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Posts posted by armynavy123

  1. Welcome armynavy123, well you should fit in well with your smilies on every single sentence. You play the PS3? you make me envious! Nah... actually i don't have the time for it usually. Anyway, you seem like you'll be an active member for a while, so welcome to you and have a nice day.

    Thanks, also I just want to say that your signature and avi are awesome. EDIOT!

  2. i dont know why i just really hate the online rpg runescape, it makes me so angry when people at my school dont shut up about runescape.what is so great about runescape. :P

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Topic title modified to be more specific.

    Ok here I go *inhales* Runescape is for losers who have no friends, or that want to try to act cool by beatin up imaginary monsters with swords and little hit point signs going up whenever you do such. All you are doing is get money, use for weapons, kill monsters who were so stupid they got denied for browser rpg's. There is a kid at our school who LOVES runescape. Nickname- Ratchet.

    Ratchet squeaks when he talks, has a major lisp, hasn't hit puberty, looks like he hasn't washed his hair in years, small for his age, has nerd glasses, has no friend, better chance of him shooting himself than getting a girlfriend. Yeah I know he is a dunce. So I hope everyone has learned thier lesson not to spend forever playing Runescape. Or to just sit by the computer all day. Walk your dog for gosh sakes! It is pissing all overy your carpet. Ooops. There goes your strategy guide for Runescape! Now you're angry!

  3. hey i m new to this forum. i just wanted a platform 2 post ma creations so i landed up here .anyone who can grant life(music) to my lyrics i'll b very thankful............so here goes ma song

    For a second Yeah! just for a second Imagine yourself as a lost rapper
    when u have to fight your worst fears
    when u need to move on while everyone sneers
    when your welcome is done with cans of beers
    now thats the place to control your tears
    n u need to smile on stage ,no matter if u are filled with rage
    to the top but you need not stop
    your knees shouldn't drop
    your breathe shouldn't block
    cuz believe it or not
    but u haven't flopped.
    there is always hope as u may have seen in daily soaps
    u gotta be the person who is already dead but who'll come back again
    just to shoot ya in head.
    now go to your bed n think of that bet which ya made with your friend
    but lost instant.
    wake up,do i need to shake ya up??
    just go for a fast n raise your mast
    n prepare yourself for the biggest nuclear holocaust.
    revise you rhymes as many times
    as you may hear the tinkling of chimes.
    travel back for the crowd is waiting
    not for your song but to screw you off if u again start shaking.
    just accumulate your energy like Mamta Banerjee
    n start your rap,don't make it look like crap.
    it should be clear n loud n not down n out.
    but that doesn't mean that u will shout.
    show them middle finger if they start their giggle
    n soon u'll see that they are ready to mingle.
    u won't believe its actually happening
    that u are actually rapping
    n there will be no devil with its teeth snapping.
    i know the crowd is dense but don't be tense
    your song is immense n look! they have crossed the fence.
    they are hugging u, they are kissing u
    not kicking or hissing ya.
    just leave them there n run up that stair.
    n go to your friend who is kinda bend
    n know what , he is wet with sweat
    cuz man..............

    Wow. I think this is kind of a cliche but is pretty good. It has a really good ring to it! Altough I was crackign up while reading it. "n there will be no devil with its teeth snapping" LOL! Overall 7/10. Keep it up!

  4. Greetings everyone, and a good morning to UK Members , I myself had no sleep puzzling over the host at x10hosting.com. They were offering great services with slow severs and three-a-day downtime, mysql failures AND with ftp issues. I am still with them, but will be switching as soon as I make enough mycents!
    I'm a film student and enthusiast in the UK, starting to write reviews - so I needed a site to create online journals, and practise my web-design skills...

    So far, I haven't even got something that says MYcents on my profile, so Im a bit concerned, I signed up at the billing site too. Just waiting...

    Do check out what I'm working on, mind the div in the top left corner (it's experimental) :P


    (It may be down depending on my damn host Ź_Ź)

    Welcome to Trap 17!!!! I am new to but I know somethings. Try not to curse because that will get you a warning. Also try to post things over 25 words. Just two things to get you started! Very nice website you have by the way! Some things were broken though. Also it is a little claustrophobic in your website. Try spreading out the layout or making sections! I still think it is very nice though! Welcome again to Trap 17! Bon Appetit!

  5. Hello armynavy123 welcome to the best forum in the internet where you will get fun and of course free and cheap web hosting to your sites. Here on Xisto forums are a complete team that will help you to get your free web hosting and I recommend you to post good quality post (more than 26 words) and read the rules because in my experience I have been warmed because I post some bad post that were copy/paste from another sites one time that I forgot to quote it. The moderation team warmed me and I was close to lose my hosting account. By actually my hosting account is suspended now because I didn´t post anything in the last month and its time to pay the shorty $2.00 that cost a simple and basic logic hosting plan to start your website in a server that looks like a paid server.
    The reality is that you here will get a lot of fun because in the forums you will see variety you can post in a lot of themes and you are free to expose your thougths without limits. But yes, you have to be original nothing copy/paste because the moderators of Xisto are excellent and I dont know how they get know if you are violating the rules.

    So welcome again armynavy123 and develop your pages here because I can secure you that the servers never or almost never will be down...

    Good luck and nice to meet you too...

    Well thanks for telling me some of the rules so now I won't be completely lost. I kinda drifted off reading the terms and conditions :P . Also that really stinks your account is suspened. What I am going to do is get a lot of money first than buy a hosting plan so I don't end up bankrupt. Thanks again!

  6. 2012 is history now! :P The hype surrounding has gone and is now around Avatar which is directed by James Cameron who gave us Titanic. It's a 3D movie and is said to be very thrilling, exciting, exhilarating and blah blah blah. So naturally everyone seems excited to watch it. All this talk reminds me of the talk before 2012 was released. i agree that 2012 became a hit (mostly due to its special effects) but it was also blamed for some shabby acting. In Avatar the only we can only judge the actors by their voices and the rest is left to animation. So do you think this movie will live up to its full expectations or will be just another dazzling movie with a weak storyline?

    I think Avatar is going to be a cheesy movie full of blue characters with high pitched squealing noises invading planets...kinda like how a song would be if John Mayer and Alicia Keys were singing punk. You are right thejode. This movie is applauded for it's special effects. Not blue characters who haven't hit puberty.

  7. Blizzard, because they have never dissapointed me. They're games are extrememly addictive and fun. Luckily I don't waste my days playing WoW because I am not that much of an electronics geek but if you are bored one afternoon than turn on your computer and play something from Blizzard!!! That shoudl be some sort of cheesy advertisement. :P

  8. As reported through Yahoo! by Sky News - https://uk.news.yahoo.com/


    Apparently, this individual liked to dip his gum in citric acid. Nearby the mess, another substance believed to be an explosive was found. The student's jaw was blown off.


    Now of course this is an actual news story, but somehow, something doesn't seem right.


    This was a chemistry student. You might think that someone intelligent enough to get into a university would be smart enough not to mix up his chemicals? Something doesn't add up here.


    Could this truly be an accident, or do you think this guy found a novel way to off himself and become "an hero" as they say in the 'chans?


    Whats' your view?

    Submachine gun





    Check. Wow I guess this guy should have been questioned by some terrorist organization before he blew up. He would have been useful with his new technology! Lol. That seems so wierd that that could actually happen. I will never look at my Eclipse gum the same way again. It just may cause a.....eclipse?

  9. Forget for a moment the car metal and carbon fiber or a blend of both. This Japanese cars are made by Sada Kenbi out of wood, which is named Maniwa. This wooden car sold for $ 44,000 USD.


    This particular wooden cars made by the craftsmen of wood and can be driven legally on public roads in Japan and can reach speeds of up to 80km/jam. :D nice :P


    Steering systems are made as a motorcycle handlebar, the side door can be opened up even fitted with stereo Hasa. Just like Lamborghini .lol. :D Front seat only one for the driver and two wooden chairs in the back for two passengers.

    Posted Image


    The doors look like the Lamborghini's :D


    Posted Image


    the Inside,, hmm looks like ......


    Posted Image


    awesome :D


    Posted Image


    still using real whell,, not wooden wheel :P


    What's your comment ,, :D


    I can see myself in it already :D

  10. I have written a short poem (:. Kinda noobish.




    Whisps of cold clench your face,

    Snow with each a different story,

    To vanish by touch,

    To just dissapear,

    To tell its story somewhere else.



    Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License

  11. I have read all the tutorials, listened to countless advice about creating a webpage, tried to understand the very difficult alien language of HTML, tried everything for twenty-four hours and still I cannot make a webpage. I figure creating a real webpage is one of the hardest of things to do, this is why so many people go to the atrocious made easy myspace.com or pay other people to make a website for them. Seriously speaking, not to criticize anyone, but I find making a website the most frustating task I have ever had to undertake. I feel like I need to take up a one to two year course just to make a webpage. When I heard about how Xisto was the best webhost, I was astonished, they sure do have the best resources, but for a noob like me using those resources to create anything has become mission impossible.

    Hey buddy....if you think html is hard than when you try to do css your life will be turned upside down. Trust me.

  12. Being a popband/rockstar/diva is not as easy as it looks. Talent is not just the factor they are looking for. Being able to write songs is not the only thing that is important. Looking like a star is not the enough.

    You may have already heard about the saying "If you're a musician, you're probably poor." Why? because you end up exhausting your funds to keep the music playing.

    bigtimedrama is a three-piece Pinoy pop/punk alternative rock band struggling to make the world hear their music. Working hard to share their ideas. Dreaming to make it big in the music industry.

    But how? Please help us be heard. Let us discuss the real deal on getting signed as an artist, getting your songs on radio playlists and stuff.

    Having been together for years now, we are still a bit confused because what you see and hear about musicdom is not what it seems.

    We have a lot of bigtimedrama stories trying to snag our ultimate dream.

    It's time to know the real score. Please help us. Share your knowledge on this matter.



    I think being in a pop band is a waste of time because you think you can skip college and it is VERY hard to get signed. There are thousands of bands around the world dying to get signed. Getting your song on a radio playlist can be easy if you have certain friends to get you in because that is the easiest way to get in. My advice....to go to college, get a masters in something that will give you money besides spending money on microphones, get a wife, get 2 kids, and don't spend half the time of your life applying acne creme and screaming into a microphone.

  13. Hey there, thejode!
    As you can see I just joined up myself, but I haven't seen any problems yet with the myCents system. I suppose pretty soon I'll have to figure out my plan for these dollars accumulating in my account :P

    Good to see ya, take care.

    I just want to say your avi is awesome and the sig :P

  14. Hi! I am armynavy123 or Jacob :D . I love designing, developing, and learning francais :P ! That wasn't random! I also like playing Ps3, and online games. I am not completely a dork though! I like tennis and soccer :P , and putting smileys at the end of every single sentence I write! Anyways I don't really know what else to say...so nice to meet you all!

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