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About k2wl
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ya pbrugge i think u r right? this is question asked every now and then..... which is the best? which most secure ...... but no body thinks that it is a personal choice what to use or what suits best to him!like for home user windows xp is good.for programer it may be linux.for web server both linux and windows server 2003 may be goodpersonally i use both windows and linux........ my pc has windows xp and slackware 10.2 as a due boot configuration.i use linux for internet usage or for back up perposes.my windows xp is for little gaming , internet, downloads and printing scanning perposes.so i think best os is one which suits u the best that's all!byekaustubh
hi everyone,what is your favorite linux distribution? Here is my experience with linux and its operability.i have started using linux nearly 2 yrs ago.... first distro i have use is red hat linux 9it is good one and i have good experience with it.in last two years i have used almost every major distributions namely1.red hat 92. fedora 2,3 and lately 43.suse 9.1 personal and suse 9.3 professional4. ubuntu 4.10 and 5.04 5. peanut 9.16. mandrake 9.1,10 and 10.17.free bsd 5.2.18. knoppix 3.2 and 3.69.xandros 2 and 3 OCE versions10. debian 3.011.ELX biz desktop 4.012Mepis 3.1.....and some others i even dont remember those names.and recently my friend gave me SLACKWARE 10.1 as a new linux user though i have used it for 2 yrs i used to fear about the source based distributions like Gentoo and slackware etcbecause i used to have in my mind that these distributions will be so complicated and i didnt know almost about any command line tools to install softwares in linux.so i used to avoid them. but last sunday when my friend gave me slackware 10.1 i decided to give it a try.so in my hard disk i made linux partition 11 GB and swap of 500 MB from my windows os using partition manager. i have put the slackware cd in cd rom drive.after rebooting it boots into slackware installation. i have choosen the all option in that installation method with graphical desktop.the installation strated and i have amazed with the speed of the installation. it is so fast even though it is in text mode and no graphical mode. as installation progress is says me to put second cd in rom to install packages but i do not have it so i have aborted the instalaltion and reboot it and see for the packages in 2 nd cd on internet and 2nd cd contains kde and gnome.so i have decided to go without kde or gnome. so next time when i have boot for slackware installation i do not select the 2nd cd packages and installation completed in just 15 min.after that i have boot into command line by default when enter in my slackware os for first time............i dont know anything what to do now ....it ask me for user name and password and it welcome me with a some wonderfull quote on that screen. so i have reboot it again then i go in my windows os and search for slackware documentation. i have found a book on slackware on slackware site only i have downloaded that pdf and read it where i have found that slackware has to be configured before u boot in graphical environment.so i go again in slackware and execute the command xorgconfigit gives me questions to answer for configuration..... i have answered the properly......and at last it ask me about writing xorg.conf file to the designated directory.... i oks it and now i hav come back to command line.....here i put a command startx..........................VOILA...........i have boot in XFCE as my default x environment.but it is not enough i want my KDE back so i have downloaded it from internet from kde.org. i have downloaded kde 3.4 latest from windows. slackware has automatically detected my windows partitions and auto mount them also.one more thing about slackware is that its package management has tgz files instead of typical rpm or deb files.and after booting in slackware again i have opened a terminal go to kde directory where i have downloaded the packages........ and started insalling them............in slackware here the package is install by command installpkg from xterminal.so i first install kde libs then kde base and kde artwork libs and then install all packages one by one and reboot the computer....................before i tell u further i want to say that the slackware contains almost every library module or src package that u need for installing any package. but as a golden rule, slackware packges [tgz] almost do not have any dependancies at all. it does not give u the bloody hell errors of other deb and rpm linux systems that u do not have that and this.....so when i rebooted i have run the command xwmconfig to change my default desktop environment. and i have changed it to kde. when i give command startx it gives me error that qt 3.x libs are not present and kde will exit so i have downloaded them and install them and start kde again and kde is started so smoothly and fastly that i must say that it a fastest booting kde i ever seen.......previously i think that only in red hat or fedora it boots fast.so i m in my kde having all the utilities that are with other linux distributions.i have use my kppp to connect to internet and look for the max speed it is 1 -2 kbps more than other linuxs and also than windows.i have use other utilities in kde which open very slow in other distributions like mozilla browser , browsing the computer for files..........everything is so smooth and fast that i fall in love with this linux........i also used the updating tool that i have downloaded from net it is also good but it is a cammand line tool. but it is a old saying that "you are slackwarian then life is good" and i feel is is really right.and i must say that this is a distribution one must try.what do u think share ur experiences here..............bye take carekaustubh lanje
Most Stable Windows Version What do you think was the most stable...
k2wl replied to cragllo's topic in Operating Systems
hi therei think the most stable version of windows so far is windows 2003i have tried windows 98 , windows 98se , windows 2000, windows ME, windows xp pro, windows 2003 enterprise trial.although the people say that 98 is the best ever and most stable windows yet, i bet that windows 2003 enterprise that i have tried is most stable till date. i can say this because i have done some experiments with it.1) i tried at first windows 98 and windows 98se what i have done was that i surf the net , install the bunch of programmes, media players ...etc without any patching of them that is with out any security updates and antiviruses or system protective measures.after couple of days my windows 98/98se becomes very slow and bugy.it hangs and shows me blue screen couple of times..i have recorded all the sequence on paper i.e all the programmes i have installed and all the activity i have done.2) then i have install winows ME on it by formating my hard drive.the result is that this is the most hopeless OS i have come across it crashes too often.3)then comes windows 2000. it is stable good and well poerformer but it is too slow and gives some crashing problems after installing something or surfing the net.4) i have then install windows xp in three formsi) windows xp without service packsii) windows xp with sp1iii) windows xp with sp1 and sp2all three worked better than previous version of windows i.e 98/98se/2000/MEbut windows xp without service pack is very vunarable and crashes somehow to virus attacks and programes instabilities.but out of service pack catagery windows xp with both sp1 and sp2 is more stable, more fast and less vunarable.but here comes a bitter side of a tell all windows xp installations require atleast 128 of ram and 8 gb of space to work flawlessly.so it is slow and gives hang up too often.5) now comes the windows 2003 server enterprise edition.i have downloaded the trial from microsoft website by registering on it.it installed wonderfully on my PC when i log in it tells me to activate it to use it for 6 months.i have done that and tried all the softwres i have used on previous windows editions.the results are amazing. it handles the processes very well takes less CPU useage. even if i have not install sp1 for it or patch it.when i have tried to network it with my friends machine on LAN it refused to do so .....so i search the net and found that the windows server 2003 can not be install in the network as a workstation.but i have manage to do so by some geek tweaks and try to access my computer from my friend's PC but it denied to access the pc so it work like the stand alone machine in the network.i have found less viruses adware and spywares infecting this windows 2003 installation. it almost never crashed till date and have very few problems of hang ups and repeatedly restarts.so i have finally come to the conclusion that windows 2003 enterprise trial i have own is the best windows edition ever.so here is my opinion that windows 2003 is best version of windows ever.thanx bye -
i am using linux for about 2 yrs now....though i have not satisfied by the performance of linux as a user friendly operating system.but i can say that the linux guys are improving at a very fast rate.....and they will make the linux OS best OS ever in next few years.i have couple of problems with linux namely linux distributions does'nt recognise my modems....even if i install the modem drivers on it it will not connect to internet for some unknown reason...and some more problems....but the distributions i tried are1.suse 9.1 personal2.fedora core 3 and 43.suse 9.3 professional4.solaris 105.mandrake 9.1, 10, 10.16.redhat 97.xandros 2 and 3 OCE8.knoppix 3.2 ,3.4,3.69.gnoppix 0.810.lispire 5.0.59and some more...somehow i feel that my distribution of choice is fedora 4 or suse 9.3 pro or mandrake 10.1now my computer has windows xp , windows 2000 and fedora 4.bye
i think both new hotmail and new internet explorer 7 rocks!!!!!!!both sims to hav good features.as for new internet explorer 7 i hav on my xp though it in beta stage it has good speed and good security enabled in it.And as far as i know new IE 7 will not be a only browser, it will be more than just a silly browser , it will going to have a security configuration which will block the phishing attacks, antivirus attacks and much more.it will prevent the access to system processes to the hackers though it is not clear how it will do that.also in windows vista IE7 will be in two forms one in simple IE7 &other which is in the system tools.the difference is that the simple IE7can be venurable to spywares , adwares , viruses, and also to hackers.but the one which is in system tools folder will be always free from these and can be used in emergency when IE7fails to load or does'nt work or when it will give fatal errors.bye
i have couple of sites for download softwareshere they are1. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. http://www.soft32.com/5/. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. http://www.zdnet.com/8/. http://elatedsearch.com/. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. http://www.tucows.com/ and if nothing works try serch engines like 1.google, 2.msn,3.looksmart,4.yahoo,5.altavista,6.turbo10,7.searchalot...etchope this will help you.bye
i have used vmware work station 4.5 and it is greatit allows u to install linux in windows and also u can install lower versionof windows in vmwarethanx bye try vm ware
i think that is bad to get error of pirated version even if u have legal copy of win xp pro i hav it and i do not hav the problem of windows genuine programe it doesnt give me the pirate copy errorand i m happy with it :Dbye
i have tried couple of firewalls and here are the results1. norton person firewall - it is good but it slows the pc incredibly and also decrease the internet speed only recommended for high speed internet3.zone alarm , kiero, sygate,tiny firewall all these functions good but sometimes they block the access to net so make u panic,4.mcafee personal firewall it is good light on system gives good info of blocked access, also gives the ping facility to know from where the attack occurs.5. and if u dont install firewall and use windows xp sp2 firewall it is more than enough to be protectiveso best is to use mcafee and windows firewall side by sidefor linux firewall u can get firewall inbuilt in it only thing is that u must know how to configure it....and it will be the best one u ever have....i recomment that u use fedora or mandrake [now mandriva] as ur distribution of choice for security both have highly configurable firewalls. u can also use clark gateway firewall , mandrake's commertial firewall and more are available just use waht suits u and that going to be the best one available.thankx bye take care
hialternatively u can use 1.clear the page file on shut down option in local security policy in administrative tools2. increase your page file size. it is defaultly 384 mb increase to 600 mb and your win xp or win 2000 will use it as primery ram clearing your hardware ram so increasing the performance.you can increase it by going to system option in control panel then go to advanced tab then to increase visual performance then to advanced thre u can set up page file options3. defragment and clean your registry regularly4.use ntfs file system and degfragment it regularly hope all this will increase your pc performance
my machine isa] P4 1.8 GHzb] Intel original 845 motherboardc] Ram 256MB 233MHzd] on board graphicse] on board audiof] 800 watt speakesg] two hard disks 1. 40 GB seageat baracoda 7200 rpm 2. 80 Gb seageat baracoda 7200 rpmh] three rom drives 1. samsung 52x CD-ROM 2. samsung 52x DVD-ROM 3. samsung 48x R+RWi] two modems 1.connexant pci 56k data fax modem V90 2.intex HSP 56k micromodem V92j] Intex TV tuner card with capture and FM radiok] three OS 1.Windows xp pro with sp2 2.windows 2000 pro 3.mandrake 10.1this works good for mei dont play games so i think this is ideal configuration for a avarage home user like methanks
Windows Shortcut Tips&tricks Windows shortcut TipsTricks
k2wl replied to sader's topic in Operating Systems
here are some keyboard shortcuts1.CLTR+E - opens search companion in internet explorer2. alt + f4 - closes the window3. f5 - refreshes the current window/process4. shift+del - permanently delets the file5.CTRL+C - copies the selected text6.CTRL+X - cuts the text7.CTRL+V - paste the copied text8.CTRL+Z - undo the process9.DELETE -delets the thing10.F2 - rename the file or folder11.CTRL+RIGHT ARROW - Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word12.CTRL+A - selects all13.F3 -Search for a file or folder.14. ALT+ENTER - View properties for the selected item15.ALT+SPACEBAR- Opens the shortcut menu for the active window16.ALT+TAB- Switch between open items17.ALT+ESC - Cycle through items in the order they were opened18.F4 - Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer.19.SHIFT+F10 -Display the shortcut menu for the selected item20.CTRL+ESC -Display the Start menu.21.SHIFT when you insert a CD into the CD-ROM drive - Prevent the CD from automatically playingthese are the ones i use regularly hope u people like thembye -
thhanks i back up my data and now i formatted it.
my computer is starting to get really slow. When I look at the event viewer, in the System Event log I found the following error: Your help is highly appreciated. thanx Notice from snlildude87: It's very important that you quote other sources.
thanks all i'll try the suggetions