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About berryblitz

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. Hi I got this site at onlinemoneyattack.com/ where I put in all those sites that I had already receive payments. You might what to check it out. There's the "Payment List" that can be found on the right side panel on //onlinemoneyattack.com/
  2. I am a programmer, an all-in-one that can analyze and create database, program and reports. My employer had promised to make my salary a good one. But until now, those other programmers with just little knowledge in programming are getting way bigger than me. I even don't get Christmas bonus!I do always receive interview invitations. But I turn them down because I am the "only" programmer on the company. What would happen to my employer?But enough is enough! Last week, I received a call inviting me for an interview. And so I would give this one a shot
  3. I am a Chinese in the Philippines. I only know how to speak Fookien. But as of all Chinese know, Mandarin is the official Chinese language being use all over the world.I can't speak Mandarin, just a little. And so, I can't apply to jobs requiring Mandarin. But what the heck. On my opinion, the Chinese language is "just" starting to boom. Still, English remains the official language when it comes to career and business. Most jobs require English, and that's the language you know.So my tip, if you would try to study Chinese, be sure you would learn how to communicate in Chinese, not just the "Good Morning", "Thank you.", "Let's eat" and those simple basic sentences.Just make sure, if you have a child, make him/her study in a school that teach Chinese language. Your child will surely benefit on that. But as of us right now, Chinese does benefit too. But you see, it's not the required language one should know on job hunting
  4. Have anyone played Dark Cut? It's by Armor Games. I had played it but I can't get through the Vampire stage.
  5. Thanks people here are really helpful. I love this forum. Although I really have no time to always visit Xisto forum because of my life schedule
  6. By the way, on Logic or on the Unlimited Plan, can I host my blogs/websites and have my own domain? The domain would be from other domain provider company.
  7. I'm so curious, I'll go Google the real chupacabra
  8. Hi to you all, thanks for the replies. I'm actually thinking of getting just the Xisto hosting. Then just point the nameservers/dns.Maybe I would first try a blog of mine here in Xisto and see what will happen.But your posts are helpful. Those cleared up some things too :DThanks.
  9. Good I'm new too and I'm coming from 000Webhost too
  10. I got more than 5 websites/blogs. How can I host them all here on Xisto? Does a member of Xisto can only have a single website to host here?
  11. I would just like to share my site for moms-to-be. http://www.babycareinfo.co.cc/ I got some practical tips and tricks as a mom.
  12. My blog is currently hosted on 000Webhost after I migrated my blog from Blogger to Wordpress. Oooopssss wrong move!!!I hate to say this but 000Weghost is a crap! You would always get "Server busy error." And so, I got bored updating my blog =(But wait till I migrate here =) I would continue blogging
  13. What you can do is... ask schools if they do accelerate their "too intelligent" students to the next level if proven really intelligent. If there are such schools in your area, then you can wait until she's on the schooling age. After her first year on school, she would be accelerated on the next next level.
  14. I would suggest, kids love computer games so much, and kids love to learn musical instruments too. Ask your child if he wants to learn to play the piano, or the guitar, or maybe the violin.Kids love to learn even one musical instrument to show off (that's why they would love to learn how to play a musical instrument), and because they are curious. And it boosts their self-confidence. But of course, there would still be some kids that would really stick to the computer monitor for games whatever happens/you offer.
  15. I got a baby and I heard that the school I'm eyeing on for my baby has this Prep-nursery level for 2 1/2 year olds. I was like, "Isn't it too early?"I remembered when before, little kids go to school when they are 4 years old.My baby is still 8 months old, and so I really don't need to worry about this this early. But I just like other people's opinion.I had read on a newspaper article, the writer is a psychologist, saying people thought that children should be sent to school on during summers or after-classes hours to make the child more productive. Where in the psychologist points out that children need to rest. They need sleep. And children needs to play.So, I'm not really sure if on prep-nursery, would my child still have his precious time to play? Or is it all studies?
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