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Everything posted by willmark

  1. theft, driving without a licence, burglary of retail premises, handling stolen goods, and fraud. this is what i have been locked up for a total of 15 times.I was last released in 2000 and not been back since. Im not bragging or looking for excuses as to why i have been an fool but if you are interested why it all went wrong for me then ask me and i will answer as i dont want people feeling that i am just here to give a load of B.S.
  2. i use mozilla and i have a 10mb modem
  3. i have down loaded that free program but to no avail it still stops to catch up and only worked with google movies. i have a 10mb connection modem but do not no my bandwidth
  4. I play keyboards and sing the wife tells me it sounds like the way you play. In her opinion "you make it up as you go along" but i understand it!! even though she goes out and leaves me to it(which is a good thing as then i can turn it up) if you like it play it if you enjoy it carry on but i always find nobody likes what i like as it is a very personal thing.
  5. when you die you die and thats it is what i think. Hell is my wife on her bad time of the month Heaven is when she is not and if she read this then i would be in hell
  6. thanks for that im going to check that out
  7. as a kid i was so disruptive that i was kicked out of all my lessons and did not want or understand the importance of an education. Everything i know now is self taught as i have a problem understanding simple instuctions unlike you so NO its not an act its just im teaching myself as i go along but thanks for your positive comment anyway
  8. this is true. the best way around it is as you entre your pin number put your hand over the keypad this way the camara cant see what you entre
  9. only on the signature strip put the thin clear sticky back plastic. if they was to peel off the clear strip you put on it would pull off your signature and then it would not be accepted in a bank or shop as it would have no signature on it but if that happens then you will be getting a new card anyway but someone would not of used it. and when i say a fraudster can remove your signature i mean just your signature with just three house hold items completly
  10. welcome alex i am a newbie also and still learning but do not have the programing skills that you have
  11. On the back of your credit card you have the signature strip. The signature is very easy to remove without damage to the strip so the fraudster can put your signature on it in there own hand writing. how to prevent this!! place a small piece of clear sticky back plastic on the card signature strip after signing it (only the strip) and if the fraudster removes this it pulles off the stip making it void. i hope this is of help to some people also ball point pens and feltip based pens are the easiest to remove the hardest to remove is the "ink inscibbing pens"
  12. "bragging" that is not what i am doing. I am only trying to draw from my history for the good of crime provention or helping others.
  13. Thank you for understanding that yes i have led a terrible life and learnt my lessons. I wish to learn all about hosting even thought i know nothing about all this jargon. I want my roofing company to be on the net thats all and if i can help on the way then i will help anyone including the pessermists. Thank you all for your welcome
  14. when i first got my computer it had the standard S.E (search engine) internet explorer my friends told me this was a bad s.e as it has been out for so long that all the hackers have found out all the cracks for it. this sounded possible true so i installed mozilla after being recomended it. I have no problem with any of them other than the usual rubbishy ads which is a pain in the *** but now i have downloaded google crome. can any-1 tell me the best of the 3 or sujest a better 1 that gives me more speed and less ads
  15. i watch movies on "watch movies online" and they have there own players to play the movies but as i say it stops 2 let the buffer catch up i have 2gb of ram and 2.8 cpu is there anyother sujestions ??? plz
  16. as i said"not no more" = none criminal. this is not illigal 2 do what i have said and i want a web site so i can put my roofing company on the net NOT continue with criminal activity as i have had enough of that crap but i still have alot of info that can help people not hinder or defruad. but taken onboard
  17. quicktime i dont trust as it has had conflicts with winmedia player but how do i get wmp 2 play utube or my films that i stream?
  18. most of the time when im watching films on the internet they pause and wait for the buffer to catch up. i have been told by a friend that i have to increase my buffer size if this is possible does any-1 know how?
  19. can any-1 tell me how to get into the config of my tp-link?? im lost
  20. thank you that was very helpfull as this is what i wanted to know also thax
  21. ready boost is available to us all just with a 4GB flash drive and it will run at 480Mbps if ur com runs faster than 480 then dont use this as it will slow u down click start, right click my computer,open properties, click advanced tag, under performance click settings, click advanced tag, click virtual memory change. get a 4gb flash drive with nothing on it put it in a spare use slot and it will display on the Drive[volume label] drive letter ? depends on how many u have in there but customise it to max and the computer will use it as cache ram this is the same as ready boost (always leave the usb in the spare slot)
  22. i got a new laptop for my girlfriend it cost £600 she did not like it coz it never had a cam built in and she said her "old" 1 was better as we all no this was absurd then she dropped it and it broke. well i said ur old computer is better than this now and its the first time i agreed with her...lol
  23. hi every-1 excuse my spelling never got an education.i have been a criminal for the last 36 years but not no more and find i have a great wealth of info that can be of some use to people out thereask away anything and i will do my best to find out. I have never hurt or attacked any-1 in my life so lets get that out the way and yes i no there is always victims of all crimes but lets get over the crap and try and use my knowledge to help. For example as a crook u have to change ur phone on a regular basis so u destroy ur phone. but what alot of people DONT no in england is that all nokia phones have a standard message access code(8705) and if u do not change this b4 u destroy it then all i have to do is phone voice messages from my phone access my other phone entre ur phone number then the 8705 and im in getting all the voice messages u DID NOT recieve with the numbers as people will still phone that number even though u have destroyed it. how can this help? did u no if some-1 discards, destroys there phone then they no longer own it and it is not illigal to access it by u. so if u have a company that does roofs then see if u can get there old numbers and do wot i have said and u never no u may just get the job off som-1 that wants some work doing(this only applies if the number and phone have been terminated as it would be illigal if not)
  24. im new so plz be patiant with me as i may ask some dumb questions

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