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Everything posted by spawn_syxx9

  1. Win Xp has always been very fast for me. I haven't really had any problems. Maybe you got lots of progs running and thus it doesn't start up very quickly.
  2. I would think that custom making a comp though would also mean that you would have software problems because of maybe you just didn't attach the hardware plus always faulty things can happen. That is why I like asking for a custom made computer from a business.
  3. I have wondered about that. I don't think that AVG is scanning when I don't ask it to thus it is not slowing my computer down.
  4. I like school, even when I think it sucks because I know that it is going to allow me to have the life I want to lead.
  5. lol Welcome Well I hope you stay even after you make your site man.
  6. Yeah you can do that, but after a while they don't wanna hear that. If you notice that they did do something to look "extra" nice then compliment them to 1) show them that you even noticed because you care enough to actually take the time to get to know them 2) just because you know they look damn hot But don't compliment a girl every day. Then it gets boring when you do because they'll know that you really aren't noticing when they do something special. But for the most part, it is a person to person thing. Nothing always works and nothing is always bad. It depends on who you are and who they are. All I can say I already said from my experiences, but at the same time just be understanding and be sure that you know who you are as well.
  7. I am just probably going to dl the demo at some point in time. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. I would assume probably not that many. But message boards usually are male dominated because we have no lives. ^^ wait.. yes I do.. dammit ?><!
  9. My top 5 movies areAmerican History XTransporterMatrix ReloadedShawshank RedemptionX ( The Malcolm X Spike Lee movie)
  10. lol Hi back ^^ Yeah that is why I don't like Norton anymore. All the updating really kills it.
  11. Yeah I have to agree with that man. Yahoo by far has been the best.I have had like maybe 10 yahoo accounts2 aol accounts1 hotmail2 Gmail1 mail.com1 myway.com1 punkhardcore.com emailand yeah
  12. Emachines2 ghz512 DDR Ram even though I added some more
  13. didn't even know that WMP 10 was out yet.
  14. Does the internet browser you use really affect how fast you surf the web?
  15. I am going to guess they probably aren't just because their systems are totally different and they both always in competition with eachother.
  16. I am building it for personal posting and stuff. Though I am thinking of making a site for a hobby of mine.
  17. I am trying to attack people that attacked me today and this is the first time I have been on all day and it is saying that I have attacked them too many times. Is there now a limit as to how many times we can attack someone in a 24 hour time?
  18. They now only allow one attack on a person and have restricted who can attack you.
  19. The firewall thing actually works for me pretty well. I haven't had any problems with it yet.
  20. I really haven't gotten a client simply because I don't really like accessing my email unless I am actually at the site. Too much hassle plus the risk of getting virus' and worm's.
  21. I don't mind them ^^ as long as they don't load everytime. Like they if I don't cut them and just minimize them, they don't re-open everytime I go to another Xisto page.
  22. That is really great man. I like the animated one.
  23. ^^ I have to agree wtih bexa, you people are really going to the dictionary way too much. Please don't ever go to a ghetto and try to decipher what people are saying there based upon a Websters. Anyway1) I was gay2) I am not currently "Bi" but I really don't mind anyone calling me a *BLEEP* or queer or whatever because if I affect them to the point that they gotta insult me, it reminds me of just how great I am3) If you are just so offended by language, then just don't listen to it. People don't have to adjust their language just because you don't agree with it.
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