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Posts posted by areawe

  1. lol yeah i kinda over did the border >.< anyways...i was always told to blend the render in now... im getting told to make the render stand out :D


    I think it looks good :ph34r: The title does really stand out. That is not necessarily a bad thing though, if that is the effect you are going for. Do you want people to see the title first and then the character, or do you want them to see the character first? Whatever you intend to have the most impact should stand out. If you want the character to be more important than the title then fade the title into the background in a creative way.

  2. Ooooo nice! :ph34r: I like this one. I really like the border that you did. The background and colors look great. The closeup and far away renders make a nice contrast in the sig. Good job on brushing. Isn't it cool when everything falls together? Allot of different elements but it all works together to create a very striking and awesome looking sig. The text is fine. It's there if you want to see who made the sig, but otherwise most people will probably not see it. I think it would have been cool to see the render's eyes in one of the renders, but that's probably just me. You can add allot of dramma with just one look! :D Anyway, this one's a keeper. Good job!

  3. Good luck with your surgery and hope you can come back soon!I like this sig. I like the flashes of blinding light and the monotone look of it. It gives it a more dramatic feel, like she's hiding or stealthing in the background. I do have a gripe though. The "Saint Michael" text doesn't seem to belong in with the rest of the sig. I'm not sure why, but it looks like it's just floating there and not blending in. Maybe you could try moving it up or down so that it's not centered and see what other fonts you can play with. The text really isn't all that big of an issue though since you don't really see it unless you're looking at it for some time. My eye was drawn to the lighting effects and the render first. Keep up the good work!

  4. I like the sig. I like the brushing and colors and how everything blends in well. It doesn't really look like a starwars sig though. This is probably because it is so dark and I can't really make out the render very well. I like the font you chose for the sig. It looks awesome, but it is difficult to actually read. Are you going for style or readability? Maybe you could find a different font that looks this good and is more easily readable. Right now it looks like SDMMD. I was trying to figure out what that meant until I saw your forum name and realized that is what it was. The text underneath the main text is unreadable, but still looks good within the sig. Besides these few minor gripes, I think you did a good job on this sig. I rate it a 7/10.

  5. It's interesting to look at. Certainly not your everyday kind of sig! The ball seems to pop out of the sig and I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing. It this supposed to be a ball of fire? If so, you may want to find a different render for it. If it's supposed to be an actual ball, then it looks great. The background almost matches the render, but not quite. The text needs some work because it stands out too much. I would make it smaller so that it's not competing with your focal point. You may also want to experiment with different fonts - something to match the hard angles of the render. I do like the sig, eventhough cartoons like this are my least favorite renders to see. It's very dramatic and eye catching. The popout ball makes it even more visually apealing. This sig has allot of potential. If you just worked with the background and text more, I think it could be great. The blending is very good, but that background needs some work. I will rate this a 7/10 for now. Hopefully we will see a revised version soon! :P

  6. Good job! I like this sig. I think the text against that background is the best part of the sig. I wouldn't change a thing about that. The render bothers me a bit though. I think it is because the blurring of it makes it somewhat difficult to look at. There is a bright line that goes from his lips and it's distracting. Is there some way to make the sig so that the render itself is more clear... or at least have his face be clear of obstructions, but the background and text stay the same?And I would really love to see a tutorial on this style of sig. We do hear allot about brushing on this forum and it's great to see other methods of creating an awesome looking sig. I will rate this sig a 10/10 if the render gets some work. As it is now, I will give it a 7/10. Keep up the good work! You have allot of talent and it will be fun to see more of your sigs. :P

  7. Oooooo! These are beautiful. I really can't pick which one I like better. They are both very purty. :) The orange one says, "I'm dangerous, firey, and can hurt you!" The blue one says, "I'm mysterious, cool, and soothing." Given the right topic or render, they would both work equally well. But even without a render, they suck you in. Again, good job St. Mike!

  8. These sigs are almost the same, but I voted for the first sig because the background has more vivid coloring and pops out at you. I think Mario has to go though. He's just not flowing with the rest of the sig. There are allot of different elements and different colors in this sig. It's pretty crazy, but depending on your topic, it would make a good fit. I don't think the fun loving and bouncy Mario matches the dark, ominous background. The colored shapes are techy and probably go better with Mario. I would try switching out the background or Mario with something else. Overall I like the sig, but I think it could be better. It's unique and I like to see new styles. It's very vivid and colorful. Keep up the good work!

  9. Nice job on your sig! I really like the blue icey brushing, but I agree with everyone else and think that the doggy render would probably look much better on top. After you do that, I think it would really benefit from some nice text. I always think sigs look barren without some kind of initials, a name, or something. That brushing is very interesting though. It really draws your eye. Nice work, it just needs an extra bit of attention to make it perfect! :)

  10. Good luck with your battle! Let us know how it goes.Here's my 1 or 2 cents about your sig.It's very colorful and that render really draws your attention. I like the right side of the sig. Very nice blending and it goes well with the render. I don't like the left side. I think it has more to do with the dark coloring than the text. But, I do think the text needs a bit of work. I would try to find a straight font that would better match the look of your render. The topsy turvyness (lol if that's a real word, I'm a turkey.) of the font, makes it difficult to read and doesn't seem to make sense. I mean it doesn't seem to go with the rest of the sig. I think it would be better if the two sides matched in coloring and the font colors and text matched the render more... if that makes any sense. I have to admit I'm partly biased because I don't care much for the render. I like more fantasy/rpg related renders better than cartoonish ones. I think your sig has allot of potiential, it just needs some adjustments. Keep up the good work!

  11. This one needs some work yet. I really like the background and I think you did a great job of making the elf pop out of the page. What throws it off is the abstract, hard edged lines and corners that don't seem to match the curvy, cartoonish look of the render. The text is ok, but I would work with that a bit more and see what you can do with it. It may be a bit too much. Too much bold and white? I think it should blend in a bit more with the sig background since you already have one focal point with the elf. I think these pop-out sigs must be the hardest to implement. But I have seen your other awesome pop-out sigs, and I know if you work with it some more, it will be better.

  12. Very nice! I like the green colors with the awesome lighting effects. Very dramatic render too. She's gonna get me! ;) There is allot going on in this sig, but it all comes together to form a chaotic, in-your-face look!I do have one tiny complaint. I would work with the text a bit more so that it is easier to read. Maybe make it a hair bigger?Another nice sig St Mike! :P

  13. I like it, although it seems like it needs something. The blue would be an awesome background for a good sig. I like all of the shading. It's very dark and dramatic looking. No complaints on this one except that I think it needs something more. A focal point to draw the eye in. If there is a render in there, you really can't tell it. Overall very good job on this sig! If you place a nice render against the background, it will be perfect. ;)

  14. If these are your first sigs, I think we are in for some really awesome sigs later on! I like them.I like the first one the least of the bunch, but it does have some interesting qualities. I like the color contrast between the two sides. I don't like the small flag icon in the middle so much. It just doesn't seem to blend in too well with the rest of the sig. I would work on that icon a bit more and see what else you can do with it.I like the second one better. The colors are very vivid and striking. I like the look eventhough there is allot going on and many different contrasting elements. It gives a chaotic feel that goes well with the theme of your sig.The third one is my favorite. I guess I'm a sucker for interactivity. I like the animation. It's not overpowering, but just enough to highlight a soldier and draw the eye. There was one phrase though that was hard for me to read. The "U" in "U Gon Die" kind of disappears. Maybe you could work with the text or the background a bit more on that one letter.Overall, I think you've done a good job. You're very creative and your talent shows through. If you dedicate some time to learning different effects, I think you will be able to make even better sigs. Good work and thanks for sharing! :)

  15. This is a very colorful sig! It really draws your eye. I think maybe there is too much of a mix of fonts and sizes in the text. I like the font that is used on the very bottom word, "done." It fits right in with the mood of the sig. I think it would also look better if it had one focal point instead of two. By focal point, I mean each man in the photo. Overall I think it's very striking and different. It's nice to see something new. I like the creativity of the text, eventhough I think it still needs some work. Maybe if the word "what" was the same font as the words on the upper right and upper left of it and it was in one smooth line over the word "done?" It might make the fonts contrast eachother a bit more and look better. Just a thought! Anyway, keep up the good work! I think you have a good thing going here, so keep those PSP brushes at attention! :)

  16. Ooooo this is a tough one! Hmmm.... I like the awesome dramatic render in Kubi's sig - really good choice! I like the grunge look and the text fits in nicely with the sig.Biscuitrat went for something more original. I like the different highlighting effects that were used. The background is very nice and I like the text.Both of these sig are really good and it's a hard pick. But I like looking at art that is different and innovative. My vote goes to Biscuitrat because of its uniqueness and the creativity that went into it.Goog job both of you!

  17. Hello,

    I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this. Is this where you post problems you are having with the hosting service?

    Today seems to have been a bad day for my website, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    The site has been sluggish loading and earlier today the php for both my directory and forum wasn't working and had errors of Cannot find server or SQL errors saying that it couldn't find the database. It was like that for over an hour and then suddenly fixed itself. Just now my entire web site went down. I'm not sure how long it was down- at least 15 minutes, but it seems to be working now. Very strange behavior. What do you make of it? This is the first time I've had problems with the service, by the way.

    I appreciate your help!

    Also, can you tell me what we can do if we go over and need more bandwidth for the month?

    Thank you very much! :)

  18. Is this sig supposed to freak you out on purpose? That kid looks like an axe murderer. Those eyes are evil! I agree with everyoneone else also about the width. Maybe you could shrink the text and cut the size in half? I would also play around with the text some more and see what else you can come up with. Creative sig that gives you the woolies.

  19. I can give you my unexpert opinion. -_- I like the background - I think it's awesome. The render looks cool too and really fits in well with the background. I don't like the text of the first one. The second one looks better but still doesn't match the kick your booty, slasher feel of the entire sig. Look for a font that looks dangerous and cutting! :lol: The font you are using now looks like an rpg - old school type of font, but it does look much better than the first one. I would just play around with the text a bit more. Keep up the good work!

  20. All of those colors immediately draw the eye. It's a nice mix of colors and very original looking. What I don't like about it is that I can't see your sig line anywhere. There is text on it, but it's very faded out and I think it was meant to be more of a decoration? If not, maybe you could darken it up a bit or something to make it stand out more. I would also add one element that really stands out... something that people will immediately know what it is and create a theme for your sig. I like it. Even just putting some nice text for your sig would make all the difference - even if you don't add a focal point.I like the colors of the second sig and how all the elements blend so well together. Yellow is not often used and it really looks good! One thing I would suggest with the second sig is to bring out the text more. I want to see the name! -_-

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