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Alex Cicala

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Posts posted by Alex Cicala

  1. Adding the forum to top lists and also adding the forum site to Google Lists are ways of getting the site popular quickly. Even if top lists sound dodgy many people do visit them. Depending on the category you can easily google top lists, for gaming or support forums, there are many out there. Also one way I would go about is to get people you know to promote the forum site and also get others to either moderate or become new members on your forum, this will help get traffic onto the site.Hope I helped :D

  2. I haven't been on Xisto since last year and I cannot remember my Xisto Account password, I have also tryed to reset it with no luck. So I have created a new Xisto Client Account and was wondering how to get the MyCent to transfer to the new Xisto Billing Account?Basically I want to start fresh with my same forum account but with a new Xisto account. My email is now also changed, it is the same for both Xisto and Xisto.Please help?!...

  3. Over the last few years advancements in Hard Drive technology, and USB storage have risen. I remember when a 128mb USB Stick was the must have item. Now people talk about how they have SSD's that exceed in 400gb, and are only the size of a small pack of cards. The creation of a 1TB USB Drive will eventually become a reality.

  4. You really can't compare them in terms of what they can and can't do, as computers are used for more than pure entertainment. If we're talking games alone, it's still hard to compare. You can't compare graphics, because a computer's graphical power varies greatly from one to the next. You can't compare game controls, as anyone can give a computer a gamepad, while consoles don't have the luxury of a mouse. They're two totally different pieces of equipment if you ask me. It's like trying to compare a cellphone to an MP3 player; they have things in common, but they have totally different purposes. :P

    Well I totally agree on your opinion, the fact that people want to compare a PC to a Console, it's a stupid Idea. The graphical ability in a computer is far greater than that of a PS3 or an Xbox 360. I also agree to your coment; "You can't compare game controls, as anyone can give a computer a gamepad". I use a gamepad on my PC, I used to play Prototype now I play Dark Sector. :lol:

  5. I must say... lucky me!!! I'll be getting a new laptop, completely FREE!!! Funded by the government for all students in a certain year and above in the public schools for education...I really don't think it's worth it though... people will be playing games and stuff and not concentrating in class, and I'll be working on my site (if I can and the site's not blocked) and not concentrationg on my work!!!


    We should get it by mid-September... it's been taking ages... other schools already have theirs...

    I wonder what the specs would be on your Free Laptop. Well if you in australia, probs get something bad, like some old Dual Core with only 1gb ram. Me personally I'd like power hogging in my system, 64bit system with graphics power for gaming, and other applications. Mabye an Alienware laptop all the power of their desktops in a small package. Hefty price tags though, around $5000.

  6. Haven't played it yet, but I've seen a video or two, and it looks great. I'd consider buying it if I wasn't totally broke at the moment. :lol:

    Argh yes, World of Goo is sorta expensive on Steam at the moment, about $19.99 USD, which is alot for an Indie game in it's class. Although I might add the game is outstanding in it's genre, sorta like how Audiosurf stood out when It was released. World of Goo is very hard for people who just want to play for fun, or a 5 year old. It requires brainy skills and good eye coordination for that you have to act quick in most situations. I'd like to buy it too when It is $9.99 on Steam or on special.

    At the moment I have Audiosurf, I recommend the $9.99 is worth it. :P

    ps. Well music fans would love Audiosurf... might be boring for the average gamer.

  7. I use KAV 2009. I just bought it yesterday, it works great. I haven't had any problems since I installed it. I used to use Bit Defender but after installing I got a BSOD. :lol:
    If it's any help you can check up on the top anti-virus companies at virus bulletin.
    Virus Bulletin

    Not a fan of KAV, btw BitDefender is the one to use these days, so try and find a working version for your OS.

    Me personally I use ESET NOD 32 Antivirus.

  8. It depends on my using Operating System. In Windows, I use Firefox as my primary browser, and Internet Explorer as backup, as Firefox is my old and reliable friend. :lol: In Linux, I still use Firefox first, then Konqueror or the one integrated in Gnome.

    Yes, you have a good point there. Also for MAC users [btw i despise Machintosh] can use Safari.

  9. Halo is a game that I find to repetitive and there is no variety in the gameplay that is involved in both single player and multiplayer modes. I thought that as Halo progressed to UI system was getting less popular with me, the crosshair was not centered in the middle of the screen, which should be a factor for all FPS games. Also the story got weaker by each chapter, aliens after more aliens and so on, no variety.... Also the AI system is So, So. Each difficulty had a harder degree of damage impact and more damage done to the Master Cheif. No variating movements, enemy flack, etc. There was no interaction with the Halo engine, map making is hard, no as hard with Halo 3, but limited.Half Life 2, even Half Life 1, had a story that was much better, yes the theme is still aliens although it's a variety of different kinds, better characters, etc. Half Life 2 was astonishing with the release of the Source Engine and the story of the decade also following with The Episodes. "HL2 Episode 1 & 2"The Combine was the best enemy character to ever be created, such a mystery about them to. You also have all the enemy's from the Episode Pack. The interaction with the game was massive with the edition of the Source Engine. You could solve little puzzles that allow you to access certain areas. The vechiles were also good, makeshift vechile made from scrap parts with Gauss cannons on it. Map making and the mod community is very huge. Source SDK allows players to create close to anything.Hope this comparison brought some insight into these two game series'.

  10. I also heard first time about Back up Browser ? Is this ok if we put term Alternative Browser instead of Back up browser ?

    HAHA, This is what I was thinking about, alternate browser.

    Argh anyway glad your using "Google's Insane Creation". I used to have this as my main browser. YUCK :lol:. Now back to Firefox thank goodness.

  11. I'm using Paypal at the moment to accpet payments via email. I don't have a connected banl account or credit card, etc. This is because I am selling things + getting hired to to Game Server Tech work. I have received a hefty amount of money on Paypal, and I have used Paypal to buy things online, so you see you don't really need the credit card, but that is only in my case. If you didnt receive money like me then you would need a credit card or bank account connect to your corresponding Paypal account.

  12. Welcome to Xisto Forums. Hax,It's good that we are getting a vareity of members from all over the world. The 'post for host' idea also known as the MyCent system is great for young people and people that are new to the world of the internet, etc. To be able to be closer involved with the internet iin allowing you to get your own website hosted. It can be from anything such as a community forum, clan site :P, games site, company/business page etc.Just remember the main point of Post For Host, is not to spam random one liner posts. This is bad because it doesnt get you many MyCent credits and it can get you blocked/banned from the forums which is something we dont want :S.Your english is fine btw, it's all easy to understand :lol:.Hope to see you around.

  13. Well, I'm a firefox fanatic and so I hate to look into other browsers. Although if this fails I decide that I just use Windows Internet Explorer. It depends on the OS on what version I use. At the moment i'm running Windows 7 RTM so it's version 8 at the moment :lol:. I know other people that prefer Opera but I find that browser is to cluttered and uses alot of RAM.

  14. Not a huge fan on Grand Theft Auto anymore, when I was younger I used to excessively play it.


    Grand Theft Auto:


    Crummy 2d graphics was something we loved to see, it was before the time of true 3d gaming, something that we won't ever see again.


    Grand Theft Auto 2 Series:


    The same graphics as GTA1 but had some extra effects, an actual storyline and the fun that we'd expect from the newer GTA's.


    Grand Theft Auto 3:


    True 3d game, Free-roam mayhem and a whole new perspective on the GTA world. Proper plot lines were introduced which gave the game real atmosphere. GTA3 is based in Manhattan, New York. Revolutionized the world of gaming and crime :P


    Grand Theft Auto Vice City:


    The only GTA with a real story, then again it slightly ripped off Scarface. Then again this is my favorite GTA game.


    Grand Theft Auto San Andreas:


    An update to the GTA Series, better graphics and more interactive and wild world. Still based on a island, and this time includes mirror cities of Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Los Angelas.


    Grand Theft Auto 4:


    The final stepping stone to the GTA series in my opinion, I haven't played it much though. Apparently also got rated 10 out of 10 of most of the polls/reviews I saw. Awesome Graphics/Story and release :P


    Also I finally want to point out that all of the GTA's are based on an island ;)

  15. Hi, alexthemans, hope you bring good things to the forum. Remember to support the community of Xisto by making quality posts in the threads and giving out helpful opinions or information that can help other. Hope you enjoy your stay. Don't forget to get some hosting along the way!

  16. Most money making sites are scams these days. Like I said in my previous post on

    PTC sites waste the time of people that can easily earn more money. The Trao17 MyCent System on the other hand is a very good way of getting money, BUT for webhosting needs. Whcich is perfect for people starting a career in web based design or management. At the moment I have the Ideal Hosting Package, it is fantastic. I can do all my things on it to do with school and host my own site. I've worked out if I earn at least 1$ for every second day of the month I can afford it. So it seems all good.

    Just money for clicking or PTC and sites like that are not worth looking into, I've tried to many to see what they are really good for, nothing...

  17. I have tried this free money service and personally I think it is a waste of peoples time. It will take you months or clicking and waiting to get to at least $10 of free money or mabye $20. I tried it for a month and got $0.50. This was when I actually ballistically worshiped the service and did what I had to do. I wasn't able to get the money in the end because I was unable to receive money transfers till I reach over a limit of $10 I think. This wastes peoples time, people can get a low paid job, do less work, and earn more.

    I warn people that go on this site are wasting there lives away for nothing. Please un-register now ;)

    Bux.to is a PTC site that has been accused of stealing another PTC sites script.

    There are so many PTC sites out there that this is a likely reality.

  18. I live in Australia, and when the swine flu reached us there was a massive spread of infection but there was no need to panic.The swine flu virus is nowhere near as dangerous as Aids, just because it spreads easily. The swine flu can be tackled in a day with the Tammy flu injection. Over 5000 people in Australia got swine flue, and 20-40 died, although those people had underlying health problems, mainly Cancer.

  19. At first it has the free hosting that attracted me to the site in the first place. Although time went by and sure enough the site atmosphere is good. I would still post here if there were no MyCents. Then again if I remember correcting I was also looking a finding a forum to join at the time I was also looking for hosting. The forum has nearly got a section for everything so it can be helpful also. The community is great. And recently people have started to be active.

  20. That is why we are currently searching for other planets and their moons for water... A moon orbiting Jupiter has water on it, and NASA space explorers and scientists are currently building a machine to send there, it'll probably be done in the year 2050.

    You have to remember this Jupiter Moon, i think it was Callisto 'may' have water on it. NASA say that it has signs of sustaining water. This was the same for Mars although Mars doesn't have water on it.
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