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Posts posted by H.O.D

  1. I have a basic doubt about how IP addresses work - is it based on the computer or on the connection? For example I have a broadband connection from one ISP and and I also use my mobile to connect to the internet on my computer. Will both the connections have the same IP address because they are being used on the same computer? And can someone detect that I am using two connections on the same computer? Please help me unravel these mysteries thanks a lot

  2. Well I too can only talk about India since I do not know about the political situation in the rest of the world. I think in India the present generation of political leaders are not at all helping in the progress of the country. They care about their own wealth and power all the time. And when they feel that they are losing their fame, they take up some dramatic act in order to gain lost name. They ask their party supporters to do something violent like vandalizing public property (like we've seen in Hyderabad in the last two days) all in the name of some cause. They could have done it in a peaceful manner too. But the "leaders" only care about themselves and will go to any extent to ensure that they remain in power. Well as xpress said, the future generation looks somewhat promising because at least they're educated.Talking about political leaders in general, however, I don't think there should be a qualification for them - their actions should speak for themselves. They should be given a high position of power only if they show some sign that they will be able to do full justice to that position. And after getting the position if they become corrupt then they should immediately be removed instead of waiting for the term to be finished.

  3. I understand your enthusiasm in wanting to embed movies on your site - it would no doubt make your site popular very fast, but there are numerous things stopping you from doing so. The main reason is that you won't have permission from the creators of the movie so if they find out they may sue you for it. Then there is the matter of choosing the host to put those movies on. Recently Lockerz.com had a problem with their own videos - I don't remember exactly what happened but they were forced to take down all their videos (even though they were their own videos!) and re-upload them to another host due to some legal problems.Then there is the matter of the load it will put on the Xisto servers. Other people's websites which are hosted on the same cluster as yours may become very slow and thus your one site may affect the performance of many others. Now that's not what you'd like is it? :) There are lot of places on the internet where movies are streamed legally. I think those sites have talks with the producers and take their permission and of course there are also many ads inserted in those movies. I think you could try doing something like that if you want but it might be a little difficult job. Well anyway your concept is good and I hope someday you figure out a method to make it true. All the best!

  4. Ive changed a few times and locally i found Vodafone was about the best for value. Three is best value wireless broadband. Ive had the option to change numbers between providers when changing prepaid sims, but i only use mobile phones for business related calls or emergency calls. So it really doesn't worry me much.

    I'm using Vodafone right now and I don't know how the service is in Australia but here it is anything but good :) The call plans are all silly compared to the other networks and the signals are also not very strong. I'm thinking of switching to Indicom once the portability offer opens. I like the Re.1 per 10 minutes plan as it suits me perfectly. The signal quality also seems to be much better than the other networks.

  5. Hello Auxilium I welcome you to our humble forums. You will find this a very pleasant place to be and I hope you will make some very good posts for the benefit of all of the community :) If you have any doubts read the "Read me" link that you can find above the shoutbox! Have a good time

  6. This is not the first time people have lost something important due to the effect of Facebook and this is not a pleasing matter at all. My close friend also had a bad experience out of Facebook when her photos were used for bad purposes. She was very shocked and after that she deleted her facebook account. What was depressing was the fact that one of her friends might have done it, because a stranger couldn't gain access to her facebook profile, isn't it? If we can't trust our own friends online then that is a very sad situation for us and the whole point of using social networking sites becomes questionable. Orkut is even worse than Facebook because it's more open and the danger is even greater. After what happened to my friend I decided to stay away from these websites altogether. It's good to meet your friends online but safer if you meet them in real life!

  7. I faced this "grinding" problem till a few days ago - and then I opened up everything and cleaned them out. For the first few days everything was alright. Then the noise returned, although muffled a bit - so I opened everything again and was surprised to see dust again - I guess proper air circulation is necessary to stop the dust and that is something I didn't have earlier. Anyway I'm glad I'm not the only one who faces these grinding noises - everyone who used to hear them said "Your PC is one of a kind!" :D

  8. All over the internet there have been mixed reviews only about this new OS but I must say it swings in favor of the positive reviews. This is definitely better than Vista, and already new PCs and laptops are coming preloaded with it. My only complaint is that Microsoft have as usual , put a high price on it, and even the Home Basic edition costs too much. Added to that are the local extra rates. If I'm not wrong, Home Basic costs $120 in the US? In India that is equal to Rs.5400. But the market rate is Rs.6000 :D This happens everytime - the iPhone was supposed to cost around Rs.10000 (~$200) but it costs over Rs.30000! Ok let's not go off topic about that....


    Windows 7 surely seems to have given Microsoft some new hope, but they're still getting unpopular by the day and Mac and Linux are becoming more and more popular - soon we will have a lot of competition between these three OSes!

  9. I don't know whether I'm even eligible to nominate members now, because I'm still pretty new here and visit very rarely.However, I do notice a few members whose posts stand out from the rest of the crowd, so I would like to put in some names over here :) To the others whose names I missed - I'm sorry - maybe I didn't have enough time to know you. Anyway I'm just one single guy - I'm sure the deserving candidates will definitely get a lot of nominations from the more regular members. All the best to everyone!


    Trapper of the Year- I may seem biased while nominating The Simpleton for this, but he is the one who referred me to these forums and I do note many of his threads being active around the forums so I feel he deserves this.


    Most Valuable Poster- I was going to say TS again, but I would like to nominate Ash-Bash because of the numerous tutorials he posts!


    Moderator of the Year- In a flash the name rvalkass comes to mind when I think of this category.


    Most Helpful Member- mahesh2k In many threads seeking help, this guy's reply is one of the fastest and the most helpful :D


    Shoutboxer of the Year- -Sky- seen a number of helpful shouts from this member


    Lives at Xisto- For this I nominate Nameless_ and The Simpleton. They don't seem to leave trap and are close on each others heels in the number of postings. Saint Michael may be the member with the most number of posts but he better watch out for these two guys!!!


    Welcome Committee- Ash-Bash Always provides helpful links for new members


    That's it - for the other categories I give a null vote because I don't know most of the members over here so I don't know about their skills yet. Hopefully next year I will know enough to submit a full set of nominations :( All the best to all the nominees!!!

  10. So the new Windows looks similar to a linux distro? That's interesting news! Thanks for the review. I think the new taskbar, start menu are managable and can be gotten used to in a few days. What I'm more concerned about is not the looks but the security of the system.Is it better than XP and Vista in that matter?I hope so because there are a lot of people concerned about security these days than anything else

  11. You know...reading articles like these, some people will actually get encouraged to do hacking. They take it up as a challenge and try to beat the system by creating more powerful viruses and malware. There will be more people who will do crimes like this in order to earn money illegally and flood the internet with spam. They all have the same goal in mind - to avoid being caught for the maximum time possible. This is how the crackers' mind really works - always taking up so-called "challenges" and doing crimes, all for nothing :PAs for the punishment, I think it won't do any good by throwing him into prison. All he will do is build a stronger plan to get back as soon as he releases :D I think the best punishment would be to ensure that the person doesn't get access to a computer for the rest of his life. That way it would be safe for all around that person

  12. Windows Vista gave everyone such a bad result that people like me are now apprehensive about buying Windows 7. The general talk is that it is much better than Vista but I did hear some reviews where they said it just seems like a service pack of Vista! So could someone tell me which version to believe? Is it worth buying windows 7 or can i spend a few more months with xp?

  13. A lot of people will readily say that Ubuntu is the best Linux ditro for beginners, and I agree with that statement. I used Linux for the first time in the form of Ubuntu 8.04 and was thrilled with the experience. Later I tried using Fedora and openSUSE but they weren't the same. So I stuck on with Ubuntu and haven't been disappointed till today. I heard that the latest version 9.10 came out recently? I am now using 8.10 and didn't upgrade to 9.04 yet. So I was thinking whether to upgrade to 9.04 as it is more stable, or should I go for the latest version? I hope there are not any bugs present in the new version as it often happens with new releases. So could someone please give me a small review of karmic koala? It would be very much appreciated. Thanks! :D

  14. @Plenoptic: I can't wait to see if someone reaches the 10,000 mark! :D Most likely it will be SM coz no one else is closer. I think the only other place where people get these many posts is the warez forums where the post count goes up to 50,000 too! Out scenario here is different and ours is a legal site, so the posts are bound to come slowly! Anyway, you are in a good place too - 2300 posts is a really good number so keep it up :)@inversebloom: You're at 277 now so if you make 5 good posts daily on an average, then you can reach 500 in two months - not so shabby, eh? And I said 5 because that's the general number of posts most people make - you can go all out and make 10 (good) posts daily and get to 500 in a month! It all depends on you and your patience. All the best in reaching there Super Duper Member :(

  15. I come from a middle-class family so I cannot say how rich my family is compared to the others around me. The middle-class in my country is very large so we have lots of company! However there are millions of rich people and even more poor people so I know the effect of all kinds of lifestyles. I feel sad for the poor at times but I'm not that able to contribute to them because we're not exactly "rich". But life just goes on and we have learned to live along with it.As for my country it is not in the top 100 in the above list so you can maybe say my country is also in a kind of "middle-class" compared to the rest of the countries! Not so poor as to not being able to feed its population and not so rich as to feed all of its population. That's my country's position. But it's a calm life over here, and with each state being different from the other (different language, different culture, etc) people have learned to live along with each other too. There's this phrase called "Unity in Diversity" and that applies to my country :) Not so rich, but we have adjusted to this kind of lifestyle!!!

  16. 0 - Newbie10 - Newbie [Level 1]
    25 - Newbie [Level 2]
    40 - Newbie [Level 3]
    50 - Member [Level 1]
    75 - Member [Level 2]
    90 - Member [Level 3]
    100 - Advanced Member
    150 - Premium Member
    200 - Super Member
    500 - Privileged Member
    1000 - Trap Grand Marshal Member
    2000 - Trap Double Mocha Member
    3000 - Trap Triple Espresso Member
    4000 - EnTRAPment
    5000 - Hail Caesar!

    wow that sure is an impressive list - I didnt know about all those ranks about 500. I guess there are very few members who have actually gone beyond 5000? That's why official titles have stopped there itself!

  17. All natural effects are seen in the long term only! But at least its natural, and its free! I hope to do some more research into this topic and find out if there's a sure way to get rid of glasses naturally. I know it's easier for people with lesser myopia but mine is -9.5!!! (That's what you get after 2 years of WoW!) I am ready to go in for laser surgery but I hear there will be some side effects in the future for that so don't want to take any chances for that! Well now that I've touched that topic anyway, could someone please tell me if there will be any complications in laser surgery due to my high power?

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