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Posts posted by DoR

  1. If just go back in history to the page containing the radio buttons, the value should be preserved.If you go there by a link, you would need to use php or cookies or something else to show the page how like the visitor left it.Maybe if you can be more precisely...

  2. My opinion is that is difficult to find good topics to post or just good postings.For example, so many polls asking which browser is best, which operating system, what color do you prefer and so on, are not good posts.Good posts are those that give information instead of fill space with just no sense text.I read every day news sites like slashdot or others. Maybe if I paste and just change words of those news, I have the enough credits to keep hosted, but that are no quality posts. Are just a copy of someone's else post on another site.Also in order to collect credits (I suppose) questions, that can be answered using just 2 minutes of google, are posted. That are quality post's?

  3. Hey, Hey.
    My last post was on:

    Posted on: Aug 8 2005, 02:35 PM

    says My Assistant.The thread can be found here

    Don't you think a little unfair?

    As you says, quality posts. But if I don't have an answer to someone's question or a good topic to start, what can I do?
    Maybe the way is extract info from other sites and paste here with the words scrambled??

    Also, I check my credits and I have more than 40, and an average of 0.78 posts per day. Is so that bad?

    So, please, reactivate my account.

  4. A simple way is, if you have installed imagemagick, upload the image and call to "convert" binary to convert from one format to another.
    It is simple and powerfull.

    The web site of imagemagick is http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php
    It is based on GPL license and can be installed on linux, solaris, windows, mac os x, freebsd,...

    These are two links to pages explaining the usage of imagemagick from php:
    1) Link 1
    2) Link 2

    If you have the images already on the server, you should convert them all only once.

    Hope usefull.

  5. The firewall you must use depends strongly on what you want to protect.If you have only a workstation with some minor information, maybe the choice is a personal firewall that runs on your own PC.If you have several information to protect , maybe you have two options:1) A GNU/Linux box dedicated (for me the best).2) A propietary box (dedicated HW). Plug and play, but no so much control.

  6. You can use the fonts in images. That always works. You can also make it so that you generate the images on the fly with PHP. Either way, you can use the font that you like, and your visitors will see it.


    Too lazy, but do you hace the php code to generate images on the fly using some font?


  7. I work on a Telco and we are studying VoIP to regular users, not on computers.
    It's a great technology and in fact anyone says it's the future on voice telecommunications. I share that.

    There are great products to make a PBX or Softswitch like Asterisk or Vovida.
    This topic was treated in this forum following these links:

    * Voip(voice Over Internet Protocol)

    *Sprint Voip




    *Voice Over Ip

    Finally, great technology!!

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