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Posts posted by stevey

  1. hey peeps well i guess free doesnt necessarily mean cheap, well i downloaded my linux for free but setting it up cost me a *BLEEP* load of money, well actually u know , when i come to think about it , it cost me more than it would have for windows, well maybe its coz i wanted to run both windows and linux the same time, coz with dual boot the system did not recognise my usb modem and i could not connect to the internet, well so i bought the vm workstation for a whole 200 and something dollars then i had previously also bought.Acronis disk director suite for something close to 90 dollars, so do the math lol. costs alot, *****************and i aint evens sure its worth it , is it??????????*******

  2. Hey guys u know hosting is kool but you know what would make a website really boring, well ill tell you what uncustomised error pages. well dont you just hate it when you type a url and instead of a kool page you just see some plain text telling you error 404 or sometimes it doesnt even say ne thing since the error messeges are not put in place. well i got a kool custom error page. check it out and tell me what you think, and well if you like it go ahead and pm me ill give you the details on how to get it.
    **heres an example of my custom error page****
    404 ERROR stevey.uni.cc/404 error
    AUTHORISATION ERROR stevey.uni.cc/authorisation error./

    tell me wot u think.

  3. okay well no offence man, but like who the hell are korn. i mean i thot i knew alot of peeps but seems i dont know this one.,well i think maybe its where u from or maybe where they are from?????????????any way, who are they or him? ;)

  4. The grand theft auto series all of em jus rock way to much, and well youre right vice city was da BOMB and for some reason i think it always will be, it jus like to game interaction to the next level, i mean you could like do ne thing in that game, so the next one is definately gonna rock, i just hope they make it have network gaming compatible......

  5. well i don know wot final fantasy's about, all i know is that the new ps2 hard disk is gonna ship with a version of final fantasy, well anyway, i got a m8 whose insanly obssesed with , the game, i jus neva find what he sees in that game.

  6. well i don hate linking park but i can tell you what , evanescence i adore, i love and im almost to the level of worshipin em, moody's jus cool and tight the lady , wow wow wow, don realy need to say nething guys,.... well linking park are iight to but i jus haven heard most of they songs but the few that i have , are sweet, they kool but evanescence rocks, .

  7. you know what it s kinda imposssible to swith from windows to linux thats insane im sure you wont even be able to boot up the linux system, well myabe from linux to windows thats reasonable, but i dont see anyone going to leave the newbish user friendly windows and go to the hard core linux system .

  8. you know suprisingly enough i have neva gotten a gmail invite at all, i guess im that damn unlucky, lol. well infact if it wasnt for this forum i wouldn have known gmail existed well , so if anybody got any extra invites jus holla @ me i think i might wanna see what gmail is actually capable of.

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