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About ashutosh_malguri
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Hey , wordpress the most prestegious blogging platform has a major downside when it comes to search engine optimization , some of the problems are like it generates duplicate content , the url , the permalinks , and even the title are not search engine frendly ..i have discussed solutions to such problems on my blog at "here" do share your ideas about it ...
Hey guys all of you doing some internet marketing out there must be aware of landing pages so i wanted to ask you that do u feel that customer testimonial are important for a landing page .. i have some of my views on it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ also any of you using landing pages can share your experience here.
check my blog maybe you find what you are looking 4 : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
Hy ive started dipdrop revenue recently and have shared some articles that i've writter come check it out:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
What do you think is better private sponsored ads or ads through ad networks like Buysellads.comm taking about banner ads mostly (125 x 125)WHAT DO YOU THINK IS A BETTER OPTION ...thanks
Check out ma new blog post for ppc marketing for biggeners here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , i have explained some basic ppc concepts which can prove to be quite useful
Hey trappers m starting a new blog about revenue making ..ive started it few days ago it contains categories related to making money online from affilate marketing, internet marketing , PPC , SEO , Freelancing tips blogging to make revenue. By this time ive written a few posts about affilate merketing and sharing my knowledge with you with you..so cvheck it out at at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://www.dipdrops.co.cc/ I'll keep it up to date and try to give my best also comment on the posts and what do you feel about it. any one intrested to write article for the blog plz PM me thanks..
i recently registered to web hosting gofreeserve.com ..I heard that they got good uptime and features.Now the problem is when i installed wordprress using fantisco installer ( in the root directory ) . the prob there is that i am not able to upload a new theme I've tried almost everything , i uploaded files(zip) manually from the file manager in the theme folder it show that the theme folder but no theme shows up in the wordpress user interface...I've also tried to upload the theme using wordpress interface "ad new themes" in which it asks the ftp info i gave it and when i tried to upload it i got an error saying that could not locate wp_content directory ..though its on the server...m looking for help ! any 1 used gofreeserve ?
I think bux.to is not a practical system to earn monet. though the process may seem very easy and fast way to make money ... but its CRAPyes a crap on the world wide web .They pay you $0.01 to 1 add for 30 sec so in 1 min you can view 2 ads in 10 mins you can view 20 ads in 60 mins 120 ads that make it 120*0.02=$1.2 in 1 hr.now if you do that for 12hrs youll get 14.4$ if you even use autockicker mod you & you view ad 24 hrs it makes it %28.8 .if you do that for 20 days youll get that makes it $576 per month...woo thats gr8Noooo dont be in this false impression ...the rub is that they give you only some ads say 15-20 ads per day that makes 0.2 per day mow do the math again..If you are lucky you can get some refferrals and earn a bit more..
hypotonic or hypnotic writing is the method of writhing blog/mails invented by Dr Joe Vitale author of several bestselling booksi listined to his ebook in which he has eloborated the topic Basically what he said is that when you are doing buisness online where you dont see people whome you are selling your products to you have to make them feel that you are for them as we have to convay all our feeling towards them by just writing so write in a hypnotic mannerIt should that the article/blog/email has been wirtten specially for him.this makes him feel that he knows and becomes loyal for you and will return to you the next time .This means you first hypnotise your customer and commands him to buy your product....He said he wrote thousand of mass mails and then emailed it and each recipient felt like its written directly to them and had a great responce and great salse...This technique is used now by many successful buisnessmen , enterpuners for marketing and salse and has proven a boon in the industry...It focus on The power of advertisng and media ...and conveting visitors to customers..
Free Webhosting Is How Much Successfull.
ashutosh_malguri replied to veerumits's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I dont think free webhosting is a good idea to host your site at all if you are looking for features like php and mysql .If you are looking just for html hosting without any core features like php, sql ,apache etc 110mb.com is the best option .But if you are really ooking for really core features you wont really find a good host all of them i think are "crap" i've used many myself and all of them five a long list of features all is crapTake x10hosting for instant i was really in a state of crying when i uploaded my site on it . The server are record breaking "crap" out of 24 hrs the have an uptime of max 5 hrsThey insult you in their forums , when i contact their "crap" support they told hat it was because old unused sites they are cleaning it up and it will be fine in 1 week but nothing happened after even a month. same is the case with all the free webhost giving similar fratures space etc The only good free webhost is 110mb(but less features) atleast they have good uptime And jumpline.com(excellent) -
i first started learning html 2yrs ago at that time it was type of an alien language to me..it is really difficult to learn any language learning html was the same ..Even when i understood the code working it was very difficult to design sumthing on it, later i worked on adobe dreamweaver it was much better and it to helped me to learn as it is not only a WYSIWG editor but you can see/edit code directly from it.That helped me improve my skills in html ..so i started to design a website at that time also i didnt knew much of it because i was still a newbie but as i carried on working on it ..and later also learned some css and javascript it became a very easy thing to me.Later i also reffered to the ebooks and study material which earlier was a bit too difficult for me ...So as you work to make somthing of the language you are learning instead of just learning it.Also when you start laerning more advanced techniques and examples basic becomes more clear.
Next comes the sidebar: quote from wordpress This defines the sidebar quite nicely . You can see the sidebar on righ or left of your pages(most cases).It is a very important and powefrul part of your blog/website and cannot certainly be ignored .. It should look good but no clustered , it mostly should be clean and decent (untill you are making a crazy blog/website) The sidebar file is in the same theme directory for eg. in case of default thems the path:\wp-content\themes\default like header you need to include the sidebar in the index.php with the function get_sidebar() i.e <?php get_sidebar(); ?> These are some of the basic thing you could in the sidebar mentioned by wordpress and there are many more actually you can put anything any image, banner , slideshow ,ad, plugin(TWITTER ETC) or even articles for that matter(but is useless and will make the design suck) To edit/customise the sidebar open sidebar.php you can see the code you cna add any new widget or sidebar entity to the sidebar this will be usually placed between <ul><li>[content]</li></ul> format because most of the items displayed in the sidebar Understanding the code syntax: example code <h2>archives</h2><ul> <?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly'); ?>php</ul>This code will show The monthly archives in a list wp_get_archives('type=monthly') is a wordpress functions......there are many more wordpress functions which help you with your sidebar have a look at them here here https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/ (most of them can be used in sidebar use logic and think bout that) Theme related functions, classes, misc funstions have most of the functions that cannot be used(logically) you can find many sidebar plugins on wordpress official website. You can also setup more of these types of function (plugins : They mostly work on the the concept of including functions that comes with the plugin to sidebar code like one above) You can ad more style to your lists , arcives etc with help of css. Not only this you dont nessessary need to include a function to embed somting to the side bar you can insert any plain code(html,javascript etc) banner, image, slideshow etc as been correctly said by wordpress in their offecial website "Did you know you could put anything you want in your sidebar" One more important thing , you can add as many side bars as you want ,yes more then one .. either both on left or one on left and one on right Wordpress has eloborated this point quite nicely plz visit this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - to read it under heading "Different Sidebars Anyone?" I also recommend to go through the whole page instead.... -thanks
This is the next post to the series of the wordpress theme tutorials in this post i'll cover the working and arcitecture of the wordpress header To begin with the header of wordpress you should know all the files and scripts related to it so you caN WORK ON IT. The main hearder scripts recides in the header.php file in the template directory. Header style attributes are also given in style.css as(for the default template): #header { background: #73a0c5 url('images/kubrickheader.jpg') no-repeat bottom center; }//Thus you can change header image by changing the above image link#headerimg { margin: 7px 9px 0; height: 192px; width: 740px; }to find header related styles(default theme) look for css selector of name #header and #headerimg(for background) and there more custom selectors you can add for your header for example: #header h1 { color: #fff; border: none; font: normal 24pt verdana; padding-left:230px; padding-top:50pxThere could more or less css selectors ( according to your styling) as in the classic theme we only have one that is : #header{ background: #90a090; border-bottom: double 3px #aba; border-left: solid 1px #9a9; border-right: solid 1px #565; border-top: solid 1px #9a9; font: italic normal 230% 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; letter-spacing: 0.2em; margin: 0; padding: 15px 10px 15px 60px;}Now coming to the the file header.php:this php script is the backbone of your header it contains : Title Discription Header image/background Executes the CSS style anchor to main page : blog. get_settings('home') You can include functions like wp_list_pages so you also can have a menu within a header.. You can customise that menu with the style.css Now To undesatand and learn to make a basic customized header visit this link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ also this link to make a good advanced header http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Now you've must got a good understanding of the wordpress headers As index.php is main theme file be sure to include the header file by uising get_header() function SYNTAX: <?php get_header( $name ); ?>// when name is specified or<?php get_header(); ?> //when there is no name , by default it is ()You can also use different header for different pages SYNTAX: <?phpif ( is_home() ) : get_header('home');elseif ( is_404() ) : get_header('404');else : get_header();endif;?> Visit https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_header to know about get_header function.(premade ready to use function designed for wordpress) Visit https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/ to know about all the premade functions for wordpress Next post : working with the sidebar > continued....
This a the first post in the series of "making wordpress themes" you can find everything on codex.wordpress.com but it is very difficult to understand for biggeners and i have eloborated the topic and the basics for newbies and learners Please refer http://www.w3schools.com/ (if you dont know php ,html, css). The aim is understand the code and file structure so that you know where to go and what to do there to edit and make a theme yourself.learning to make/edit wordpress themes will be an opportunity to learn and gain expertise is CSS , PHP ,XHTML also. Part 1:Starting from theme Code structure: This topic is just a basic understanding of the Anotony and structure of wordpress themse code structure (&files) //More specific topics like making header, footer, sidebar , main content(the loop) , plugin will be covered from next part/post onwards m working on them quote from wordpress you can notice this when you open the theme folder wp-content/themes/DEFAULT/ (where test is the DEFAULT THEME folder) you can see files like index.php(the main template file) header.php(for the header of your page),sidebar.php(for the sidebar of your page) , image.php(to manage images(linked) like social bookmarking icons etc. footer(for the footer of your webpage) functions.php (for functions if any) and other simple ones like comment.php,links.php etc You also have a style sheet style.css & rlt.css before moving forward have a loot at wordpress page structures here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Stepping_Into_Templates In this above page ( link) you will easily understand simple and complex page structures. Most important part is the file related to different part of the structures Basically this is a structure of code files for a standard(simple/default) layout: quote from wordpress It also includes other files like functions.php to and other files for support like style.css which is the stylesheet file for the style of your site and more.. To understand better template file hiarchy click on the link , this will help you understand the files and their working/importance better and files included to make a part of page like categories(you will find all files related to categoties) https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ Next: Dealing with the headers > continued...