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Posts posted by Nameless_

  1. Hey guys,

    It's been a while, and I'm just recently stumbled across a legitimate paid to post site that pays you to help forum owners kick start their forums by posting in their forums. I have been paid twice in 3 days, and I could have paid out once a day if I wanted cashed out when I reached the minimum payout.

    In my experience, it is the best paid to post site I have ever seen, but they need high quality posters, so you need to post 10 trial posts before you get accepted. I got accepted on my first try, and I think you will like the site too. :)

    The link is http://www.postloop.com/

    If you are willing to sign up under me please give me a PM. :)

    The site is 100% legitimate, and for those who want to earn some extra cash while posting in forums they like, I think this is a great opportunity for you.

    Feel free to post below and I will try to answer any questions. The sign up process may be slightly hard to understand but once you get it the rewards are really worth it. :)

    To a great year in 2012!!!


  2. I really don't this that is viable. The reason why is that the first person that discovered bones was actually a teenager and hence she would not have the skills or anything to create fake bones and also it was known that these bones were found lying around everywhere and its just that she was the first person to had a brainstorm and figured out that these random bones lying around actually fitted together. :)

  3. I've always heard good things about Adsense, so I wouldn't know why Google would randomly ban users from using it, unless they accidentally clicked on their own links, which I strongly suggest not to do cause Google gets on it very quickly, and they always know. :P Personally I have no sites so therefore I haven't made any money with Adsense, but I don't know why Adsense would ban users when they should be paid. :PBut then, its a big coporation and they probably dont care about banning one or two good members. :P I just have to say that like everything on the internet, use everything with risk and the possibility that they might give you nothing. :PHaven't heard of adonions but I might try. :)About the different number of visitors getting different visits, like 300 visitors with $10 a day and 10000 for only a few cents, placing your ads on your site is a skill. If you put your ads in the right places then you might get more money, so that might be the case.Also, depending on your site's topic, the money you make from people clicking can depend on your topic, so many a flowers ad might get more money than lets say, an oranges ad.:) Yeah.

  4. Becareful people.... I've tried most of these sites and some of them have dodgy payouts which may depend on your location. US users usually get the most out of these sites but if you are from, lets say, india, then you may find it harder to reach the pay out level. Also, by lets say, earning one doller by signing up to a site or something sometimes you might get virusese on your sites or you may become a referral to someone unknowingly.Just saying.Becareful whenever you join these sites cause you never know what might happen. Also, be careful meeting new friends cause they may turn out to be bad ones. :)Cheers.

  5. Wow, that is amazing. Tell me - did you code the app yourself or did you get a software company to do it for you? I've heard stories where people invest about $2000 for software companies to make an app for them and it turned out to be so popular that they got $33000 in one night back. :) So that is amazing.IF you have coded it yourself I would like to know where you can learn the skills? :P Thanks. I hope you app will become successful like some stories I hear. Cheers!!!

  6. the problem is that you work over 100 hours and get about 200$ back if you sell your account (im guessing)kind of seems like a waste of time..
    the easiest way to make the money is to make website and put adds on it
    takes me about 15 mins a day

    Yes, that is very true, but the main point of it all is to have fun while youre earning money, so its not the amount of hours you put into it and the payback you get, but instead it is the amount of fun you get and the pay back you get. Many players play games for free and not everyone can say that they get to earn money by playing games. :)

    Its what matters to you, in the end. If you are just playing for money then forget it. I would say ads and stuff on websites are better, but if you are playing just for the sake of it but you are not too attached to your character and can just sell it and start again and still have fun then I would tell you to choose the latter route.

    This is not unheard of, and I am interested, but I wouldn't know where to start. If anyone can tell me please give me a PM or something and I would be extremely grateful. :)


  7. Hey, nice to meet you. I have had lots of experience writing up raps and joining contests so I can give you some tips there. Rapping is mainly a lyrical skill on the internet. You need to manipulate your words and have some substantial puns so that your lyrics sound unique, original and better: funny. It is nice to twist some words so that they sound like they rhyme together when they don't (Eminem is the best at this). And once you get the flow going then you will start to get the hand of it.:)No one can write the perfect rap lyrics for you. Only you know what you want. I wish you and your gang good luck and hopefully you will create a create soundtrack together.Just know that writing lyrics and recording them are totally different. You will need good flow and stuff, which I have had no experience in, so I won't give you any advice there.Haha

  8. While blogger is completely free I have to say that it is unwise to use blogspot in the long term since it affects your branding and makes you look cheaper. If I was you, I would use either wordpress (if you know you are going to make a blog) or other open source software such as Drupal or Joomla. I havent had experience with wordpress but I have some experience with Drupal and Joomla and Blogspot, and I have to say that if you are serious about making money on the internet then you should never use blogspot. Cheers.

  9. Hi, nice to see you here. I haven't been on this site for a while and its great to see a lot of new faces around. :) It amazes me really. This site has a lot of useful resources that you can use and you can learn a lot from the old members here. I haven't seen a lot of old faces around and it will take some time for me to get used to. Either way, I hope you will stay here and enjoy!!! :) :) :)

  10. Some constructive critisism here. Sometimes it's nice to see lots of wonderful effects on a piece of image, but sometimes, people unknowingly do too much and they dont notice it, because they are so into the process of making that they dont realise what they are making... and frankly. :PI dont' want to sound mean or anything, but I think I prefer the first unedited picture compared to all your other ones, because its the only one where I could tell what the picture was about. :)Feel free to reply back and tell me what you were achieving, and I'll see if I can help you.

  11. If you don't have dreamweaver then you can always install softwares like NVU. NVU is free software and i guess it runs on Mac as well. Other than that you can always search for WYSIWYG freeware mac program. There are 2-3 such programs if i remember correctly. Not using mac as workstation so can't confirm.

    Wow... I might try that out... but I don't know. Shouldn't I do it the hard way to learn some programming first before I dabble in the easier ways of life? :/ Because I was aiming to get something out of it, like last time, instead of making it easy for myself and not learning anything. :/ But anyways, have to do the actual template first. :P I don't even know what I want on it exactly. Just some vague ideas on the design. :P

  12. I was expecting a crappy design with your first design template, but it turned out to be pretty good. Wow. :/ Damn. I'm trying to create a design template for myself, but not using WYSIWYG software like dreamweaver, mainly because I don't have Dreamweaver. :P And I would like to learn out to code. If you have any tips feel free to PM me? You have really good designs. :P I think you have improved a fair bit from your first design, since the solid colours then are rather... plain looking and doesn't really fit well. But design wise, I think it's similar. Clean and Easy to use, so I think that's great. :) KEEP IT UP!

  13. Texting a girl once every 4 days isn't much, so I don't see what cold possibly be wrong with that, unless it's someone really wierd, like Obamas wife or something. Whether its a girlfriend or just a normal friend, the rate of texting that you mention sounded alright. And seriously, if it was your girlfriend, should you text her more?I don't know. If you want me to answer your question in greater depth, perhaps tell me who the girl is? (like... your relationship with that girl). But so far, I dont see any reason why you should be freaking out. :)So relax.

  14. Really? Wow... I wonder who would do that? :P Haha. I wonder whoo.... How do you know though? :/ But that's pretty funny. :P I don't think I'm surprised, though in a way it's kinda ironic how people hate Justin Beiber, and yet would spend time hacking his account and deleting his videos.

  15. So, I've been looking at a few tutorials on how to create your own custom site template, but the problem with that is that the template that they are teaching you to create haven't have a lot of places where you can vary, apart from the colours and certain images, and they kinda already provide you with the coding and how to splice your pictures.


    This is a vague idea of how I think you make your own custom template (correct me if I'm wrong):

    1. Use photoshop/similar software and create what you want your site to look like

    2. Splice your images

    3. Code the HTML part for it

    4. Code the CSS part for it

    5. If you want to change it to CMS compatible, then somehow change your code?

    OK. Part 1 Questions. Here they come.


    Part 1 (a) - Canvas Size of the Photoshop Part

    So, let's say I want to make my site's design completely different from the tutorial ones.

    Do I just do the same and create what I want it to look like on photoshop?

    Also, different tutorials indicate different canvas sizes. What am I mean to do? How big should my canvas be?

    (I know that all of the tutorials say your canvas have to be 72 dpi (not sure what that means), but the pixel lengths are different and I have no idea which canvas size I should use. Does it matter?)


    Also, lets say I want my site long so people have to scroll down. Does that mean I just lengthen the canvas size?


    Part 1 (B) - Animating Pictures/ Form


    OK, if you want to add pictures, that's easy, right? Just copy and paste it onto the canvas from your files. BUT lets say I want flash. Or I want to insert a video from Youtube. How do I do that? Do I just draw a box and expect the video to just go there?


    Also, if I want to add a form (not stating that I want to, but I want to learn), do I also just draw a box as the form and somehow specify the area in the coding part of the instructions?


    Part 1 © - Slicing Pictures


    I haven't done this bit yet, but let's say. And I mean, let's say, I've finished my photoshop thing. How are you meant to know where to splice your pictures? Because according to the tutorials, it says that how you splice your pictures are very important because it makes the structure of your coding and stuff.


    And also, are you meant to leave some blank spaces at the sides of your image just in case your audience has a big plasma computer or something.? By how much?



    That's all for now. :( More Questions will be flowing in. Frankly, I've got a gazillion, but I want to make this simple for you guys. :P Or else it'll be like spamming my thoughts onto the screen.


    About the coding part... I'll just ask more when I get to that. :) I'll probably show you the design once I finish the photoshopping, if I can edit my posts and remove it once the advice is given. But I need to know how I'm meant to photoshop it first.

  16. I guess after all this time, what makes Justin Beiber the famous teenage boy he is is due to many factors - his race, where he comes from, his looks, his voice/singing talent, his age, and the circumstances in his family that allows him to be "discovered". After all, I do agree with Adell that white boys do have a lot lot lot more advantage in succeeding in his career compared to Asian girls, because of the race AND the sex. After all, imagine in the king of pop (mic jackson) was a female. He definitely wouldn't be as successful as he is today, and if michael jackson was asian... even if he sang in english...Well, lets not get into that. I'm not sure about Justin Beiber having no singing talent at all. The average guy wouldn't even be able to sing as well as him, and unless you are comparing him with the people that DO have a lot of singing talent, compared to the average guy, I would say that he has. Or at least, his voice allows him to sing good. (Haven't you notice? His voice is that sort of voice that sounds musical). Apart from that, he doesn't really put as much emotion as other people singing it, so... that might be where he lacks the talent of singing or something. But anyways. Justin Beiber is famous now. He does have a lot of haters. What will happen in the future, is going to happen. So lets just sit back and relax and enjoy the show. :)

  17. I really don't know why people don't like him. Yes... he IS 15 and 16. Yes, his voice isn't low. And yes... he hasn't hit puberty. But still. Is it because people are jealous about his singing talent or something? Because really, he does have a singing talent, and while his songs are all about love and he probably don't know enough about love, sometimes, I just think that people are jealous of his success and that is the main reason for all of the hate towards him.Just saying.And no, I'm not a Justin Bieber fan. It's just something I noticed.

  18. You know what I would really really like? One of those Mazda Apple Green cars that look really small and really flashy. :) I told my mum that and she nearly fainted. Same story with my dad. I reckon the colour is sooo good, but unfortunately it only suits that one model of the Mazda company. I've seen other car models with the flashy Apple Green/Shocking Green colour and I don't think they look good at all.:P So yeah, it's very specific with a very specific colour. I think I might be wierd. :/

  19. Wow... Truefusion. Simple language for dummies, please. :) I use a Mac. As in... the classic white one. My mac software is version 10.6.4. If that helps. There is no green or red holes in my computer, mainly because macs don't show it. My mac has an inbuilt microphone, so I never need to plug in my microphone... And I think I might have one of those jack thingies that you are talking about. Just have to find it. :) And I kinda get what Baniboy is saying... thats pretty smart! :) But like I said, I don't have a microphone because mine's inbuilt, and I'm not sure if theres a plug for plug in microphones. Also... if thats possible, does that mean I won't be able to hear anything? Because my audio output would be back into the audio input? @truefusion: What's Stereo Mix? Maybe I can get a software for mac or something. I found Hijack Pro where I can Hijack the system and record the conversations. I just don't know how to input sound from my computer to skype.

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