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Everything posted by malish

  1. Recently played this game and would like to say it's really a breakthrough even comparing to successful Need for speed underground series. Highest level of customization, many options, quility of cars is awesome, variety - everything looks just amazing. The only one weakness of the whole series of NFS - physics...
  2. One little question - if you have nothing to do with russia and its language why would you go and search for that game and say its not good? There are plenty of russians that love that game and see no sense in english games. Really odd and useless thread.
  3. Just changed those dns's to what you told me, but the thing is I had another problem before, when putting Xisto dns's - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ would not work - only http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Anyways will see what's going to happen.
  4. Why would it matter if before upgrade everything worked fine?
  5. Thats the response I'm getting when trying to send that message on the support email: Further actions?
  6. The problem is that it says info is not correct, but no doubt it is I never changed anything!
  7. I've reported my error about not being able to access cPanel for my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ after upgrade. None response so far, admins please look at that issue maybe you just forgot about that.Thank you, malish
  8. Had no problems playing Need For Speed Underground 1, but for some reason Underground 2 graphics are just squares, nothing else but little squares. Tried to upgrade verything starting from video drivers to motherboard ones - nothing helped.Graphics card - Nvidia GeForce Ti4200 128Mb
  9. What can I say about Quake 4? The game itself is more like Doom 3, with its dark regions, bloody scenes which are not so suitable for younger players. Mostly I was looking forward to play multiplayer Quake 4, switching from kind of old Quake 3 Arena, but the thing is, Quake 4 lost a lot in speed. It is extremely slow, and I hope they will bring back drive and crazyness into Quake 4 as it used to be in q3. P.S lately heard they are currently working on mod for quake 4 speacilly for competition!
  10. For some reason on my MSI Ti4200 128Mb, I had horrible graphics (with the latest NVidia drivers). The picture wasn''t vivid and its not like it was lagging or anything - just the problem with graphics. I was able to play GTA Vice City with no problem on high quality, but GTA 3 had the same issue as San Andreas on my graphics card. That wierd because I can pretty much run any game with no problem on low-to-medium settings but here, even picture looks horrible.
  11. malish


    Anyone played that game? Could you please share your experience about graphics, gameplay, lag. Did enyone try the game on average computers, post your specs and FPS that you were able to get on different settings.
  12. If you want play on official steam servers, yu will need to get this steam and download the game from there. If you don't care about competitive leagues, I would recommend you to try a non-steam version. I'm not quite sure but I think it is made by two Russian guys and from what I've heard they made it as stable as regular counter-strike 1.6 from steam. As for where you can get it from - just search on google for cs1.6 non-steam and oyu might find something on russian sites.
  13. I would stick with a evga GeForce 6800GS, and there are couple of solid reasons for that:1. You can always try to unlock the missing 4 pipelines and achieve GT speeds or even higher.2. It has very good overclockability3. Price is about 100 bucks less than any 6800GT
  14. Yea, the graphics are on another level, plus idea with cards is very interesting. The game overall is extremely detailed, no problems noticed so far.
  15. It has Half-life 2 with no cd inserted required, counter-strike source and some minor games (no dod source)
  16. Hopefully it will not freeze your computer while using computer for other needs. Because as I understand it gives all the resources for graphical part so... Nothing else to says, except get a system that doesn't need that to play games.
  17. I'm getting a new system for Christmas including XFX GeForce 7800GT which somes with Call of Duty 2 coupon. Pretty excited
  18. Thank you will be waiting for further instructions
  19. Yes I use aigraphics.net/cpanel and my forum info - doesn't work for some reason.
  20. After I did my package 2 upgrade I cannot access my CPanle or FTP. I did not change password and I did not forget it!Any suggestions?P.S about 3 days passed after update
  21. First of all make sure your net code settings are steup properly. I'm not very familiar with the netcode of Battlefield 2 but in counter-strike source for example you can put the following commands: rate 20000, cl_updaterate 101 - try to find the tutorial for optimization of the netcode for battlefield 2.
  22. While I was making my web-site in front page, I've noticed that when preview it Internet Explorer it often looks very different from Mozzila's Firefox. I've got worried that my web-site might look good in Firefox but simultaneously show up messed up in Internet Explorer web browser. So. now I have to adjust HTML code for both browsers. Are there any suggestions of how to properly use html code to be able to view web pages in both web browsers the same? Maybe I need to use some special tags or something?
  23. I would strongly recommend from my own experience Kaspersky Anti Virus Personal (AVP) combined with Zone Alarm Pro Firewall. For some reason I didn't like Kaspersky Firewall, because of the lack of settings, but Zone Alarm Pro gives you rich variety of settings and setups you can make.
  24. As an experienced player (5 years playing cs), and in leagues from cal o to cal p, I can give you a brief lessons on how to use an awp in different situations. The there major techniques of using awp are:1. Drag shots2. No scoping3. Regular aiming4. Quick scopingDrag shot is the hardest technique in using awp, it requires very good reflexes, speed and skill (experience). Here is an example how you make: your enemy comes out of the corner or just walks in from double doors, but yur aim is not on the spot he came out from. So, you cant really noscope him or take time to aim, because if he's good enought he will kill you first. So what you do, is you quickly move your scope across x-axis only (make sure you always walk with an awp and hold it on a player level) and when the scope is in the target area you shoot. But... you must be good enought to be able to hit the person, not just shoot near. 2. No scoping technique is pretty easy as you get used to it. You basically press right and left mouse buttons at the same time and aim in the enemy. But... the only difference is that you dont open the scope fully, as you do in quick scope, but you just click so fast, that it does not open but gives you precision while shooting.Thats basically it, the other two I don't think I have to explain because their names tell you whats going on. malish
  25. And what about computer specifications you need to play this game? What system did you run it on - average fps?
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