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Posts posted by k_nitin_r

  1. I'm not really a fan of the Mac, but since their operating system is very UNIX-like, I'd probably want to get one. I've got an Apple iPhone and with the carrier restrictions and limited functionality, I probably wouldn't get another iPhone unless it is substantially different from the first generation and my carrier offers it at a reasonable price (twice the retail price is not reasonable!).I use Microsoft Windows as long as it comes pre-installed, since it costs a whole lot less than the retail and there's some way to restore the operating system after trying out other operating systems. I use Linux on older computers primarily because its cheaper than having to upgrade the older computer, both in terms of hardware and software.In terms of security, the way I have my computer setup, neither Windows nor Linux has a high degree of security but as long as I have a spare laptop to continue working, I'm not really concerned about security hardening. It is possible to get Linux setup in a manner that is more secure than Windows from a theoretical perspective, but because the Windows source code is not freely available, they've got the advantage of security by obscurity. Sure, some people may say that security by obscurity is not real security, but it does keep a large percentage of developers from figuring out what really happens on the insides of the operating system.

  2. The Apple iPhone is a pretty good choice if you plan on listening to a lot of music and watching videos because it's simply amazing for multimedia. If you do intend to use it as a phone, you might be disappointed because it tends to crash about once a week and so could double up a second phone, but I wouldn't replace my primary phone with an Apple iPhone.The carrier-locked Apple iPhones are a real drag because they keep me from being able to use it when I travel and so I got an iPhone from the grey market (which, BTW, costs full-price and is over the $300 that it is supposed to cost) and have been using it ever since. I didn't know about the concept of the grey market when I got it so I wasn't aware of breaking Apple's terms of license - stores all over the country were selling it and Apple didn't have an awareness campaign of any sort so as long as I paid for it and got it, I think I ought to be able to use it. The store isn't going to give me a refund anyway. I haven't been upgrading the software because that causes it to demand the carrier-specific SIM card again and I can't use the phone without the SIM card... the jailbroken version runs fine even without a SIM card and can run software that Apple has banned from the App Store.I would want to try the HTC Nexus or an alternate Google Android phone if it doesn't come carrier-locked like the Apple iPhones do. A good selection of free Apps would be pretty nice and I'm sure a lot of software developers would want to develop for it. The last phone that I developed for was the Nokia 9210i and it was pretty easy to develop applications in Java and copy across the compiled .class files, although it is possible to create a package too.

  3. Changing passwords frequently would help in avoiding password attacks. An automated program that tries different passwords against a computer system would be harder if you change your password because by the time they figure out what your password is, you would have a different password.Three months is a long time between password changes but if you cut down that time to once a month, it would help maintain security because with a whole month of computation is a pretty reasonable amount of time for cracking a password.When somebody does see you typing a password, however, the only thing that you can do is to change your password much more frequently... like maybe twice a day? If they do manage to get into your account in the morning and think about all of the data that they want to get out of your account by the time they get back home, your password would have been changed and you've maintained the security of your account. The problem would be if they, however, change the password as soon as they get into your account, in which case you would have been locked out but as long as there's a password recovery mechanism that you can use, such as a forgot password email and the email account is not changeable by logging into your account or by sending a recovery code by SMS to your phone.

  4. Hi!@RigaudonThank you for posting the list of new tags being introduced in HTML 5. Apart from the new tags, there are also some enhancements being made to existing tags, such as to the INPUT tag which reduces the need for writing Javascript or server-side code for user input validation. For example, when a user date in a text-box, developers would have to ensure that the date is in the right format and would have to filter the user input to prevent the user from entering unrecognizable characters, such as an ampersand or percentage symbol in the textbox for entering date.The new tags for organization also enable search engines to parse the documents with a greater accuracy. With the current HTML standard, every article is a heading tag followed by a paragraph or a DIV element, though there are some web designers and developers who deviate from the norm and use other elements in place of the heading or the paragraph and DIV elements. A search engine would have to be smart enough to figure out which is which by examining the formatting for article titles or distinguishing between actual article text and other sections of the page.We do have other tags already in place, such as the address tag to indicate that the enclosed text is an address, and the rel attribute to provide metadata about a hyperlink. The problem, however, is that most people do not use these tags and attributes yet. Also, many web browsers do not implement enhancements based on these attributes either - for example, the Opera web browser identifies the home, previous, next etc. attribute values for the rel attribute of hyperlinks.@Gammmae105Efficiency is something that is very subjective. For some people, efficiency is defined as something that runs faster in the browser while others think of efficiency as something that requires very little source code for development. The enhancements to the input tag are some of the coolest enhancements to the HTML standard as many of the web developers and designers put considerable effort to build around the conventional HTML input elements. You might have come across the Peter Blum web controls that have been quite popular in the ASP.NET development world.@web_designerI see the introduction of local storage, enhancements to the form input elements, offline web apps, and web workers as the coolest new features of the HTML 5 standard. I guess this opinion conveys my web development background, and I'm sure most other web developers would look forward to these new features too. While the video and audio HTML elements have been much welcomed, I believe they will not make much of a difference to the average user because Adobe Flash is commonly used for delivering content and is almost uniquitous, except in the Apple world of iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads.

  5. Touch screen are commercially available in two varieties: capacitive and resistive. Capacitive touch screens can be found on devices such as the Apple iPhone, the Apple iPod Touch, and the Apple iPad. Capacitive touch screens require people to use their hands to interact with the device while resistive touch screens can accept input from touching with fingers, or using a stylus. Some users prefer to use a stylus for accuracy and therefore prefer resistive touch screens over capacitive touch screens, while others prefer to have the novelty of an iPhone like touch screen that supports gestures and multi touch.Multi touch screens too have their capabilities - some of them only support two points of touch and refer to them as multi-touch devices, however others like the ten-point 3M multi touch monitor extend far beyond the capabilities of a basic multi touch screen.

  6. Hi!I've been trying to use Google Docs from within Firefox, but the browser keeps locking up on the Javascript. After I switched to Google Chrome, Google Docs worked just perfectly. I wonder if Google Chrome has some kind of optimizations for the libraries that Google uses especially since Google's web-based applications are all that one can access when using the Chromium OS.I haven't tried using Microsoft Internet Explorer for accessing Google Docs yet, but due to the large number of visitors who use Internet Explorer, Google would probably have a lite version.The Microsoft Exchange email server has a lite version for non-Internet Explorer web browsers for accessing email via the web-based interface (abbreviated OWA for Outlook Web Access).

  7. Hi!@RigaudonInterviews are the opportunity for you to understand what the employer needs and for the employer to understand if you are the right candidate who can perform in the role that they have envisioned.Have a look at the job description that has been posted for the job you are applying to and make sure that you can answer any related questions. For example, if you were applying to a project management positions, you would want to review the different project management tools that you have used in the past and should be able to talk to the interviewer about how you have handled a crisis situation.While appearing calm and composed, you also need to know that there might be thing you do and do not know. Admitting what you do not know shows honesty although you do have to be able to figure stuff out when you do need to know.After you have been interviewed, the interviewer may ask you if you have any questions about the position and the organization that you have applied to. At this point, you could ask something that does not reflect negatively on you. For example, avoid discussing salaries, office timings, or things that you do not like to do - save those for later when the interviewer does make up his or her mind that you are the right candidate to hire for the job. You might also want to contact the interviewer if you have not heard from them because some organizations do start interviewing candidates and then put the hiring process on hold to attend to something of a higher priority. Calling them up or emailing them would remind them of something that they need to deal with.In reference to your question about explaining that "pi" is a "tasty pastry", you probably want to appear to be serious about the position so while that remark might be fun and amusing, you do not want to come across as the easy-going type unless you are applying for a position in the entertainment industry, such as a radio jockey or a television presenter on a music video charts show.

  8. The one thing that gets me back to most websites is an email that tells me someone has replied to my message. However, the feature on an active forum would be more of an annoyance than something users would want to have.However, it would be nice to have an application that I can install, similar to TweetDeck, that can provide a notification when a new thread is started, a reply is sent to a thread the user posted to, or the user receives a private message through the forum. Perhaps the user can mark specific topics that he or she is interested in to receive the notifications.

  9. Hi!@rasheed_rgdaDisplaying a file from the computer system on which the browser runs is not recommended for two reasons:1. The file may not be present on the computer2. The browser prevents you from doing so, especially of the JSP script is running from a public web server instead of localhostYou might want to host the file that you want to place into the IFrame in the directory from which your web server serves content, as BuffaloHelp has suggested in his reply to your post. If you place your content within the same folder path as the JSP file, you can get away with simply using the filename instead of having to specify the entire file path. As a general guideline, try to use filenames for references, and if that isn't possible switch to relative URLs, and if that route is a no-go too then using absolute URLs. Absolute URLs break when you have to move to a different domain. Relative URLs work pretty well and you can easily setup a test server to check your changes before you push your changes across to a live web server. Using filenames is simpler still because it shortens the string and you have less typing to do ;-)

  10. Hi!When I said "Most folks probably don't..." I was referring to other software developers such as myself. I wanted to edit my post, but after clicking the edit button, the content would not save and after I refreshed the page, the edit button was gone! Perhaps I get a little under a minute to edit my posts before they get etched into the stone of archives :-(

  11. Hi!@sheepdogI did come across your post sometime last week, or was it somebody else's? I can't remember, but back then the other members and I thought you have a content management system and you lost your password... if that sounds unfamiliar and weird, ignore that bit because I probably have your problem confused with someebody else's.I have not used Microsoft Front page, though I did try Front page Express, which was a free alternative to Netscape Composer. I am guessing you have a Windows hosting package and are creating static html pages that are uploaded with either Microsoft Frontpage Extensions on the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) server, or are uploading the files through FTP.If this is the case, I believe you do not have any scripts, but are instead using the built-in scripts provided by the Internet Information Server or are using an FTP account. Check both the FTP settings and the IIS Management scripts, if applicable. You may be using the WebDAV publishing feature, which I know little about, so you could check its settings too.Most folks probably don't have much experience with providing support to Microsoft Frontpage users as most web designers/developers provide their clients with web-based content management systems with which they upload or modify their content.

  12. Hi!@mahesh2kGoing with the reasoning that Paypal enforced their policy to prevent scammers in India from engaging in business transactions from people in other parts of the world, it would have to be the Indian scammers who buy products and make payments through Paypal. However, Paypal prevents payments to India and not from India.I did, however, read about Paypal's policy favoring buyers - all it takes is one complaint from a buyer and Paypal reverses the transaction and restoring the funds to the buyer's account. I believe the best way to deal with Internet transactions is if an organization takes on the middle-man position and acts as an intermediary by buying products and re-selling them. The credibility of the organization would encourage people in doing business with them (and, convince people that it is safe to enter their credit card numbers online), while scammers wouldn't be able to directly interact with the consumers thus keeping the gullible protected from the risks of Internet transactions.@SpydaBanning the use of Paypal in India is like throwing the baby out along with the bath water. There are scammers all across the world, and using an escrow service to make sure you get your money is your best bet - the buyer would be entering their payment information on the escrow service and you get your funds, the minute the buyer decides to gain access to your file - the escrow gives them the link for the download only after the payment has been made.Paypal was not conceived to be a payment gateway for business transactions, though it evolved into something for just that. If you wanted to pay your friend for a lunch bill that he/she would not accept payment from you for, you could sent the amount across electronically and there's no possibility of them refusing to accept the money. Similarly, you could send across funds to a non-profit or charity organization and they wouldn't have to hire software developers to figure out how they would accept credit card payments online. When it comes to business transactions over the Internet, you ought to use Paypal only when you are dealing with someone you can trust because the model Paypal follows is in favor of the buyer, the one who actually puts money into the system, and it is only fair if they worked that way - if you accidentally put in an additional zero and sent across a hundred dollars instead of ten dollars, you would be pretty upset if Paypal refused to reverse the transaction simply because you clicked the "Submit" button.BTW, you mentioned that you had all of the MSN chat logs of the conversation that you had with the second buyer. Were you able to use them in getting paid, or did you lose the case with Paypal entirely?@HODI would like to add that Indians developed their ability to bargain in order to avoid getting scammed. When you observe the buyers and sellers at an Indian market place, the seller quotes a price and the buyer eventually settles the transaction at a half of the quoted price! If a tourist visits the market place and buys a product at the quotes price, it doesn't make Indians scammers - it's simply the way things work and a lack of familiarity with the business practices is no reason one should hold up placards and put up posters that label all Indians as fraudulent scammers.

  13. Hi! @KjTriniYou've racked up a pretty huge negative balance there in your myCENTs, and that's with only eleven posts! Oh, don't worry you'll be able to get back in the black in no time. All it takes is a couple of looong posts and you'll be raking in the virtual cash for ordering web hosting packages pretty soon.BTW, one of the things that didn't strike me at first when I ordered my web hosting packages is that you can run multiple websites with the same web hosting package - I went for two really basic packages (the Logic Plans for $1.95 per month with a gigabyte of space, and 10 gigabytes of transfer bandwidth) since I didn't expect to do anything serious with the web hosting. It turns out that since the Logic Plan supports up to 5 MySQL databases, I can host five different websites with the same plan!Apart from the myCENTs credits and the hosting packages, I'm sure you'll find the people at Xisto to be quite friendly and helpful. The folks help each other out with technical difficulties that they experience with their hosting packages, troubleshooting PHP open-source applications, and developing some PHP applications of their own. There are some insanely cool graphic designers on the Trap too, so if you need any help with web or graphics design, you can get a hand with it from one of the members.

  14. Hi!


    Thank you for your reply. With the domain transfer charges being the same as the domain registration charge, I think the best course of action would be to let the domain registration expire and then re-register it instead of transferring it, as anwii suggested in his message further up (earlier) in this thread. The risk involved with such a 'modus operandi' is that somebody could just come along and steal the domain name while it's between expired and registered with the new hosting service. Another potential problem is that some domain registration services hang on to an expired domain name for a while in the hope that you would renew it with them - it's probably one way for them to make sure that you do not switch over to another domain registration service, especially if they don't respond to requests to release the domain without charging a fee since the domain is expired.

    BTW, I've looked at the reviews for several web hosting companies at http://www.whtop.com/ and most web masters complain about the hosting firms taking away their services when they start getting a considerable amount of traffic. Although there are some cases in which the hosting providers are really ripping off web masters, it may also be because the CPU load from a script is high. Running WordPress on a shared hosting server without any form of caching is asking for trouble - it generates a really heavy CPU load! The folks at StackOverflow.com probably got their feet wet when they initially switched to the WordPress blogging platform and as they weren't really aware of the concept of WordPress-caching, their CPU usage went sky-high and they dubbed WordPress as the destroyer of CPUs. They later figured out the caching bit, but not without putting up their share of slander/libel with their blog post for their bad experience resulting from their own ignorance.

    The problem of a heavy CPU load is pretty common among PHP scripts, but if you use them for prototyping, building intranet websites, or for a custom application (since you are cutting out the overhead of a plugin framework, catch-all index pages, and theme abstraction), you shouldn't have too much of an issue. If you can afford dedicated server hosting, however, the trade-off between ease of use and the speed of development versus the cost of obtaining hosting should get you convinced with building your website with PHP.

  15. Hi!You'll want to look into whether the spam you get is automated or if someone is manually visiting your website to post the messages. Automated spam can be stopped by using captcha, although there are data entry staff who work with an automated system to enter the text from a captcha image into the automated spam bot. Spam that is manually inserted onto your page can be held for moderation and, hopefully, that would discourage the spammers from posting to your forum. There are different forms of captcha so if the visitors on your site find responding to an image captcha difficult, you could use a different form of captcha that asks simple questions, such as "If the north pole is in the north, where is the south pole?" or even a mathematical or color captcha. A variation of an image captcha is where the system displays an image of a fire hydrant and asks the user to correctly identify the object or could ask a question about the image Eg. "What color is the fire hydrant in this picture?" (the picture can be altered to change the color of the fire hydrant to green, or perhaps it can get a picture of a yellow fire hydrant that some parts of the world use).Getting more moderators for your forum would definitely help - they're like the SWAT team that track down and put an end to spam on the forum. Of course, having moderators does not do away with the need for preventing automated spam because you could have several dozen spam messages to deal with and moderators would find the job of burying a few dozen spam messages everyday very frustrating. The job may sound like fun, but dealing with spam gets monotonous and boring eventually when the excitement wears off. Yes, I've had to moderate the comments on my blog and wonder why the spammers even bother trying since I delete their messages while in the moderation queue anyway.Perhaps you could get commercial services for preventing spam - there are plugins that check spam messages against a database and automatically delete the message if it matches a spam 'signature', just like anti-virus and other anti-malware software match viruses against a definition signature. There would be false positives i.e. some genuine messages might get classified as spam too, but you might have the option of manually sifting through the spam to look for 'real' messages.

  16. Hi!Creating fake iPhones does make sense because there are a lot of people out there who would want to get something that looks like the iPhone but is actually a whole lot cheaper. I doubt anyone would willingly want to buy a fake Intel Core i7 processor, whether or not it looks like a Core i7 or not because it's not really something that they can show around telling people that they have an Intel Core i7. Counterfeit Nokia look-alikes would probably sell too.There are other cheap goods that aren't really copies of anything, and they are really great. There are cell phones that can display television channels that are free-to-air and have pretty good reception too. Most channels are digital but there still are a couple of channels, perhaps national televsision channels, that aren't digital yet or are available with a regular old-fashioned television antenna.It actually makes more business sense to come up with a genuine product, such as a laptop or a desktop computer with lots of case mods to look like an alienware, or perhaps something that's been worked on even more. Would anyone settle for a glowing dragon LED logo on the back of the display panel? How about a choice between the dragon, a tribal pattern like those in tattoos, logos of popular games, and a whole lot of other things to customize? Those would definitely sell better than counterfeit processors that are packaged in boxes that look like they came from Intel.If people directed their efforts in the right direction, they would be able to come up with something successful, something that consumers would want to buy.

  17. Hi!@mahesh2kI don't really understand how scammers in India use Paypal, unless you are referring to tax evasion, but I get what you mean about the free transfers. People making personal payments for free still have to pay the exchange rates and Paypal gets to keep the difference between the prevalent exchange rate and the exchange rate that Paypal uses to transfer the amount. I think the service could be used to convert or transfer 'black money' (money un-declared for tax purposes).@fermin25, @kleongI didn't think of it that way. Having Paypal continue to provide services in India while collecting information about how the individuals gained the 'wealth' is better than having Paypal shut down their India operations entirely.

  18. Hi!@HODDuring my last visit to a library a few years ago, I saw the other patrons borrowed cook books, novels, and self-development books. The books don't really convey a very bookworm-ism image.I can't really think of what libraries could do to stay competitive and relevant in today's world, but here's a thought. Each time I find something on the Internet that I find interesting, I print it for later reference. After we're done with the printouts, if we could return the printed pages to the library for someone else to use it, libraries could help work toward environmental conservation. Besides, saving printer ink could be a good motivation for individuals to check with their local libraries for a paper-based copy of the article or book to borrow.@kleongBefore I figured out how the computer-based book catalog worked, I would simply walk over to the section of the library that had books of interest to me, and I would browse through their collection of books. I discovered a lot of interesting books that way, but later as I had less and less time to find material for assignments, I decided to use the computerized book catalog to direct me to the exact aisle and shelf where the book I need is located and I just get a peek of some other books on that shelf while I collect the material I need for assignments.When I visit the library to pick up books that are in no way related to my assignments, which was a couple of years ago, I frequent the same aisles where I found books from previously but never had the time to read the books that caught my attention.

  19. Hi!I have taken up courses at both on-ground campuses and online programs. Online programs have the advantage that the focus is not on memorization of concepts but is rather on increasing the breadth of one's knowledge. On-ground campus programs seem to have a greater focus on memorization, though there are some that do focus on practice, such as when the course involves physically putting stuff together.Most online learners have a day-time job and try to improve their skills and improve their resume while still holding onto their jobs.

  20. Hi!@DeliviHow does a netbook or nettop with an Intel Atom processor differ from one that has an Intel Centrino Atom processor?@ShadowXCloud computing in the future could become just as popular as obtaining an Internet connection from an Internet Service Provider, a web hosting package, or maybe even cable TV. Cloud computing has many applications in the real world and can reduce the entry barriers for somebody, just about any Joe Schmoe, who wants to setup a business but does not want to invest in computers and IT infrastructure.@Alex CicalaWas the tiny palmtop computer that you looked at a Sony Vaio? Sony makes then and they are quite amazing. Sony also builds a netbook form factor laptop with an Intel Core i7 processor for the Japanese market. If you want something tiny that looks like a PDA but works like a computer, you ought to turn to Sony for the product, if you have the budget. Sony prices the laptops over that of their top-of-the-range laptops although the cost of the material for manufacturing the units would have been lower than for a regular laptop. Perhaps it's a statement from Sony to say small isn't always cheap.@HODWhen Intel comes up with a dual core version of the Intel Atom processor, you might not experience the lag any more.After the release of Intel's Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7 processors, the prices of the Core 2 Duo processors have dropped considerably and so the price difference between a Core 2 Duo and an Intel Atom processor is too low to be able to justify the purchase of an netbook or a nettop powered by an Atom, instead of an entry-level notebook or a full-featured desktop powered by a Core 2 Duo processor.

  21. Hi Simpleton!Paypal initially started off as an idea to pay your pal for splitting a lunch or dinner check, or for sending the equivalent of a gift certificate on his or her birthday. Under the new terms and conditions for transferring money to India, you can no longer make personal payments. It does, in a way, prevent Paypal from operating in India under the initial vision that was conceived. Perhaps if the government could exempt payments under a certain value or payments from a Paypal personal account from falling under the same restrictions as a large transaction of a Paypal business account, the arrangement could have been more practical.Many Indian firms provide services and accept payments over Paypal. Such users generally have a Paypal business account and make transactions that exceed the limitations placed on a Paypal personal account. The arrangement does not seem to help prevent fraud in any way, but seems to have more control for the government over the export of software and payment for the services, in order to apply income tax and sales tax (CST? VAT?) on the transferred amount.

  22. Hey discomatt!It's good to have you on-board. There are a lot of PHP folk on the Trap 17, so you will feel right at home.I have been developing software with the Microsoft .NET framework and it's been a couple of months since I've been working with PHP. There are very few PHP jobs in this part of the world when compared to the ASP.NET jobs so I only get to work with PHP after I end my shift on my day job.I haven't been on PHP Freaks but I have heard a bit about it. The IRC channel seemed to be a bit too quiet while I was trying it - I was talking to myself :-( Perhaps it's just the time zone difference.Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay at Trap 17. Lots of large original posts will get you lots of credits with which to order hosting packages.

  23. Hi!Does transferring a domain cost anything at all? If I get a domain name from a domain registrar and want to transfer it to Xisto - Web Hosting/Xisto, or vice-versa, do either of the firms charge for the transfer? What about a transfer to a different owner i.e. for updating the contact information associated with the domain name?I have never really had a problem with Xisto - Support, but then again, I haven't done much with the hosting package that I got.

  24. Hi!Libraries have traditionally been a place where one could visit and find lots and lots of manuscripts and books that were carefully preserved. Every book or periodical in the library had three sets of cards created. Periodicals often had indexes that were published. These indexes contained information that could be used to look up the topic of an article from a journal or other periodical and had a reference to the author name, title of the periodical, the volume and issue number, the start and end page number of the article, and the date of the article. The journal/periodical indexes took up large aisles of the library and were the first place to look when one needed to find any information. Using these details, one would find the section of the library that holds the volumes and issues of that particular periodical, find the book within the section and the article within the book. If you've played Monkey Island (I can't remember which one, but I think it is the second game in the series), you are probably familiar with the concept of a card catalog that we had in libraries for finding books. Books within a library are organization according to either the Dewey decimal classification system, which has the book catalog indicates where a book is located according to the 10-discipline numerical classification system, or the Library of Congress classification system, which is commonly used at universities and follows an alphabetical system of classification). The classification system often helps researchers find related content by looking up other books that are available in the same section of the library as the referenced book.Libraries have come a long way since they were in earlier times. Present day libraries arrange material by subject or departments. This form of arrangement can also be found in large book stores, such as Barnes and Nobles. Often researchers from a particular discipline have to access information from other departments or subject areas due to the interdisciplinary nature of much of the research today. University programs have also been created around interdisciplinary research, such as biomedical engineering, mechatronic engineering, molecular biology, cybernetics, radiology, and bioinformatics.The development of the Internet created a revolution in the field of information organization and library sciences and have enabled individuals to search for books and periodicals from the library using a library database and find the exact aisle and shelf that the book is located on. Books and periodicals that are not stored in the library have electronic versions that can be searched for in online databases or can be loaned from other libraries. Thus, libraries provide access to huge records of information that represent the accumulated knowledge from over the years. Libraries also often carry DVDs/CDs that you can borrow, just as you would borrow a book.The availability of information over the Internet and the reasonably-priced broadband connectivity solutions have enabled individuals to access information without ever having to visit a library. Newspapers and magazines maintain online archives, blogs and social media post content online within a few hours of their occurrence and have searchable content archived and easily accessible. Social bookmarking websites make it easy and simple to discover content.For many people today, privately-run libraries are just a cheaper means of gaining access to novels, comic books, newspapers, and self-development books. Public libraries continue to maintain their collection of books while providing Internet-access kiosks for people who do not have access to computers and the Internet. The reduced role of the library and the focus on providing services similar to that of an Internet cafe may seem like a sign of the death of libraries. After all. what can libraries do to stay competitive other than doubling-up to provide other services - bundling together book lending, book sales, internet cafes, and coffee shops.

  25. Hi StvenWesley!To get started with using Sharepoint, you would have to setup a server edition of Windows - either Microsoft Windows 2003, Windows 2008, or Windows 2008 Release 2. You can obtain an limited time period evaluation version of any of these three operating systems from the Microsoft downloads website. You can have either of them setup within a virtual machine, as many other Sharepoint developers do. You have a choice between Microsoft's own Virtual PC, VMWare Virtual Machine, and Sun's (and, now, Oracle's) Virtual Box. Virtual PC was formerly a part of Connectix and Microsoft acquired the organization as a part of it's strategic expansions into virtualization technologies. VMWare is one of the oldest corporations dealing with virtualization products. Virtual Box is an open source software project. Both VMWare and Virtual Box have free-of-cost offerings. If you are planning to run Sharepoint Server 2010, you would require a 64-bit virtual machine. Both Microsoft Virtual PC and VMWare Virtual Machine can provide a 64-bit virtual machine if you are running a 64-bit version of the Microsoft Windows or Linux operating system. However, Virtual Box can provide you with a 64-bit virtual machine irrespective of what you are running on your host machine and is, currently, the only want to get a 64-bit development environment if you are running a 32-bit edition of Windows or Linux.All editions of Microsoft Sharepoint require a database server to run, and can be installed on SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008. If you are installing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 on Windows 2008 or Windows 2008 Release 2, you would get a compatibility warning. You can safely ignore the warning and proceed, though you would have to install the service pack available for SQL Server 2008. The warning is displayed also if you choose to install the freely available SQL Server 2008 Express edition, and you can use the same service pack on the Express edition. If you are installing the Express edition, you might also want to download the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (SMSE), which is the graphical user interface used for administration of the database server. The express edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express administration utility are both available for free from the Microsoft downloads website.Microsoft Sharepoint includes both a free component and a commercially licensed component. The free component is referred to as Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS) and is available with Windows 2003 server. However, Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 is available as a separate download for Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 Release 2 servers. The Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 has been re-branded to Microsoft Sharepoint Services Foundation for the 2010 release, although it is also sometimes referred to as Windows Sharepoint Services 4.0. A beta of Sharepoint Services Foundation 2010 is currently available on the Microsoft website. The Microsoft Office Sharepoint Services 2007 (MOSS 2007) is a commercial add-on component and provides many advanced features and functionalities over Windows Sharepoint Services. Windows Sharepoint Services provides users with basic document sharing, Wiki, blog, and issue tracking capability, in addition to the other free templates included. Microsoft Office Sharepoint Services has been re-branded to Sharepoint Services 2010 (SPS 2010) for the 2010 release.Pages in Sharepoint can be customized by applying cascading style sheets to the layout as themes. However, the actual markup cannot be changed for the Windows Sharepoint Services or the Sharepoint Services Foundation server. You can, however specify a different markup for the Microsoft Office Sharepoint Services and for the Sharepoint Services commercial products. Sharepoint pages are composed of layouts, which specify the number of columns that are displayed on a web page, and web parts that fit into those layouts. Several web parts are already included in the default installation and developers can create additional web parts to provide customization and additional functionality. Microsoft also provides the Microsoft Office Sharepoint Designer that can be used for designing the user interface as well as for creating the workflows for documents and other items within the system. Although Windows Sharepoint Services and Sharepoint Services Foundation provides basic workflow capabilities, complete support for workflows is only available in Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server and Sharepoint Services.An interesting concept illustrated by Sharepoint is the storage of ASPX pages within the SQL Server database and the use of the virtual path provider to access the pages from the database instead of from the file system. As Sharepoint is an ASP.NET based technology, you can browse through the ASPX files containing the layouts and other ASP.NET files located on the file system.Sharepoint provides a document sharing system that is tightly integrated with the Microsoft Office suite.

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