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Posts posted by Jonnyabc

  1. Hey...I am a little irritated at myself when I tried to debug by replacing the new file with the old file and wound up erasing some of my new code (no lectures please). Most of it is not a big deal, except one that I managed to get working with great strides and now I cannot seem to accomplish this code again.Here's the storyline:I have a function setup to accept two values and then assign them to a multidimensional array. My array is structured as follows: $a = array('b' => array(), 'c' => array()). In order for this array to accept multiple values in the lower arrays several times, I need to setup something like this (where $i is a counter): array_push($a['b'][$i], $bValue), or this: $a['b'][]=$bValue (or is it $a[]['b']=$bValue?). At the end of this function, I need to also (re)assign this to the global variable such as: $GLOBALS["a"] = $a.Like I said, I had it working before...if you know a better way, let me know. The idea is to be able to call this function a number of times in a page and then load the values later. I've got THAT part working...I just need help assigning new values to a multidimensional array.Thanks!

  2. Can't seem to figure out this small problem, so I thought I'd send it out to kS to see what I'm not thinking of.


    Here are the steps I have taken thus far:

    Created an RSS feed

    Designed a multipurpose feed reader that will pull data from the RSS feed

    Using load() and getElementsByTagName("item") to pull in the data

    Part of the reader's parameters are the number of rows to display

    There's only one problem...when there are no results to display, it comes up with an error. The simple solution should be to either determine if the first value for the array exists or is blank. Either way, I can't seem to get the array correct no matter how much I try. I've attempted count() and sizeof(), but both return "1", and the error only arises after I try to read from the array using the getElementsByTagName(), so both are a "big help".


    Maybe it's late...maybe I'm not thinking straight. Whatever the case, I needed to get connected with you guys again since the shoutbox (or its replacement) is not back online yet.


    I'm pasting the code and error below:

    2	$rssFile = new DOMDocument();3	$rssFile->load("./rss/?id=" . $feedID);45	//get and output "<item>" elements6	$item=$rssFile->getElementsByTagName("item");7	$y=0;8	if($feedCount>count($item)+1) $feedCount = count($item)+1;9	if(isset($item->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue))10		{11		for ($i=$feedStart-1; $i<=$feedCount-1; $i++)12			{15			$item_title=$item->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;16			$item_link=$item->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;17			$item_desc=$item->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type DOMNodeList as array in C:\wamp\www\jl-ectronics\resources\php\feedreader01.php  on line 9

  3. I am very impressed with the "slick" upgrade, although I have to say that there are a few things that need to be (re)worked on to make us still feel at home (logo, shout/chat box, etc.), but overall, it looks up-to-date with the latest forums, not including the additional features and functions added.Added: Something else to note, in regards to my signature...it's not minimizing.

  4. I never really gave HTTP any thought. It seems efficient enough for me. The idea of being able to reload a page without making a new page request doessound like a great idea though. If that's the case, then out with http and in with something new.

    You don't necessarily have to reload a page if you strictly use Flash (I wouldn't currently recommend this for a several reasons including size, compatibility, and SEO), or PHP with AJAX, which is similar to using Facebook and seeing live updates to the page without refreshing the web page (which still may cause SEO problems). To be slightly critical, that's what OpaQue has done with the homepage to Xisto.

  5. I do not own any high-powered PC or fancy TV 'cause I'm still using and satisfied with a CRT (hey, that rhymes!). Second, I am a computer major, so I love to find new ways to use technology. Third, I know this is possible because I have seen it in action at my college (they use some software and/or hardware package made by Symon to split the screen between a looped PowerPoint and CNN news).

    So what do I want to do and why? Someday I hope to purchase a nice desktop PC as well as a new HDTV (no huge expensive one that's worth more than a PC). The idea I have is simple...why purchase a fairly expensive PC monitor if I can use my TV for the same function? One of my friends uses an HDTV exclusively as his computer monitor.

    The complication evolves watching television while working on the PC at the same time. I'm one who likes to do both every so often, and I don't want to waste extra money to buy and run two monitors. What if instead I can split it (when I want to)?

    Now it becomes more technical. I either have to purchase software and a TV tuner for my PC and run my television THROUGH my computer (ugh), or I can find a piece of hardware that will act like a splitter (or "joiner" in this case) from two inputs (and it would be nice if it would be able to recognize input and have a remote). I'd be willing to spend money if it still saves me some of the cost for the PC monitor.


  6. A concussion eh? Wow, that doesn't sound too good. Did you feel like one of those rough tough heroes off of the movies at the end of the film after the big fight? Now all you need is the chief of police to visit you and congratulate you on your success with thwarting the enemy.You might be daring and take crazy risks (like riding a bike with your nephew, ha, ha), but there is one thing they can't say about you. You apparently aren't a hard-headed thick-skulled individual for receiving a concussion that way (or maybe you are and that's how you lived to tell the tale that you can't remember). Maybe you're a a double poster and like your signature says, someone ought to take care of you. Maybe your nephew was assigned this task ;)?Seriously though, don't do that again (anytime soon at least) and recover well. Xisto needs you!

  7. Entrepreneurship...company...website...marketing...video ads...background music. One step leads to another, and finally we come to the sad tale that I cannot seem to find good free background music to place in a video ad promoting my website and it's service. Free music (legally or otherwise)...check. Promotional music to be used in advertisement...check. Put the two together and someone might claim we finally have created cold fusion.To borrow a typical line from the movies, "If anyone...is out there...please help." If I haven't made myself clear already, I am wanting to find free and legal audio tracks that I can use to promote a service (which involves making a profit). I don't mind if I have to necessarily put in fine print who the composer/artist is...that's the least of my problems.

  8. Five years have passed since this topic was posted, but I'm curious to see the development...

    Yeh, I guess, but then again I don't think I could do the research and put enough effort into it to write a good one with 3 different religions so I think it is best I stick with just two ;)
    I don't know why my Catholic school/church urged me to write this becuase when I researched it it sounded like the Mormon religion was the right religion.

    Right now in my life religion isn't that big of a deal. Right now my plans are to sort the religion thing out when I'm older...much older.

    I am actually somewhat surprised to hear a Catholic school requesting you write an article on Mormonism (at least without clarifying after the fact the differences).

    You know, I sometimes say the same thing to the point that I'm too busy today or this week to sit down and read the bible. However, if you're not a Christian yet, don't delay in picking up a bible and reading at least one of the four gospels (such as Luke). Who can predict that you don't die tomorrow? Don't put it off!

    Now I will readily tell you that I am a protestant, but I am at least glad you are in a good environment. I can say many things about Mormonism (as well as Catholicism) that makes certain things false. The main thing is that the bible is infallible...anything that is truly from God is absolutely true and never changes. And because John 1 states that God is not only the author, but is the bible itself (in a spiritual sense), the bible does not contradict itself. Therefore, if you find anything that contradicts the original inspired word of God, it cannot be true, because it is therefore not of/from God.

    And to clear up protestantism, there are hundreds of denominations. Because we as humans are sinful as well as different in our personalities, we all have slightly different belief systems, due to slightly different interpretations of the bible. This interpretation should not be confused with contradictions, as stated above, but rather vagueness. Since we cannot truly know everything God knows (just look at how much work he made into creating the stars in the universe in a single day...can you do that?), do you expect he could place every last detail within a comprehensible reference manual without making the book larger than the earth's circumference? Not possible!

    In a sense, you could say that different "religions" have built upon each other. Jewish > Early Christians which formed into Catholicism (and later divided to Protestantism) > Mormonism. However, I challenge you to look into detail on the Mormon faith if you think it is yet the 3rd testament. Chances are, if you've truly studied the rest of the bible, it won't take you long to find a contradictory flaw that will disprove it. MaryAnne Der Esel indeed helps outline some important scriptures, but her to add my own comment about "doing good works", consider Ephesians 2:8-9, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." To do good works will not create grace, but rather it is grace that will create the urge to do good works.

  9. First, it has been a month or so since I've probably written anything of value in (the newly named) Xisto, but I'm back. [Applause] Thank you, thank you. Second, it was difficult for me to find the right location for this discussion/debate. Should this be considered beauty and hygiene, is it more a matter of a society, or that of art? Third, I'm sort of surprised I'm writing about this of all things, but I noticed a photo of a friend and it came to my attention that I should consider creating this topic.Since my first visual encounters of it as a boy, I have always been troubled by seeing other guys wearing (what I would call "girlie") necklaces?no, I?m not here to discuss military dog tags or a Catholic priest?s cross which serve as professional functions. I'm not so aggressive that I would discriminatorily criticize a stranger out of the clear blue about their apparel choices or create a scene where the police would have to drag me off the premises, but it does somewhat bother me when I notice it.First, let me be clear. In man's own defense, I dare say men have been wearing necklaces just as long, if not longer than women. I would be negligent in this report if I did not allow you to see the entire picture. Take a look at native tribes around the world. Almost every male ruler, whether Pharaoh of Egypt or chief of an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean (just for an example), wore at least one necklace of some form or fashion. I'm no historian or anthropologist, but it doesn't take much to recognize that this is a show or presence of power and domination, a gift from one empire/emperor to another as a reminder and promise of peace or imperial submission to a greater kingdom.But in the last several centuries, necklaces became less symbolic of male dominance, and more symbolic of women's apparel and beauty, although it is only fair to mention that it still represents class in the greater sense that the more costly it is, the more money you have which is a form of power. The issue arises when you consider, is it manly to wear little silver chained necklaces? I would personally be less embarrassed to wear a four foot long, bear-claw necklace down the street than a little silver one with a couple initials on it. If men are going to go with chained jewelry, go buy a nice, windup pocket-watch.Where do we draw the line? The next voice you hear will be someone claiming that I also imply that Sitting Bull should not have had long braided hair and that Irish and Scottish kilts (skirts) should be banned (although I don't think you'll ever see me in one of those anyhow). By no means am I saying this is true, nor am I saying it is not. Either side has good points...I'll let you decide and debate that for yourself.Should only men OR women flaunt colorful garments and jewelry? Typically, people might assume that women are the primary leaders in this department, which is commonly true. Men wear suits or tuxedos, but most of the choices look alike (black suit and the typical white shirt). The primary variation might be the tie that they wear. Women, on the other hand have a wider range of mediums, whether it's the cut, color/design, material, etc. They have the unlimited choices (so what if they?ve filled up four closets and still ?haven?t a thing to wear??). But let us take a minute to look at nature. Both men and other large male mammals attempt to proudly prove their strength to the on looking women and female mammals (respectively), hoping that winning a fight against the competition will prove to be the romantic charm. I dare say women think it is more childish, using the exclamation "Men!" to generally explain our rough and "mindless" behavior (in their eyes). While all of this is creditably true, with the birds however, it's the male who struts his colors while the female, with less elegant features, watches onward.I don't think men should wear women's apparel, and likewise women with men's apparel. Although, like the popular joke that goes, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" we should ask ourselves, who wore the skirt first, the man or the woman? Today we all know that blue represents boys, but more importantly that pink represents girls. However, did you know that at one time, those colors were once the reversed? That?s right, pink used to represent boys. Odd, yes, in today?s terms, but not back then. However, the rate of men wearing pink bears the question, will it once again reverse someday? People never learn.I want to persuade men to stop wearing girlie necklaces and earrings?Fine, wear jewelry, but please, find something that looks manly as well as something that makes you an individual. Yes, bear claws will do if you can?t think of anything better (I jokingly write that of course). I would like to say something to the same effect about women and their apparel, but by doing so I would be considered a discriminator for sure, so I?ll leave that for a woman to bring up that can of worms. So where does that place us? I never really answered or completely proved or persuaded my point 100% either way. That?s for you to decide. I gave you the rundown, now I await your replies and criticism (I imagine anyone who reads this and has an opinion will certainly cut this up, bit by bit, and forcefully ask where my references are).

  10. I've done some research on the internet about the following issue, and think I have a small understanding of the issue at hand. I am receiving the following error(s) on my new sub-domain site at SocialCite when I attempt to login with the valid username "Jonnyabc" and password "jonnyabc".

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jonnyabc/public_html/global.php:2) in /home/jonnyabc/public_html/global.php  on line 130Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jonnyabc/public_html/global.php:2) in /home/jonnyabc/public_html/global.php on line 131

    I had a problem with another piece of code, and all of the problems I seem to be having evolve around setting cookies. From what I have read, it is understood to place this code (or reference thereof) at the very, very top of the page before the <html> tag.

    Here's the very basic psuedocode for the related functions of the global.php file:

    function login(...)	 logout(...)	 check database	 if all is true		  setCookie(...username...)		  setCookie(...password...)function logout(...)	 if cookie username set, setCookie(...username...)	 if cookie password set, setCookie(...password...)

    Originally, I was having problems with the logout() cookies, but have finally gotten that resolved. Now I am having problems with setting the cookies in login() when "all is true". The code works fine locally running WampServer, but not on the website. I am willing to believe that setting the cookies twice on the same page creates this error, but I am not certain of that.

    Please advise.

  11. I am irritated that one one seems to have an easy-to-understand guide (that's also easy-to-find) on the internet about customizing the Meebo Bar. Currently I have the Meebo Bar on my website, J L-ectronics. I would like to customize it with the Buttons., particularly the Widget Button. Unfortunately, I cannot for one figure out the exact spot it's suppose to go (I've tried placing it after the end of the first script tag, but when I do, the entire bar seems to disappear).

    So please, SOMEONE, FOR ONCE, explain in detail where and how to set up these silly buttons (especially a widget button, and a little detail as to how to setup the DOM object for it). Thanks!

  12. It's the name he gave his laptop (well, assuming it was him).

    Assuming that Cindy isn't really an impostor...Cindy's evil twin that is.

    About Cindy...or her evil twin...sounds as though you might have a lot of dust inside her. I thought mine was losing the CPU fan but it was really dust. His name is Donald, by the way, but he doesn't quack like a duck as well as he used to. As far as the RAM, sounds like you may be using more graphics effects, even in Ubuntu. Can't say for sure on either of them.

  13. Wow, Sebastian, this is EXACTLY what I say too!


    Unfortunately, this "primitive" (my word exactly) system is indeed old and out of date...it's still a URL...a file path...a way to locate a file on a computer system by manually typing in the file location/address, which spans back to at least the DOS days. The problem is asking how to replace the current system. Let's face it, it works as is, even though it's primitive, ancient, and out of date. Regardless, it does not look very pretty.


    Hopefully Web 3.0 (or at least 4.0) will take care of this issue. The internet is constantly evolving, and new features are being added on each year. What once was just some static pages with some very basic fonts and colors and a few images has now become the largest hub for our world's society.


    As a graduating student in database management (the study of how to digitally store useful data to be used for information), this is a very difficult problem to solve. The reason is, everything needs a unique identifier. What do I mean by that? A social security number, drivers license number, school id, fingerprint...something that identifies me as me, and not as the other twenty Jonnyabc's that are possibly out there on the internet. How can we, therefore, replace the current system? How do we uniquely identify a website? How do we identify each page on the site?


    The only answer I can come up with (it just donned on me) would be to make a browser that DISPLAYS the URL slightly differently. What I am suggesting is this: make the URL possible for anyone to read. For instance, take an example of the following URL:




    Say when you get there, the title of the page is "My Website - Home". Now let's try it with my new standard...


    With the new standard, you would change the title "My Website - Home" to "Home". The browser will now display the URL with the following:


    Company: MyWebsite: Home


    This is still about the same length, but is easier to understand. Basically, the browser is interpreting the URL, taking the extension ".com" and converts it to "Company", the domain name "mywebsite" and converts it to "My Website" (the new standard would include a special file or meta tag that would tell the browser the site name) and then add the title of the page "Home".


    Basically, this is the bread crumb approach that you find in most large websites (even Xisto uses it here: "> Open Discussion Forums » Computers & Websites » The Internet » Website Discussion » Should Http Be Replaced ?" The : or > or whatever symbol you use to denote a "next" or "sub" could be browser based...to be entirely honest, IE is partially onto this setup, but they still use the HTTP approach.


    If you like my idea (maybe it's already someone else's), spread the word! Maybe I'll eventually figure out how to code Mozilla Firefox add-ons to make something like this...

  14. This sounds like a homework assignment. I often tutor students who need help at my school in computers and some programming languages, so this is perfect. In fact, I was JUST doing that this evening with a gentleman from my school). Anyways...sounds like a fairly simple. All you need to do to disable a text field (and if you had researched it at all, you should have found it easy). It's:

    txtYourTextBoxName.enabled = true


    txtYourTextBoxName.enabled = false

    depending upon which you want it to do at the time.

  15. Wow...well it took a long time to go through them all, but those are some interesting facts (some of them I knew already). Good to know not to get near a hippo when it's got red sweat...I have to remember that next time I'm around one (which is a laugh).I thought the muscles in humans vs. caterpillars, the Goliath Beetle, and the killer coffee were interesting.

  16. Actually, guys, this program is still very useful. Here's the scenario: You own two PCs at home (for argument's sake, one desktop and one laptop). Instead of wasting a lot of bandwidth over your network, thus slowing your connection speed down, you can operate two PCs with little bandwidth.Why do you want this program? Because if you've got your two PCs side-by-side anyways, you may as well make it easier to sync between them. Also, I don't remember exactly, but I think it'll sync the clipboard and allow drag and drop of files between them.And unlike a remote desktop program, you can set up as many PCs/monitors as you please (you configure the monitor positions in the settings). Say you now have three computers (two desktops, one laptop), each with two monitors. You can set them up in a 2 x 3 grid so that you can move from one monitor to another, regardless of the PC.Anyways...just trying to make it sound a bit better than what my first reply may have alluded to.

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