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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. Microsoft has unveiled the successor to the Xbox 360 console, titled the Xbox One. Unlike Sony, which did not show any hardware at their event, Microsoft kicked off their event by showing off the new hardware. In my opinion it was a little disappointing, but in the end, looks don't matter that much. The power under the hood appears to be quite impressive. The queer title refers to the aim of the console, that of becoming an all-in-one entertainment system for the living room.


    In the hour-long event, barely 20 minutes were dedicated to talking about the games that would run on the new console. The rest of the presentation was dedicated to showing off the new features of Kinect - the motion sensing device bundled with the Xbox - and how it would make watching TV much easier through voice-control.


    There was a demo of how the new console could be controlled solely through voice and gestures. It was interesting, but for gamers eager to see what kind of titles they could expect on the console, the presentation was a bit tiring!


    Fortza Motorsport 5, four games from EA Sports, Quantum Break (a new IP) and Call of Duty: Ghosts were the previews shown at the event, and they all did look promising. Of course, more talk about games will be revealed at E3, where we'll also get to see what the PS4 looks like!


    Keeping in line with the PS4, the Xbox One will also launch "later" in 2013, kicking off the next generation of gaming (okay, that was done by the Wii U, but it doesn't really count :P )

  2. What exactly is Tumblr? What do they do? I've never heard of them.

    I have noticed the internet getting more and more like the real world, getting more comercialized, more big companies buying little companies, and WAY less free stuff like there used to be when I first started a decade or there abouts ago. Remember all the free programs and sites there used to be? You could get web hosting, free music, free discusion groups, and all kinds of stuff. Sure don't see very much of that now.


    tumblr is a micro-blogging website, which doesn't limit blogging to just text. Users can post pictures, videos, voice clips and more to their blogs, which are all hosted on the company's servers. It became popular after users discovered that it also gave them a more "social" experience than other blogging platforms. And according to Wikipedia, the site has more than 108 million hosted blogs (it doesn't allow self-hosted blogs).


    And it's no secret that the internet is becoming less and less "virtual". All this connectivity with the real world has brought the real and virtual worlds so close that...it's no longer fun to spend time online :P All that free stuff you mentioned is still there, but in a very different form, and most probably under one big commercial banner <_<

  3. After a few days of speculation, Yahoo! has officially announced that it will be acquiring tumblr, for $1.1 in cash. There's a notice put up on tumblr, featuring a letter from Yahoo! CEO - Marissa Mayer. She assures users of tumblr that Yahoo! is not going to tinker with the company, and that it will remain independent. All that Yahoo! wants is the bragging rights :P Okay, Yahoo! claims that tumblr can boost its traffic by over 20%. That's huge.


    Now, what's interesting about this news is the fact that Yahoo! has only around $1.2 billion in hand (although the company does have assets valuing more than $17 billion). Although I have not looked deeply into the figures, it is rather interesting that the company is investing so much of money when...it doesn't have much money left!


    No wait, what's really interesting about this news is that a lot of tumblr users are angry about the acquisition! They believe that Yahoo! will end up ruining the tumblr experience for everyone. This is the same sort of angry reaction that surfaced when facebook acquired Instagram for $1 billion a year ago. Yet today, Instagram actually has seen a growth in the number of users, and continues to remain largely independent.


    So will tumblr also see similar growth patterns, or will the threat of an exodus be real this time? Only time will tell. The deal between the two companies will be finalised in the second half of this year.


    I had a tumblr account for a very short period of time, in its early days. Although the community idea is fun, nothing beats the pleasure of staying in hosting your own website and staying in control all the time! :D It would be nice if this fresh cashflow allows tumblr to introduce and support (by connecting the blogs to the community) self-hosted blogs. Now that would be a really hot piece of news.

  4. Being inactive on this forum can be a costly mistake, literally! There's the danger of getting my hosting account suspended if I don't accumulate enough myCENTs. However, I've been inactive for a few weeks now, and it's going to stay like that for at least a few more weeks, as I'm simply not finding enough time for posting around here :(


    I've become a freelance writer now, and am earning enough to pay my hosting bills myself instead of having to depend on myCENTs (which is good), but I really miss the discussions that keep going on over here. I wish I could use my spare time to make a quick post here every now and then, but I'm still searching for that spare time! So here's a brief adieu to the beloved T17/KS forums. Thanks for all the memories :)


    All of the members here really keep the forums going, and I hope the place has a lot of good times ahead. I'm still hosting all of my sites with Xisto, and will be taking a peek every now and then, but I will most probably not be making posts at the speed that I used to maintain before. Oh well, thanks again everyone!

  5. I'm not a very frequent complainer, but that's because Xisto gave me very few reasons to complain till now. However, this is the first time I've had something serious to complain about, and I had to bring it out in the open and get opinions from other users before I reach to any misunderstandings about Xisto - Web Hosting/Xisto.I currently have four live domains on my hosting accounts, and while three of them are running Wordpress, one is running Joomla. And today, since six hours, all of them are offline, due to the problem that they "couldn't establish a connection with the database". I can access my cPanel though, so it's not a total outage. In those six hours, I had access to my Joomla site for about fifteen minutes. Before I could perform any administration tasks, it went offline again.Could someone tell me how much longer can I expect this problem to last? It's night now so I can't expect an answer from the support staff. At least two other members have reported a similar problem........EDIT: While typing this, I checked again and saw that my sites are online again! I'm not sure how long they will stay like that, so I'm off to do some work. But please do share your views over here as to why this has happened and how major a problem it is.

  6. Move where ? Namecheap ? or any other site ? Only site that was competing with godaddy was namecheap because Network solution and some other registrars are having lots of glitches. Take case of Xisto - Web Hosting, they increased the price of domain to 14$ because of the issues with certificate registrar. So i think that is wrong move to change registrar. Godaddy is grand registrar with many options and services. Only thing is that they are moving to other management and because of which many people may get upset. This happens with every company takeover and should not be misunderstood with company fall out.

    Well they're still in the "planning" stage; they're not sure where to go to :P This is truly a testing time for domain registrars, with business and prices going up at the same time. This auction, if it exists, will most probably take place away from the public glare, and some protective measures will surely be taken in the interest of the existing customers. I'm sure GoDaddy won't fall to the Earth in a single day!

  7. Hi,

    You wanted a review and said you're open to criticism, so I'll be brutally honest and precise. The design is very beautiful and catchy. The only problem is that it doesn't fit in well with the text. The blotch to the right of the slideshow is a good idea but its colour makes it hard to read the text. The font used is professional and elegant, but again, it doesn't get in well with the design. Another example of this mismatch between design and text is at the bottom. This text

    Wanna...check my blog..?!
    it is cool and awesome...

    is partly hidden by the box design so the word "awesome" is read as "ome unless you highlight the text :( Also, it isn't cool to proclaim that your blog is cool ;) Seriously!

    It's evident that you did a lot of work for this blog and it shows in the design. Just make the text go in tandem with the design and you'll get a superb portfolio for yourself :) All the best!

  8. You may be enthusiastic to make more posts (you can't make more than 50 per day anyway) but you should make sure that in that enthusiastic state you are not ruining the experience for everyone by making spam posts or posts that don't make complete sense. Bumping old topics is considered an offense too and is not taken lightly for a while. So remember these points when you're posting and you'll be fine.


    As for Xisto, once your myCENT reaches there, it won't be taken back, but you will get negative myCENTs in the forum instead of the money being deducted from the Xisto account.

  9. buffalohelp made it clear that there will be no user groups to seperate people here. although, unofficially, opaque supports the idea with evil group and the coder or programmer group, etc...

    Oh thanks for reminding me about that anwiii :) It would have been nice if we had more support for user groups around here. Still, this board is one of those unofficial ideas to support the idea! Good job indeed, web_designer!


    glade you liked it simpleton, and even you didn't say it, but i think your words mean "put me on the board" so you will be added . and about group thing, well i can't make such decision without an admin permission, so it is a good idea but it will be postponed i guess. till we could see that "wanted " guy online again .


    You guessed correctly about the "put me on the board" thing, but you didn't complete it. It was, "put me on the board, after a few days". I'm definitely interested to be up there, but I'm a bit inactive these days and may continue to be so as I'm trying other things right now, so when I'm ready I'll poke you to put me on the board :) Keep up the good work!

  10. This is an interesting idea. But don't you think more members would be interested if they had a group of their own? I think there's been some discussion about member groups before and I don't remember how the discussion ended. However, this seems to be a good idea and the activity would definitely rise up if the members had something special like a group of their own, different from the rest of the community :)

  11. It's old news that Oracle took over Sun Microsystems. What I'm going to post is a bit old too, but it's still a sort-of breaking news! OpenSolaris, the open-source Operating System developed by Sun, doesn't seem to interest Oracle at all, and they have discontinued it. Some old employees of Sun, however, have used the source-code and have created another OS (whose name I can't remember :( ) I'm not sure how popular OpenSolaris was, but I liked to read about it every now and then, especially about its file management system (ZFS, was it?) I never really used OpenSolaris but I think there will be a few fans who miss the Sun touch?

  12. then it's millions of hosted names could face some shifty ground due to new management.

    I've already seen on some forums that people are getting anxious about their domains and hosting accounts on godaddy and are planning to move them as soon as possible. GoDaddy isn't going to entirely disappear when it's bought, but it's natural that domain owners are getting anxious about the fate of their services.

  13. Okay, I'm not sure whether this is still a rumour or not (because GoDaddy hasn't commented yet), but I found this news on the Wall Street Journal, so it could be true (or not...)

    GoDaddy.com, the closely held website that registers Internet domain names, has put itself up for sale in an auction that could fetch more than $1 billion, people familiar with the matter said.

    Qatalyst Partners, the boutique firm run by veteran technology banker Frank Quattrone, has been hired to shop the Go Daddy Group Inc., which runs the world's largest domain name registrar, these people said. Private-equity firms are expected to bid for the company, which currently has more than 43 million domains under management.

    GoDaddy.com and Qatalyst representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


    It is a really surprising news because GoDaddy has been one of the oldest registrars around and they recently jumped out of their losses and reported a profit last year. Well it still remains to be seen what becomes of this auction and who'll be the new owner. I hope its not Google; they have too much already! :lol:

  14. Why not a Ps3? Alot of new games, daily updates, and some versions can play PS2 games. The Ps2 is dead. no more games (besides sports such as football) are coming out for it. I got my PS2 in 2008 wnich was a misfortune because it was dieing out. No new games, etc. Online of the PS2 communities are only active for Socom Combined Assault. Every other game has a server shut down or a non-active community! Though, if you're extremely cheap or broke, the PS2 games are like $5 so that's a pro.

    By the way, if he had a good PC, he can run a PS2 Emulator and if he wanted, he could buy a PC controller so it'd be like PS2 gameplay :P

    Part of waiting through 10 years included seeing many great games come and go on the PS2. I wanted to experience these games myself, in full detail, which only a PS2 played using a TV could give, and not the bugged-up emulator, which is still imperfect. The PS2 may be dead but there's still a great collection of games out there waiting to be collected and almost all of them cost very little, as you mentioned. So no matter how many people criticise the decision of buying a PS2 today, I'd say it's a very sensible decision for a die-hard gamer.


    Let's look at it this way, a PS3 is like 5x more costly than a PS2. And this way has been waiting for 10 years to buy a PS2. I doubt that he can spend 5x more money to get something new, rather than something he has always wanted. So, he can buy a PS2 or wait 40 more years and get a PS3 :lol:


    Nah, if I wanted I could very well catch the bus to the nearest city and buy the PS3 this very moment (they don't sell those in my town). But then I'd have to cough up a premium amount for every game I want to buy and I'm not that rich yet :P What's the use of buying an expensive console if you can't afford to build a collection of games for it? Instead I've got myself a 32-inch full-HD TV and games like God of War are really awesome on the huge screen :D You could say that instead of spending all of my money on a console at once, I looked into the future and decided that the PS2 was a better purchase instead. The PS3 is on its way to my home too, and it will definitely arrive before 40 years :P


    Aren't PS2s free right about now lol? Mine is in the closet collecting dust. I don't have a PS3 though, they are too expensive and I am not a big enough gamer to waste my money on buying one. I guess ill just save my pennies for the PS4 or XBOX 460 lol.

    No one's going to give you a free piece of technology just because it's outdated :P No, Sony will continue milking money from the PS2 for as long as they can. Btw, if Microsoft wanted to give the next XBox a similar name, it would be 720, and not 460 :)


    LOL yeah... By the way, the "PS4" won't have 3D... Did you hear Sony creates 3D tv's compatible with the PS3 now? You need the glasses though. It's crazy...

    3D-TV without glasses is on its way. I've read about it somewhere but am too lazy right now to search and post the info here :P But it's definitely coming!

  15. PTC sites may or may not make much money, and there are many people who click like crazy just to get a few cents. I know that story! And I don't have any intention to waste my time clicking away on multiple sites. But I do have the desire to know what lies at the other end - how does it feel to own a PTC site, and what exactly does the admin go through by dealing with all the issues? To know this I'm thinking of starting a PTC site using a co.cc domain on my Logic Pro hosting account. I need a script, which my friend has agreed to give me, and I need advertisers, which I will bother about later. What I need to know immediately is whether Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting allows us to run PTC sites? I went through the TOS on Xisto - Web Hosting.com at a glance but was too lazy to read the whole thing. So can someone confirm whether this is allowed or not?

  16. Have you tried re-installing the program? Sometimes I find that it's the easiest solution available. If I'm not wrong, this is a small program and shouldn't take much time to re-install...I've had a similar problem with another program called Internet Download Manager - it just wouldn't appear on the screen even though it was showing in the taskbar and the process was running. I became sick of trying to find a solution and just re-installed the program and it worked fine. Just as a precaution, scan your computer for any kind of virus/malware which might be preventing the program from running smoothly.

  17. hithis is ruhi from NZ
    i am currently living in Te Aroha
    I am new to this forum

    Welcome to the forums ruhi! Please create a new thread in the introductions forum announcing your arrival so that the members can welcome you properly :) Hiding your post inside another member's thread won't help much and it won't please the mods either..... Anyway, have fun in the forums and looking forward to seeing more of your posts soon.

  18. I love the ideas you incorporated. I wish I could take step by step guidelines from you for making my personal website. From the time I am online, I am thinking about making a website of my own. WELL..... let me see how long it takes to build my own website.

    Umm.....how exactly did you review this site when it doesn't have anything but a "Coming Soon" page? Have you visited the website or are you just randomly adding comments?

  19. I like Ubuntu....easy to set up easy to use, great interface... just love it :)

    I love it too - been using it since two years and it's been great! It's not Ubuntu that I'm talking about, but GNOME - the desktop manager package. Ubuntu modifies it of course, but I wish they had kept the Mac-like-buttons as an optional setting instead of making it the default setting.

  20. Well i would say that the drivers for the touch pad are not 100% compatible with 7. It happens all the time. But usually even if the manufacturer doesn't provide you with a driver, there are those out there who write their own drivers. i would do an exhaustive search on google for that such problem. I bet someone out there has had the same problem and found a solution for it, you just have to search.

    Such a search usually works but sometimes the exact problem may not be found. In such a case it's best to seek help on the official forums so that a solution can be found much faster.

  21. There is learning curve to almost every OS. You should blame yourself for that. When you get good choice with one OS, why switch and then blame another ? I know we all do that but seriously there is no apple's fault in this. In fact they made operating system easy in comparison to BSD/Linux distros out there. Comparing OSX and ubuntu you'll find that even ubuntu is using the window manager theme like OSX. In fact gnome is ripped version of OSX desktop.
    There is pro and cons to every operating system. You're using it so you have to suffer with it. Or you have always option to switch back.

    GNOME really needs to stop imitating other desktop managers. They did copy OSX in their latest release but it was good that they allowed the users to go back to the old system whenever they want. I hope from the next release onwards there is less copying and more innovation from them.

  22. Welcome to the forum :) I hope you're settled in nicely and are ready to make some good, long posts for the community? That will help you in getting a lot of myCENTs with which you can buy your hosting. It's a simple concept, just takes up some time. I got my first domain+hosting package in less than two weeks. If you already have a domain and are just looking for a hosting package then you could earn enough to get started in just a single day :) (true....check out the $1.95 per month hosting package. You could earn that amount in a day here, provided you post enough good posts) So looking forward to seeing you more in the forums!

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