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Posts posted by chaos3932

  1. So are you saying that the speed of light is relative to time... That it moves and progresses as time does? Or do you mean it is simply relative to our movements? If that is the case then maybe we could acheive light speed. We simply do not have the science developed yet to be capable of harnassing the power needed to propel objects at such speeds. Maybe we cannot move at light speed on earth. However if we were in space could we possibly propel ourselves in some way?Some people mention G-Force. That we would die if we were placed in a capsule and pushed forward at light speeds. However what if we slowly increased the speed until lightspeed. Just like in a car you feel no oomph when you are driving at 100 miles an hour. Physically you are still and not moving however the car itself is moving you at 100 mph.

  2. I am only 20 so I do not speak from infinite wisdom and knowlege. However I suggest you simply take your mind off of relationships for a while. Spend time with your friends and family. Find something to do even! Join a club or organization. Get a new hobby or skill. Do something to occupy yourself so you will not think constantly of depressing matters. Eventually you will be able to look at other men again and be capable of searching again for someone who wont treat you badly. Hey at least your not in highschool anymore and having to deal with people who have no sense at all as to how to treat people. When it comes to relationships. Just choose wisely and be patient. Relax and pamper yourself a little, try to enjoy life! There is more to life than just relationships.

  3. I have lead my clan for over 5 years now and at one time we were going strong. But ever since then we deteriorated to nothing. So I was wondering if anyone had good advice on building/leading a successful clan site.For the past 5 years I used the strategy of recruiting members on a temp basis and making them prove themselves by both posting on our site and being active in the game. I would also attempt to make divisions for other games but that never panned out due to lack of good leaders to make those divisions....It is just frustrating how in heck do you convince people to goto your clan site and post actively?

  4. I read a interesting article on aol news while checking my email. Apparently you can reserve your flying car today in advance! The flying car was made by Woburn, Mass.-based Terrafugia. The thing freakin looks awesome! I hope im rich enough to buy one myself in the future lol XD. you would probably need both a drivers license and a pilot's license ROFL :D

    Check it out!


  5. I am curious if anyone has tested any major games on this operating system. From what I have read it emulates windows xp almost perfectly. This beats wine anyday much less having to pay for crossover.
    I love computers and programming ect. But I beleive that your personal computer should be completly convienient with little need for having to google up info on how to get 1 program to work with it. Which I have to do constantly when I use pure linux. Apparently linux-xp has all the benefits of linux with all the compatability of xp.

    So does anyone have experience with this os? Do you know if it runs games nicely or better yet perfectly?

    Here is the link if you want to check it out.


  6. This is a great new trend for technology with pcs. Quite simple to be honest anyone could have thought of putting a computer in a fish tank with some mineral oil. I even looked up some of dells top of the line gaming pcs and they too use mineral oil for cooling. This is way more efficient than dusty old plastic fans wired into the case.

    Check this video out!

  7. Yeah I said it! My friend broke 3 of his. His last one broke simply from holding it in his hand! He was trying to turn it on and next thing he knew his screen went out... So now he has to fumble with random combinations of keys just to get it to play music.As for me my sansa broke because I jogged with it?.. I worked out alot this year and after maybe 4-5 days of excercising & listening to my sansa the damn thing broke... The only way I can get it to turn on now is by wacking it! The warantee is toast on it by now and I cannot get it replace... :D So my best bet would to play frankenstein and try opening it to see if it has some bolts loose...I hear often that ipods tend to break as well? Anyone else have some interesting stories about defective hardware?

  8. For me it's a good sign if she defends you alot when people tease or pick at you. Often when your in your social groups and such.I think that if she is also very interested in what you have to say and often wants to be around or near you it can be very obvious.Some of the more attractive girls especially the predominantly flirty ones are considerably more standoffish. If you show too much interest in them you could put them off easily. So its more of a fish and bait game with those types. You have to first establish a close friendship then slowly approach them with the idea of dating. Most of the time you really have to get to know the girl and establish a close relationship before they are willing to even consider a date.

  9. I am a fanatic when it comes to games to say the least, and my favorite past time years ago... Was to play Diablo II regularly and I lead a clan by the name KAOS, aka Kill All OtherS(Gaming community). I was 17 when I met a girl named Becka on D2. She was quite flirtacious on the game so me and her got to chit chatting. We talked for about 8 months and I was in a bad state of mind far as thinking rationally. I enevitably quit school, and decided to run away to meet this ?mazing"person. I live in North Carolina and she lived in Massachusetts so it was a very long trip... Took about 20 hours to rid a greyhound to Boston. When we met it was a great moment. It was very strange... I was mostly happy that she was not a creepy old man/cyber stalker! I actually found her to be quite a hot young asian girl. She was a little underage but only about a year. So at least when I turned 18 a few weeks later I did not have to worry about dateline NBC interviewing me XD. Her mom sort of approved of me anyway. Except she thought I was a year younger than I was.I knew nothing about the real world and I had to rely on a temporary loan from beckas mother... She felt bad for me that her daughter convinced a young kid like me to come all the way up there with no money and no support... It took me a while to get a job and to completly situate myself. In the end I was in about 1000$ debt. I managed to land a job with a local marketplace and paid off my landlords and her mom.We ended up dating for 6 months then she dumped me for some random guy she met and only knew for 1 week. Lets just say the break up hit me heard and I had to leave or I would had exploded or melted idk what! I got her mom to take me to the train station and I left boston that night on a simular greyhound bus. I never regretted what I did because it helped me learn alot about relationships, and it taught me alot about myself, and the real world. Two years later here I am back at home with my family and in my final month of highschool. I am soon to accomplish my diploma and next fall I start a 2 year programming degree with my community college. Not only that but I have a LOCAL girlfriend and its much much easier than a long distance relationship. Take it from me and seriously consider the consequences a long distance relationship may hold if things do not work out... T_T

  10. The 3 main competitors in the forum software battle.
    VBULLETIN: commercially sold, probably the most well known and popular forum system.
    INVISION POWER BOARD: used to be free, now commercially sold, very popular forum system.
    PHPBB: free and very popular forum system.

    What is your pick and why?

    personally, I used to be an Invision Power Board fan but have switched to phpbb.
    I really like it's range of skins and most of all it's free!

    Well I had a little taste of invision power board a while back. In my opinion free is always the best especially when it is supported by a sizable community and open source so people could esily make mods or new skins. I Always install phpbb and I do not plan to ever use a different forum system! They are just as smexy as linux! :D

    I think phpbb has a great administration panel! It is very powerful for handling all the randoms and spammers! Seriously install it anywhere and check it out its a great system in my opinion!

  11. Well, I used to have a free account on freepgs however they decided that no longer could they host me or the ?thers"for free. I tried to use some random free webhosts on the net... Misfortunately I do not like how they have adsense that forces random spam ?dlinks" on my site that just blows! Its one thing to have to have ads. Then another to be constantly bombarded by them when your posting on your favorite site.Anyone know how good Xisto webhosting is? I find it interesting that something can be completly free just for posting!

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