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Posts posted by user681

  1. get a life. you need help. i mean....to hit on a 15 year old right in front of her house? it's YOU that had a problem. not her. it's YOU that approached HER not the other way around. it's not her faqult she's 15 but you were rude and disrespectfull and hurtfull to her. a 15 year old for god sake. so again. get a life and stop tormenting girls. your 20 years old and yes....not only desperate for attention, desperate for mycents.
    reply to my post again and i shall continue....

    jezz..dude you don't have to attack him like that. so what if he needs mycents? It's not really necessary to bring it out here and bash him with it + there is a DATING ADVICE forum for a reason! they want you to post!! and aren't you yourself desperate for mycents as well?? we're all here for mycents!! and seriously there is nothing wrong befriending someone whos 5 years younger than you. when he turns 25 the girl would be 20. anything wrong with that ?? No! not at all

  2. Reason could be your traffic being social media traffic. Besides that i have seen many people who just look at site and go away. Very few people have patience to read and comment and will they click on your ads ? No. Besides that tech-savvy people who have their own adsense going on. never click on others ads. So do we all earn money this way. Heck no never. unless we click on other person's site how come that person will click on yours. It is black hole in PPC.
    This is again fraud as well if you cheat PPC. So it is better to go with CPM if you have more than 400 visitors per day. That way you'll generate more revenue than CPC. CPC is for sites with novice content. Or site which has lots of newbies. Tech-savvy people hardly click on PPC ads. If you want to check this analogy, just ask yourself do you click on ads on another person's site ? If no, then stop complaining that yours should be clicked by anyone. You get what you paid for. It's like boomerang.

    problem is ..HOW do you get more visitors????

  3. What!?!?!?!?!I haven't been to a movie in ages, do they actually search your bags before they let you in????? That's nuts! If I want to bring in my own candy that's my dam business not theirs. And I'm sure not going to let them look in any bag of mine just to go see a show.

    not where i live they dont

  4. I'm creating a site design right now and everytime I view it in FireFox, something ELSE isn't displaying correctly. How hard can it be to make sure you have basics in common with other popular browers? Forms with CSS display wrong everytime in FireFox. CSS border code with a hyphen like border-bottom doesn't work in FireFox. These things aren't NEW. They've been around for years in IE. Why doesn't FireFox just help us out and make is consistent?
    So now I'm having to strip my site of design enhancements because of FF.

    I'm sure the problem is on your end..perhaps your designing the website with IE in mind??? if so then you should really consider developing the site using the web standard and for Firefox..if it works with firefox then most likely it'll work with safari and google chrome..maybe opera too.
    and screw IE6 and 7

  5. you can see my website here at

    and as you can see the top navigation bar only displays categories that are being used in my blog posts.. now I want to change it so that the top-navigation bar displays pages instead..but I don't know what to change inside the header.php file..

    the code to header.php is here
    <div id="header">	<div id="blog-logo" class="clearfix">		<h1 id="blog-title"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"><? bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>		<h2 id="blog-description"><? bloginfo('description'); ?></h2>	</div>	<ul id="menu" class="sf-menu clearfix">		<li class="cat_item<?php if(is_home()) echo ' pagenav'; ?>"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">Home</a></li>		<?php wp_list_categories('title_li=&sort_column=menu_order'); ?>	</ul>		<div id="rss">		<a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>">Subscribe to RSS Feed</a>	</div>

    I'd appreciate it very much if someone could explain to me what is needed to change in order for the top-nav bar to display pages instead of active categories.
    thanks in advance

  6. it IS possible. We have already done it.... Now, i say that but in reality of course no-one has gone back in time... However, GPS satellites, i think there are 24 in space, orbiting us right now, they *are* time travelling.
    Let me explain... Time, and space have a link somewhere, and somehow. We dont understand it but we know it is there. Many theories suggest that time travel might be possible if we could travel faster than light, because as you travel faster time slows down (how, i have no idea... but more on this later) so in theory at the speed of light time does not exist. You could travel at the speed of light around the earth for a week, and yet when you slowed down and stopped nothing will have changed, it will still be the same time and date that you left (minus the time it takes to speed up to light speed and slow down to a stop of course, for time only stands still AT light speed, not slower).

    Now, i said we have already done it... Those GPS satellites are travelling very fast, even though i think they are geo-stationary (eg if one was above you it would never seem to move, it always stays above one place on the planet) they are still moving through space fast, in the same way that if you spin a disk with lines on it the lines on the outed edge move faster than those on the inside (imagine the hole on a CD is the earth and the outer edge of the CD is the path of the satellites, when you spin that disc the inner hole/earth spins slowly while the outer edge/satellites spin very fast, even though they stay in line with each other) Anyway..... The satellites have clocks on them, atomic clocks that are EXTREMELY accurate, because GPS sends a time signal from your device, to the satellites, the satellite responds straight away with its own timestamp and your device calculates the difference and then calculates the distance travelled, hence how far you are from the satellites.

    Now, the weird thing is this. Those clocks on the satellites, which are extremely accurate (probably something like loosing one millisecond every thousand years (thats one second every million years...) always go out of sync, always. The people that own the satellites constantly have to send up sync data to reset the clocks according to atomic clocks on earth. And not just one satellite, ALL of them, with the same time difference (lets say one millisecond (= 1ms)) why?!

    Because they are time travelling. Because they are going so fast time itself slows down for them. So they are actually 1ms in the past (and lets say that happens every day, which it might not) then in about 3 years time those satellites will be one second younger than the earth, hard to understand i know.... Lets take it to the extreme...

    Me and my twin split up, one of us stays on earth but the other is lucky enough to win a trip in a spaceship around the earth orbit. So off he goes on the space ship at 7am 1st january 2000. I wave goodbye, he will be gone for a year.

    One year later i wait at the landing strip and he lands at exactly 7am 1st january 2001. EXACTLY one year after he left. I am of course a year younger, and wiser. And so is everything on earth. Yet he is only 8 months older. He has managed to stay 2 months younger than me. If he had a clock and a calendar, and every 24hrs he ticked off one day he would still only have counted 8 months. If he was actually pregnant (lets say we are both women now...) and one year had passed here on earth she would only have passed 8 months so the baby would still be unborn, she would have another month to wait on earth to give birth after 9 months.

    Its not just clocks TIME itself is slower when you go fast. ITs a scientific fact and not a theory or a conspiracy or a secret project. Its a well known scientific fact and the GPS evidence is real, again its not an example, it really does happen every day!

    From wikipedia:

    That is really interesting lol...
    would you mind posting the source??

  7. No... I'm not fifteen yet... and I am definitely going to a university after school. Well, if it's a small town, then I suppose they either don't have a lot of education on sexual health or it's just a town that encourages sex at a young age... but still, it gives a bad reputation to Australia, I reckon.
    And what were YOU doing talking to a guy like that? Don't tell me YOU have also been having sex at a young age too!!! *tut tut*

    *shakes head*

    wow lol..what's a fifteen year old guy doing on this forum!? I was just on omegle hoping to meet some new people
    and no i have not..I've done sexual stuff with girls but ugh..no sex yet

  8. If that is the case, then I really don't know who you were talking to... obviously someone with bad influence... DUDE, the legal age for sex in Australia is at sixteen, so I don't know why "everyone" would be having sex, or "getting laid" as you said at the age of fifteen. Sixteen, I believe, is still too young for sex, so I really don't know who you were talking to.
    For all I know, I know that I am certainly not going to have sex when I am fifteen, and most certainly not sixteen either. And basically everyone goes to secondary school... I can't believe that guy just said that. Basically everyone finishes high school too... I know that there are lots of bad schools out there with sex, drugs, smoking and alcohol problems... even the best schools in Australia have problems like this too... but seriously, not everyone is like that. And I most certainly am not. I am totally, basically speaking, totally horrified and disgusted at what you have just suggested... and I'm not even fifteen yet. :D

    I know that Australia might be hugely influenced by the USA, but seriously, you won't see students shooting their teachers or anything like that here... and certainly not everyone have sex in their teens... God... :(:D :D That is just... so plainly... sick.

    Be careful who you talk to on the internet, OK???

    well he lives in this town like 3 hours above Sydney lol :) but yeah he said pretty much everyone in his town have gotten laid at around 15ish

    lol you're younger than 15? I never said they don't go to secondary school I mean POST secondary school like colleges/universities
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