RPG/AT-4 then just shoot it as someone and it will kill then with whatever you had out before the RPG/AT-4 but make sure you dont hit there body with the RPG/AT-4 or it wont kill them with the clay, make sure you shoot a wall or shoot the ground around them and it will be a clay they die with even on your screen Credit: What And DNAS Shot = Boot 1. Do the Shoot Anything Out Of Grenade Launcher 2. Take out your MGL 3. Plant the satchel 4. After you plant it dont switch weapons at all 5. And the next bullet you shoot will boot the whole room Credit: DNAS NTSC GLITCH ARCHIVE This if for American/Canadian players, some may work for PAL (European) but this list is not intended for the Europeans, but a list for them can be found HERE I take credit for none I am just putting them all in once place as it will be easier to view, well just reply others here and I can edit them in. Popular Glitches: Commonly used ones that people often want to know Useful Glitches: Ones to give you an advantage in general game play Random Glitches: Anything else Long Glitches: Not practicle, best to do im private respawn room Respawn Glitches: Only work in a respawn Annoying Glitches: Someone will get annoyed at these Pointless Glitches: Well... that was a waste of my time Map Specific: Only work on one map Popular Glitches: [1] HULK GLITCH 1. Go to a wall or box that you can hang from 2. Pull your cord (PS2 Wire, or use MajicSwitch) and do invisible box climb 3. As soon as youre hanging from invisible box climb put cord back in, and climb up so that you dont freeze. 4. Dont move for about 10seconds, then you should be hulking. [2] PRONE SLIDE 1. Go to a wall and prone next to it, and lean away from the wall and reload 2. If done correctly you should be prone crawling on everyone elses screen [3] SUPER JUMP 1. Go to a ledge you can quick climb on (e.g.: Bell tower roof on Vig) 2. Step back from the ledge and get into crouch 3. Run at the ;ledge and as soon as you see climb hit X and SQUARE at the same time twice, and lean to the left when your in the air and run towards the roof/hold joystick to the right Note: With Sure Shot you will need to run at the ledge and press CIRCLE twice, lean left then hold R2 Useful Glitches: [1] INFINITE MINES Need: PMN Mines and a room in the lobby 1. Go to terrorists, and select the 4th guy and change PMN to thermal scope, and change sniper to any different gun, finally change grenade to PMN and hit square then hit done. 2. Leave and come back on terrorists (if your on seals, switch to terrorists, then back to seal) and if youre on terrorists, just switch to seals. 3. Pick the 4th guy and it should say you have PMN mines and claymores [2] INFINITE RPGS/GREANDES/MINES Need: Claymores 1. Take out your claymores and open your armory 2. Keep pressing fire to do the claymore action, once your about to stand up pick a weapon such as mines/at4 and you will have unlimited. [3] THROW GRENADES THREW WALLS Need: Grenades 1. Go to a wall, and get right up against it 2. Lean into the wall and throw it, and it should go threw the wall [4] SNIPE WITH PISTOL Need: Gun with scope and a pistol 1. Have a gun with scope (Best to use SR-25/SASA/RA14) 2. Press talk and action really fast and then your vote screen should appear 3. Press triangle and your armory should be up now, keep scrolling until youre in the scope 4. Now chose your pistol and you will be sniping with it [5] INVISIBLE TURRET Need: Level with a turret on it 1. Go up to a turret and get the Mount Turret icon to shot 2. Spin around in circles while leaning to the left (Left on D-PAD) 3. Every time you see the icon appear, press X 4. After around 3 times of doing this, run away and you should be doing it. Note: You could get someone to watch you, and as soon as your gun is pointing in the air you are doing the glitch. Random Glitches: [1] DEAD MAN WALKING OFF LADDERS Need: 2 people and a level with a ladder on it 1. Go to a ladder, and hit action and open your armory at the same time (If done right you will be on the ladder doing an auto-climb) 2. Now just have someone shoot you in the head and you will fall off walking, and be able to run around and shoot people for about 5 seconds [2] LADDER TO HEAVEN Need: Level with a ladder on it 1. Go to any ladder and go to the top of the ladder (Stay on it) 2. Climb up very slowly, so it doesnt look like youre climbing up, and you will keep climbing [3] CLAN GLITCH Need: To be in a clan 1. Log onto SOCOM II 2. When you get to the screen to input your name highlight connect and hit X so it says logging in, as soon as it says logged in hit your stand-by button (modem/router/switch) 3. Go to clan and it will have CREATE CLAN screen, press stand by again and create a new clan. 4. Once created you should be in two clans at the same time, and the new clans rank should be the same as the old ranked clan. Note: To make the clan stay, you will need to make a new name and give its leadership to that name you made. Also do not go on that name or let people join that clan. [4] SHOTGUN ONTO SOME ROOFS Need: 2 People, 1person with a shotgun 1. This will work with any flat roof (e.g.: Vigilance, at terrorist spawn) 2. Have someone with a shotgun jump on the table and lay down facing the door aiming a little bit up 3. Now jump on the table and step to about his shoulders, and tell him to shoot when your legs are in the crosshairs 4. You should be shot up onto the roof [5] VERTICAL CLIPPING INTO BOXES Need: PMN/Claymores 1. Go to a box and have your primary out, then take out your PMN/Clays 2. Hit action to hang on the box, now press up to climb 3. As soon as your armpits get above the top of the box, while your climbing, plant the claymore/PMSN 4. Dont press anything else, if dont correctly you will climb into the box [6] TELEPORT Need: Rocket and a ladder 1. (Note: Best place is seal spawn in chain reaction) Go to one of the ladders and hit action, unplug your cord then plug it back in and run away from the ladders. 2. Take out your RPG or AT4 then simply just climb up to teleport fast, or climb down to go slow 3. It will teleport you to the bottom of the level in some places [7] TELEPORT CLAYMORES Need: Claymores 1. Go up to any wall and have your pistol out 2. Get right up against the wall and take out your claymores 3. Start pressing fire so you perform the planting claymore action, but you wont plant 4. Stop pressing fire when you stand back up, then lean to the left and turn into the wall 5. You should teleport the claymore onto of the roof or whatever you are trying to teleport onto [8] PRONE CRAWLING Need: Level with a ladder on it 1. Go to a ladder and get climb icon to show up, face a direction you want to run and hit action 2. Unplug your cord then put it back in again 3. You should start running after you unplug your cord and when you start to get pulled back to the ladder press triangle Long Glitches: <NONE> Respawn Glitches: [1] EXORCIST Need: 2People and respawn room 1. Whoever wants to do this glitch, go and die 2. Find their spawn and make sure they are still dead, and at a certain time tell the person to pull their cord and re-spawn, wait 2 seconds, then plug the cord back in. 3. Then when they do this throw a grenade and wait. If done correctly they will die after re-spawning, but still look alive on your screen. You can now shoot them around. Note: You can also do the prone slide with the same method, but respawn when in a prone Annoying Glitches: [1] SERVER SPAM Need: Nothing 1. Go to create game, and choose name and map and highlight restore default 2. Hit SQUARE to create game and hit X on restore defaults 3. It will say game creation failure and the game you made will be up the top of the list with no one in it, for about 4minutes Pointless Glitches: <NONE> MAP Specific glitches: (I wont put all the millions of T-Bone things in here) CROSSROADS [1] GET ONTO THE ROOFS ON CROSSROADS Need: The bomb 1. Get the bomb and go to the half-wall by the seal spawn and get the climb icon 2. Step back so that you are behind the larger part of the wall and look down so you see the drop bomb icon and climb 3. Hold action and press left/right and choose drop bomb, then press action immediately after you have dropped the bomb, and you should climb into the half wall allowing you to jump onto the roof FROSTFIRE [1] CLIMB INTO TALL STACKED BOXES IN THE CARGO ROOM Need: Nothing 1. Go to the box and let the climb icon appear 2. Hit X and open up your armory at the same time and you should climb into the box REQUIEM [1] GET INTO LAG HOLE IN REQUIEM Need: Nothing 1. At the terrorist spawn go to the wall where you used to have someone stand and you would climb and get pushed onto the hill 2. Do invisible box climb to the fence (If done right you will be on the hill now and you can just jump onto the roof and run to the lag hole and full in) -Colour Codes (NTSC Only - America/Canada) Note: Where it says SPACE you put a space in, don't type the word out. [1] Reds #C~ =Light Red #Cc =Red #CKSPACESPACE- =Red #CC$ =Dark Red #C^& =Dark Red #CW!! =Dark Red #C~! =Dark Red #C@!$ =Dark Dark Red [2] Oranges #C~! = Orange [3] Greens #C!~ = Light Green #C1q =Green #CSPACE{- =Green #C! = Green [4] Blues #C1(3rd alt a) =Aqua Blue #C1á =Light Blue #CSPACE{ =Lighter Blue #C:][ =Light Blue (#C:][ space space) #C zz =Light Blue (#c space zz space) #CBLU =Light Blue #C#!~ blue #CSPACESPACEK- =Blue #C! =ae X buttion and dark blue color (ae together) [5] Yellows #C{} =Light yellow #C}{SPACE- =Yellow #Cá =Yellow #C(3rd alt a) =Yellow #Czx =Yellow #C5k =Dark Ugly Yellow [6] Purples #Cq1q =Purple #C1 =Purple #C^f =Purple [7] Greys #CSPACESPACESPACE- =Grey #C!! =Dark Gray #C! $ =Dark Gray (#C! space $ space) #C =Dark Gray (#C space space) [8] Other #C@ =Maroon #Ca! =Tan #CSPACEVB- =Teal #C{SPACE =Pink Oicw In Armory 1. Do demons way of getting oicw in spec box and customize it 2. Unplug cord till it says booted to briefing room then plug cord back in 3. Wait about five seconds then press X on the msg to go back to the briefing room 4. Open disc tray then join a room with the same map 5. Once in the room close disc tray 6. Go to armory and you will see everything you had in spec box in your armory Notes: Sometimes when joining room you will freeze cause disc tray is open but trust me it works. If you do get it in the armory you wont be able to select any characters, or if you green up you will get booted , so if you want go ahead and *BLEEP* with it I think im realsing my new glitch, found a few months ago. Window Glitch (realiest today!) step 1. Go to a C4 room in vigilance (not sure if all work) step 2. Move back a bit from the window and try to jump through. Note. After step two you might die so keep trying till your standing there on the window or roof. step 3. Once you get through you prone and crawl more onto the roof. Note. You may fall but keep on trying step 4. Good job your done! ~This has been just releast by me on June 7th! (today)~ The hidden shelf step 1. Go to the huge c4 building (aka the glitch room) on the terriosts side. step 2. Once your in the room, look and find the window, and right beside there theres a a wall side ways pointed at you and a wall behind you, jump backwards till you are up on the shelf (where u can see the roof. step 3. Go to the cornor and jump till your up on the roof. step 4. Ur done, Have fun! late animation bomb [Credit=-=[PREDATOR]=-] go get the bomb aim strait down and take out nades throw a dade and drop bomb and he should do a late animation of throwing the nade Turret in armory [Credit [i.P.] KIMAHRI] hit o and r2 then hit triangle if u have ur armory open u did it no go to a turret and lean left and get on then hit ^ or down and the weapon u had highlighted first will be a turret. Sand storm Mountain [Credit [i.P.] KIMAHRI Go to the big rock near the tower with the antenna not the tower but the rock that leads to the breach then ninja jump over to the mountain across works best if u do the crouch ninja jump. Grab Slide [Credit [i.P.] KIMAHRI & -=[PREDATOR]=- go to ff and go to the box behind the BOX ROOM and then do the box climb that u cant see but every one else can then take out ur pistol and turn to the left and then 1 step jump and then get in crouch and throw a nade on others screen ur hand will be sticking straight-out. shoot grenade [Credit #CK HOW DID U] take ur nades out and switch to ur primary and grenades hitting r1 and eventually u will shoot a nade on every one elses screen Get on green house in vigilance [credit [i.P.] KIMAHRI & -=[PREDATOR]=-] do a double shot gun on the ledge were u go up there stares near the bike and tell him to jump and Double shot gun him to the top ONTOP OF ENOWAPI house near terror spawn. [Credit [i.P.] KIMAHRI & -=[PREDATOR]=-] JUST GO TO THE HOUSE NEAR TERROR SPAWN JUST DO A SHOTGUN AND UR UP Horizontal Clipping 1. Get on something that has a soft proxy. 2. Plant a claymore facing in the opposite direction of you and then take out your rocket. 3. Shoot the claymore with your rocket. 4. When you get knocked over keep pressing triangle and you should fall into the spot underneath you. Join a Banned Or Pass worded Game. Click join game flip ur switch, press X then keep tapping Triangle for like 4 to 5 times then quickly tap Square once. Then flip ur switch back and keep tapping X until u join the game. Plant Bomb Anywhere What you do is you make sure that there is a dead guy in the bombsite. Stand so that you can plant bomb and pick up the de -
Any Good Free Templates Help About Template
ProfBob replied to alexia's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
Heres a site for some kool looking web templates....Mostly for games...but there is some just general. Clan Templates -
Ok i just download the trial version of flash from macromedia.com, and when i tryed to start it up(double-clicking the red Flash icon), my computer started loading and then it just stopped and flash never loaded. I am just wondering wut the problem is. I have windows 200. I thought that might be the problem but i checked the system requirements n it said 2000. So could some one help me with this problem? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Topic title and description are VERY important in this forum. Switching description and title to fit the forum TOS.
Nice sig...nice clean...looks good...any ways...good job using fireworks for that
Check This Great Animation Very good
ProfBob replied to Lyon's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
Yo dude i wish i could c ur flash but i cant cuz the link is broken or something..cause when i click it it says "Page cannot be displayed" -
Check Out My Animation FLaKess Flash animation
ProfBob replied to FLaKes's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
Yeh that was awesome...keep them coming...if u could that would be great...but yeh that reminded me of haapy tree friends lol ne ways GJ