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Status Updates posted by k_nitin_r

  1. I decided to redo my website at nitinkatkam.com

  2. I just made my 10 posts of the day. It took a whole 3 hours!

    1. anwiii


      you're BACK....hmmmmm...are you back? :)

    2. chini13


      can u make my 10 posts?? :P

    3. k_nitin_r


      @nnnoooooo: 6 months later, and the forum still lives!


      @anwii: I have an on-and-off thing, so I can't really say I'm back. Whenever I can spare the time, I head back here and post.


      @chini13: A lot of time and effort goes into making each post of enough length to count for some real content, so about a dozen is all an average person can manage in a day. I can help you with a couple of posts though - if anything comes up on your mind, start a new thread, and we...

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. I wonder what the new features in this version of Invision Power Board are.

  4. I would post some more, but I procrastinate.

  5. I'm a regular on KS again.

    1. velma


      Good to know :) isn't it marvelous to be back?

    2. k_nitin_r


      Feels good to be back. I've been on and off on KS so I didn't miss much.

  6. If yodeling can cause avalanches, can it get snow off the roof?

  7. Isn't PHP so much easier than Java and Python for web development?

  8. Isn't PHP so much easier than Java and Python for web development?

  9. Logged back into the forum after ages. It feels like it has been so long.

  10. Looking for bugs in the software.

  11. Lovin' the new status-update interface.

  12. Metro apps can only be developed when installing Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 8

  13. Most computers have only twice as much RAM as a Lightning-to-HDMI adapter! :-D

  14. Must... make... more... posts

    1. darko100


      2yrs ago i could have 20$ with 100posts... 13$ now.


      Seems crisis attacked Xisto too :(

    2. velma


      oh come now darko, it isn't all that bad.. You just need to find a topic that you can write a lot about :)


      I suggest you dig deeper into our forums

    3. k_nitin_r


      @velma, if anyone's looking for a topic, I've always got a bag full :-)

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. My average posts per day is dropping. I should visit the forum more often.

    1. OpaQue


      LOL. I wondered that too... Nice Comic .. I wish I could comment there :)

  16. Rockets and roll 'em!

  17. Round and round, here we go again.

  18. Symbian isn't going away yet - Nokia sold so many phones with it this year too; perhaps next year may see the end of Symbian with Nokia selling Windows Mobile phones now.

  19. That isn't Abu Dhabi in the gallery - it's Dubai. Look, that's the Burj Al Arab (the hotel).

    1. chini13


      yeah..thats right..inea showing us the wrong map...i will sue her..this will lead me to different destination lol

  20. Whitney Houston logs out of planet earth

  21. Whitney Houston logs out of planet earth

  22. Why do people Tweet when there's Facebook?

    1. MayukhDebnath


      Coz they can't sing on Face in a book.

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