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Everything posted by fripay

  1. Can i use PHP varables inside a HTML tag like this? <applet code=<?php echo $link; ?>.class name=<?php echo $link; ?> archive=<?php echo $link; ?>.jar width=300 height=300> <param name="bgcolor" value="ffffff"> <param name="fontcolor" value="000000"> Your browser is not Java enabled. </applet>because it won't load the applet EDIT! I just looked at the source code produced in Mozilla Here is the HTML... <span class="postbody"> </span><html> <head></head> <body> <h2>You chose to play:</h2> Hello World <applet code=HelloWorldApp.class name=HelloWorldApp archive=HelloWorldApp.jar width=300 height=300> <param name="bgcolor" value="ffffff"> <param name="fontcolor" value="000000"> Your browser is not Java enabled. </applet> Click to return to <a href="java.html">Java Applets</a>. </body> </html> The variables seem to work fine Here is my PHP code... <html> <head></head> <body> <?php // get form selection $whichGame = $_GET['whichGame']; // check value and select appropriate item if ($whichGame == 1) { $game = 'Hello World'; $link = 'HelloWorldApp'; } elseif ($whichGame == 2) { $game = 'Game 2'; $link = 'Game2'; } elseif ($whichGame == 3) { $game = 'Game 3'; $link = 'Game3'; } else { $game = 'Game 4'; $link = 'Game4'; } ?> <h2>You chose to play:</h2> <?php echo $game; ?> <applet code=<?php echo $link; ?>.class name=<?php echo $link; ?> archive=<?php echo $link; ?>.jar width=300 height=300> <param name="bgcolor" value="ffffff"> <param name="fontcolor" value="000000"> Your browser is not Java enabled. </applet> Click to return to <a href="java.html">Java Applets</a>. </body> </html> I have the HTML page and the HelloWorldApp.class in the same directory. It might not be a PHP problem, i dunno?!? Can anyone see why the applet won't work? The error message in the applet says it cannot find HelloWorldApp.class Thanks
  2. I'm thinking that all life that we know of may be genetically programmed to die. Sort of a genetically imprinted expiration date. And this is not just a result of entropy's steady assault on the ordered functions of the body; the 'shelf life' is 'intentional', worked into genetics through evolution. Why would it be an evolutionary advantage to die? It makes no sense on the scale of the individual, but on the scale of populations, of species, it does make sense. If the old don't grow weaker and die, their greater experience and/or continued growth gives them an advantage over the up-and-coming younger crowd. Great for those individuals, but bad for the population, because that means they have much less genetic flexibility their ability to evolve quickly and change to suit changes in their environment is reduced, possibly to near zero in an extreme case. So, we then get evolution on a macro scale. Natural selection begins promoting or eliminating whole populations, based on their ability to evolve to suit new conditions. Obviously, however, organisms that die too quickly will not get a good chance of passing on genes, and will also be selected against. So, we have two forces pressing pre-programmed life expectancy in opposite directions. The interest of a population's flexibility presses the age down, while the interest of an individual's ability to pass on genes presses upwards on it. Eventually, a balance is reached, setting the pre-programmed death age for that particular species or population. Am I right?
  3. Hi, I am building a website at the moment. I think about how to get a good hosting service. But it's a completely private project of my own, so I don't want to invest any money. So I thought about earning some money in the internet, without working. Maybe with the site itself. But the site will only be visited by me and my friends. I heared about making money in the internet, but I that's all I know. So I want you to make a list wich methods exists to earn money. Maybe you can give a short description of the principle and some links were I can find services or more information. Thanks.
  4. they cannot track ur ip if you are hide ,try this site: https://www.hidemyass.com/
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