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Posts posted by ackotheadvertiser

  1. Opera Mini 3 works on my Sony Ericsson K750i as well, I think it's awesome. It loads the sites the 80% they actually look like(well, it doesn't have javascript/flash support), and that's great for a phone of this kind. The zoom-ing's also good because it fits the text with the screen size. Excellent browser for mobile phones.

  2. I really don't believe in meditation as well. I don't know what you can accomplish with sitting in quiet with your eyes closed, as someone said. It's just weird. But on the other and, there are all these stories how people get relaxed, their body and mind become one etc etc... Also there's this world recorder in having the most records and he has like a 100 active records, and some(most) of the stuff are really weird. He says that he was week before but through meditation he's now able to find his body limits.. I mean, really, how can you be the best in the world in 100 exhausting and strange stuff anyway ? Meditation also says your mind gets sharper, but science says that your mind works better under pressure, when stressed, because more blood comes in your head and your mind is more capable to think... But I do believe in breathing exercises. Anyway, whatever...

  3. Wow congratulations, I didn't even knew that was possible xD ... You can do an other GMail account, I think it was allowed to have two of them( at least I know I do, me@gmail.com and me2@gmail.com :)), so you won't have to pay to have more storage... Also, it always counts so your accounts will be growing... -How is it possible to have 60 000 e-mails at yahoo, when they only allow 10MB's of storage? Or is it now unlimited ?

  4. Ok, this headless chicken thing-it's desgusting and awful. The dog head thing isn't that good neither -what the heck that person was trying to accomplish by cutting a dog's head off !?-Yes, the light from the Sun travels to the Earth for 8 minutes.-Contrary to what most visitors seem to think, drugs are far from legal in any part of the world, including Amsterdam. The drugs is sold very often on the streets but it isn't legal ! Prostitution is legal in Germany(don't know about Amsterdam) and the prostitutes have to pay special tax to the country.Monkeys are not that intelligent ! They are not like us neither. I agree about respecting every living creature although it's different and all, but we can't treat them as intelligent because a monkey's IQ can't be near 100! Maybe it was some circling test and the monkey SOMEHOW cirecled some of the right answers, or it was done in whatever way..a monkey can't have a n IQ of 100 ! It's impossible. They can't solve the problems the way humans can, they can't learn all the expressions humans are used to 'respond at' and all. They just can't !And I have a lot of theories about the universe, but how can it expand when they're saying it's endless(which isn't true) ? And how can it squash, things(planets) are just about to disappear or something similar? No one knows a thing about the Universe and all we can do is guess and compete who has the best theory.Stars are far away, maybe unreachable and WARP might be impossible- if a person even travels in the same exact moment how are they even going to prove it ?

  5. According to me, there are no dimensions. Lines do not exist, such as shapes. 2D?-I don't think so. 3D exists but only in the computers, you can't say that there are 3 dimensions because 2 of them are used only in the mathematics and the 3D doesn't really exist as well because each object is made of atoms and it can be split. So, does the dimension depends only on atoms and molecules? Each of the molecules stands for itself and 3D can change it's shape just by waiting for the time to pass. It's not real because everything is made of atoms and an object can't stand for itself in the space. An object means numeral atoms in one place and that's that. Now according to Einstein the fourth dimension is time(if 'bypassing' my definition of the three dimensions), which makes your brain explode. Well yes, I guess that the time as we know it is just something which exists on the Earth and it's different in the space, on the moon or it's probably way to different at some of the other galaxies. Hmm, for instance, if a human being teleports to the closest galaxy to the Milky Way, Andromada, that person would of see the Earth(with some super telescope) as it was few million/billion years ago. That person would of see... fire or something. Now, if the person comes closer with some super WARP speed he would of be able to watch our Earth 'growing' into the thing we know today. And at some 'closer' place, he would of be able to watch the stuff going on at WW2, by sitting at one place. I don't know if that's possible and maybe there's some smart definition including the light and stuff, but that person would of be able to watch what happened in WW2, because the light doesn't teleports to a place, but it travels with it's own speed. But that wouldn't be time travel, it would of be just watching, the person watching wouldn't be able to do anything which would of change the stuff that happened. So, time is not a dimension because it's different at different places of the universes, maybe even it only exists in here ... But stuff happen out there too, so probably that isn't true...

  6. Well I kinda agree but it's still the best way to earn money online - the PPC advertising. Otherways it's even more difficult, and if anyone in here is planing to click for themselves, don't do it because there's no easy way it's always the hard way. If you are not an experienced adsense cheater then don't even try to cheat because you are gonna get banned or someone will contact the advertisers - for example if you say: Support our sponsors by clicking etc. But AdSense has gotten way to far then it should of, because their terms have became to difficult to follow so they just ban people around for stupid stuff, without even letting you know at least a week before.

  7. Here's a message I am planing to send to adsense forums and anywhere in the future, so people can know the truth about them:I've had it! Some stupid fool comes to my site and clicks 75 clicks on my ads. Next thing I know I am banned because you hided the contact link SO well. Same happened to my friend, and he haven't checked his account for 3 days -BUM BANNED!This is my reaction(and this is censured) old 3 and a half months ago since I got banned. But I wasn't that mad even after posting you 10 appeals -got reply at 3 of them that they are in review. Finally, I got a reply saying that my account cannot be unbanned - AND IT WAS OBVIOUS THAT SOMEONE FROM THE SAME ISP CLICKED SO MANY ADS! You couldn't see it or what? Sick of your checks arriving after a month and I had to wait a month because my bank had to transfer the check 170 kilometers away and call your bank! My check arrived after 15 days or something since I got banned and I decided to give it a shot because those were fairly made money even regarding the unfair banning. What did I got? NOT A ZIP, 'NADA'. I only got a call from my bank which almost gave me a heart attack! Your bank asked me to pay $15 !!! WHY !? -Who the heck knows? So I gave $15, I guess that was the price I had to pay for working 3 months without a profit. I am still pissed off and want you to know that I will post this message at every place I have a chance in the next 50 years! Did you even return that money to the advertisers? I don't think so. I decided to do this after seeing that another friend of mine, waiting for 2 checks got banned for no reason. So, I got $149.97 in minus, after working 3 months and not getting a penny. Who is willing to pay me?

  8. Hey everyody, I was hardly trying to earn some money online at the past few months, but I hardly got some... I want to ask for some real sites to make money at other than PPC, because I am sick of it! I'd like to get paid via PayPal or check(sent RIGHT WHEN YOU MAKE THE MONEY) and to have at least $100 earned as fast as possible... Thanks in advance for all those experienced users who are willing to help me out.

  9. Getting applied to adsense again is the best solution. Getting to bidvertiser?-No way! Don't use them! No one clicks those ads and they are too sharp with the click policies and ban away for anything. Another thing with them, bad targeted ads, and at the most of the cases people won't even see any ads, because of the country stuff. On the other hand, Yahoo! Small Business is probably a bit better, and they don't accept EVERYONE. I know that you can re-apply for adsense and get your site back, just make a good looking site and apply again. Tell them what happened and they'll probably be gentle. And remember, keep checking your account, many people got banned because someone else clicked a few(dozen) times. So, if you see any big difference in he clicks from the other days, contact them immediately.

  10. Read full review and in-game screenshots at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Seriously, this game is great. I didn't liked MMORPG's even a bit before I started to play this one. I've watched a lot of people playing Lineage, Wow etc, but I was never interested in playing any of them. Now when I found this one, I just want to play it so badly. Read the review, download the game, let it do some updates and come to the Sanctuary server(as a Winged Elf) so we can play together. This game is excellant!

  11. Well, just started(again...), and so far I'm using Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 and PhotoShop CS3 to design and update the site. As an marketing tool I use IBP(iBusiness Promoter), and so far it's great, but I'm not sure about adding links and the PR(Page Rank)... but it costs like $500, so that might not be a very good investing, especially if you are beginning with all this. Until you make those $500, it'll take some time, and you sure don't want to work for like half a year(while starting) just to pay for some software. I recommend getting another one, something free or at least not that expensive. Good luck!

  12. <h2 style="margin: 10px 0px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 18px;"> CO2 linked to prehistoric global cooling </h2> WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (UPI) -- U.S. researchers say a reduction in greenhouse gases likely caused the relatively swift formation of ice in Antarctica millions of years ago.
    Matthew Huber, assistant professor of earth and atmospheric sciences at Purdue University, said ice formed on Antarctica 35.5 million years ago over a period of about 100,000 years. That is considered an "overnight" shift in geological terms, the university said Thursday in a release.

    "Our studies show that just over 35 million years ago, 'poof,' there was an ice sheet where there had been subtropical temperatures before," Huber said. "Until now we haven't had much scientific information about what happened."

    Computer modeling suggests the cooling was caused by a reduction of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

    Mark Pagani, professor of geology and geophysics at Yale University, said air and ocean surface temperatures dropped as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit during the cooling period.

    "Previous reconstructions gave no evidence of high-latitude cooling," Pagani said in the release. "Our data demonstrate a clear temperature drop in both hemispheres during this time."

    The findings are published in the journal Science.

    Copyright 2009 by United Press International

    This explains one of my theories, which clearly says that the global warming is just a process the Earth is going through. We might not have ice age very soon, but after a few(well, maybe a dozen) years everything will be back to normal and the Earth will start cooling down. According to the most of the scientists, CO2 is causing the global warming at most. But in the article above, it clearly says that CO2 has caused the global coolingg tousands of years ago. What does that means? Is the Earth going to cool down in a while? Why is CO2 increasing the temperature so much? What will happen to the ozone? Will it recover?-If it will, then we'll sure have lower temperatures and our skin won't be burning that much(Ask the Australians, the ozone was most demaged in there I think).

  13. Read the original article at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Despite gloomy holiday sales and being outsold by both the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii, Sony's PlayStation brand has one spot of brightness: the PlayStation Network continues to grow. Last year, Sony proudly proclaimed that the PSN had more than 14 million active accounts, matching that of the Xbox 360. Strong sales of the 360, thanks in part to its new Xbox experience and low-price hardware, have helped push Xbox Live ...
    The Play Station is a real money-maker for Sony. Not that the other series weren't succesful, but this thing became really popular. Along with the XboX 360 and Nintendo Wii, it's one of the most popular, and most wanted consoles these days, and of all time. Do you have a PS 3? Do you want to have it?
    P.S. I have a Sony PS1, and I've tried the PS2 and PS3, and I gotta say, I am impressed from the Play Station 3. Also, since the PS1 is no longer made, would someone want to buy it and keep it, as a souvenir :D?

  14. I think he does. I do the exact same thing he does around the girl I like and she's all the way at the other corner of the classroom. Sometime she looks back. But I sure know what can caused the not-looking part. Don't try to laugh along with other boys around, and if you want to ask something 'bout school or something, go and talk to him first! We digg that kind of stuff and we feel self-confident. He'll probably like you...

  15. ADsenSe , Ok! I Like it and I HATE it beyond my Imaginations...
    Why? .. Good Question.

    A nice Click from US or UK with extremely high BID can pay you even $5 for one click! Which is rare ofcourse but it is possible!
    But, If You have adsense at your site and I go and click it 100 times! BANG! Your money is gone and your adsense too...

    Now you decide if it is good or BAD!

    Yeah, this is so true. They don't care about publishers at all! Anyone can ***** you up, and then you will lost money, your money. And then you'll start hating adsense and you'll want to make them suffer etc...lol.
    This kind of thing happened to a friend of mine, he was advertising at some site, and he was getting like $1 per day with his few blogs.. Until he saw that he got banned. We figured it out imediately, there'd been clicks on his account made by some idiot from the site he was advertising at the most. He was kinds ttaking a rest, and the next time he logged in(few days later), he saw that he was banned. He contacted them like 10 times, until they said that they he'll not get his account back. AdSense doesn't care a little for the publishers outside the US and Canada... And back to the story, he got a check from adsense, and when he went to the bank they said(after 1 month of waiting) it was 'denied' from the company's bank and he had to pay their bank $15!!! What kind of thing is that? They say they ban people after a serious investigation.. What kind of idiot does 100 clicks at his own account!? What kind of idiot does not believe that it was invalid click activity done by some third party!? And they check all the accounts before sending checks right? Why would they cansel your check, when it was honestly made money, even if it was before 'some time'?
    -AdSense sucks, they almost hate the publishers, but they are still the best affiliate program on the Internet...

  16. I have similar problem too. In winter my hands are... almost 'red'(well, mostly normal, but it's kinda weird). That might be because I usually I wash my hands and go out to do some cycling. But even if I cut myself a bit or hit my hand at something there's blood. My skin is not elastic and I can't do very much sports. It kinda hurts. Well, maybe my only problem is washing my hands a bit too much, but it has became an addiction. Yesterday I tried some skin care thing, and it became a bit better. I guess the white things are dead 'germ cells', but what do I know. The only solution I can suggest is using some skin care product, or move someplace where it's summer all the time(like I'm planing to :D).

  17. Ye, I've just seen street view few days ago, it's great, it's like you are somewhere on the street. It's just pictures mixed together but it's still great... You look around, take a look at the cars, it's awsome. Well, the quality is a bit low but that's not such a problem.

  18. I got the e-book I was talking about from Amazon.com and I have to say- Don't ever ever buy e-books from ANY website, because they're just waste of time and money and you'll stay frustated and abused and... you get the picture..Well, I mean you got it there's nothing about web marketing in the freaking book and it's all about creating a website(useless extended stuff copied round the Internet), and I don't think that ANYONE who haven't created a website already will be searching for a book such as '101 Ways to Promote Your Website)..

  19. Ok, now listen to my theory. It's more like a few 'stupid' thoughts, but it does makes some sense.Everything is made by atoms, and it's endless. It's like you are zooming in and you'll see a lot of different planets in one molecule(few atoms=few planets). Then again, you zoom in and the people(subjects, anything) in the planet(atom) are also made by atoms. And those atoms are planets too. And everything is predicted, when we push a button of the keyboard, galaxies(or planets) are diing. But their time isn't like ours. One second of ours is like a million of their years. And while things are happening around us(in the space), somebody might just be moving their finger-very slowly for us. And it's endless, or it's just repeating the same thing over and over again. And our Solar System is actually an atom with electrons around it(the planets). That's another thought. And since no theory is proven, why we shouldn't believe in this one? It's sure a fun thing, to fresh us up a little. And now here are a few questions:-Who created the universe?-Who created the one who created the universe?-Is there really a life outside ours(money, noise, jobs-you get the picture)?-Or we should just stay 'cool'(without any knowledge) and see only what we can?-Something can come out of... nothing? -How?-Why we keep wondering, it sure won't be discovered while we are alive. And if there's paradise, hell, God, or something, we should discover that once we die-don't we? Or our souls will just be lost and time(whatever that is) will keep moving on and we'll just disappear-which is something I don't want to believe, but what's the point in staying 'immortal' if you have nothing to look forward for?

  20. There are so many useless e-books at the Internet, and from now on, I will never, ever buy another one. Why? People just want to make money the easy way, and they don't know what they're talking about, act smart, copy stuff from the Internet, or just read around some stuff and expand it-by adding useless stuff, which you may get by reading a dozen times smaller text!The folowing text is my review for a e-book called '101 Ways toPromote Your Web Site: Filled with Proven Internet Marketing Tips,Tools, Techniques, and Resources to Increase Your Web Site Traffic(Paperback)': Pretty much useless, I sure already know how to design a website and how to choose good keywords etc. In a matter of fact, I ALREADY HAVE THE ADS ADDED TO MY SITE AND ALREADY GOT SOME VISITOARS, AND THERE'S NOTHING IN THIS BOOK COMPARED WITH IT'S TITLE, IT'S SOOO USELESS IT'S WORTH TO BE IN THE TRASH AND YOU'LL LEARN NOTHING FROM THIS, EVERY PERSON SEARCHING FOR THIS KIND OF BOOK ALREADY KNOWS THESE STUFF AND THAT PERSON IT'S JUST SEARCHING FOR SOME DIFFERENT WAYS FOR PROMOTING THEIR SITE AND I BET THAT THE AUTHOR HAS NO FREAKING IDEA WHAT HE/SHE IS TALKING ABOUT AND THAT IT'S JUST SOME TEENAGER TRYING TO EARN MONEY THE EASY WAY-BY KNOWING NOTHING!!! YOU COULD OF JUST PICK UP THESE INFORMATION ROUND THE NET AND EXPAND IT. THE AUTHOR HAVEN'T MADE MORE THEN $100 ONLINE, AND HOW HE/SHE THINKS HE/SHE IS SOME KIND OF A PRO. USELESS, DON'T BUY IT, REMOVE IT FROM THE WHOLE INTERNET(THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, BUT STILL...)!!!The e-book is useless and I recommend not to buy it, if you know at least A BIT about a thing called 'On-line business'.I'd like to see some other reviews of yours for e-books which have just wasted some of your time, and possibly money.

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