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Everything posted by zemo

  1. If you'd like to seduce a Pisces, transfer him or her to a new world. Request your favorite Fish to come across through your telescope or check out your aquarium. Make your progress as soon as Pisces becomes absorbed in the exploit. A swift kiss on the back of the neck will lead to better and healthier things. Pisceans have many erogenous areas counting especially perceptive feet. A gracious foot rub can fan the blaze of need. If you're a Pisces, you seduce people with your eerie aptitude to intuit their approach. People feel conventional and valued in your attendance and usually salutation the view of falling in your bed. Your gift for words is also tremendously seductive... you know just what to speak and just when to utter it. In Indian astrology finding balance between information and fantasies is the challenge of the Full Moon. The Moon in sketchy Pisces opposes the Virgo Sun in a scuffle stuck between two very diverse approaches to life. Virgo is sensible, prompt and hardheaded while Pisces is the sign of imaginings, thoughts and diversion. The good news is that rather than being frayed apart by these opposing main beliefs, Full Moon can help us construct a bridge between judgment and instinct so these two hold up rather than disagreement with one another.
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