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Everything posted by leeconsig

  1. its obvious...friday. the end of the work week and the begining of the weekend. plus its firday night stand up on comedy central. doy.
  2. what IM doing is going to community college for 2 years then transfering to either Fullsail in NYC or Orlando, or go to UCF (central FL)all are highly respected and if you goto ucf then your acrredited(unlike fullsail), but goodluck in the movie industry...its a *BLEEP*!
  3. i dont know its its my WORST fear, but swimming in the ocean at night time where the water is really deep. I saw JAWS, im not an idiot, i konw what goes on....that and i think i have a fear of mayo (the condiment), i dont think there is a name for it because im the only person who has it...oh well, later guys
  4. Super Mario frickin 3. best rpg in the history of the unvierse. but if you guys want to argue with me...golden sun is good. it goes by pretty fast but its wortht he playing. and the grpahics are AMAZING ::drools::. it was the first game to use the scatter dust effect on the gba. so enjoy!
  5. i liked the latest one for GBA. it was simple, and the battles were good. though, sorta wanted the story to evolve more like shining force, where you walk around in the towns and stuff instead of it all being BATTLE!!! that part a was tad turn off.LONG LIVE SHINING FORCE II for SEGA GENISIS...
  6. i mean, i liked and grew attached to it deifntly, but the whole going to space thing all of a sudden sorta turned me off a tad. though, squall was freaking sweet!!! so was zell. and irvin, and kiros, and laguna, and quistis....the list goes on. plus the gf animatoin was sweet. Nine was better (best) but as randy jackson would say it..."it was aight fo' me"...i hate that big black man....
  7. why dont you just play the game. lol, the game was meant for you to get better and better to get more and more KOINS. that is one of those games where cheats just arent needed. me and my firend beat the entire game and unlocked all charecters, stages, and alternate costumes in 12 hours. i suggest you get better at the game. Also, use mavado, he is the best.
  8. its obvious this is the best rts game ever. the graphics and view and size of people and style are just plain better!Plus its a game you can stop playing for awhile, then you ALWAYS come back to it. there is so much strat. involved its amazing. I see it like chess. Easy to learn, never able to master, only get better.
  9. world of warcraft is the best MMORPG out there. there isnt any competitoin. your able to have jobs and businesses(i had a wan making one) and earn mounts and the graphics are clear and non darkshaded. they did an excellent job.
  10. i mean, its obvious....the best rpgs are...super mario 3, final fantasy IX (ya 9!!!) ,and ocarina of timesuper mario 3 is flawless. they designed the game so its able to be hustled through. all the monsters and stuff come out at certain times and stuff... its all perfecting timed and mario in a bear suit that turns to stone? what could be sweeter?
  11. I am looking for a good wholesaler dropship with a low monthly fee and cheap prices...anyone know of a good one?
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