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Posts posted by sxyloverboy

  1. Hmm My favorite Sport. I would say my favorite sport is Kitesurfing though that is the sport that i do the least. Ive been kitesurfing for a bout 4 years now but in totaly i have only had like 6 weeks of training or maybe less. This is beacuse here in frankfurt where i live you cant kitesurfi anywhere close by. So then i have to go kitesurfing in my holidays to some places like Fuertaventura or Egypt or something like that. But as you might guess thats expensive too so i dont do it every holiday. *insert sigh here* Another sport i like to do a lot is BMXing. I have been bmxing for about 3 years now but im still not very good because well yeah im a lazy person. so im still about in the level of someone thats been BMX since about 3 or 4 weeks.

  2. how many images does 256MB approx. hold '?


    This is a very relativ question. it depends on the quality that your camera can capture the images in and what format it saved them in. Image sizes go from aroud 150kb to lets say 8 mb on good cameras and the RAW format.


    So you have like 32 minimum and maybe around 1500-2000 at most also depending how many colors your photographing. like only black with somehting small in a corner could be a pretty small file size.

  3. I understand that you need 30 credits to upgrade your account. now one question is are 30 credits equal to 30 days of hosting that it says on the main page. Another question is does something happen when i upgrade to my credits like it happens when applying for a new account your days go automaticly to 2 days no matter how many credits you had. Thanks for replys.

  4. I used to have a Konica Minolta Dimage Xt. This one is great for beginners in photography that also want an OK resolution. It has 3.2 MP (about 2024x1500) and is really small. Also its black and has looks really slick. The lense is inside the camera so you dont have to worry about it breaking when you put it in your pocket. well i mean i always had it in my pocket and nothing ever happended to it. If you wondering why im talking in the past i recently bought a Canon EOS 350D. that one has 8.0 MP. and you can get it for aroun $800 with a lens if that still in your price range. But i mean its a great camera. awsome quality and lots of stuff you can play with. The Minolta also has a feature that you can shoot in Black and White or in Sepia. It can also make movies for as long as you have space on the camera. im saying this because some cameras have a limit of 30sec per movie or 1min per movie or something.

  5. Obligatory slashdot : does the camera run linux?


    I saw an article in APCmag (aussie) about a 2gigapixel camera they made by rigging up a bunch of small cameras or something. They were on top a respectably high building taking photos of the parking lot below - and you could read all the number plates.

    Speed cameras of the future, eh? And maybe the papparazi can do their 'sniping' from a few clicks away. Pity you'd need to keep the camera STILL (no errant gusts of wind) while taking shots - it kind of limits the usefulness.


    lol no. did you read what i wrote? that use a film and then scan it. and they have some powerfull computer to edit the files with.

  6. I have a question, how do you brighten up a dark picture?  I have a picture that I've scanned and it was taken using no flash, is there a way to brighten it up but still make the colors look vivid and not dull?  ;)


    There are ofcourse many ways to edit pictures digitaly to make up for the things you did lets say not to your likeing while doing the shot though in some cases of over or under exposition there isnt really a way to make it better.


    Here are some things i might try:

    Scan it a few more times and play around with the scanner settings. sometimes it just scans to dark.

    If you photograph with film and scan in your printed out pictures i would suggest getting a film scanner or this tray where you can put film inside and scan it with a normal scanner. These ususaly look better that scannig from print.


    As for doing it in photoshop. I would make a new Brightness/ Contrast layer. Now i would make the brightness a bit higher, but now the image will look a bit to flat so we go up with the contrast a bit too. then go up with the brightness a bit again and with the contrast a bit too. Do this as much till you get the best results you can achive.


    The only problems now is that the areas that were lighter than the rest in the original might look a bit to light.


    hope this helpd.

  7. By the time when we dive into the world of GIGApixels instead of MEGApixels, I hope that our processors will become more powerful, our RAM memory expanded beyond 24GB so that our pictures can fit in it, our monitors enlarged so that we can see more of it and our hard disk capacity expanded many times so that we can save it! Hmm... Thats not such a big list of requirements  ;)


    Well im sure that this futur is not very far ahead. Im sure in 10 yeard we will have minimum 1 Gigapixel cameras the size of the 8megapixel dSLR cameras we have today.

    and computer probably as well. i mean at the speed were going right now nothing can stop us. :P

  8. Well here a tutorial on how to make your photographs looks a bit better than the image directly from the camera. These are only guidlines and not rules. Also the numbers in this tutorial are not the numbers that make the picutre you made look the best.


    Here is the image i will use to make it look a bit better.

    Posted Image


    1. So the first thing what i always do is edit the levels a bit.

    Layer --> New Adjusment Layer --> Levels...

    You can leave the name to Levels 1 or name it however you want.

    Posted Image

    This is the histogram. In mine you can see how the black only starts going about one cm from the left of the histogram. in most cases we can pull it


    Posted Image

    As you can see the image has gotten a bit darker. But the colors arnt really as dull anymore. To Compensate that i will pull the right arrow thing a bit to the left. This will make it a bit brighter again.

    Posted Image

    Now as you can see the colors of the field look a lot brighter and not so dull anymore. But the sky as gone totaly white. Im going to use a mask now to only apply the effect on the field and not on the sky.

    Posted Image

    You can still see some of the white sky but im to lazy to make a perfect mask now. but somehow the image still looks a a bit strane because the sky dosent really fit in well with the field. so now im going to duplicate my levels one layer. Right click on Levels one and then press on Duplicate Layer. Now your going to have a very funny looking picture for a second becuase the sky will still have no effect and the field the double effect.


    So now double klick on the round black and white circle on the Levels 1 copy layer( if that how you let the name be ) and pull the black arrow back to the total left and the white arrow back to the total left. And then press OK. Now press on your layer mask and Invert it. Image --> Adjustmensts --> Invert... or ctrl+I.


    Now double click on the black and white circle again and you'll see that your histogramm has changed. i can now pull mine all the way from the left to about the middle of the histogram because thats where it starts.

    Posted Image

    Now im just going to be perfecting the masks abit and were done with the levels.

    Posted Image

    This is what it looks like now. still now perfect but yeah. And now that i'm this far in the tutorial ive realized its enough for the time being and ill make a part 2 if people like this. So if you have any questions or want to see what i would do to you images

    feel free to pm me or post it here.


    Ive uploaded the .psd file as an attachment but im not sure its there. well if you want it just ask me.

  9. Wow, 4 gigapixels! I saw this a few months back on TV when they were developing it. Supposedly they had to keep the camera and subject quite still as it took a while to get the image. That zoom is amazing, but each image must take up a huge amount of hard drive space! I doubt people will be walking around with a camera with that power in their pocket for a long time, to get a decent number of photos you would need something like a 200GB memory card!!


    well the files are in fact 24 Gb each. ;)

  10. Well everyone this is one astouning fact. In America there have been some people developing a camera that has 4000 Megapixels. After reading some stuff on the site it turns out that they take their pictures on a 9" x 18" exposure and then digitaly scan it with a resolution of 4 gigapixels.


    These pictures print up to 10?20 feet


    Here are some pictures from the site.

    Posted Image

    The Whole Image(Not Original Size)


    Posted Image

    Now theyve cropped it to about 5% from the first pic.


    Posted Image

    And this is 0.5% from the first picture you saw.


    Incredible isnt it?


    Here is a link to their site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ They have many pictures there with the zooming that i just showed.

  11. arg! next time you post your pictures please resize them or use imageshack and post the thumbs to them. big images like these can slow down some poeple connections considerably and make the page not easy to browse. As for the pictures. You have some nice DOF there. i dont know how manual your settings are and what the DSC-80 can do but yeah. as a suggestion for the coffee one. what might look good is turing it to sepia colors or a diffrent brownish, orange monotone color.

  12. Dont worry about it. After sending in my application it took about 2 days and then i got accepted. Just dont be so impatient and wait maybe 2 days and come again to see if youve been accepted. If you havent been accepted by then you will definately have some feedback from the admins on whats going on.ok i hate to double post but here is the situation. Theres nothing to worry about! the only thing that makes you worried is that your request isnt the latest ones but the ones higher than you have been accepted. Now the thing is they are higher than you because they have a reply. Your request is in fact the most recent one and i suppose it will take a while now for the admins to process it or hes doing it at the moment. ;)

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Please refrain from double posting. But when you do, don't forget to use REPORT! (located at the bottom of every post) and notify us. Merging two posts.

  13. I have a PHP gallery on my website (here).

    Hm i dont really know what you coded in this site and im not trying to be harsh or anything but its a bit plain for me. i dont really know how php works but maybe i could have a php file for each image with the information on it. like where the image file is, where the thumb file is, what the title is, what the keywords are, what gallerie it belongs in ect. and then have something that scans all the files and checks where which ones belong to and creates the galleries from there. and then has a page for each image that shows the title, description and maybe even exif information.

    So for a pre-made gallery cms ive tried two of the ones in fantastico. (Coppermine and 4images) and i have to say they are more oriented towards a community than a page that reflexts the works of one person.

    rcalkass: i really appreciate your help and everything and if you get what i wrote above and know something like that id really be happy if you could help me.

  14. There are very many things that can make a website be painfull to look at or not very nice to navigate. One of the things that really bothers me is the javascript stuff. As you said snowflakes, stuff that follow the mouse or maybe even a diffrent pointer. Another thing that is really anoying is background imagease that are bigger than lets say 300x300 and dont flow in with each other. i mean if you use a texture its fine even though that also can look crap if its to extravagant. Then big images like photographs or graphics that dont have a uniform color and dont flow into each other. What can also be anoying is animates gifs for a background. what ive seen sometime latly is a flashing star (about 100 x 100px) tiled on the backgroung flashing and flash anf flashing and urg thats so annoying. Now as to some of the things you mentions i dont really find very anoying. The Powered by buttons are ok in my opinion. i mean they arnt very big and if they hasent used a CMS or something the site would probably not be as good as it is. (get what i mean? O.o) But then again stuff that arnt good when using a CMS or a Forum like phpBB is using the standart template that comes when you install it. i mean there are many templates for all kind of messages boards and usualy you dont even have to download them and upload them to install them. and thats about all i have to say about that. ;)

  15. I dont have a lot of experience with this but if your looking for a blog type thing theres a website called
    that offers free blogs and its fully customizable. If you have a host you can give them some ftp details and they put the pages on your server and if you dont have a host they host it for you.

    Once you get your hosting account you will have this thing in the Cpanel called Fantastico and it installs all of those CMS things for you. here is a list of what they have for you to install.

    Mambo Open Source

    and thats only the Content managment systems. they also have pictures sites, forums(phpBB ect.) and more stuff.

    well thats just to give you a taste of what you get when you get hosted. ;)

  16. hm ok lets see if this works. im sure it dosent work in all kinda of forums.

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