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Posts posted by Ike_ve

  1. Dear XistoToday, when i wake up in the morning, i was getting ready for school.. nothing special, same, old getting ready stuff.Then, when i was walking to the school i saw a helicopter flying VERY VERY CLOSE to the ground.At school, i met some new profesors, i met some new people, had fun etc...After that i came home, watched a movie, eated, and then went out.When i came home i ate something, play on my computer and went to bed.And now here i am :lol:

  2. Welcome to the forums Spirit (a question, why spirit, it's a cool nickname, do you know what Spirit means in English?). I hope you will enjoy your stay here and post in the forums. I too, can't find my words that i need to write something, i can understand all posts but i can't write my own, my grammar sucks too. It would be cool if we had at least a topic in foreign languages. Anyway, i recommend that you read the trap 17 readme where you can find also the forum rules-read them and follow the rules so you don't get banned or warned

    Hope to see you soon.

  3. This is not just a question, i don't want to see posts like: Yes, they can, no They can't. I wanna see discussions.I'm talking about gamers that play games 5to10 hours a day. Can they quit gaming? Especially WoW gamers.The gaming is so addictable. It is fun for young children and for old people. Every gamer has his taste of gaming, like i play just FPS games, they are better. After playing cs 1.6 for some time (2-3 years), 4-5 hours a day. I tried to quit playing CS. I removed CS 1.6 from my PC, after 2 days i found another game (Warcraft 3, dota.) that i got addicted to again. I made many times like this, once i didn't play cs for 6 months, but that time was when i was playing NFS MW. My point it, a gamer can't quit gaming. Maybe he can quit playing one game, but he always can find another that it will fill the void. Also, for WoW players, on the net i see many clips when boys are like they are crazy (mentally) becouse their parents deleted their WoW account. There are WoW players that play WoW 15 or more hours a day. That's why i don't want to even start playing WoW, becouse i see it is very addictable.Have you quit playing games? Have you tried..? You are not a gamer if you play games 1-2 hours a day. You are not a gamer if you don't play games at least 5 days a week.

  4. First of all- I HATE SITCOMS.
    To see what is a sitcom (if you don't already know) visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sitcoms
    Many movies (series more) are made this way. One of the most popular is Friends. Friends is a sitcom series.
    I hate sitcoms becouse they destroy the movie, it's anoying, boring. They shouldn't tell me when to laugh or when to go ooo-aaa...
    I don't understand the use of that is it just to fill the void in the movie? Anyway, the good thing is that today there aren't many sitcoms, i guess the directors are smarter.
    What do you think about the sitcoms?

  5. Hello Gonzalo. And welcome to the Xisto forums. I'm from Macedonia so you are pretty far away from me. There are users from Argentina here, i'm sure but if you are far away from the others that doesn't mean that you can't have a great time here. Hope you will enjoy your stay.
    I recommend that you read the Xisto readme.
    See you other time.

  6. Here is a tutorial for how to put custom 3d text screen saver. I know many of you know this, but this is for the ones hwo don't know how to put custom 3d text tutorial.


    Step 1:

    Go to desktop, right click on empty area with no icons and choose Properties.

    A window will pop up, choose the tab Screen Saver.

    Step 2:

    From the drop-down list choose 3D Text and Click on the button Settings

    Step 3:

    In the Text area (top, left corner) in Custom Text: write what text you want to use as a Screen Saver and which font

    Choose the Resolution to be High or Low, the size Small or Large and the Rotation speed slow or fast. It's better to leave them as they were.

    The Motion (Rotation Type). Choose what way do you want your 3D Text to rotate. Don't choose None, becouse that way you will lose the 3D effect

    Now edit the Surface Style.

    Check Solid color and Custom color so you can choose your custom color that you want your text to be.

    Don't check the other two.

    And check the Show Specular Highlights

    Step 4:

    Click the OK button. Then click Apply when the Display Settings window comes up. Then Click on the button Preview to preview your screen saver that you just made.


    And you are finished. Now you have your custom 3d Text Screen saver. Congratulations :(

    Here is a picture to make your work easier


    And here is the video on youtube:



    Everything (the Text, the pictures and the video) is made by me. I hope you liked it and i hope i helped you.

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