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Posts posted by k_nitin_r

  1. I would talk about WikiLeaks but they are global and are not paricularly interested in Indian politics specifically. They deal with all kinds of stuff from the military to personal finances of the wealthy so they are willing to talk about pretty much anything from any part of the world. Assange, the person behind WikiLeaks, has gotten into trouble over the WikiLeaks website but there is nothing that people can do in some parts of the world against folks who simply run the websites on which content is posted, as long as the person running the website promptly complies with requests to take the content offline when requested.In India, we do have the news channels perform sting operations and broadcast them on the air, but it is usually part of a blackmail by the journalists - what they do is get a video, audio, or photograph and use it for blackmailing the victim into paying up. If he or shje does not pay up, the journalist uses the piece to make money by getting it to the news channel so the journalist makes money out of it either way (though what they get from the blackmail victims who do pay up is higher than what they would get from having the cpontent put on the air through news channels).

  2. @velmaThank you for your response.I didn't know JSP is supported on the VPS, but now that you mention it, that's the solution I've been looking for. Is it possible to have a VPS running both PHP and JSP scripts, or is that asking too much?BTW, here's my reasoning for asking for JSP support - I see ASP.NET and JSP as comparable technologies that are similar in almost every aspect except for the vendor name :-)I believe both platforms have the ability to restrict features on a server-level and would be great for a shared hosting service. I agree most free software packages for the two platforms would not work out-of-the-box for either of the two platforms but a lot of custom scripts are written in ASP.NET or JSP.

  3. I am surprised that this thread does not have more posts than it does. There are lots of laptops out there that barely make a sound but if you try to place them on a bed on a summer afternoon, they would overheat and shut down. You can get something quiet but you would have to work with it in an environment that is cool enough to allow for heat dissipation. If the system has been tuned for performance, it would generate a lot of heat and you need to get a lot of air flow. A lot of air flow means a lot of noise, just as we see with air conditioning systems in cars - set the blower to its maximum setting and you probably would not even be able to hear somebody on the other end of a cell phone connection unless you have a pair of ear phones or head phones.While you do have options to build custom laptops, such as the kind that Shuttle offers to original equipment manufacturers (and perhaps even to consumers, but I am not aware of whether it is available for a small number of orders), you can do so much more with a desktop 'project' because you don't have to think about portability. To start off with, you need to get a barebones system with just a case, a motherboard, a processor, and some memory. The processor and the case will typically have a fan that you want to get rid of. The case should ideally be large enough to give you room to add on additional components and work around them without having to take the screws off one component and yank it out to gain access to another component - if you have one of those cases, you might as well use a wooden cabinet and have it modified for the project. Next, the case power supply would have to be replaced with a fan-less power supply. You may even get a laptop-style motherboard that has a single DC-in connector and a laptop-style power supply that comes with a brick in the middle - these are for small form factor desktop computers (you might even but a small form factor computer, but that's beside the point in my post because we want performance as well as a quiet work, gaming, or entertainment environment). Next, you want to get rid of the fan on the processor and replace it with a liquid cooling system. You might want to run a demo of the unit you want to buy because the pump may generate some noise - it is usually very inaudible compared to the fan that sits on the processor. An alternative would be to use a motherboard-processor combination for a processor that does not require a fan, which is what many small form factor computers use, but that isn't what we are looking for because we are aiming for performance. Next, you would want to have graphic cards but you have to think about the temperature forming within the case. The 'horizontal' desktop cases are great because the hot air from one component does not get to another component but there is little verticle room for the hot air to rise. A tower case is great for heat dissipation if you plan it right. Cooler components at the lower end of the case and the hotter components are you go up is the rule of thumb because you don't want the hotter components generating enough heat transferred by means of hot air to get another component over heating. If you are using fans for cooling, which isn't what we are aiming at, you may want to have the hotter components located right in front of the cooling fan irrespective of where the other components are placed.An LCD screen is typically the way to go if you are on a budget but if you can spare the cash, an LED screen is the way to go for energy saving. Neither really matter when it comes to noise.If you want a quiet keyboard, a washable rubber keyboard is as quiet as it can get, unless you count the on-screen touch keyboards as a keyboard - those can get annoying if you do a lot of typing so I would advise against an on-screen keyboard unless your usage is primarily point-and-click.Computer mice come in all shapes and sizes and button-less mice are as expensive as they can get. If you want to have some quiet time without the sound of those mouse clicks, get for one of the touch mice if they can fit your budget. If not, have a go at something that has a littler push to register a click. Some mice are quieter than others so you might want to try them out to figure out what you want to get. The scrolling wheel can get noisy too so a button-scroll instead of a wheel scroll may fit your needs if you are comfortable using it. If not, get a touch pad or a track point mouse instead of a regular mouse. A track point is a single pencil eraser head that works like a joy stick - you move it in the direction that you want to cursor to move and it is pressure sensitive so you can push it harder to make the cursor move faster. Some track points also have a press to click feature but it does not help much unless you are very skilled with a track point because the press-to-click can register as a mouse move if you don't push vertically down. A touch pad is the standard piece of pointing equipment that you get on a laptop and it integrates scroll and edge motion as additional features that you can enable or disable. Multi touch is something you may want to consider if you work with photographs and the zoom feature, but most people don't so you can stick with a cheap touch pad unless you have a reason not to.

  4. I have a request rather than a comment about the new packages. I've been with Xisto / Trap 17 for a while, though my relationship with the forum has been on and off, and I've been hoping to see support for Java Server Pages. We have a sub-forum for Java, but we do not have a hosting service that supports Java yet. I'd like to see a variant of one of the existing packages that support Java because I do not use the web hosting service for anything serious so do not need the performance - I run a personal website and a website that I had hoped would land me some freelancing gigs (which it didn't but I still use it for blogging).

  5. There are so many road accidents everyday and a good number of them result in injuries, disability, and even in death. Air travel is much safer in comparison, but the average person does not view air travel the same as he or she views travel by road. Air travel is considered more dangerous simply because the person considering the two options of road trips and air travel thinks that having both feet closer to the ground makes the mode of travel somehow safer. If you give it a second thought, what difference does it make if an accident occurs and a person drops from a height of a few kilometres (I'm not as familiar with the measurement system of feet and miles, but a mile is roughly 1.6 kilometers) or a person is tossed into the prongs of a fork lift? Both are fatal and neither is less dangerous than the other when you consider the chances of survival but when you think about the possibility of occurrence then you are looking at a less likelihood of falling out of a plane or having the plane crash than have a traffic accident.If you give a thought about your road trips, the vehicle within which you travel has probably clocked a few thousand kilometres (again, for the folk who think in terms of feet and miles, a mile is roughly equal to 1.6 kilometers) and assuming that you do take it to the service center at regular intervals, you have a good batch of engine oil and the fuel filters and air filters let the car's engine run without any hiccups, barring the use of low quality fuel or any other unforeseen technical problems. Even if you have the best possible service center with the most qualified mechanics, there are bound to be problems that they cannot detect. They cannot predict when a tyre would burst but they best they can do is to check if the surface of the tyre is free of any defects and that the wear and tear on the surface of the tyre is at a minimum. They can check if the body of the vehicle 'looks okay' but they cannot tell you anything more about it. Many bodyshops that repair vehicles after accidents do a perfectly good job of covering up any traces of the accident, but you have to remember that the outside can be just an illusion for what is within - some auto workshops do not repair the structural components that make up the rigidity of the vehicle so if the vehicle were to suffer from another vehicular accident, the lack of rigidity would mean a serious safety issue for the driver and the other occupants of the vehicle. Air crafts go through much more stringent quality control checks at regular intervals and there is a ground crew examining the air craft even as they refuel between flights. The body of the aircraft itself is checked for metal fatigue, which is the phenomenon by which metal objects develop tiny cracks that are invisible to the eye and may not even be at the surface because of the pressure changes and the compression and decompression cycles that an aircraft goes through each time it takes off or lands. Similar problems can occur in automobiles too in parts that undergo heavy stress but who even performs such a check for automobiles? All that most folk do is check if the body has any rust showing, which can be easily covered up with some welding and paint, and that's about all that a structural check involves.When you travel by road, you have the problem of dealing with debris and objects that are on the road whereas that problem is diminished greatly when you travel by air. There are cases where birds flew through the jet engines of air planes and the flight had to perform an emergency landing with the remaining engines (I'm assuming that all jet liners have at least two engines, but I could be wrong in making that assumption) but that is very very uncommon. There are strict regulations for flying planes and pilots have to undergo training to make sure they can fly a plane, unlike the case with automobile drivers - the institutions that test for the ability of a person to driver a motor vehicle (DMV or the equivalent) tests the driver either under controlled conditions or under average conditions where the driver has to drive for a short period of time to exhibit the basic skills needed to drive a vehicle. However, the drivers are faced with challenges and not-so-average situations almost all the time. Drivers may have to drive for extended periods of time, in traffic-jams, and in different kinds of weather and driving tests usually do not check a driver's ability to deal with any of the three (perhaps traffic-jams are covered, but what about the specific instance of driving behind a vehicle carrying construction equipment or driving beside a vehicle carrying heavy loads?). If the aviation licensing industry was as liberal as the automotive licensing industry in handing out licenses to fly, then we would have a lot more accidents than we have today. We would have tired and sleepy pilots being overworked by their airlines and you most definitely would not want to be riding in a commercial jet liner piloted by one of those folks. Truck drivers and bus drivers often run on a lack of sleep and you just might look out your side window or rear view mirror to spot one of those. Even if you are not being driven by them, they are on the road and if they crashed into you, the crash could prove just as fatal as a whole bus falling over onto its side or falling off a bridge.Some people prefer to travel by road because it is cheaper, or at least because they perceive that it is cheaper. For traveling short distances, having a car or a motorcycle is perhaps cheaper than taking a plane, but for long distances, such as when you need to travel from one city to another, air travel can be just as economical or perhaps even cheaper than traveling by road.

  6. Darko,I think the Internet has evolved more than anything else. You have a lot more tools at your disposal to make money on the Internet. Back then, just having a computer hooked up to the Internet meant that you had something that the others didn't. The Internet boom was based on unrealistic expectations of what the Internet could and could not do, so it all had to go bust at some point in time. Back in the day, you could have some banner ads and that was enough to rake in the cash, but now you have to setup a store on eBay and find something to sell to make the same kind of money that you could back in the day,

  7. My IBM Lenovo Thinkpad T60 has been with me for half a decade. I did use an HP laptop but, well, it did not quite make it through the intensive use that I put my laptops through. The Thinkpad survived because of its solid construction and a lot of other Thinkpad users will tell you the same. The Thinkpad line-up was the reason people went to IBM for laptops. Sure, they were over-priced but they were solidly constructed and lasted longer. Think of it as a Toyota or a Jeep that just keeps going on and on and on. There are a lot of used Thinkpads still out there so if you are trying to decide between a netbook or a second-hand pre-owned laptop, you might want to take a look at what Thinkpads are out there simply because the netbooks just don't have the computational power if you are trying to develop software, work with graphics, or do anything else apart from word processing, email and web browsing. I don't mean to say that netbooks can't be used, but I'm simply saying that it would take longer for a netbook, powered by an Atom processor, to do something that was built for a more mainstream processor.BTW, you mention that you have 2 computers and a laptop. Do you have a home network setup, or are all of them independent with separate Internet connections?

  8. Hi Rina!I'm Nitin Reddy. I joined Xisto initially because of the free web hosting but later became a part of the community. My participation on the forum is on-and-off because whenever I get the time, I post as much as I can and when something comes up and life takes its course, I tend to get occupied with stuff that is in the present. I do, however, come back to the forum ever so often.As Nanna suggested, you may want to post more information about yourself so people here on the forum can get to know you better. If you have any hobbies, stuff that you do at work, pets that you have around the house, or even an fascination for art, you can post about it to your introduction thread. I remember creating my introduction thread about a whole month after I joined the forum and I do believe that it took longer for me to get in touch with everybody on the forum because I didn't have an introduction thread. I believe this is where you get to connect with the other members of the community and once you've done that, you've got a pretty good incentive to keep posting - saying hello to folks you meet on here, working collaboratively to solve problems, and perhaps even forming business relationships if you are open to the idea of starting up a new firm and have the resources to do so.

  9. Accessories for the Samsung Galaxy Note include a cover, a 32GB microSD card to replace the 2GB card included (you may have a higher capacity card; sometimes the manufacturer or distributor tend to use a different spec from the original spec with which the product was launched), a bluetooth GPS receiver for times when you need more sensitivity or quicker lock times than the in-built GPS, a bluetooth stereo headset, a spare battery, and some Android apps. You can also get a car kit so you don't have to reach for your phone to find out who is calling or to answer the calls.

  10. Heximal,Good to have you here at Xisto. I see you have made 12 posts already and you are earning MyCENTs - that puts you way ahead of a lot of other people who post their introductions in the introductions sub forum.I develop web sites with ASP.NET and PHP, and have a basic understanding of how Java web applications work (I can write JSP code on Tomcat, but haven't ventured into the use of Spring or the use of other application servers).There are a lot of interesting folk here on Xisto but three of the most popular contributors to the forum have already replied to your introduction thread so that's pretty much half of the who's-who of the forum for the most part.

  11. Hi!One of the problems with using PHP code from tutorials is that some of them are quite dated. The particular tutorial that you are using seems to have been about in the time when the default settings for PHP had the variables for the form 'registered'. As a quick fix, you can put this line into the top of your processorder.php file:"<?php extract($_FORM); ?>" (without the quotes)and check it out again.

  12. The forum links are broken.

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    You have reported the problem in your post dated January 27, 2012, and here I am, trying to access the forums on February 22, 2012, with the exact same problem! I wonder what URL everyone else uses to get to the site. Right now, I have the General Discussion link in my history so I am able to access this sub-section of the forums. Perhaps with some more investigation, I should be able to access other parts of the site, but I simply do not have any way to get a list of all of the sub-forums on the website. I do hope that they fix the problem soon because this is becoming harder to work with. I suppose all the regular members that are around here are using a bookmark to access the forums - do share the link if you are one of the folks using a bookmark and able to access the forums normally.

  13. I have noticed that the computer hardware trends have not been going upward in terms of computer memory, but the hard disk drive capacities have had some increase. Most of the mainstream laptops come with 4GB of memory, which is about the same as a computer from about four years ago. Hard drive capacities were at about 500GB back then and they are at about 500-750GB right now, but that is not much of an increase. Processing capacities have got much better though, with video conversion time dropping by at least half so if you do have an Intel Core 2 Duo processor from back in the day and compare them to the Core i5 second generation processors, there's a whole lot of difference in terms of performance. Graphics adapters are getting cheaper too, with an NVidia available in a mainstream laptop for only slightly more than one that comes with integrated graphics.I wonder if we will see petabyte storage in notebook computers any time soon. Computer manufacturers are still dealing with getting notebook computers to a terabyte without increasing the price tag beyond the mainstream computers.

  14. Hi!I am not sure if the air transport system will be used in customer-facing applications because an empty capsule used for transporting the items has to be available to the user, and the user just might pick up the capsule and take it with the item, assuming that it is a form of packaging rather than something that has to be returned for re-use.The air transport system can be used for sending around documents, mail, and other paper work in multi-storey buildings and even in offices that extend beyond one building. Imagine having to walk from one building to another to send across a document. Instead, you can put it into a capsule, key in the 'extension number' and have the document in the other room that is about four or five buildings away in a matter of seconds!The plastic tubing itself is cheap, but the installation requires careful planning because there is a maximum radius of curvature for the tubes beyond which, either (a) the tubes would break, or (B) the tubes will bend into the desired shape but the capsule will get lodged around the corner and perhaps even lead to a breakage.

  15. If you guys are looking to load a new page with php.. I would suggest just using java.

    The code snippet that you have included in your post uses Javascript and not Java. The two are different - Javascript typically runs within the web browser (although there are instances of Javascript running on your computer, such as for scripting Windows, or using server-side Javascript) and Java typically runs on a server in the form of Java Server Pages (though you can run it within the browser as Applets or on your computer as a Java AWT/Swing/SWT application). Javascript runs as an interpreted language whereas Java is compiled into bytecode before execution.

  16. sheepdog,I know exactly what you mean. It is one of the reasons why firms with subsidies available to them for their manufacturing are not usually permitted to export to other parts of the world because they can undercut their competitors. Now, you might say - why would the government of the country where the goods are being manufactured offer such a subsidy, and I will look back at you and say, "Employment." When the government deals with a lower unemployment rate, crime rates are lower and therefore there is a decreased spending by the government on maintaining law and order, there is increased tax collected by the government in the form of income taxes, sales taxes, and import duties, apart from excise duty from the manufacturing firms. In short, the government spends a little to make a lot and it is great in terms of an investment by the government, except that they do not and they cannot do so because the world trade organization prevents it.BTW, the Ford motor company does have a lot of things going for it. They managed to turn the company around and go from offering SUVs and a couple of other vehicles to offering a whole family of vehicles to suit just about every customer, and they have done quite a bit of work to focus on the Ford brand instead of distribute their effort across a whole line of brands that will never really be as popular as Ford. Ford has also managed to integrate its research and development, and engineering capabilities across the world and they did manage to get their investment in electric vehicles and alternative fuels to plan for the future. Ford has got its cars to the stage where they are the best in class, in terms of value, fuel economy, performance, and comfort.Ford is not just an entity that makes and sells cars in the United States. They have a pretty large presence in India too. Ford managed to sell a huge number of its Ford Figo cars in India as soon as they were launched because it simply had the right pricing. It was a direct competitor to Maruti Suzuki's Swift and Tata Motors' Indica-Vista. The Ford Figo hatchback is also being offered to existing vehicle owners for a one-month exchange to lure customers to the brand.

  17. As others on the forum have pointed out, a university is a single entity that encompasses everything that we know. Some people may use the term to describe all of the solar systems and asteroids and other galactic masses so if there were something else to exist, which is perhaps even beyond our imagination right now, it would be called something else, so going by that definitions, there is a possibility that we could have something other than the university but that possibility is very very small. Imagine being able to see something in an aquarium other than fish, aquatic plants, and rocks. If you did find something that happened to land there, such as a hydra, then that would be a rare but still expected occurrence. However, you would not expect to see a bubble of helium in there and if you did, you would say that isn't a part of the aquarium just as something unexpected would not be a part of our universe therefore a new term would have to be created to refer collectively to the universe and the newly discovered entity but again, I reiterate that it is very very unlikely for such a thing to happen because although we do have unnatural occurrences, the possibility of something other than planets, stars, blackholes, asteroids, and stuff that humans have put or left out there, and even if there was, it is not something that we have been able to find so far.

  18. @mitral16Greetings and welcome to the forum. Do post more about yourself so that we can go to know you better. After all, this is the introductions subforum. What do you do and where are you from? Do you have any pets? Are you here for the free web hosting too, or are you just here to share your knowledge and hang out with a community of people who spend way too much time at the computer than their optometrists tell them that they should in a day? (I think I would have spent 25 hours of the day posting something online, working on assignments, reading, or working at the computer, if it were at all possible)

  19. @WildflowerI may be really late to this thread, but I see that you have only made 2 posts to the forum so far so it may not be too late for me to respond to your introduction thread. I got to the site when using Google way back when the site was called Xisto and I do not even remember what it was that I was looking for, but there was a whole thread dedicated to it so I explored what the forum has to offer and the free web hosting sounded like something i could use.I hear you and I know what you mean - being a jack-of-all-trades is actually better than being a master of one trade because it means that you have a better understanding of the bigger picture. It also helps in figuring out what you like to do and what roles would better suit you in the work place so it is something that could probably get you further up the corporate ladder than you imagine.@iAssistantI don't really remember seeing much of you in the forums, but you've got over a hundred posts on the forum. I must have been visiting the forum less frequently than I imagined. I look forward to seeing more of you on the forums as I get down to increasing my presence on here too... only a few of the old members still remember having me on the forums.@StaciatikiaiHuh? Are those all-spaces with a hyperlink on them? The link seems to lead to your blog but I can't really read it because I can't read Russian. It would be great if you could have an English version of the blog too.@kuroHello and welcome to the forum. I see that you have made your first post to this thread. Do feel free to create another thread in the Introductions sub forum so that we may get to know you better and you have a more 'official' introduction.

  20. Hi!It's been a while since I've been to this thread, but I have been looking at what I can do with my old (Maruti) Suzuki Esteem 2004 Di. It has a 1.5-litre Peugeot TUD5 engine but it probably only has about 57 horsepower, a mere pittance compared to the diesel engines available today, and can go 14 kilometres to the litre on the highway at about 100 kilometres per hour. The gearbox is best suited for travel at 70 kilometres per hour because the engine rotations per minute goes up to 3,000 right at 100 kilometres per hour. At about 120 kilometres per hour, I see the fuel economy drop to single figures (modern day diesel vehicles such as the Suzuki Swift, which comes with a 1.3-litre Fiat multijet diesel engine, has a rated fuel efficiency of 21 kilometres to the litre on the highway), and if I go over 140 kilometres per hour, I am pretty much red-lining it so fuel economy should not even be something to think about at those speeds - the ability of the engine to take to 5,000 rotations per minute is more of a concern.In case you are wondering, the car is totally stock and was built during the time when Indian highways were dual carriage roads so speeds of over 80 kilometres per hour were uncommon. Now, most of the national highways in India are funded through tolls and are maintained better so the roads do enable travel of up to 120 kilometres per hour, though the official speed limits are posted as 100 kilometres per hour.I sometimes wonder why some cars seem to have running problems if they have not been run in a while. The Suzuki Esteem does not particularly like being left sitting on blocks (or jacks, for that matter), and seems to develop what feels like an engine mis-fire for the first fifteen minutes or so of starting it up. It isn't a worn out glowplug because that feels different and needs more cranking in the morning, but it could possibly be a faulty glow plug in some of the cylinders (I am assuming that each cylinder has an independent glow plug - it is a 4-cylinder engine). Different mechanics have a different take on what the problem could be so I definitely think that they are guessing. One mechanic suggests that it is an engine timing issue while another suggests having the fuel pump looked at. The car has probably done 110,000 kilometres but it is hard to tell for sure because I did lend the car out for about a year and the odometer only has 5-digits to tell you how much it has done so as soon as the car goes beyond 99,999 kilometres or 199,999 kilometres, the odometer rolls back to reading 00,000 kilometres (zero kilometres).Anyway, I hope to keep the car for as long as it runs and trade it in for a newer vehicle. The Suzuki Ritz diesel and the Suzuki Swift diesel are on their way out as the designs have been around for a while, but the Suzuki Ritz does seem to be more practical than most hatchbacks with a 40-60 split folding seats to accomodate more luggage. The Suzuki Esteem has a complete folding rear seat so if you have no rear seat passengers, you do get more boot space but if you do have a passenger, you have to set your luggage onto the seats (good luck cleaning up the seats after you have removed the luggage!).

  21. This year has seen some interesting news headlines, and its still only February. One of the articles I have read on Forbes.com is that General Motors is the world top auto manufacturer in terms of automobile sales. After three years of losing its crown to Toyota, General Motors had to deal with a huge debt, which it managed to reduce through bankruptcy.Toyota's problems with brakes and 'sticky' accelerators probably had a large part of play in General Motors' success and in the business world, that isn't anything you can hold against General Motors because it could have happened to any of the big three. There are crash reports of crash testing dummies getting severed in test reports against Chery and some other manufacturers, but they still keep going and have loyal buyers who perceive the cost advantage as their key selling point.

  22. Hi!An RSS feed is like an XML representation of the articles on a website. You can have an entire news website represented as a set of XML items containing the title, the date (and possibly even the time), and the content of the news item. Pretty much ever major website that deals with content in a chronological form would have an RSS feed. You can find news feeds on BBC, Blogspot and WordPress offer RSS feeds for their blogs and for blog comments too (I can't really think of who would want to subscribe to the blog comments RSS feed, but perhaps it would be used by the authors of the blog more than any of the visitors assuming that they use mobile devices that can't browse the other interfaces that the content management system provides to access and approve the comments).

  23. sheepdog,I read about the incident on a tech news website. They did post the video too, which I didn't look at yet. The incident is probably another side to watching what you say on FaceBook. FaceBook is a social medium and people using it should adhere to the same standards that journalists do when they have news articles published in a newspaper or magazine. Not everyone can take on the responsibility of making sure that whatever they say does not offend anybody or wrongfully target somebody.Having a laptop taken away and shot is perhaps an extreme - they could have given away the laptop to a charity organization or something, but it conveys the point in a rather expensive way. A laptop, however, is something that kids these days use for their education too so depriving them of something that they need to study is not a solution to the problem of kids posting stuff online. Perhaps getting an Internet blocking software to prevent them from accessing certain websites would help.

  24. sheepdog,The problem with farming in India is that the workers have got construction jobs that pay better than farming jobs so farmers have either got to match the pay rate of construction jobs, which is hard to do, or switch to a different business. Some large-scale farmers are able to bear the higher salary expenses but other people have simply sold their farms and decided farming isn't for them any more.Having said that, I still see farms with crops on both sides of the highway that I drive past every month so when folks say that they've stopped farming or that farming is not profitable, it does not seem to be the case at all - the plants and trees are still out there.The folks who grow up in cities cannot really head to the farms - they simply cannot adapt to working in the heat and after being couch potatoes all their lives, they can't take the hard manual labor. The older folk who decided to head back to their roots did manage to take to farming at least on a small scale.

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