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Everything posted by Fractured.Logic

  1. Degenerative Evolution Broken glass magnifies the sharper image: severing neurological pith with sliver-edged scalpel pressed, so intimately, against the quivering. Method of madness: “Think outside the (black) box, but only when it is socially appropriate to do so.” Normal is an introverted hypocrite? I suppose I’m more normal than I had thought, but that doesn’t explain why I still can’t fathom the popular demand for a hive mind singularity. And, to that end, it seems that I should – Treat others not as I wish to be treated? Amen: the new, improved superglue; who needs that old Golden Rule when one, simple word absolves all transgressions? Convenience caters to the criminal, and then happily ever after? Charming molests the pageboy, while White slaves for seven men with Alzheimer’s. And nobody cares because it’s all old news. Morally numbed by the media, with gray matter leaking down through nasal passages; drowned by apathy. A process of elimination? In one regard, the better alternative: the flock is culled by its own design while the minority waits, patient, watching as logic feuds with chaos. But the aftershocks are inevitable. The fewer who go down with the ship, the more for the clean-up crew, and the easier it is to pick up the pieces. Who will catch the drift before the timer dings, and the minuet’s vibrations fade into an endless silence? Logic bends, like Atlas; suffocating weight But science makes a buoyant trampoline.
  2. I'm not usually a fan of strict rhyme patterns, but I found your father's work very expressive. It is my opinion that poetry is best when it truly communicates the emotional investment of its author.Please pass along my admiration of his writing talent. I hope he is someone that you consider to be an inspiration, despite the hardships that may have interfered along the way.
  3. Love the introduction, Jonny Anonymous, welcome!MyCents 3.0 won't actually acknowledge you until you complete 5 posts, but after that it's definitely based on quality above quantity. For example, this morning I was at $3 and 35.6 MyCents and 29 posts... about 11.5 cents per post. Other people average about 19 cents per post. I've found that it's a very creative system with a generous curve, overall.There are plenty of helpful people around here, so don't be shy! Cheers, and good luck! See you around
  4. Welcome, Drake It's great to have you, looking forward to seeing what you will contribute!Ike - you are never too old to learn something new! The only time you are done learning is when your physical corpus is either decomposing or ashed and happily floating on the wind (occasionally landing in the unsuspecting person's mouth, etc )I taught myself to play the piano, but never was entirely serious. My obsessions have led me to excel at other forms of art: writing, drawing, painting, graphics, etc. I learned to read on my own when I was about 2 years old, and have been thoroughly addicted to books since. Do you like science fiction & fantasy, Drake? If so, I'll see if you already know my favorite authors, or not B)IQ - I refuse to judge my intelligence by a number. Never had myself tested, and I never care to, either B)I totally agree about the enrichment of children by music and arts, though! My daughter is very well-exposed to multiple mediums, not only by me but by her maternal grandparents. Her grandfather recently helped his local blues band master their first CD... which may or may not be saying all that much for an experienced group, but it's better than never mastering at all!)As for studies... I'm working part time on finishing my Associate of General Studies, and then I have semi-solid plans to pursue a BS in Game Art & Design. I don't have as much experience with 3D design, but I find it fascinating, and I have a latent addiction for gaming which I manage to keep in check, for the most part B)So... that's about it, I think. Feel free to message me anytime, Drake! Take care
  5. Rayzor, you are the best :PUnfortunately, a lot of my "network" that I may have established in the past are people that I am no longer in contact with (and haven't been in contact with for years). So I am, essentially, starting from scratch. Nonetheless, I have a wonderful friend I've made in my area that has amazing marketing skills and experience. So I've seriously considered collaborating with her (writing reports that she, in turn, could sell, etc). But I would also like to offer my abilities as a traditional/graphic artist, as well as have an opportunity to use my skills with HTML/CSS (and learn more advanced languages). I am also a very skilled writer (excellent grammar, vocabulary, spelling), and have often dreamed of becoming a novelist/published poet.I've also been told by many people that I could easily create designs for tattoo artists (I'm very skilled with advanced celtic knot-like designs, for example). I don't have the ability to make those big prints, though... so I'm not sure how to advertise myself in that regard, were I to pursue such an avenue.My first step is to decide which package I want to buy, and whether I want to save up for a long-term plan or a monthly plan. Then I want to create an online portfolio, of sorts - not sure if I want to focus on art, writing, or both. Then I want to look into options of turning that portfolio into a serious business. Does that sound realistic?I have no experience with copyrighting, but I am trying to learn more about it (for the sake of protecting the integrity of my work now that I am seriously looking into the monetary benefits).And I'm painfully optimistic (much to the bafflement of others), so I don't expect any negativity to stumble me much, if at all.
  6. There we go! Now the forums have stirred up a little bit B)I also have a friend who is looking to expand her freelancing, and has a fantastic background in marketing and market research. Between all of us, imagine what we could accomplish.I hope Kimo gets back to all of us, soon. I bet he's going to be thrilled to see his idea suddenly lit on fire!
  7. In the past, I have exchanged artistic and literary commission requests for favors or alternative "payment" (never real money). But now, especially with current economic limitations all over the world, I am trying to find other ways to support my daughter. I want to create a scenario where her future is entirely secure and stable, and I would be supporting her completely with no assistance from friend, family, state, or otherwise.Every "real job" that I have applied for thusfar leads me full-circle to the same position in which I started, scraping by on state assistance and depending on my extended family far more than I conscientiously feel I have the right to. They never complain, but I was raised to take pride in being self-sufficient.Everyone tells me that I have a wealth of artistic and literary talent, and I am slowly learning to agree without feeling like I am being boastful. So I want to try and turn that into a real, honest job, with a real, dependable income. I'm scared to tread water in a "place" (the Internet, in general), with so many scams, but it would be a life dream to create a stable scenario doing what I truly love to do instead of tolerating the same endless drone-work that so many others invest their lives in.
  8. I am fascinated that this hasn't received any replies, yet. Sorry I didn't post sooner, Kimo; I've been really busy and I was celebrating my daughter's birthday yesterday (Thursday).Personally, I could offer a wide variety of art, graphics and knowledge of HTML and CSS. Which may or may not seem like much, but I'm always interested in learning more.I think this is an excellent idea: working together to eliminate weaknesses by dividing responsibilities based upon personal talents! Have I understood that correctly, Kimo? This really deserves more feedback, in my opinion. Anyone else interested in speaking up?
  9. Welcome, rnichilo. I wish you all the best of luck with your website and photography/media goals. Looking forward to seeing what you have to offer. There are a ton of wonderful, helpful people around here. I'm rather surprised I'm the first to reply to your post, but don't let that dishearten you. Once you post 5 times, the script for the MyCents 3.0 system will acknowledge your presence. After that, it's all about quality before quantity. It sounds like you've read up a bit on what's behind the idea for Xisto, but here are some starter links just in case: Looking forward to seeing you around! In the meanwhile, please take care!
  10. What a fantastic introduction! Welcome, MetalRev! I do not (yet) know anything more advanced than HTML and CSS, but I would be happy to collaborate with you and teach you what I know! Don't worry about your spelling (and grammar); you are doing amazing for English being your second language. There are plenty of American natives who communicate far worse, though I doubt they'd admit it!It looks like you are off to a great start. Have you read up on the new MyCents 3.0 system? It judges your posts on quality rather than quantity. For example, I've already earned almost $2.50 and I've only been here a little more than a week. I broke $2 right about 20 posts, but I wasn't rated on my quantity, but my quality (which makes me feel very good about the messages I've been leaving ).I look forward to seeing you around, and you are welcome to contact me if you have any questions!
  11. I completely sympathize with your situation, and would be inclined to say I share it. Whereas I finally found a few paths to focus on above others, I will always be passionate about many things... a "Jack of All Trades," as it were.Never feel inadequate for having so many interests (and talents)! It's not easy, believe me, but I find that I've learned to appreciate my innumerable facets despite all else.Those who have replied before me have left you some wonderful advice. I hope that it helps you!Please take care.
  12. In response to Karl:Yoga can be incorporated into any routine, regardless of age, gender, weight, or any other specifications you might be inclined to question. What you may want to look into, for whomever you are inquiring about this, "Beginner's Yoga." Good luck!
  13. You jest :P But thanks for the compliment on my artwork ;)

  14. Welcome, Chattabox (otherwise known as D.)! Ireland - I you! I should, perhaps, play harder to get, but... nah. Mind you, any place is better than where I live... but Ireland is my dream, definitely. Anyhow, here are the basics: Let me know if you need anything else! Take care [edit]Note to self, when copy/pasting relevant links, make sure the url commands and addresses copy with the text[/edit]
  15. I'm a loyal Gmail user, after tolerating several Hotmail & Yahoo accounts being sold off to the spam block... Once I had to clear out more than a page of spam a day, I would throw my hands up on that account and start over. The whole process became terribly annoying. I do have to plug another great email provider, though: Bluebottle. I don't remember how I found them, and they used to be free-to-use (last I checked, not anymore), but their security setup is top-notch. You either have to pre-approve those you get email from, or the person who emails you will first receive a verification email from Bluebottle before you will receive anything from them. Honestly, its far better than anyone else I've ever used (even Gmail), and if I had the ability to pay for online services, I'd still be with them. The thing with Bluebottle is... don't let your account lapse for more than 30 days. And they stay on top of that, too. During times when I lost the ability to be regularly online for periods of time, I had to have my account re-instated. And they became pay-to-use during my last lapse of activity... woe :\ So there's my two cents
  16. Welcome, Moonheart, to Xisto. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. With the current enthusiasm for Work-At-Home affecting the entire world, you have a very lucrative opportunity on your hands. -- Karl... I'm going to guess that the mods would ignore a post made by someone on another's topic. I would suggest you introduce yourself properly, and in your own topic. And, for all of our sakes, tell us more about your self than "I'm a new subscriber..."
  17. Indeed, such is life! *laughs heartily*It sounds like you have quite the adoring gaggle there, and I hope the panic settles soon. If the burden begins to weigh too heavily, just remember that you are earning its diametric equivalent... which is certainly bound to be very relaxing :PIf there is something I may help you with, please let me know. In the meanwhile, take care.
  18. Thank you for visiting my profile :) I hope I have the honor to meet you, and speak with you soon!

  19. Never a problem, and certainly not for such a blazingly kind soul :PSecond paragraph makes much more sense now, and I love the comparison! I couldn't possibly agree more with your pattern of thinking, either.I would like to invite you to contact me so I can get to know you further, if you would allow me the honor. Email is the best for me, right now, and a link to my address can be found on my profile, at the bottom left of the page (below the Instant Messenger listings, of which I have none).C'eilagh il Broelgh't, LadyOwl B)Fractured Logic
  20. A few months ago, I received a college prompt concerning what I wanted to study and why I had chosen my path. As I wrote my essay, it convoluted itself into something much more... and unearthed some of my core beliefs in the process. The result was this: To find one's ultimate passion; to crumble the diamond-faced barriers and say, "This is what I am meant to do with my life." The privilege of knowing what one will be, no matter what may impede their success, is as if they have morphed into a treant. One becomes rooted, yet mobile through the power of will and unadulterated inspiration. If one could irrefutably prove that there is destiny, I would say that it is branded into one's DNA. Strands of existential matter: the seemingly random fuse of genetics, which yield a persistent fate bestowed upon one by their ancestors. Though the concept of fate is hardly absolute, I would wager that one may never be truly satiated with the immeasurable alternatives. That is not to say, however, that one's burdens and learning curve in the meanwhile are for naught. Potential is the lovingly-tended garden, with seedlings gently cradled in rich, dark loam. The greatest strengths begin as a fragile miniature of what may be. Self sufficiency: the first quavering leaf to bend and bathe in the warmth of the sunlight, and partake of its share of life's energy and balance. Innocent, uninfluenced, beautiful; nothing is ever so pure as that first moment of quasi-sentient awareness. My ultimate passion always has been, and always will be the expansive realm of art, and writing. There is no single medium, form, nor expression thereof which I do not love and desire to immerse myself in. Although, the most powerful form of all the potential choices available to me would not be a world I was ready to explore until another, most precious entity had inextricably woven her threads into my tapestry. Motherhood is the paramount awareness, for one's singular perception becomes a miniscule, insignificant speck in comparison to the enormously humbling embodiment cradled, so carefully, against oneself. To be solely responsible for another's innocence, health, happiness, welfare, and education; perspective careens out of control, taking its time to settle, and a dream emerges amid the whorls of dust. If one is lucky, and is vaguely familiar with this dream already, then they are that much further ahead of the average soul. In my dream, my daughter had aged to be a young schoolgirl, and, as she darted over to my workstation, I moved so I could lift her onto my lap. We were in a large, dome-shaped room, but my focus narrowed upon only her as I began explaining what I was working on. When I awakened, with the morning barely lightening the aura of my room, I knew. People say that, when I speak about various forms and mediums of expression, my face alights with a childlike pleasure. To have the chance to share such a passion with my daughter should never be an opportunity taken for granted. It should be pursued with every ounce of sheer determination that one possesses. So this is my pursuit, for my daughter and me, and for any generation that may follow in our footsteps.
  21. Welcome, sir. I wish you the best in your endeavors, and tip a virtual hat in respect. There are plenty of wonderfully helpful people around here, so feel free to ask any questions you may have. In the meanwhile: All the best, please take care.
  22. I am surprised that I am the first to reply to your eloquent introduction, LadyOwl. Although, the second sentence of the second paragraph is... still confusing, I must admit. I think some of the words you intended to type may have been "eaten," as I like to call it. Anyhow I appreciate your confidence and boldness, in yourself and what you feel defines you. I have a very dear friend who I know would adore you, and you certainly have my enthusiastic respect! As was kindly relayed to me when I first arrived (not too long ago, at that ), the following links will help you understand more about Xisto. If you'd like to know a little more about me, feel free to peruse my introduction a bit further down the list or visit my profile (click my name to view). I look forward to seeing you around and getting to know you. Take care!
  23. My third day here. Honestly, my first impression was: "Interesting name... hmm... better than these others, lemme check it out."Then I had the chance to start reading the forums a bit. I was already impressed with the general idea, but to see it in action was a whole other little beastie. And I love it.I don't find the name bothersome or intimidating in the slightest, and it's actually already grown on me (especially since I read the story behind the name).Great job, OpaQue, and keep up the good work! You've earned an enthusiastic supporter here!
  24. In a manner of speaking, we would have been. Too bad he moved, right? :PI'm fascinated by his situation, though... never heard of a bank not having a routing number.
  25. Welcome, Mike!I know absolutely nothing about php, but I would see no reason for a custom file to be disallowed (provided it didn't conflict with any rules... if that's possible).As an artist and a writer, I would like to be kept informed on your progress, please It's hard to find a good place (like Xisto) to really settle in and sling the proverbial mud.See you around!
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