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green fairy

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About green fairy

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    Newbie [Level 3]
  • Birthday 08/08/1988

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  1. PM me or send me a mail if you want a gmail invite (or two) from me:* mail: ceciliebeatrice@gmail.com* number of invites: 50* want in return: nothing
  2. This effect is extremely easy to do. Let me show you how to make an ordinary image into a painting using only two filters: 1) Open your image in Photoshop. For this tutorial This effect tends to work pretty well with furniture for some reason, so I will be using this modern style image to turn into a painting looking image: (Click to make bigger) 2) Go to Filter -> Artistic -> Poster Edges. You can play around with the settings if you want. This is what I used: 3) Now go to Filter -> Artistic -> Cutout. You can play around there too if you want, but here's what I used: 4) That's all! You're done! My result looks like this: (Click to make bigger) Here's another example of the effect. This time done with a little doggie: (Click to make bigger) Hope you like the effect. You should try it, it super easy. That's what I like so much about filters. You just can't mess it up
  3. How do you bend it? Anyway, it shouldn't take very long to do the circles eighter, so I guess you can use any method you like best..
  4. I'll show you how to make rounded edges and a border around a picture. 1) Open you picture in photoshop. I'm chose this lovely picture to work with: 2)Select the elliptical marquee tool and make shore you keep these settings: 3) Use the elliptical marquee tool to draw a circle selection in one of the corners of your picture like this. Pick a size depending on how rounded you want your image. 4) Repeat this in every corner of your image until you have something like this. Try to make all the circles look as much alike as possible. 5) Now select the rectangular marquee tool from the tool bar. Keep the same settings as with the eliptical one. 6) Use the rectangular marquee tool to select the rest until you have something like this: 7) Now click right on the inside the selection and pick Layer via Cut. You will now have two layers. Delete the lower one. (Layer -> Delete while selecting layer) 8) Clik right on your remaining layer and choose Blending Options. Use "Stroke" to add a border around your image. I used these settings, but you can use whatever you like. 9) Go to Layer -> Flatten Image. 10) Use the magic wand to select your border. Then click right on the selection and pick Layer Via Cut. You'll get a new layer. 11) Select your new layer, click right and go to Blending Options. 12) Click Bavel and Emboss, + Contour. Use whatever settings look good. I'll be using these: + contour 50% If you decide to change the color of your border, like me, you can do this by clicking Color Overlay. I also used Satin for my border. Now my result looks like this: Even if this isn't perhaps the most astonishing thing you've seen, I still think the technique could be at least a little useful in other situations. If you draw the circles well, I think it could look pretty nice
  5. That's a great tutorial! Thanks Should I add meta tags to the content in my iframe as well, or would that make the pages appear without the rest of the site when you search on them? Does anybody know?
  6. There are a lot of sites for html. I suggest you search at google or something to see what you can find. Here are some of the sites where I learned how to do html: webmonkey.com w3schools.com w3.org htmlprimer.com echoecho.com pageresource.com 2kweb.net If you want to learn html real good you could of course also consider buying a book, if you think that sounds easier.
  7. Thank you very much. I've figured out how to do it now, except I don't know how to make it repeat vertically on both the right and left side of my site. Does anyone know how to repeat an image to the right as well?
  8. I would recommend Filezilla. It is so simple to use and gives you everything you need. Download it here. Just a while ago I didn't know anything about ftp, but then I found this tutorial, and in 5 minutes I knew all I needed to know. It shows you how to do everything using Filezilla, and I recommend it to anyone who's wondering about ftp and how to chmod files.
  9. I'm just seeking some help here...I have an image that I want to be repeated vertically on both sides of my layout. It will work as a kind of border on each side of my site. I need it to always go as far down as the page content, and I'm wondering if there's a way to do this...? Can it be done using tables and css or something? It can't be in the same table as my text content because I'm using an iframe (that will resize depending on the contents length).. Anyone who understands what I'm trying to say..??
  10. Another option you may want to consider, is to use iframes. At DynamicDrive you can get a free script that creates an iframe that will resize with the content. You can specify the width of the iframe, and then the height adjusts to the length of the content that will be showed inside the frame, which means no iframe scrollbar. This works really well because you can't even see there's an iframe, and your layout won't have to reload every time you enter a new link. In that way, you only need one page for the layout, just like you wanted. You can keep the content separate from the layout. To simplify it even more, you could use one separate css file for your site's design and colour information. You can just link to your css file on each page of your site. It can be done like this in case you didn't know: <link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yourcssfile.css"> Hope this helps. Using this solution, it will always be an easy fix changing the design and layout of your entire site
  11. My suggestion is that you use EditPadLite for creating your css file. You can download it for free, and it's very simple and nice to use. I recommend that you visit this site to learn how to use css. It's the best site I think I think it's better you learn how to do it by hand. It's not hard, and all you have to do is make one css file for your whole site. When you have created your css, just save it and upload it to your site. Add this code to the header of all the pages where you want your css: <link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yourfile.css"> Hope that helps you some
  12. If you are thinking about getting an ipod, you should probably read this first. It tells you why the ipod sucks, and also what apple got right about it. Personally, I don't use my ipod that much. I have all my music in there, but I'm far from using up all the unnecessary space. I regret having bought it because I'm just sick of constantly having to charge it. It only lasts for a few hours before it tells you to connect ipod to power. I'm also shore there are a lot of cheaper mp3 players that work much better than the ipod. I recommend: Buy something else!
  13. This is all very interesting. Thanks .. I have a few questions though, that I haven't found the answer to. Does anyone know if it's ok to set up a gallery on your site, filled with all sorts of images you find on google and such, as long as you do not claim any copyright? If you make a fansite for example, then you can't provide all photos of people and such yourself.. How about videos? Can you make direct links to videos on diffeent news sites and so, as long as you credit the sites?
  14. In this tutorial I will show you how to create links in your image. I'm shore there's a lot of different ways you can do this, but I'll just show you how to do it real easy. 1) After creating the image you want to add links to in photoshop, make shore the mode is set to RGB Color. Just go to Image -> Mode -> RGB Color. 2) Go to File -> Jump To -> Adobe ImageReady. Your image will now load into ImageReady. For this tutorial I will be using this image that I found: I will make the buttons of this navigation bar into links. 3) Press K to select the slice tool in ImageReady. 4) Use the slice tool to create a square shaped slice where you want the link in your image. I created a slice around the first button in my image like this: 5) Double click your slice to make this box appear. Use your own settings to create the link you want. Now you have made a link in your image! 6) Repeat step 4 and 5 everywhere you want a link to appear in your image. 7) When you've finished creating links, you simply go to File -> Save Optimized As... Save your image as HTML and Images. That's all! The whole thing is saved as a html document, so all you need to do is include that html wherever you want your linking image to appear on your site. Hope someone can make use of this. It's not at all hard once you know how to do it
  15. 1. I used photoshop 7 for this tutorial. You can probably use any other version of photoshop for this as well. Photoshop 7 is not the newest verision, photoshop CS2(nr.9) is. 2) You can buy adobe photoshop at different places. You can buy it in a store or you can order it online. It usually costs about $600 to order the whole thing online, but there are cheaper solutions as well, like downloading it for example. I found somewhere you can download photoshop CS (nr.8) for $59.95. It is not the latest one, CS2, but I'm shore it's still really good. See link below: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This is what they say about this: You can also download photoshop CS2 for $69.95 here if you want to. If you would prefere to order photoshop CS2 from Adobe.com, you can go here to buy it for $599.00 Or, you can go here to order CS2 for $569 You can download a free trial of CS2 here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope this helps
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