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Posts posted by webishqiptar

  1. Very nice adorable dog. I'd like to have a dog, but I don't like the idea of having one inside my house. I still have an idea of dogs being unhealthy and dirty. I prefer cats and have one inside my house. But though there must be a way to have a clean dog around my house. Still very lovely dog, I bet it can be hard to loose it, even by accident or by stealing.

  2. In a certain way they are the same thing, but there is a trend nowadays to show the subdomain with a slash, like mydomain.com/news or similar to this. It's easier to remember rather than writing it news.mydomain.com.


    But if you want to create a subdomain you will get get to either by news.mydomain.com or mydomain.com/news. I mean either of them brings to the same place. It's only a matter of style of appearance.

  3. I thinks it is a moral duty to rich people to donate money for this poor and homeless Haiti people. I think that all of us can make a difference only by donating small amounts, but that help too. Governments and big companies like(google donation was open in their main page at the day of the disaster happening) those get millions of dollar profits can really help those people. You may not know if the money you send will really arrive at the destination. I can believe that in this world there those kind of people who make money from other disasters.

  4. It seems a pretty good domain registration service, but I can't remember it even after 5 minutes. I registered some dental domains such as:dentistry.cz.ccoralsurgery.cz.ccendodontics.cz.ccprosthodonti.cz.ccI'll try to make any profit of them although it sounds pretty difficult.Thanks for sharing dude. I have one question can these names be used in google adsense for domains?

  5. very cool and attractive design. It has all features of great free template that could be used from everyone. I like the color combination too. I also like the menu design, I don't know how if it can be converted easily into css and html. But the menu is very modern and like it mostly from all of the design. Well I don't see other web elements on it, such as banners or right or left sidebar menus. In general it is a very good design.

  6. I a pretty fast at typing, but i have problems on accuracy. Sometimes I make mistakes, and sometimes get angry about this. But something important to note is that I can write even without seeing the keyboard, and this is good. If you learn to write like this, you can achieve lots of value in the work you, or you can save yourself a lots of time, and this is why that kind of program is available.

  7. :) that's pretty ridiculous, I never heard a debate between a wife and husband complaining on the fact that why did you live the lid open or closed. Well as times are advancing people may want to be totally alone, living alone and with all the things that they don't like. These people of nowaday are complaining about everything and they find it difficult to tolerate and have tolerance between married people.

  8. Good argument. I guess sport and sex are related to beauty and perfect and sportive people tend to be very sexy and attractive. So something beautiful and sexy attracts attention and love, interest and lots of other VIP things. So you can realize your dreams. How could you expect a rich and powerful man like tigerwoods to be faithful to his wife????

  9. Buzz is a new way to share updates, photos, videos and more as well as starting conversations about the things that you find interesting. You're already set up to follow the people who you email and chat with the most.I like the new google buzz, but not many friend of mine use it, such as fb. Facebook is more popular at my friends so I find it cool to connect. So google buzz is just staying at gmail and I just watch it anytime when I get curious.

  10. Sleeping occurs as a biologic time. I mean that at night we sleep and during the day we don't. This means or this is like a biologic environment that must not be broken or biologic health disorders will happen. So if you are working at night you must rearrange this biologic event and sleep at day, but for that to work perfectly and for not having any trouble or disorders with your health you must consider creating an environment very similar to the night. You must close windows and make a dark room and have no noise around. So if you work at night you must sleep at day and this is not easy. If you do not recover your night sleeping hours serious brain disorders will occur. One of these disorders is intelligence loosing. :)

  11. Well it seems that you are so related to this material world. Pay more attention to spiritual activity and you will get more results in the material world. If you stuck in this material world than you will get lots of disappointing happenings, such as job loosing and similar. With some more spiritual you can easily pass these difficulties in your life.

  12. I don't see anyone leaving from here. Maybe I'm not old enough to notice that, but it seems like lots of people join everyday. In my opinion Xisto forums is maintained by some people who write continuously and contribute to expanding forums. And the way our hosts are sponsored is by thousands of guests that can click ads and maintain our hosts. This is what I think about users here. But Xisto is perfect for little websites with no big traffic at all, so if you get lots of traffic and get some money from that it would be easier to pay for hosting rather than write for hosting. It seems a good debate but i prefer to say, that a nicer debate would be how to make it easier to get involved in Xisto. I mean that I found it harder to write and make fun here. I find it difficult to get some real time here except for myCents.

  13. Well being a HTML its easy for me but what do people use the most?Is it HTML or PHP.
    It depends really on which you learnt first.
    So im gonna have a poll.Post HTML for Html and PHP for php and we will see which is more popular.

    Html, is quite easy. You can learn it in a while. In my opinion it is crucial to learn html and css for better understanding of the design or structure of a web page. This will help in other more complicated steps. In the other side, php is quite difficult. I mean by difficult that you must be talented and need hard work to learn it. I read a whole book about php and I understood a lot from that. Php is great if you will become a perspective webmaster or programmer. But it has lots of stuff inside to learn about. If you're doing something else, like you're a trader or a simple blogger, html and css is enough. Just a little practice of php will help a lot combined with wordpress or any other php based content management system. I just do so on my website. I use wordpress and can do so much little tricks with help of php that you can't imagine. But I am not a php geek, or a good understander of this programming language. I wish I would but this won't be my future job.
    Definitively the answer is about a combination of html and php does great work. :)
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