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Nelson Blogs

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Posts posted by Nelson Blogs

  1. If I were forced to choose, I would say they are all terrible. I don't like social networking sites.
    They are all over rated, and in a few years time, they won't be so popular anymore.

    They are just a fad, to be honest.

    I disagree. This is one of the only methods I have to keep track of my old friends that have moved away. I just happened to find a lot of old friends through social networks.  Social networks are also great for business if one knows how to manipulate it effectively.

  2. Facebook all the way (maybe not ALL the way). Most people I know use it so...yeah :). Myspace is beyond ugly. They allow people to customize their profiles. This is supposed to be a pretty neat feature but it FAILS miserably 95%. Facebook has some bugs here and there though. Sometimes the IM irritates me so much when my message doesn't send.

  3. Yes! I heard about that on a few RSS feeds that I have subscribed to. It is basically a 9'6" x 7'5" screen that works like a touch-screen laptop. It is really thin and light. The depth is about half an inch and it only weighs 1.5 pounds. The battery power can last for up to ten hours which is amazing. It is like a bigger iPod touch. Look at the video on CNN: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Why would people buy this? It costs less then a laptop and its much smaller for storage and accessibility. It is also a touch-screen laptop which will make people (like me) look forward to buying it.

  4. You can sort of use a combination of both! Take a keyboard and use a MIDI-to-USB (for old keyboards) or a USB-to-USB (newer) and connect your keyboard to the computer. Then you can get Steinberg Cubase or FL Studio and just play. This way, you can play using a real keyboard and change the sounds in the software. I have done this to compose a few songs.

  5. Hi Jericho! To gain forum credits (also known as myCENT), you basically have to post on this forum. Check out this forum post to learn more about myCENT: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/62216-everything-about-mycents-your-virtual-money-mycents-credit-system-30-point-system/

    You also need to sign-up here https://support.xisto.com/ to link your forum account with the billing account. Make sure to sign up with your same email address. This is a security feature. Every time you reach 100 myCENT, $1 USD gets credited into your billing account. Each myCENT counts as one cent. It is quite easy to earn myCENTs if you stay active on the forum. I know that you will learn more because most of the trappers here are knowledgeable about website-related subjects.

    Note that it takes time for the two accounts to link. After it links, your posts that you have already posted will be counted toward your myCENT.

    I hope you enjoy it here at Xisto

  6. I found this from nelson haha:


    the pics and more info : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    it's really interesting.


    I won't do this, lol obviously.

    I just like to learn, and I'd like to own a super computer one day, I guess.


    So you can only use linux on it. and apparently is legal.

    After thinking about it, I believe that a PS3 could make a good supercomputer.  You would need plenty though.  A PS3 contains a 64-bit core processing at a rate of 218 GFLOPS.  A skilled engineer could  probably build a cheap (as in few K's) supercomputer using PS3's.  Of course, the supercomputer would take up lots of electricity (250Watts x # of PS3's x Time) and it wouldn't process as fast as a real supercomputer (about 1 TFLOP?) but it is a neat idea.  Just imagine taking like 10 PS3's and building a supercomputer out of it that is capable of dualbooting Linux and PS3 OS.  You could be playing MW2 on a supercomputer.

  7. Haha, no problemYou should be active, i've been trying to.. i've learnt a lot just browsing the forum :)
    I wish I could learn C++ or any programming language.
    Problem with me, is I'm definitely not good at math.. and i think programming has to do with math? I'm not entirely sure but eh.
    I think C++ is the best language but I'm not sure.
    I think it's ultimate haha.

    People have different opinions about which programming language is the SUPREME language.  C++ is the language that is most commonly used.  Actually, there is no "ultimate programming language" because each language can be used to several different things.  For example, Java might be better when programming software that needs to be more "portable."

    Programming has some math but my opinion is that it takes logic. When you use logical operators, it can get messy. If you are a hardware engineer, you see logical switches everywhere.

  8. Haha, iPhone Nano, that sounds like a really good new invention xD


    It's actually being thought of, I just googled something of the iPhone Nano


    "At the quarterly earnings conference call yesterday, Apple has hinted that it is not too interested in manufacturing the much rumoured entry-level iPhone Nano. Apple's Tim Cook said: "You know us, we're not going to play in the low-end voice phone businessPosted Image. That's not who we are. It's not why we're here. We'll let somebody else do that. Our objective is not to be the unit share leader in the cell phone industry. It's to build the world's best phones."





    They'll eventually do something about it though, they'll need to make more money somehow :)

    Haha.  That's neat. I just googled it and found an image of what the iPhone Nano might look like AND what the iPhone shuffle might look like: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/



    Look at how small that phone is. The shuffle looks sort of like a bluetooth-type thing.

  9. That was horrible. Everyone was freaking out. People were afraid to get on their computers. I checked my facebook and there was no one on the entire day. Someone brought in a USB drive and used it on one of the school computers a few days after and the entire network was infected. Some grades on Grade Book Pro were deleted. Most students were like... YES! Teachers just got pissed. It was pretty funny though. I never actually had the virus on my computer though.

  10. Many people pulled off an all-nighter at 11-10-09 when Modern Warfare 2 was released at midnight. A lot of my classmates went there. Some of them weren't even in school for the next day because they were playing MW2. I would not stay up until midnight just to buy a game. The price of the game is at its highest and I can wait for a game to have its price go down by at least 40%.

  11. That looks like an mp3 player!  Well, it plays music so it can be an mp3 player.  :)

    lol, yeah. Things getting smaller, like cell phones, is nice. But it reaches a point where it is *TOO* small. You would not want to one day have a cell phone so small you need a toothpick to push the buttons, or a book so small, you need a magnifying glass to read it. :D

    You wouldn't need to get a toothpick to push the buttons.  Just wait until voice recognition gets perfected.  Then, you could dial with your voice!  Maybe someday, something called a iPhone Nano will be released.

  12. XNA! Mmmm... Yes you do need previous programming experience. You need to have the knowledge of C#. Many people just right at XNA and get confused because they have no idea how to program. They can program the sample game that you make in the tutorials by copying down the code but when they try to develop their own games, they breakdown. I am not saying that you need to know a lot of C# (just the fundamentals).P.S. I know that this post is old but other people might read this and get an answer.

  13. Tetris right now is my favorite game! I first started when I read an article on how it makes people think more logically so I decided to try play Tetris again for the first time in years. What happened? I got addicted! It is so much fun. You can find me on tetrisfriends.com under the name "NeoTR4N". I just recently beat my high score at Sprint (clearing 40 lines as fast as you can). I cleared 40 lines at 1:47 which I think is decent (90%ile). I also love facing other people at tetris. I average about 55 pieces a second so I can send 10 garbage lines within the first 30 seconds. If the other person is better, it becomes more fun. The adrenaline increases my speed hence making the game last longer. It is really fun to see how you almost die, and then start to win. I can take out my friends within 30 seconds to a minute. Oh Jeez. I am such a nerd :)

  14. Thank you very much, wonderfullygifted for the kind words! Computer Programming DOES take a lot of dedication but I think it is worth it. C++ can do many wonderful things. C++ has been used to create most modern games, adobe products, screensavers, OS (dont try this :)), MS Office, and many other types of software. I think I will love it here at Xisto. I have made a few posts and the community is very friendly and helpful. I am trying to get one of my friends to join the community.

  15. Camtasia works fine on my computer but kills my laptop. My laptop can't take it. Anyways, a good screen recorder depends on what you are doing. Camtasia works well when it is not used with other RAM-hogging software (unless you have a computer with pretty good specs). Fraps is really, really good for recording gameplay. Even the freeware version of fraps is pretty good. All the free version does is add a link at the top of the video which can easily be concealed by making videos widescreen. If you are not satisfied with Camtasia or Fraps, you might want to try HyperCam or Camstudio.

  16. You should add Windows Live Writer which is any blogger's best friend. It makes blogging much easier. Windows Live Writer can detect your blog's theme so you can preview what your post is going to look like. Also, embedding images, videos, and other content into your blog will be so much easier. I think every blogger that blogs should use this. It's too bad that it is only for Windows... (hence the name WINDOWS Live Writer)

  17. I have not mastered C++ yet (well... im 14). I have a lot more to learn. I believe that you can never master a programming language. It doesn't matter if you know all of the functions, syntax, etc. It is about learning how to implement that into the code. There are many techniques and algorithms that can be learned such as bubble sorting.Regarding e-books... not all e-books are good. Some e-books will teach you wrong ways to program a language. For example, system() functions are used by beginners to pause a console program. This is completely, absolutely, and "ARRRHGJADFIJAD" thing to do. It flags a no-no to some AV programs. I had a link to a good e-book in my previous post. I can't really find a link to Stephen Prata's ebook, though. I borrowed the book from the library. If I have time, I can look for the ebook and PM you if I find it. :)I did not learn C to learn C++. No, it is not required. C++ is a language based on C. C++ is the superset of C. The reason why C++ was developed was because programs were becoming too complex so they had to develop a new way to organize programs. Along with C++, came namespaces, classes, and most importantly; OOP (object-oriented programming). I have not gotten to learn OOP so I can not tell you much about it. All I can tell you is that it uses techniques that will help you so very much in programming.I hope I answered all of your questions. Holler at me if you have any more questions.

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