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About CopyJosh

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    Just messing around the internet.<br />http://newrandom.com
  1. Thanks for clearing that up for me. OP didn't include an article so I could only google search and hope for the best.
  2. Epic fail on your link. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ < permalink so you don't have to dig through the archive. Fiber optics and other telecommunication and networking mediums are as fast if not faster, and have been about the same for awhile. The only advancements in the technology are the switches at each end of the line. Even so, if you layer your home in fiber optics, who cares (besides your pocket book)? Your Ethernet will be blazing but your ISP will cap your *bottom*! pun intended.
  3. 400k? your source is outdated because this article suggests they were asking for 500k and this was last year. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ They also point out that the actors on friends were making a million dollars an episode playing only one character, while the actors for the Simpsons are doing the voices for thousands of characters on the longest running, funniest series on television (by popular opinion) - which comes out to approx $50k/character according to the article. (just to show Veradesigns; if you can do it well, you get paid well.). To me, 400k (or 500k+ for what they might be making now) is perfectly reasonable considering the profit this show is pulling in for Fox including ratings. -edit- Thanks onetenki (below) for pointing out an updated article.
  4. On-Screen keyboards already exist, and have existed for over a decade in Windows "Easy-Access" options... and on tablet PC's they are "touch keyboards" It's definitely not a common practice to resort to only using the on-screen keyboard, but I do use it on older converted servers in my home where my only I/O device is a mouse.
  5. you do realize iE has had tabs now for some time right? what i can't stand about firefox is that when i open a window in a new tab, it opens it at the farrrrr riiiiighhhttt of the browser. The last tab! What? No. Chrome has the right idea: open links in new tabs immediately to the right of the tab you're currently on.
  6. To be honest I think everyone misses the one thing internet explorer has gotten right: the back button.All existing browsers except internet explorer treat the back button as a "link" to the previous page. You click back, and all your content is reloaded as if you were visiting that page for the very first time. Internet Explorer however retrieves the previous page from your cache - the way it should be!Thank you internet explorer!! oh, now just fix all the other problems you've got. Sorry iE, you're sexy and all with your sweet browser back caching, but that isn't going to win me over from google chrome
  7. To be honset, you (or actually the article you just copy-pasted) didn't mention the most important aspect: price.I'll be honest, the only advantage between the palm and the iPhone is the full keyboard. That's it. A keyboard. How much is that keyboard going to cost? Looking at these specs, it better be friken cheap, because I would rather go for the now $99 iPhone 3G than this palm. (Too bad I already own one... and yes, I did own a palm once too)
  8. Since Darwin's theory of evolution is widely accepted, and religion is still a large part of our society, I can immediately conclude that no, Darwin did not kill religion.I can however say that Darwin has raised a lot of questions, but I for one accept evolution and believe in the book of Genesis... kind of interesting how human's can accept two conflicting ideas at the same time, huh? The interesting part is that a lot of things in nature are very "perfect", and you can look at it in a mathematical sense, or believe in something greater. What interests me a lot more than any Darwinist theory, is the Big Bang. There's nothing like a very powerful documentary on the universe to make you feel absolutely insignificant to the big picture. But think about it, of all the lightyears of galactic trash floating around, our hunk of rock had all the right "stuff" to make life. We're that one in infinity that succeeded (as far as we know). So maybe G-d had a hand in that. Maybe he didn't. It's all up to belief, but I think scientifically Darwin's theory of evolution is pretty solid, we just need to find that missing link(s) [many ppl don't realize that there are several].
  9. Looking at your site it looks like you got it now (since this looks like an old post anyway)...I don't know how you solved your problem but a way you can go about it would have been adding a counter and an if statement in your while loop, or, and much more lean (especially if you have a unique id/counter in your database already) would be to drop the counter and use a mod (%). if you need either of these explained in detail still just let me know and I'll be happy to.
  10. Well I had no idea what you were talking about, so a link would have been helpful. Here's a link for anyone else as interested and clueless: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/06/02/crocodile_keyboard/ I think it actually sounds like a good idea. I don't understand what you mean by missing 5 keys and having to slow down to figure out what text is missing. I'm pretty sure if you missed five keys in a row you'd immediately notice you're not typing anything. As a user of the iphone though, I do mistype a lot of characters when trying to type really fast, and I have pretty nimble fingers - thanks to guitar.. Of course, the assumption with the crocodile keyboard is that the typos are coming from characters to the bottom, left, and right of the actual key. Increasing the deadspace between those keys and key you are trying to press could curb typos, but if you're always aiming high, I guess you'll keep hitting that key directly above. The opposite side I guess would be having to hit a smaller target. If you really are just that bad at typing on a touch screen, and you're just landing flat in the middle of that deadspace, you just won't get anything. I guess you'll have to work on your aim and start nailing those keys a little better. Maybe there'll be an app for that
  11. - Take out the <br /> tag after affiliates in the left-nav list. (this will keep it from being a larger highlight than the rest of the nav)- Create a space between the features and sponsorship sections on the left. (same as between the features and block above it)personally i would try the highlight on the top nav and do a simple underline or something on the left nav. unless you make the highlight the same color gray as the middle content background (which on this monitor doesn't look like it is).and for your forums, i think the banner you have is fine as long as you can adjust it or add to it to make it as wide as the space available. i think it would also be easier on you if you just found a grayscale forum skin. just grab one online and you'll be set. but all in all i think you've got a pretty good start on things. I just don't know how I feel about the boldening of the links on the left nav of the website but that's up to opinion. I think a simple underline would do like I said.
  12. Currently working on a design for myself. it's really simple, and that's what I'm going after. All opinions in general are welcome, but I'd like a focus on how I'm presenting the Projects content. It's mostly fake content for the moment until I can find a way I want to set things up, but that section, and then the "resume" part. Right now I have javascript to expand the descriptions (the first description is already expanded as you'll see just in case the visitor doesn't pick up on it.) but thinking of expanding them all by default... Pretty much all mine minus the icons. I didn't make them but I grey-scaled/colored them from freely available ones. Anyway, I won't bore you with any more of my opinions, I'm looking for yours. http://resume.newrandom.com/ Thanks.
  13. I gotta agree it looks like an out of the box theme at the moment. I'm not going to say it's a bad theme. If this is what the client wants, it does look good for the organization. If that's a stock photo and not a photo from the organization, it's a good fit. Nice searching skills. I'll also give you the benefit of the doubt that you're in the middle of working on your draft and that is why the page is breaking (or it is that I am using Google Chrome... I haven't looked in other browsers).
  14. CopyJosh


    Well hello there. Been quite some time since I've committed to any sort of online community. Been off at college for the last two years so my internet use has plummeted. (minus facebook.. can never escape facebook ) Use to do a lot of web and graphic design but have had quite a long separation from it. Don't know how many here are interested in photography but that's where I think I'm moving toward. Of course after I get back into web development and get my own site back off the ground. I'm not really here for web hosting. I've had the same pretty darn reliable paid hosting for the last 5 years, and in a few months i'll be paying for up to 2 more, so I'm really just here to get back into a few communities and to continue what we should all be doing for the rest of our lives... learning. Definitely hope to contribute!
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