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Posts posted by areawe

  1. I'm not sure if I understand their website correctly. You have to place their ad on your website and all users are also required to download and install their software called RebateNation before they can download a file? What does rebate nation do exactly? It sounds like it might be ad driven as well. They promise that it's not spyware... but still I would be leery of installing anything from them. I'm curious to know if anyone has installed this.

  2. Word of advice. Don't get addicted. Popouts should be a rare thing, or they get repetitive and irritating. They're awesome every once in a while though.


    Mike's render packs (The renders weren't made or cut by him though, mind you):



    Nice! Thank you Johnny for the link and thank you Mike for the renders! It looks like there's enough there to keep anyone busy for a long while. :D

  3. You're clearly not really a web designer if you hate to clutter up my machine with another browser and don't know that the reason your sites look OK in IE and not in FF is cos IE is a non-standards-compliant browser whereas FF and Opera and Mozilla are.

    If you're a web designer, you should have as many browsers as possible installed so that you can test your site in all of them. Anything else is just not doing your job properly.

    And you should be using FF as your primary testing browser, not IE, because, as I said above, IE is not standards compliant. IE7 may be (no-one's really sure yet), but IE6 and earlier definitely aren't.

    As to the original question:

    1. Themes

    2. Extensions

    3. Tabbed browsing


    2. is the most important one cos there's so many different extensions that it just puts FF in a different realm from IE.


    Does that make you feel good about yourself when you cut down someone else? :D

  4. lol this thread is out of control. *nudges everyone back to the main topic* I think this tutorial is great. I especially like the pictures since I, for the most part have no clue what you're talking about. :( I'm pretty noobish when it comes to Photoshop, but I plan on working on my lewt skills with the fine tutorials here. Anyway, I do have one suggestion. Pictures of you actually working in Photoshop would be awesome. Like pictures of all of the thingamabobs that do cool stuff in Photoshop. For example, a photo of the control box for creating the mulitcoloring effect. Perhaps this tutorial is a bit too advanced for me since I don't even know what you mean when you say "brushing." :D Although I can take a guess that it means applying a brush stroke to the image? *Scurries off to see what noobie tuts she can find*


    Forgot to ask: Do you need a good snapshot program? I use MWSnap. This is a great program for capturing images for tutorials. It's completely free and will take snapshots of your desktop, active window, or a specified rectangle whenever you press a hotkey combo.





    Notice from Johnny:
    Merged the double post.

  5. My sister just downloaded Gimp and she let me have a peak at it. It looks more simple to use than Photoshop, but it still seems to have all of the important features - but I'm no Photoshop expert by any stretch of the imagination. :D I like how it shows you a little preview for each instance in your history. To me it looks like it has everything you need. I'm going to download it later today and test it out myself.


    You can download some large Gimp brush packages from here:





    They offer the same brushes for Photoshop and Gimp. Their largest package includes 600 brushes!

  6. Wow, allot of great responses! I'm on the fence really. I hate to clutter up my machine with another browser, but it looks like that is what I'm going to have to do. There are some strong points made here about the benefits of using Firefox, or at the very least have it as a secondary browser for designing websites. I'm especially interested in the tabs feature. That sounds awesome! I hate trying to flip through all of those annoying browser windows. Firefox and IE do display web pages drastically different when CSS is involved - I'm not sure who to blame, but it sounds like maybe Microsoft. LOL! My sister has Firefox and it's always frustrating for me when she looks at a web site that I've been working on and it's totally messed up! *Grumbles* Guess I better go download Firefox... I've been an Internet Explorer user for so many years. Well, this should be an adventure. :D

  7. What is so great about Firefox? The last I knew 98% of people were using Internet Explorer, so as a web designer, I really only had to worry about Internet Explorer displaying my website correctly. I've read that Firefox now makes up about 20% of the browser market. These two browsers display web pages completely different and it's a bit frustrating to say the least! Why are people suddenly using Firefox and not Internet Explorer? Did you switch from Internet Explorer to Firefox and if so why?

  8. Is it possible to play multiplayer over the Internet on a console? I like playing mmorpgs with other people online so I lean more towards PCs, but I hear that consoles are getting better at integrating multiplayer functionality. The last console I owned was Nintendo 64 and as far as I knew it didn't have that capability.

  9. For the most part, I do believe it is about money and ratings. We know that courtroom TV is a joke, so it does make you wonder how many other so-called reality tv shows are actually real. I don't think any of them can be completely real. I think to some extent they are all engineered or at the very least coaxed - even the popular Apprentice has to have a director - someone behind the scenes coaching the contestants. Do you agree?

  10. I've been working on developing a new phpBB forum for my website. So far I have added several mods: Advanced Dungeons and Rabbits, Cash Mod, and Rabbitoshi. So far so good. I'm now working on changing the default template. I thought I would share some of the resources I have come across in my phpBB travels. ;) Have you found any good resources for phpBB?


    phpBB Hacks - lots of templates, mods, and imageshttp://www.phpbbhacks.com/


    phpBBStyles.com - a phpBB community, you can download templates and mods and also find help through their forum



    Avatarity - download free Avatars, lots of categories


  11. I have 3 operating systems on one of my machines. I had to have Linux and Windows Server 2003 for two classes that I had at the same time. I started with Windows XP, installed Red Hat Linux, then Windows Server 2003. Fun fun fun! I decided to use a boot disk to boot into Linux and use Windows XP's boot.ini whenever I want to switch from the default OS to Windows Server 2003. The important thing when multibooting is to plan what partitions you'll need ahead of time. Partition Magic is a life saver - it wil allow you to keep your existing OS and still be able to partition. Also, it automatically calculates based upon which OS's you want to install how many and what kind of partitions you need.

  12. Sometimes doing the right thing isn't necessarily doing the right thing. Does that make sense? Doing something right for the wrong reason is never ok. You can do all the good deeds you like, but it doesn't mean a thing if you're doing it for yourself and already planning on what you'll get in return. If you're doing something purely for that other person because you want to help them or because you care about them - then that's genuine.

  13. Ahh. That's what I thought. I guess it woulnd't make much sense if you have to pay them, huh?


    Make sure you have a top-level domain if you wanna use fastclick.com. Fastclick is good because I've seen their ads, and I've clicked a lot of those myself, so you can pretty much bet that it will be profitable with them.


    I checked out both of the web sites and both look good! I like how you get to decide how much you want to sell your ad space for with adjungle.com. They also seem to be less strict than fastclick.com. With fastclick.com, you have to have a minimum of 3,000 impressions per month.


    Both sites talk about getting default ads placed on your web site if your ad campaign isn't set up right or your ad space is too expensive and is not being bought. Do you know if you still get paid for the default ads and if so how much?

  14. Same here. I don't own a Paypal account because I'm not 18 years old, and even if I owned one, I'm not gonna donate unless I'm filthy rich.

    Well, what if you replace that box with interesting ads? People will surely click, and you'll get money.

    Yep. And when sites tell you to click their ads because "they're getting a new server", that's a lie, too. Only <- snipped -> if they're appealing or interactive or both.


    It sounds like ads are the way to go. I never even thought about younger people that don't have a Paypal account. I've had a Paypal account for so long I just assumed everyone else must have one by now. lol But it sounds like a Paypal payment is more of a hassle than just simply clicking banners when you visit a web site you would like to support. Good information. Thanks for all the responses!}
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