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Posts posted by armynavy123

  1. A while ago my friend came over and after a while we got bored so we looked up gangster terms and wrote a poem/rap .)
    Yo hommies
    Give me some berries (money)
    in tens and twenties's
    Else you'll get pooped (killed)
    give me some joe
    cuz im not emo
    my pants ain't tight
    and i have a white
    i'll give you a harlem sunset (fatal knife wound)
    cuz i have a BIG debt

    so ya's thats the poem/rap you might think its retarded but i thought it was funny :P

    Erm kinda ok but my stomach felt really queezy after reading it. Altough I applaud the rhyming of emo and joe :P .

  2. Probably the best shooter I've played would be Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Now, in games, I'm all for realism. BC2 properly demonstates realism within the game. You only have to shoot people about 3 or 4 times for them to die, explosions look very good, dust flies around the tank when you fire, ect. Now, here are some improvements that they should add to make the game even better:
    1.) Probably one of the most annoying things in the Battlefield series is the delay from the firing and the actual destruction. (eg. You shoot a fence, and it takes half a second for the damage to show up, or you crash a humvee, and a second later the hood crumples. Things like that). I believe it is due to the calculations the game has to preform, or maybe some kind of server lag. Either way, it makes the game experience a little less realistic. This also applies when you kill people with a tank. You blast them to smitherines, but they can still run around for a second before they die. They should just drop once the tank fires.

    2.) Limb damage. I believe this is demonstrated in Fallout 3, where if you shoot an enemy in the leg, they crumple to the ground. In BC2, you can shoot somebody in the leg with a sniper rifle, and they just keep on running. That's pretty stupid. I say they crumple to the ground, and a teammate needs to go back and pull them into cover. Then the player who got shot in the leg should have to keep pressing a button or buttons repeatidly to stand back up. This is somewhat like WWE games, where it takes you a little bit of time to stand back up if you just smacked over the head with a metal chair.

    3.) Explosions. When the tank fires, the explosion from the thing(the tank ammuntion) should be a little more explosive. It just whips up dust and makes a little explosion on the ground. The boom should be big. The C4 explosion could be bigger, also.

    4.) Non-regenerating health. I don't see why suddenly all the shooter games abandoned the health meter and moved to regeneratable health. I find that totally annoying. Bring back the health bar!

    5.) Explosions should be fatal. When a tank blasts in your general direction, the force from the explosion would fling you like a ragdoll. I think that DICE should make the explosions a little more deadly.

    6.) Their so-called terrain effects, as shown in this video here make it hard to drive if you smash up the ground too much. Definately NOT true. It's so easy to go across the potholes in the ground if its beat up. They should make it extremely inconvinient to go across the potholes, possibly extending it so that the HUMVEEs can get stuck if they try to cross.

    7.) There should be animation for your army character getting in/out of vehicles. People just hop out of tanks and humvees right when their vehicle's about to explode. They really need to change that, because it gets annoying..

    8.) Real-time tank charging. I hate how when you get into a tank fight, some guy just stands behind the tank with a drill fixing the tank while you get blasted to smithereens. They should make it so that the engineer has to crawl under the tank and press a series of buttons for 30-40 seconds, not just use a stupid drill.

    Those are my reasons. I'm probably going to ship this off to EA or dice so that they can improve the final game once it comes out. Right now, Bad Company 2 is only available as a BETA. As far as I know, they are not handing out beta keys. The full game is going to come out in March, so stay tuned!


    i actually think that the regenerating healthbars are beast so now I won't get screwed by a lucky grenade. Also I really do hate the real time tank charging because it is so annoying!!!! Come on it's a game give us a break! I am all for the explosions making you fly. That is called ragdoll effects though that is extremely hard to program because just look at Star Wars the Force Unleashed and did you see the tiny story than it took forever to finnaly release the game! I also love limb damage ffects in video games because it makes you feel like you are in the game! That sounded wierd didn't it? Well I hope these things are in future games because we will need bigger processors and graphics cards for these.

  3. Just recieved this a couple of hours ago, I thought you should be aware of this.

    For those that fail to understand what this is, the above is another flavor of the infamous Nigerian online scamming scheme. Despite efforts to curbed this kind of swindling, they're still out there.

    So how can we recognize its a scam, based on the example above? For one thing, they call themselves as "top" officials, but in reality no high-ranking government official - even the egomaniac ones - would label themselves as "top," simply "government official."

    Another is that, if they truly are government ministers, then why on earth would they stoop on this kind of correspondence? Secretaries handle these and those have above-average skills in spelling and grammar, clearly not something like the above.

    They also claimed that they learned of me from this International Business Directory Service, which I have never heard of before much less a member of. Note also that this time they had not asked for cash or payment up front...but the twist is they say they need your personal and company info, which is even more risky than coughing up money.

    This is just one of many, many variations. Beware :P

    What ever Nigerians made that were pure knuckleheads because they punctuated it wrong. Look at all those commas clustered together! If they are going to scam do some research!

  4. I doubt swine flu is killing as fast as AIDS. However something we have to concern about is the number of deaths cancer is causing. I have read that deaths from cancer will be the leading in the next years, surpassing deaths from AIDS and other disease.

    Well those are pretty different so it is hard to compare them. Aids is mostly in countries that cannot afford medicine and porper "protection" (I will leave it at that). H1N1 is a new virus that spreads faster and hits pretty hard but you have the medicine to heal it. Altough if you were talking about the countries that don't have much medicine H1N1 would be a huge pandemic because it will keep spreading do to lack of proper vaccination, as Aids if you get it your screwed will be fatal as well but there will definetly be a bigger amount of sicknesses because of H1N1. If you were talking about a country like the US that has proper restrictions and medicine than Aids will not be as much as a bother as the H1N1. Think about it.

  5. This is quite interesting, and i dount found any topic about itHere it goes:

    Yes that's right....Once when I was in pre-school a girl punched me in the face when I went down a slide......I remembered that girls face in the back of my mind apparently. She was in my 6th grade class and when I saw her I thought I have seen her somewhere. So my mom (my mom was the recess teacher in my prehschool and she saw the girl hit me) pointed out that she hit my in prehschool. That is a feeling of Deja Vu not when you realize that the person is the person from a time, but when you think you know them. Deja Vu is an extremely wierd thing.

  6. apparently, copyright can kill. copyright restrictions, that is.


    related article: Linux programmer faces death through copyright




    related links:




    copyright versus basic human right to life? which should take priority first?

    Wow that is really creepy. I cannot believe those stuck up companies are just holding back the shipments because of a little problem. If it is a financial problem not a materials problem then send out the freaking medicine just charge the company. I feel very sorry for that man. Business is cruel.

  7. I'm so goddamn lazy, I'm always anoyying the *BLEEP* out of me and everyone else, sometimes i wish i could just kill me, I'm such an arogant little *****, god man i should just go *BLEEP* myself with a lead pipe. *BLEEP* ME! I'MA SMASH MY HEAD IN SO *BLEEP*ING HARD I'LL BUST OPEN AND SCREAM FOR HELP! I am such a little bastard, *beats self*



    I think you should calm down first of all. If you have Adhd or a disease just tell yourself to calm down and be happy. Sit by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket for gosh sakes! Or if you really feel you hate yourslef call suicide hotline! Call a close family member and tell them your troubles! I have dealed with a good amount of depression, it may be hard to do but just remember deep in your thoughts that this will eventually pass, then I will be happy. Self critisism is caused by puberty. Are you going through puberty? (don't answer that) If you are it is normal. I hope you feel better soon....just calm down becuase you seem to hyperactive. Relax and listen to some calm music! Also READ reading causes the body and mind to relax and just focus on the story. Read some literature and learn a little bit! And foget the thoughts of lead pipes and crap because that just scares people. Good Luck.

  8. It isn't really the cold so much that bothers me, it's all the things that the cold causes. I can bundle up in enough clothes to deal with the cold, but then there is the problem with even that. Laundry! Tons of it! Stop and think about how much more room in the washing machine it takes to do sweat shirt and pants, T shirt, compared to my summer time tank top and shorts. (not to mention the bigger piles you have to trip over until you get around to washing them. :P ) Of course, our little dog likes the big laundry pile by the bed, it gives her a nice soft cozy place to sleep in.
    Then there is the water situation. It's wonderful free flowing summer time form turns to ice in the winter and creates a whole new world of problems. Last week we spent most of one day just trying to get things situated to where we could actually do the daily routine. Frozen hoses, (even though we carefully stretche them out and drain them when we finish with them) frozen pipes under the kennel, hot water heater frozen up, then fixing broken pipes that went to spewing water when we did get them thawed out. Even though we have numerous frost proof water hydrants, when it gets really cold, even they freeze up. And there's all that dang ice in the animals water pans. If you try to beat it out of the pan, all you end up with is a very dented up pan. You have to either lug them inside where it is warm, or turn them over and run water on the bottom, (that is if you have the water going) to thaw them out so you can refill them so they can freeze again.

    Then there are the mirad of other minor annoyances, the cold natured 4 wheeler that takes forever to warm up so you can use it, the dog poops that freeze to the ground makeing even poop scooping a challenge, the ice slick you get when hosing out the concrete dog runs that you can break you neck negotiating. Chopping ice on the pond adds another chore, not to mention the cutting,hauling, splitting and skoking of the wood furnace, and of course, hauling off the ashes.

    Winter is just way too much work.

    I looove Winter! In fact I wrote a poem about it in the forums somewhere! I love the nice cold breeze while looking at all the spirit and Christmas decorations! I love the dramatic icy trees that seem to want to give you a hug :P. I just love sitting by the hugging warm fire with a steamy cup of hot chocolate listening to holiday movies. Winter is my favorite season. Winter is starting to be less good I think becuase of all the stupid companies talking about Winter, and holiday savings! It drives me crazy! Save it for Summer! Anyways Winter will always be my source of inspiration of which will hopfully never dissapear. I look forward to the next Winter when it is Spring. I am not a poem emo, a goth, or anything like that I am just a person looking for joy and inspiration. And then there is Winter. I don't have to do laundy so I probably wouldn't know to many downsides :D ! But I give you my regards, happy holidays, and Welcome to Winter!

  9. Wix


    Wix is an amazing flash program that doesn't cost any money, has been around for a while but has not been recognized but is AMAZING! Do you want to add realistic animations like fire and lightning bolts?! Or maybe you want to add a heartbeat monitor? Do you want to add noises when you scroll over something? Do you want to upload a door and put a premade creaking noise when you open it? Do you want to make a beepign noise when you scroll over the heart monitor? Wix offers lots of friendly layouts (which some can offenly be confusing) that will make your user want to click more and well think "how did he do that?" Wix does label credit for themselves on their site obviously unless you pay for it. Sorry no Mycents like in Trap 17 (:. Anyways if you are looking for a free, friendly editor that your somewhat tech savvy gramma can do than Wix is here. http://www.wix.com/ Get Ready for the new era of editors.

  10. Okay, it's ridiculous how long I've tried to look for a decent screen recorder. I've tried hypercam, Camstudio, Camtasia, ect. None of them have ever satisfied me. :P What I'm looking for is a good screen recorder that will record absolutely best sound quality(Not the sucky sound quality of the other products) and very high video quality. I have a pretty decent computer...... Vista Home Premium, 4GB of RAM, 1792 MB GeForce 8600M GT Graphic Card, my CPU is a Intel Mobile Core 2 Duo T8300, and I have an extrernal audio card for very good audio. So, my computer can handle quite a bit. I'm not very concerned about lag or anything, just as long as it doesn't use up 3.9 out of my 4 GB(:. I'd be very thankful if someone could reccomend a good quality product.


    I don't know why you hate camstudio because that is the best hd free screen recorder you are going to get. If you really want an hd recorder than you shoudl try Zd screen recorder which I have heard is a really good screen recorder, but whatever you think! Good Luck and I hope I helped a little!

  11. Were these the same people that said the following?: So it is a fact that it is not the religion but the followers. And if a religion were to preach foolishness, you could accuse the religion, but if the follower were to exclude themselves from their judgment, then they aren't taking responsibility for their own actions. However, accusing the religion mostly comes from ignorance: an assumption that is taken up when people only observe but not interact.



    Being dedicated to prayer and attending church can involve helping others. In fact, by going to church you can very well help others. One of my personal favorite churches i visit hold a feast almost every weekend (when they can afford to), and they allow others to come in and eat. Many nearby homeless people have been known to come in and be served. By being dedicated to prayer you help prolong this want to help. Also, many who go to church seek spiritual healing; hope goes a long way. So, prayer and attending church can be and is productive.


    And since you mention Christianity you cannot say that by doing good one will enter Heaven—this is the opposite of Christianity's teachings. Christianity teaches that the moment one does an evil act they no longer are considered a good person, since good is the abscence or complete lack of bad or evil. By believing that you can enter heaven through good works though you've done bad works in the past is to believe that you are a good person. The average person performs evil several times for each one good deed. Many go on in their daily lives not knowing that they've committed an evil act in that day.


    Although you say "basic set lines" of doing good, how many people do you know follow these "basic" set lines? Everyone needs a reason to do something—whether they're a believer or not, whether it is beneficial or not, and whether they can tell you their reason for doing something or not. However, what are these "basic" set lines, and how many "lines" are there? If humans could make up their own set lines for entering heaven, then heaven is just make belief (to them), and you are bound, if not certain, to see a lack of dedication to do good.


    However, it is also fully possible to do good and still be a bad person. For example, one may do good public deeds but fail in their private time.



    Now-a-days, that should be expected. Many people take up the belief that followers of certain religions lack sense or some form of intellect. Because of this, many believe, because of how convicted the believer is to their religion, that the believer is blindly following their religion. But this is not an absolute. In fact, it requires deep thought in order to understand many, if not most or all, religions.



    However, everyone will state anything—whether just or not—to not follow something; but something just or, in this case, "i don't want to" is acceptable. I am unsure of what church or facility you've or others have been to that have brainwashed people for their own benefit which in turn makes them unproductive, but you are capable of suggesting things according to their ability; however, you may find that they already do such productive things.

    As my Rabbi said " God is a game of hiding and seeking, we are trying to find God with our prayers but we just get discouraged when our prayers do not come true. Our prayers are the source of our hope. Now since our prayers are the source of hope if we supposedly find God one day, all your prayers are answered, or in Christian belief God (which they think is Jesus) will come to Earth and reveal his/her self than when one of our prayers aren't answered or if God goes away....will we lost hope? Where will our hope go? Back with God in heaven? If we lost hope than what will happen to us? What will we have to live for? Who will we share our joy or sorrows with if there is nobody around? So is it better to find and know then possibly risk losing hope or is it better to never lose hope....yet, always believe?

  12. Dear friends I always was eager to know more and more about a topic and that is GHOSTS. Always I have gone through the stories of real life and incidents as such which in one way or the other narrates the existence of ghosts or spirits etc. But even after reading and viewing (documentaries etc. ) a lot I am not able to reach any conclusion still. I mean to say the existence of ghosts. Some times what we see a particular topic or subject is dealt with in one particular country or locality specific only. But in this case I should say I dont think there is any country where there dont exists any believers of ghosts etc. In every country there are writers who have written on this topic, there are movie makers who have made movies related to this topic etc. But still the debate on this topic goes on and on and on, between the believers and non believers of this topic. Dear friends here I would like all of you to contribute with solid bases about your belief. So that to some extent we could reach to some conclusions. Talking about me I have heard a lot about this topic but never seen a ghost or evil spirit etc. So what about you friends.

    Ghosts...pshhh. All the myths and legends about them are just childrens tales. Apparently in the line of things to believe ghosts and monsters got in and santa got rejected. So you really believe the haunted inside of cool whip is going to stalk you around your house? I think that ghosts COULD be real but in a way of phsycology. Excuse me if my spelling is off I am having an out day. What I mean by in a different way is the senses might pick up a feeling of being watched and which creates panic that will make you see things. So in terms you are "seeing" and "feeling" a ghost's presense or maybe yo uare so alarmed "hearing" and well tasting. So it really depends in the way of how you think. Ghosts might exist, but in a way we might have never imagined before.

  13. I gave up on firefox after it really screwed itself up. I was experimenting with different browsers(opera, safari, chrome) and I have to say, firefox was my least favorite, due to the fact that IT HAD NO URL box, nor favorites, nor refresh or anything like that. It was basically blank at the top. I tried posting my problem on their forums, but no one ever bothered to put a response. I'm running Vista Home Premium 32-bit. I personally don't see why the program should have a reason to screw up so much like that. I use chrome now, but view Xisto in IE, because it screws up a lot in Google Chrome. I love google chrome. Utterly my favorite browser.

    Yeah usually Google Chrome is avery good easy to use browser with a great community but I personally like Firefox because it looks cool and offers lots of personalizations! I had to get rid of Google Chrome on my old computer because my battery died and I got Windows 7 (which is the short story) so I haven't really redownloaded Google Chrome yet. Yet I will say Google Chrome is worthy of some applause. I think Google Chrome is #1, Internet Explorer is #2, and Firefox is #3. I have never tried Opera becuase I hear it is only good for mobile phones and devices. If you think Opera is good than please tell me more about it and I might reconsider....anyways Trap 17 seems to screw up alot even if I am on IE, well that was a little while ago nothing worked. But the Trap 17 code monkeys must have fixed the glitch or whatever it was because now Trap works like a charm. And the wait was totally worth it!

  14. Hello guys, It was hard for me to decide where to host my website as I want free webhosting atleast I make my website more attractive for users. I hosted my website on various free hosting like xhosting, 000webhost etc. But I was not satisfied. I searched for public reviews and found very negative reviews about all free webhosting except Xisto. Yes its true. It shows Xisto dedication and honesty that after many years they are satisfying their members. I appreciate it very much

    That is great Trap 17 was rated so high! I was searching for a good domain and I pondered across Trap 17. I was searching still but when I read this I knew that I could end my search of good, free domains with a dedicated community and easy layout for navigation! Thank you for posting this and now I end my search!

  15. This is really my first topic, and I think this is the best place to put it!


    I was browsing around and I came across a site which explores the use of a new device referred to as the Electronic-Cigarette:




    It claims to host coverage from several different news-organisations including the popular CNN and ABC news channels. It is supposedly safe, however can still get you addicted to nicotine, unless you are using a nicotine-free cartridge.


    It is quite expensive, however the price is falling... It does not contain products such as tobacco, and the metal cigarette itself is harmless/novelty and does not produce nicotine. It is simply a mechanism.


    Dangers highlighted in the video include the fact that it comes in many flavours. This provokes questions amongst parents as to whether it is misguiding to introduce a small range of fruity flavours as it is more marketable to children and non-smokers.


    My own research indicates that popular brands that currently market these devices are Gamucci, Milano and Nicocig - regardless of patents...


    So if you're a smoker and wish to quit, maybe do your own research and see what this device can offer. PLEASE share your thoughts on this product.

    I think that this whole craze over cigars should just be ended. But if it will get smokers to stop killing themselves than it is for the better. I saw an advertisement for this in a mall in Florida. I never though though it could be real but apparently the world is screwed up more than I thought. If this doesn't harm anyone I think I might just do it because it would look cool and probably feels pretty cool because it is metal and electronic, lol. I wonder though how they can contact your taste buds like that to produce the taste. Do you think they use some sort of radiation that makes your taste buds all funky or something?! Because I really don't know. So smokers, of this is healthy....here ya go. Now stop killing yourself.


    Stop Smoking

  16. We all know that the apartment is a residential class and not just anyone can live there because for the size of apartments in Indonesia is still relatively expensive and difficult to reach for the poor, and the apartment also reflects a healthy life because healthy is guaranteed and security awake, but in China there is a most filthy apartment in the world, because there so many trash strewn in front of the room and its inhabitants seemed to ignore it all,


    From those who is curious to see the most filthy apartment in china in the following I give a picture for you all, There you go :P


    Posted Image


    Want more? here :


    Posted Image


    Another one:


    Posted Image



    Even though they bought a broom,,


    Posted Image


    Its a learning for us to clean our environment :P


    That is just plain disgusting. If I had to live in conditions like that I would jump out the poorly cleaned windows, but seriously if you are going to live like that you should really try to only sleep there and that lady, if she had enough time go on the computer then why would she not be cleaning up around that really dirty house! And is that house in China? I know China is cluttered and their houses are all messed up sometimes but you really need to eat some soup, clean up like freaking crazy, and then rejoice in your house that is not swarming with maggots!

  17. It is jewel that is created from the ashes of a deceased person, to help remember them. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I just read about it today & thought I'd share it.


    Here is a link to the website: http://lifegem.com/

    I cannot possibly described how freaking scary that is. Thanks but when I die I don't want my son to wear me. Also on their website they are going to sell Michael Jackson's hair as a lifegem. That is just worship in my opinion. Anyways I really hope nobody orders anything from here because this is just messing up our culture. I may be overeacting but this is just messed up.

  18. hi all,
    i'm a rutgers mba student and i work for a large media broadcasting company in nyc as a programmer. my past has been filled with entrepreneurial endeavors. among the failures (learning experiences) have been one or two successes. i'm looking to increase that number by becoming more active in forums that include topics such as innovation and creativity.

    porkins :P

    Wow it sounds like you really love yourself! Welcome to Trap 17!

  19. I found one of the simple way to open the USB Drive without affecting any viruses in our Computer.
    At first you must Turn off Autoplay before inserting any removable devices.It is because most of the virus are affecting with this autoplay facility of Windows.

    Use this method to turn off autoplay..
    Enter gpedit.msc in the run or C prompt.then Select the Administration Templates ,then expand that and select System
    You can see a Option Turn off AutoPlay..Select that and Select for All drives in the dialogue box to apply for all removable devices.
    After inserting the USB Drive..Please donot doubleclick..Please use to Enter the drive name to the address bar(For Eg.If the drive of USB is K then type K:\ press enter)
    If you have more ideas about this topic please reply..........

    or you can right click the driver device sign press scan with whatever virus protection you have and wait fo it to scan and Viola! You got a noninfected or infected usb! Also you can just fix it if it is infected so no big deal.

  20. I'd like to hear your opinion on the poems I wrote for the girl I have a crush on, so to choose one of them (more will follow) to send it to her :P:P:D




    Looking like an angel fallen from the skies,

    Still yet, such a cliché can't describe your eyes.

    But never mind my clichéd phrases,

    Just know, I'm still thinking of you

    Not a second, not a moment more or less

    I waste time on stuff with which I don't bother,

    I'll give you one single clue

    For you to guess

    Why you're the only person that makes me with poems to smother.



    Grey man shivering again in his bed,

    Thinking about someone

    Knowing everything he has in this strange land,

    Is just a lovely sight

    So cute, so bland

    He can't resist the urge

    For it to fight.



    Thinking of you,

    Blows my mind away,

    Release me from my pain,

    Ahh, let me love you

    Let my love not go vain

    Oh please, I beg and pray

    Love me and near you

    Let me stay,

    Let me stay.



    How can you look so desirable when I look at you,

    You notice my blank glare.

    How can you be so calm when I talk to you,

    You notice my stupid dare.

    How can your smile look so sincere

    You notice my silly stare.

    But you still can't notice my love,

    I fade and disappear.


    Why can't you feel it

    Why can't you see it

    Stop wasting my time,

    I want your heart to be mine.

    Very nice. It kind of sounds like a vampire made it but it is really a poem to the heart.

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