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Everything posted by ill

  1. haha, for all you people who hate school... look at it this wayat least it isn't a job! you can say, well at least i'll be getting paid, well it's all bull, trust me. with school you can slack off and sleep, but at a job, you have to be alert and stuff. jobs are horrible... especially fast food jobs! argh
  2. you can do this by linking the entire page you're trying to change the input field text in to an external .css file. (cascading style sheets) to do this just insert the following code in the head part of the document: <link rel="stylesheet" href="res/style.css" type="text/css"> then you have to make the css file, open up notepad and paste the following code in, save it as style.css BODY {[br] background-color: #333333;[/br] font-family: tahoma;[br] font-size: 10px;[/br] color: #FFFFFF;[br] scrollbar-3dlight-color: #111111;[/br] scrollbar-arrow-color: #555555;[br] scrollbar-base-color: #333333;[/br] scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #333333;[br] scrollbar-face-color: #222222;[/br] scrollbar-highlight-color: #333333;[br] scrollbar-track-color: #333333; [/br] scrollbar-shadow-color: #333333;[br]}[/br]a {color: #00ff00; text-decoration: none; cursor: crosshair}[br]a:active {text-decoration: none; color:#00ff00;}[/br]a:link {text-decoration: none; color:#00ff00;}[br]a:visited {text-decoration: none; color:#009900;}[/br]a:hover {text-decoration: none; color:#000000;}[br]table { font-family: tahoma; font-size: 10px; color: #00ff00; }[br][/br]td, th {[/br] FONT-SIZE: 10px; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: tahoma; CELLPADDING: 0; CELLSPACING: 0;}[br][/br]INPUT, TEXTAREA, OPTION, SELECT { BORDER: #ffffff 1px solid; FONT-SIZE: 10px; BACKGROUND: bgcolor="#333333"; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: tahoma;} i use the above style for my website found at Chaocid.tk. to change the color of the input field text just find the part where it says input (near the end) then change the "color" part after it to whatever color you'd like the font to be.. i think that'll do the trick.
  3. i remember back when me and my friend bought gta3. i played it all the time for like a year straight... it was the best game i had ever played at that point! it was awesome! (and still is) i'd still play that game a lot if it werent for the fact that i accidentally deleted the save file off of my memory card and the cd is all scratched up and the fact that i'm too lazy to A)make enough money to buy another one and B)play the game through to the end to unlock everything again. haha in my opinion, it's all that and a bag of potato chips with a pepsi
  4. i'm kind of looking forward to this school year... it's going to be my senior year of highschool. i guess i'm kinda not wanting it to come yet, dont want real life to hit me! aww it's my last summer of freedom!!! ... <now is sad>
  5. well in the past i've used glade.net because it's reliable.. really really small webspace though, but meh, it worked if i could just make my webpages simple enough (ie no php or asp or mysql). now i'm lookin to be hosted here, hopefully it'll all workout.
  6. i think bush is doin' fine so i voted for him... it's not because i'm from texas, honest!
  7. i voted for windows cause that's what i use, it's really the only one i've used since apple... and i think that windows is easier than it so... go figure
  8. well i use Maxthon! it's pretty good, i like it. i either use this or internet explorer, but i use maxthon more they're basically the same just that maxthon has the tabbed interface and a few more functions but it basically runs from the same source...
  9. i'm 17 right now but in a month i'll be 18... so i just went ahead and chose the 18 age bracket lol @ arens
  10. i'd have to say that xbox is the best (even though i own a ps2; all my friends have xbox's) because they save fastest and have better graphics! you can't beat that no memory card saving! lol but i'm waiting for ps3
  11. amagad, i've been wanting an invite!!! if you got a few left give me a pm, don't make me beg!! oh...too late
  12. well at first i started messin with the internet i was using msn groups. so there was no need to learn html. then my isp started hosting websites so i kinda learned it through msn groups and developed it through random websites... i know a lot now and i sometimes use dreamweaver mx or so... lately i have just been codin it straight through notepad though. it'll probably change soon though as i get lazy-er, gonna dust off the ol' dreamweaver
  13. ill

    Unreal 2

    anyone heard of anything new about Unreal 2? i'm really lookin forward to it! who else is with me on this one? :Poh.. and if anyone has news of the official release date, please tell me!
  14. it's a good game for how cheap it is. worth the $20 if you ask me.
  15. Learn Chinese:(English Phrase) I think you need a facelift (Chinese Phrase) Chin Tu Fat (English Phrase) Are you hiding a fugitive? (Chinese Phrase) Hu Yu Hai Ding? (English Phrase) See me A.S.A.P. (Chinese Phrase) Kum Hia Nao (English Phrase) Stupid Man(Chinese Phrase) Dum Gai(English Phrase) Small Horse(Chinese Phrase) Tai Ni Po Ni(English Phrase) I bumped into a coffee table(Chinese Phrase) Ai Bang Mai Ni (English Phrase) It's very dark in here (Chinese Phrase) Wai So Dim(English Phrase) This is a tow away zone(Chinese Phrase) No Pah King(English Phrase) I got this for free(Chinese Phrase) Ai No Pei
  16. ill


    anyone ever played tibia? find it at tibia.com. it's a graphical rpg just for the pc. it's an alright game.. ever-evolving. though it takes forever to level up and it does get very repetitive. i don't play it anymore but i was wonderin if i could find anyone here that did! ...oh yeh i made a website for a guild on tibia if ya wanna take a look... Sell Sword Mercenarys
  17. ill

    halo 2

    it needs to f'in hurry up! been waitin' for it for what seems like years!!! it better be well worth the wait or i'll be joining their forums and messin with them lol
  18. my favorite band is static-x. hit them up at https://www.facebook.com/staticx they're a rock band-i guess my favorite album would be metallica's black album... seems like no matter how many times i've listened to it (owned it since it came out) i just never get tired of it! lolas for favorite artist... uhhm does the prodigy count?
  19. it's a little amature looking, sorry man.
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