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Everything posted by TimothyA

  1. Now, why would we use this "magic utility" if we have stardocks and winblinds and that kinda things for winxx, do we really need it? I have my interface to the windows 2000 look ( i love it because it doesn't steals my valuable RAM which I only have 256MB of ). As for KDE....KDE is a resource hog and I would rather go with a less ram-eating shell like fluxbox or gnome.
  2. TimothyA


    Ubuntu is one of the distro's I've never tried....maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's free...hrmmm...I might give it a spin!Be cool, Use linux!
  3. Hrmmm.... I encountered the problem of ntosknl.exe being corrupted a while ago when I was diagnosing a broken HDD (swapped hdd's in and out). I have magnetic fingers (kind of) which might have caused the HDD to end up corrupted. Had to reinstall windows XP since I couldn't replace the darn files from the installation disc. What you could be suffering is harddisk decayment or what the previous posters told you, a virus.R.I.P to an 3 year old installation of windows XP
  4. xboxrulz: right on! but why is your nickname xboxrulz? o.OBack on topic: linux and it's children are usually only used in server envirnoments, but lately been aimed at the desktop. Knoppix is an example of such. If you want an easy to use distro, knoppix or DSL (D*mn small linux). If you want something stable I would go with Gentoo or Slackware.Just my useless opinion
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