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Posts posted by Cain

  1. Hey, I just made this little button using the design of Xisto.com's main page. It would go well on any site, all you need to do is simply type "Hosted By:" and then post the image. If there is any demand for me to make it so that the words "Hosted By:" are actually on the image then I'll make it, but until then, I hope this pleases everyone.


    Posted Image

  2. I would have to say that it would be love for multiple reasons.My first point comes from the very beginning of the riddle. It states that this object, whatever it is, is the key to life. To my understanding and belief, birth and children should be a product of love and affection and a child cannot be conceived without it. (Strictly from an idealist point of view, I know perfectly well that a child can be produced from something as horrible as rape, but in an ideal situation, a child comes from love.)The riddle continues to say that if you cannot find this in your own home, then you shall find it nowhere. I feel that if you do not experience and receive love as a child or even as a young adult, it is difficult to both understand and distribute it to other people from yourself, because you have no understanding of experience with it."...Children play with it in the streets." I understand this as growth and maturity in that as a child grows to a young adult, feelings, particularly love, become a very big and important part of his life. He begins experimenting (playing in the streets) with his own emotions and the emotions of others in an attempt to develop a strong relationship with someone.Where it says that the meek and uneducated esteem it highly and that the rich and learned throw it away I feel that the riddle is saying that because the learned have a different thought process and often wish to be in control of their lives, feelings become a very difficult issue for them. This is because feelings are difficult to control unlike the thought process and thus love becomes more of a hazard than a blessing to them.Finally, "When rejected, it lies dormant in the bowels of the earth." This to me is a direct relation to love and its nature. Simply, when a person experiences rejection or a lack of love, love (among other feelings) begins to represent something that they do not like and therefore to prevent further possibility of loss of love, they choose not to love and bury it within themselves (similar to lying dormant in the bowels of the earth).I don't know though. These were just some of the connections that I saw, but I doubt any one answer is perfectly correct. This is very interesting though, to see other people's ideas and beliefs.

  3. I know that it has worked well for quite a few people. They would often earn revenue by simply asking on a forum such as this one for people to simply click their ads for them.Otherwise, an option would be to find out what type of program Xisto offers, because it seems that they too rely solely on Ad-revenue. So their program is probably a good one as well.

  4. I too used to play Black Hawk Down on my older computer, but never recall ever having such problems. There might be problems with the actual game that could be causing your black screen. It might work to try restarting the computer or re-installing the game perhaps. Below is a link to the official Black Hawk Down website for Novalogic (the creator of the game). If you look to the right side you should see the computer specifications required to play the game. I hope this helps a bit.

    Link: http://novalogic.com/games.asp?GameKey=DFBHD

  5. I used to play Runescape way back when, but I also became a bit bored of it all and now I stick to more of the shooting games. But when I played I did alright, I personally was more of a fan of the Runescape Classic than the new one, not sure why exactly, but I just felt that the older one was better.

  6. Yeah, that would take a very long time.The best way to get GTA Vice City would be to purchase it. A store like Best Buy or Circuit City should have it, and it should be fairly cheap too seeing as it has been out quite a while now. It does depend, however, on what platform you're purchasing it for. I believe the game for the PC would be cheapest, but don't quote me on that one.

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