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Posts posted by Ike_ve

  1. Here are some questions that i've been asking them myself for a long time:Why do we exist?Are we alone in this galaxy?Why do we have souls?How to find true love for everyone?How many electrons are in one ocean?Is there life after death?Does reincarnation exist?When is the end of the world, and is there one?When is the start of Time?Is there any End of the Universe? (not end like, boom, it's gone, but like.. in a game, when you finish all levels, the End comes. End of the road for example :P)I know that there are some theories about every question, BUT NOT FACTS. More to come next post B)

  2. Try http://www.forumotion.com/. I've been using it for a year now. And it had just 1 down server (server not found time). The forums can't be hacked, the admin panel is easy to use, you can chose from phpbb2,3, invision and punbb. All versions are not the same, on forumotion you have more modules (reputation, thanks button, portal..). Also, if you know coding, you can edit everything with html or you can edit the desing manuali (picture by picture, color by color without any coding) or with CSS coding.Also they have support forums with tons of people that help each other with their forumotion problems. http://help.forumotion.com/
    I recommend it to everyone, just try it and you will see.

  3. If you really want to make your community popular and good, like Xisto forums for example. You need to take vBulletin or IPB. Those aren't free, but they have VERY VERY much more modules and perferences than phpbb and other free boards. And if someone sees a vBulletin forum, he will think that you are serious about it becouse you spend money on it, it's not the same as phpbb... As you can see, and ipb is good too. But if you are making the forum just for fun, not planning to make a serious forum on it (like a pro. administration, business from it with marketing or whatever) take phpbb, it's free and easy to use

  4. If you really want to make your mother happy, the best gift is to tell her that you love her (not just say: i love you mum, and it's not just to save money..). Really, a gift, even a milion dollar gift isn't good enough if she thinks that you don't love her. So it's good for example, buy some nice flower, something that will "live" forever, a picture, a ring or whatever. Just don't buy something that woudn't last at least a year, like a perfume, some deodorant...And tell her that you really love her, you can't live without her, she is important to you...

  5. So you are 100% sure that you are going to die, for example, tomorrow. What will you do before you die? First i would say goodbye to all my love ones, and than i will do against the law things :P..Like: Driving the car fast in the city, even that i don't have licence...Running away from the cops B), hitting all people that go in my way, with no reason B)... And some retarded things, like: running naked in front of everyone, playing with the cops (like spitting on them, swearing them...) ooh and the final thing is that i will destroy my school. Everything in it, TRASHED, every single window, all books fired up...Becouse i hate the school the most. B)There is more things that i can't think of now, but i'm sure they will come up when i know i would die tomorrow. B)What about you?

  6. I love Cartman he is the most messed up child in the world, but you know what, one day he will be president. Who would appose him, there is video evidence of him killing someones family, and not being arrested! He helped stop a tarriest attack.


    My favorite soutpark game was


    the fps on the n64 *goes to look up the name* lol apparently it was just called soutpark.


    and its the Canadians not the Britains that have the flapping heads.

    Ooh yeah, made i mix-up with the Britains.. Sorry everyone, i will edit it now. :P


    And it will e hella (remember this word, when Cartman was saying hella all the time, with the other paraleral univers episode..?B)) cool if Cartman is president. Respect his authorithaaa B)

  7. The best system on any forum i saw in my life. It's very good, it makes this forum so unique and perfect. Is there any table or list where are listed all the ways you can earn mycents.. I know that you get cents by posting (big posts), popularity of the topics...But does anyone haves a list, where all ways to earn cents are listed

  8. The topic is bassicly about langugages..So how many languages can you speak/write? What's your favourite language for speaking or writing? What language do you want to learn/don't want to learn? Would you learn any dead language, like Latin?.. ETC.I know to speak/write English.. The speaking isn't going very well becouse i twist my tongue B). I can translate the English (to Macedonian, my country language) very well without any dificulties, i've been translating movies for a year now. And i've been studying French for a half year at school, and i know the basic stuff :P. I hate French, it's hard to read, speak and translate B).. I mean, too many rules, you don't read the 'e' if it is at the end of the word, the 'ai' you read as one letter etc...My language (Macedonian) the oficial language of the country Macedonia, is very simillar with the other Balcan countries (my country neighbours:)) so i can speak them too. My favourite language for speaking is english with british acsent (it's so funny to me B)). I wanna learn Chinneese. Becouse it's very hard and interesting to speak. I don't want to learn any dead languages too, i wont have any use of them..That's it about me.. Say anything you have to say about this B)

  9. Can you tell me more about the night waking desease.The past few days. I haven't got much sleep. Not becouse i don't have time to sleep, but becouse i can't. One of my past dreams whas that i dreamed how i was dreaming, i'm sure that it was that way... I was very confused, i don't remember what i was dreaming in the first dream, but i'm 100% sure that i was dreaming something :P

  10. First of all welcome to Xisto, Paul!I wish you great sucsess in your own business. I still don't know very much about Xisto web hosting packages, but from my friends, they all say it's the best, and that's why i'm staying on it :P..Voted Yes on the poll

  11. The first time you were online... First contact with the internet.. When?Where?What did you do..Why?..So the first time i were online was when i was 5-th grade. It was in a internet cafe in my town, i was with my father, so he can teach me how to surf, becouse it was my first time. With my father, i just googled, he teached me how to google, open sites, play games etc. But when i was alone i watched porn and i played flash games :PThat time i wasn't so addicted to it, it wasn't a fun thing to do.. But now...It is! B)

  12. So..If you had the chance to knew when and how you would die, would you take it or just leave it and find out by yourself.Also, if you found out, you can't change it. For example, if you die by a bullet in a war, you can't stop it by not going at the war..I really would want to know when i would die, young or old. Just to know, so if i die young, i'll do the most against the law things, and if i die old, i would study much, would find a good job, familly etc...So.. Do you want to know when you will die?

  13. Posted Image

    My brother owns Peugeot 106. So i drive it a lot, when he lets me :P

    We have the car just for show off maybe. B)

    I really love this car, it's fast enough for me, it's big enough for me. Oh, actually, i would be happy if i drive the most ugly car in the world, but just to drive it. In my country, people can't drive car until they are 18, and than, you must drive 2 years with older one, and then alone.

    I hate this crappy macedonian rules. I wish the way would be like in the other countries. On 16 years, start driving a car.

  14. Well heres my tips B)


    1. Drive into a nearby pile of snow, it will slow your car/vehicle down effectively without scratches! Not advised if it is a solid ice wall, or it is actually a pile of stones that has snow on it B).

    2. Slam the gears into reverse, and gently apply pressure to prevent the clutch from going through the roof.

    3. Move the steering wheel left from right very quickly.

    4. Drive into people, may leave marks, but generally quite effective also.

    5. Don't drive in general if you know your brakes are failing or failed!

    4..Dude, wtf? If you run into people, if you stay alive after your ride, you deffenetly go to jail to life or a death sentence. So better to just, jump out of the car, or maybe if your life sux, just go in a down hill road and...ride :P


    But, what about if you can't start your car, you are on a road where cars go 100+mph, and your car stops..?B)

  15. Everyone knows that every country, most of the time has political "enemy". So, what do you think, how's better to solve the problem, with war (mostly is this way:(), or by finding corporate way to solve that problem? I named the title like this, becouse it's most popular hippie fraze :PI think, always it's better to solve the problem with "love" without making war (killing people, destroying buildings that PEOPLE built etc.)Becouse always, while the war goes on, every person that lives in the countries that are in war, is in danger, many people die (not innocent, their family die, and many more bad things, you know them all..) and in the end, the country that loses in the war, is still "angry at the other country" and the people in it will never be happy and they'ill never like anyone from the winner country, so still "the war" continues, but not officialy. And if they solve the prolem corporativly, the both countries will be happy. And they lived happily ever after B)Anyway.. What do you think about this, Love or War question

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