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Everything posted by cragllo

  1. Come on, anyone know at least one decent CPM ad service?
  2. Ill see what I can dig up, its best if I try myself, rather than someone else doing it and then me wondering how
  3. Where is the best place to get addons and brishes and taht for photoshop? Mostly ones to make borders
  4. Its a blank grey image for a background, I want to add a 20px wide white border, whoth a grunge look to it...
  5. That is a very plain image, I want to add a 20px wide, white border to it, that looks kind of grungy. The site back ground will be white, and I want it to 'blend' together if you know what I mean.... If someone could help me out, or teach me how to do this I have Photosop CS by the way... Craig.
  6. cragllo


    Ok, here goes...What does FSO mean?What does NWO mean?What software do you need to create them?How much does it cost to run?What is all this and how does it work?Craig.
  7. This sounds like a common problem, If you dont have the space to install the scripts, not all the files will be installed, make sure you have enough space, (cPanel sometimes does not display an up-to-date ammount of space left)Craig.
  8. What you have is: Blaster.worm/Lovesan.wormSearch for: Blaster.worm/Lovesan.worm removal ToolsThey are made by Microsoft and Symantecm should be free. I got the oficial 'free' CD here.
  9. It offers an older version in cpanel, just as good, and i recoment phpbb, so universal
  10. Mine has got to be Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, I have been plying it for ages, over a year... Now that I got a new graphiocs card, it works without crashing, and i think im getting addicted again! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. how long ago did you register it? last year? ive had mine for a year now i think...
  12. if you registered your .tk domain recently, then you will get ads, if you registered a while ago like me and sonyguy (hello), then you wont have ads
  13. I am gonna use a forum, probobaly phpBB coz you have to pay for IPB now :(I am going to use the members system for the forum in the site too, if you are logged in at the forum, you are logged in on the site, if you get what I mean...And i dont real want to make the site a game, It is planned to be an online community for young people in the Uk.Craig.
  14. Yea, Also ill find a few refferal commision thingies on TradeDoubler! woo!
  15. I've used that I think, can't remember, was a while ago, was a demo.tried my hand at Dark Basic Pro, no luck
  16. Thanks for the info the idea aboit clicking and signing up to stuff to earn points is good... Maybe signup to something to enter a competition too? I may need some help with the site design, as me and graphics dont mix All info and progress will be put up here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. Im thinking of creating a new website, A site for teenagers in the UK, Running competitions to win all sorts of stuff, But the question is, how to make money to get the prizes?Google ads? Hm... okAdBrite ads? Little better...Get stuff for free? where?Do you think its a good idea?Thanks,craig.
  18. how does Netbux make money? are they themselves part of refferal programs of google and that?I need some info on this, doing an investigation...Thanks,craig.
  19. the head and right shoulder are a bit odd, but other than that ITS GRAET!better than anything i can do...
  20. I use Adbrite.com, Had payments off them, and their advertising system is awesome.
  21. Will talk to the admins and get the low down on the situation
  22. What about resturants? Well, i dont go to hotels and that, but i do go to McDonalds, Are you making a database of hotels offering it? that would be good, for when i travel, i gotta learn to drive 1st
  23. I live in Wales (In the UK) not out yet, and i dont know the release date sorry.
  24. I do not think it us availabe to grouops other than mods and admins, i think you have to earn them with a certain no. of posts, i may be worng, I can access the option here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 'Custom member title' Hope this helps you two... Craig.
  25. I have tried a few, access-remote-pc ?google that, its quite good, but you have to pay for access pc's over the net, which aint good, why not use teh one taht comes with Windows XP?
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