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Posts posted by Antv912

  1. I used to get panic attacks all the time, I usually get them when I'm in the store with some one and they suddenly leave to go and get something quickly, and or if I'm surrounded around a lot of people at one time, I guess you can say I'm claustrophobic and have panic attacks.

  2. The condition and the symptoms of male menopause are comparable to the ones women experience and can sometimes be as worse. However male menopause does not affect all men, at least not with the same inclusion. Most males experience this around the age of 40-50.(In my opinion that means GRAY HAIR!.) When males go threw menopause their hormonal levels can go up and down, they can even experience a low sperm count, most of the time gray hair, lack of energy,Recovery from injuries and illness takes longer,Less endurance for physical activity,Gaining weight,Difficulty reading small print,Loss or thinning of hair,Sleep disturbances,Low libido and Lack of energy. I think the worst of all for males going threw menopause is lack of sexual drive! Yikes that sounds almost as worse at the female menopause!

  3. Watching porn can't be too bad for you, of course you learn to enjoy it. I think watching porn every day of your life is a bit odd. It's far less addictive than most of the illegal drugs. It's probably far less addictive than drinking alcohol, and definitely far less addictive than smoking. It may well be far less addictive than distance running or similar heavy exercise.Wanting other women is quite another matter. It might be relatively normal to have a desire for other women, but if it becomes a need, then there is definitely something badly wrong.

  4. Wow this is a big shocker, this is Microsoft's first ever lay-off. While this was happening they also had to rethink the windows client. Because Microsoft is largely dependant on the sale of the computers for there company revenue.

    anuary 22, 2009 (IDG News Service) Microsoft Corp.'s first-ever layoffs point to a need for the company to rethink its Windows client business, which is largely responsible for the disappointing financial results that led to the thousands of Microsoft job cuts announced Thursday. Microsoft's second-quarter results Thursday, in which net profit fell 11%, show that the company is still largely dependent on its Windows client business for its financial health. That business in turn is dependent on the market for PC sales, which is currently flat and shows no signs of improving over the short term.
    Microsoft has been trying to diversify its revenue for some time and has made incremental progress. But until other parts of the business begin to pull in more revenue, the company should examine ways to keep its Windows client business from damaging its overall financial health if the current economic conditions worsen, analysts said.

    "Today really shows how dependent they are on PC sales," said Matt Rosoff, an analyst at research firm Directions on Microsoft. "They're still largely a desktop software company."

    Rosoff said Microsoft has done a good job trying to diversify its revenue base, and there is some good news in Thursday's results to reflect those efforts.

    Besides the Windows client business, one division that has been a reliable source of revenue for some time is server and tools, which Thursday recorded its 26th consecutive quarter of double-digit growth. This was driven largely by Windows Server 2008, which is just now beginning to take hold in the market and should drive continued success in this part of Microsoft's business, said one analyst.

    "Even in a downturn, [Windows Server 2008] brings a lot of new value to the market, in particular for customers that want to reduce costs" because it includes built-in virtualization software, said Al Gillen, a program vice president at research firm IDC. Virtualization software allows companies to consolidate server hardware and therefore cut IT costs.

    Thursday's results also showed promising revenue growth in Microsoft's entertainment and devices group and business division -- the latter of which is home to Microsoft's other cash cow, Office.

    But even Microsoft acknowledged Thursday that a flat PC market could continue to affect the overall Office business, while the entertainment and devices unit's performance had more to do with holiday sales of the Xbox 360 game console than overall growth in that market.

    As other businesses pull the weight of Windows client, Microsoft should spend some time rethinking how it approaches that part of its business, analysts said. Pondering ways to develop an annuity revenue stream for Windows could be one way to do that, suggested Neil MacDonald, a vice president at research firm Gartner Inc.

    Annuity revenue is any revenue that is recurring, such as from ongoing subscriptions or long-term contracts. Companies can count on such revenue and factor it into financial outlooks ahead of time.

    "If Microsoft could develop a business model where you pay as you go, it would certainly protect them in times like this," MacDonald said. "I think you'll see Microsoft experiment with new models on Windows, especially with cloud-based services, based on an annuity revenue stream."

    Thursday's results also show that Microsoft still has some lessons to learn from Windows Vista, which appears to have come back to haunt the company.

    Microsoft put considerable investment and time into developing Vista, expecting the operating system to be more successful than it has been. In the middle of Vista's development cycle, the company also had to put out a major update to Windows XP in the form of a service pack that it did not charge for, also interrupting the normal revenue flow of its client business.

    At the time it was developing Vista, Microsoft thought it could "change the PC market with a new OS," Directions on Microsoft's Rosoff said.

    However, consumers as a whole did not rush out to purchase new machines just because they had Vista on them, and many companies opted to skip the operating system altogether and continue to run XP instead.

    Microsoft has now learned that the Windows client is not going to be the kind of product that will "suddenly spur this huge wave" of PC market growth, Rosoff said, and it probably will approach the business with that in mind in the future.

  5. You might want to add Anti-MYSQL injection in there, that is only if this web page is viewable by the public or just you, If it's just you then you don't have to do that.

    I whipped this up for you.

    <?$query = anti_injection($query);function anti_injection($sql) {   // removes words that contain sql syntax   $sql = preg_replace(sql_regcase("/(from|select|insert|delete|where|drop table|show tables|#|\*|--|\\\\)/"),"",$sql);   $sql = trim($sql); // strip whitespace   $sql = strip_tags($sql); // strip HTML and PHP tags   $sql = addslashes($sql); // quote string with slashes   return $sql;}if($_POST[submit]){		$title = anti_injection($_POST['title']);		$body =  anti_injection($_POST['body']);			$result = mysql_query("UPDATE blog SET title='$title', body='$body' WHERE id='$postid' ") or die (mysql_error());		echo "<b>Thank you! News UPDATED Successfully!<br>";		  			}						?><?$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blog WHERE id='$postid' ") or die (mysql_error());			while($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))			{				$title = $myrow["title"];				$body = $myrow["body"];				?><br><h3>::Edit News</h3><form method="post">Title: <input name="title" size="40" maxlength="255" value="<? echo $title; ?>"><br>Text1: <textarea name="body"  rows="7" cols="30"><? echo $body; ?></textarea><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></form>

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