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Posts posted by malish

  1. I have a question for all Mozilla Firefox users. I've recently noticed that when I start Photoshop and open couple of pages using mozilla firefox, my computer starts to slow down and lag. It is not the PC problem (AMD 2000, 512Mb Fresh win xp). I first thought that the reason is my photoshop that makes my computers lag, because sometimes I draw web templates that have hundreds of layers and would take some time to load even on good computers. But recently I checked the task bar and realized that firefox process thread takes about 40-70% of the processor load. I wasn't quite sure why is it happening. Maybe firefox has some known issues with compatibility with Photoshop, or maybe it just needs an upgrade?

  2. All I know about the game that it is extremely popular and really big. I've seen it couple of times in the local stores and it had plenty of cds included, at least 6. I don't own any consoles, so could anyone tell if the PC version is worth of buying? P.S could you included computer requirements too :ph34r:

  3. Indeed Doom 3 does not require a 512Mb graphics card, my friends could run it smoothly on the ultra hight quality with his 128Mb Geforce 6800GT agp from ASUS. Even I could run the game with approximately 40FPS with my MSI Geforce Ti 4200. Even though the requirements for the game are pretty high, the game has nothing too special about itself. Regular bumping usage, some shaders and nice shadows. Overall the game looks pretty good on the max graphics, but the thing is in its plot and sourrounding. Does everyone like closed buildings and canals? For example the game is all dark and you rarely see the sky in it. Moreover the whole atmosphere might be enjoyfull for some players but specifically for me, playing the game and expecting some monster to pop up any moment is no fun. At the same time with Half-life 2 you get a lot better playability (you can even run it with decent fps on some low-end-middle-end computers). The graphics are on the high level too. The only week point of the game is its shadows, which are really done poor. In contrast to Doom 3, Half-Life 2 has all types of situations and atmosphere does not shut down on closed areas - here you can see the sky, mountains, nature, sea and lot more. Another big part of Half-life 2 is its physics.... You really enjoy to drag things, break, pick up and while all the looks extremely realistic and obeys the laws of physics. I think Half-Life 2 is what every knowing gamer is looking for.

  4. I recently registered and paid for a new domain for my web site at trap 17, that used to be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I added the domain dn info into parked list in trap 17 cpanel. Then I had 15 creadits and went to Xisto panel and changed the domain to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. My credits got deducted and I added the following DNS's to my new domain (in godaddy.com cpanel) ns1.trap17.com, ns2.trap17.com. It said that it might take up to 48Hours to proceed with the DNS update. I waited about 2 days and the domain is still not acessible. The interesting thing is that when I log into my cpanl on Xisto using the ip address, I see the new domain in the left corner, which kind of looks like it was changed. Any suggestions what should I do? If there are any experienced users in here or admins - please describe the steps I should follow or tell me what did I do wrong?P.S can not access FTP too :ph34r:

  5. I see that the fact that I was in a big hurry and made some spelling mistakes gave you the reason to talk crap about me... So listen carefully, I will explain why I think that YOU are have a huge lack of knowledge about what I am talking in here.

    1. I never asked people to post their steam ids in here, even though if anyone posted it - I would not be able to do anything to it, Username and Password are the two things that hold the account.
    2. I'm with the steam system for 2 years and as for counter-strike 1.6 steam ids, the exist from number 2 to 8, so I have no idea why you whining about 12 digit steam ids. By the way if you want to look really stupid I can post a screenshot taken from the console showing my friend's steam id with 4 digits. (Just let me know)
    3. I was not going to disable one game (its the most stupid thing I've ever heard in my life) I wanted to trade my Half-life 2 steam account for one with cs 1.6 with low digit steam id.
    4. You said you couldn't find the site with the list of banned steam ids - so take that http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/? and check out who's looking stupid again?
    5. I was not born in US or any other English-Speaking country and still I'm pretty good in this language. (Besides I speak 4 more languages, I don't think you can tell the same about yourself)

    P.S before you talk "big" about someone make sure why you say that

  6. Listen for saying that you might get in a lot of trouble so watch mouth before talking. rom the way you talk I can tell that you hav no idea what we are talking in here + you sound like a moron sying what you say. Read it again it doesn't make any sense please stop posting in this thread. By the way for those who think 1.6 will get shutdown - not even 98% of compettitive cs is still 1.6... What now?

  7. The engine is really from doom 3 and from one point of view its good because the game's going to come out soon but it also means that the game will require very high computer specs so not everyone will be able to play it. But still im waiting for the game.

  8. No I was not banned. I am playing counter-strike since version 1.5 and when 1.6 just came out I didn't want to play so I didn't create the account intime. After I did so I got some huge steam id because it was already late and I couldn't get a low digit one. I'm playing competitive for almost 3 years and it would be really good for me to get a low digit steam id in respect to my experience. And I think getting Half-life 2 which I beat already about 3 times would be nice for some 1.6 steam id which some people don't even use, they just registered the game intime. For those who thinks that I recently got banned and I'm seeking for a new steam - the answer is negative, you can always check me on steambans - my nickname malish, first and last name Artem Slavko.

  9. HALO is really overated there is nothing so special in the game and I see no reason for it to be so popular. By sating that I mean PC version of the game and I've never tried HALO on XBOX or PS2 because I dont own any consoles :ph34r: But still I didnt notice anything that would make that game so popular.

  10. I actually really didn't like condition zero after playing cs 1.6. It got some problems with the skins of weapons and players. Players look too dark and you can't fix it even with gamma settings and some of the weapons like m4 for instance look too small in the hands which kind off confuses my while switching from regular 1.6.

  11. I also hoad a minor problem with my left click on blue MX510 and couldn't do anything about it - it kept on making this weird click noise with the plastic led. I finally got really pissed off and called to Logitech customer support with which later on I was very surprised - they immidiately sent me the new mouse and I never had any problem with it. I hope it was one of the bad series of the mouse. I also heard later from my friend that the problem with the led can be easily sold by taking the mouse apart and cleaning the cover, because as he said sometimes it gets dirty inside and the led gets blocked inside or something like that.

  12. Right after I started playing Max Payne couple of years ago, I got sucked in into the plot and the line of events. Seriously this one became one of those games that you can't stop playing untill you beat it all. Right after second part came out, I immidiately bought it and wasn't disappointed at all - evrything just improved - graphics, animations, shaders on Max's coat... I was really impressed and more than pleased. And of course plot was always one of the strongest points of Max Payne series. I hope they will come out soon with the 3rd part of max payne :P:(:P

  13. I'm also one of the fans of Dungeon Siege. I beat the game couple of times with my friends and still sometimes feel bad that already done with the game. But now I'm pretty excited that the second Dungeon Siege came out, and mostly likely I will buy it some time soon. Besides can you guys tell me if the PC requirements are too high or I mean is it playable on middle-end closer to low-end pc's (AMD 2000+, 512Mb, GeForce 4 Ti4200 128Mb)

  14. I've seen lately some movie clips from E3 presentation where John Fatal1ty Vendel was testing the game and was actually challenging some newbies :P Overall what I've heard about the game so far is that its gonna have higher speeds than previous quakes and that its actually a combination of the best features from quake, Doom 3 and original quake 3 arena, which sounds amazing to me.

  15. Can anyone tell me if the PC version of the game will run pretty smooth on my computer AMD 2000+, 512Mb, MSI GeForce 4 Ti4200 128Mb 8X. By saying running well I mean 30+ FPS on decent quality approximately medium or around it. Besides I actually managed to beat half-life 2 and almost Doom 3 on that PC so you can't also just underestimate it at all.

  16. Was using lately FTP client called smart FTP, but got serious troubles with Xisto... Logouts freezings and even sometimes couldnt access it at all. So, I had to switch to Filezilla which never got me into any problems and I still recommend it. Besides it is a shareware :P

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