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Everything posted by Jeigh

  1. BUt making her laugh doesn't mean your in the clear...cause I make every girl laugh...doesn't mean I get them all haha. And I didn't mean to sound like I was bashing you when I said they are only for the HS crowd, I was moreso just pointing it out to clarify your target audience
  2. Yea if its the official site I can't see it being a scam...theres alot of real contests online that I;ve heard of ppl getting their prizes from fine. I wouldn't give my info to a site like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or whatever would be a bit more reputable
  3. Personally I've never really enjoyed anime all that much. Thats not to say I hate the form I just never really found any I loved. I saw some that was alright (although I forget the name now) but it was far outweighed by the ones I saw that made me want to go insane haha. I can't stand the kiddie anime crap that gets translated and dubbed and made into annoying stupid kids shows now... but some of the less altered stuff that I've seen was alright. Anime with a darker, more adult look is fine with me. The more kiddie stuff just annoys me tho.
  4. I don't mind if a site has one or two respectable ads on there site in a well formatted and well placed way. But sites that go overboard with clumps of ads that are all flashy or inately stupid just annoy me and make me want to kill the person responsible for creating the ad and the one responsible for placing the ad there....yuppI mean I understand the desire to cash in on a website but really, keep it reasonable and nice and ppl will still be more likely to click, thus generating more revenue then a view (assumedly)
  5. Personally it's dreamweaver all the way (in the few occasions where I use a program like that to make a site) I've tried frontpage but it just seemed...clunky or something to me. I dunno. Either way I really enjoyed dreamweaver so I'll be sticking with it
  6. I buy my clothes alot from this little place thats got a few stores in the nearby cities and this one...but thats it so no one would have heard of them so I won't bother with a name, but they have nice stuff and like 3 days after they get a shipment in most of their stuff goes on sale for like half price (well not 3 days..but about a month) so I can usually get alot of really nice gear for like nearly nothing money wise. Plus their stuff fits my overall style so its good times.
  7. C and ASM arn't really out of date... although learning some OO would be helpful in high school for people going on to study comp sci. Its nothing hard but you need to wrap your head around the concept...even though alot of modern C code is really close to being OO anyways, just missing some features
  8. Jeigh


    This seems like one of those topics that if you google for "geexbox sound configuration help" or something along those lines you'd quickly find some help with it. Plus most distro's have sites with forums of people willing and able to give some tech support.Personally I've never used that distro but good luck
  9. Yea alot of those seem 100% high school or earlier.. cause I mean you don't hit the bars/clubs and hook up with a chick only if you knew them beforehand
  10. Nice design, I really like the layout. I used to dabble in web design but havn't for awhile but am planning on getting back into it (hence I showed up here heh) so I've been looking through a bunch of Xhtml stuff... probably be trying to code up a site in it within the next while once I get some free time to sit down and plan it out...but to return to the topic at hand, awesome site. Something about the layout I really like I just can't put my finger on it...
  11. At my high school we learned GWBASIC for programming...yupp...we did indeed...it was awesome in an "OMG LET ME DIE NOW PEACEFULLY!!!" kind of way...
  12. *wonders if he is the only person old enough to have moved out but not old enough to have a family of his own yet...*Personally I have a computer in my room as well, but I only have the one roomate so even if I had my comp in the living room of my apartment it wouldn't matter since we both have our own systems...and most of the 'perks' of having a comp in your own room are kind of pointless when your living on your own as they are more general truths lol. Either way, I can see where you are all comming from tho as back when I was living at home our comp was in a public area and it kind of sucked so...yea those still @ home and with their own comps in their bedrooms...congrats
  13. OBVIOUSLY...my fav day of the week is MONDAY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...WOOO...OOO.ooo...why are you all look at me like that?Ok seriously I hate Monday. My fav day would have to be friday. Sure I do more on satrudays as far as actually hanging out with friends, parties, etc. But some of that happens on fridays too after school/work PLUS you get the added bonus during school of knowing the week is OVER which makes the day exponentially better even if u plan to do absolutely nothing friday night haha.
  14. To us relatively normal folk, yes they are 100% useless. But the sad fact is...if NO ONE ever clicked on them and whatnot, they wouldn't have gotten this popular and would not sitll be around. Some idiots must actually goto them and get there money ripped from there pockets so that these ads actually have a reason for spawning as they do. Personally I havn't atually paid any attention to them ever since I realized how stupid they were years ago. Even banners rarely warrant a full read over. I can only shoot so many ipods and never actually receive one before I become skeptical
  15. I loved Wc3 back in the day...never really got into the multiplayer other then some lan action tho. Might have to check this DOTA out...
  16. Half Life 1/2Deus Ex (original)NFSU2Warcraft 3GTA 3/VC/SABattlefield2CS (original and source)total annihilationfinal fantasy (all)Chrono TriggerHugos House of Horrors.........:Dhaha so many games, I obviously didn't list all my favs... and there are no numbers because ordering them would be impossible. So many conflict for my fav game of all time its insane. Suffice it to say, I love mah games, mah games love me.
  17. There's probably a hundred FF7 topics but I may as well mention that I too think FF7 is the best of the series. Graphics are hurtin, but the storyline is the best IMO.
  18. I was addicted to both NFSU and NFSU2 in ways that cannot have been healthy for me haha. I loved the games so much, played through both a handful of times each. They are severely awesome. Not only the whole car customization thing (which in and of itself was enough to warrant playing the game) but also just the general feel of the game. It was an awesome mix of realism and arcadey fun and made it one of the best times I've ever had playing a racing game. Can't wait for the next in the NFS lineup
  19. These are from a slightly varied era, but they are still all old skool as far as I'm concerned : 1. System Shock 2. Wing Commander Privateer 3. Fade to Black 4. Raptor 5. Lemnmings 6. Duke Nukem 3d 7. Doom 8. Wolfenstein 3d 9. Hugo's House of Horrors10. Paper Boy
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