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Posts posted by malish

  1. Just got my Motorola RZR v3 Black Special edition with camera. What can I say, the phone looks amazing - slim and feels very nice in any hands. The keyboard is designed very smart. You won't have any problems with typing nor, pop-pups of the buttons. Also noticed that the phone can be charged through mini usb, and this is amazing because first I couldn't find the wall-outlet adapter for canada/US so I charged with my usb. Also I've read and actually seen now myself that the phone is colored with some amazingly resistant and long-lasting paint. My friend actually dropped his phone couple of times on the floor and not a single scratch. The screen is very bright and comparing to my old v220, which eventually got stolen :(, it is very big, also doesn't dims out on direct sunlight. About the menu, nothing too new, all the standard features, except this new revision that I've got has video-record, which is pretty nice. Now about weaknesses. There are couple of. The phone only has 5.5 mb of internal memory and there is no expansion slot in the phone. Basically this phone is to make calls - not to do high-end photographing and stuff. Another thing - the battery runs out pretty fast and when I first installed it - it looked very small to me, even comparing the v220. The external screen is only 4k colors but still looks ok.Overall I was impressed with the phone and will suggest getting it.

  2. Played that game and was impressed by every part of it. Its simply amazing - graphics, timeline and the way this game was designd is just awesome. Havent played many quality strategy games after lord of the rings. Especially I was positively surprised by that stop time button - it is just amazing what you can do with it. Imagine during a huge battle where warriors hit each other, arrows fly to their destination - you can freeze the time and take a look at all whats going on from another perspective.

  3. I've heard a lot about all those windows xp tricks, but the thing is it might not work the same for all users. Many people have their OS's modified already and changes described in that manual might lead to negative outcomes. Here's simple example that I've experienced on my own, - if you change the delay after windows shuts down (can't remember the value name), sometimes pc might freeze and never restart on its own. Secondly, shortening the delays in registry might cause your pc not only freeze but also give you errors. The problem is even greater if your pc is not a fast one. In a word all those tricks usually don't lead to any positive changes.

  4. Thats pretty sad that people can be so much into games... I understand if you play some team-based game that brings fun by playing on lan with friends, facing others, winning tournaments. But MMORG's... nothing to say but waste of time and money. It probable becomes your job to play the game veryday and spend like 5-8 hours a day doing the same things. Many people probably won't agree with me, and say that only because I don't like MMORG's, I talk like that, but still think about how much time you could spend learning things instead of playing.

  5. Sounds like a monster system. I think that it is not the fastest gaming laptop in the world. I mean come on 1Gb of ram is not a lot, the fastest laptop should have had at least 2Gb. I also don't like the processor. First reason - its intel and system is made for games... Second, its frquencies even though its centrino, some AMD FX60 would have blown it miles away in everything including multitasking.

  6. The answer is simple - if you compare to ATi, it simply has worse graphics cards than NVidia plus their crossfire is no so advanced as invidia's SLi. To tell the truth, after using crossfire... I came to conclusion that its a lot cheaper and faster to get one decent 7800GT or GTX from Nvidia than spend 2 x $350 for some x850xx which guarantee no speed increase.

  7. Original RAZR v3 is a very controversial phone. I've heard many responses about that phone. And there two major ones: some people are overwhelmed with the dimensions of the phone and its slimness. They also like a big screen and high quality sound + bluetuth. Another type of response - mmotorola razr v3 has the most terrible camera for its class. Its low resolution, slow response and low overall quality. They also blame designers for miserable amount of space provided for pictures and other stuff.

  8. Xfire has its advantages and some minuses comparing to other programs of the same sort. I just installed it yesterady and pretty much I enjoy using it. It offers many features that can't be found in any other messengers. First of all, I like the idea with monitoring time spent playing games. My friend couldn't believe the amount of time spent playing rpgs, after he installed xfire. So now he has to cut it off :rolleyes: I also like that the program supports skins, and even offers skin-making tutorials to make your own. Another thing is filesharing... looks pretty nice - don't have to look for stuff on internet - just search on xfire! Now talking about minuses: personally I absolutely hated the friend's friends list. I was wondering if it is possible to delete it, because I couldn't find the delete option. Looked to me very annoying to have whole bunch of unknown people in you list and not be able to delete it. Another thing is that xfire takes some decent piece of inetrnet bandwidth. as I'm on a budget 128Kb/s line, sometimes you can feel the slowdown of the internet becauuse of xfire.

  9. I am not sure about what you are talking in here... If you mean "hacking" - then you can forget about using this for in those purposes, no one will answer you and everything that is illegal is not supposed to be discussed here. Make sure you don't make this kind of threads in the near future. Between I'm pretty sure google will put their hand on you if you try over and over again.If I got something wrong - please correct me

  10. Yes, but you have to also go to your domain name provider, get into control panel and change dns's (dynamic naming servers) to the ones trap 17 is offering: ns1.trap17.comns2.trap17.comAfter you do that it might take up to 48 hours for the new dns to propagate. You might also have to modify "A" values in your cpanel, but don't worry about that right now, do what I described and if after 48 hours something doesn't work - message me back and I will help you!

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