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Everything posted by SpartacusUSTASA

  1. It's sad that Nintendo can't compete with Playstation. I grew up playing Nintendo and Super Nintendo. It's impossible to beat Playstation, when dream cast came out they said that it would destroy Playstation. But dreamcast didn't even last a year.
  2. I would guess that Dell has some new offers. But try the smaller companies because computers can be charged just by the name. You might find a better deal from a company called "Nikita" that nobodys heard about and find the same type of machine under the name "Compaq" that sells for a much larger price.I really don't like labtops because they are expensive and normal computers can hold much more memory.
  3. Yea I installed System Works 2004 on my computer, with the antivirus on my computer runs slower, so I leave it off. Also when I installed the Windows Service Pack II, it slowed my computer down aswell. So I had to uninstall that. Try using a browser such as Firefox, it will protect your computer from virus's. Also under a firewall you're also protected.
  4. Are they really making progress on cars made out of Hydrogen? I hear that in 20 years there will be no more cars that run on gasoline. I think they already have a few Hydrogen vehicles made.
  5. I think strategy games are the most addictive. They take lots of time and thinking to win, and time flies while you're trying to win. Good and addictive strategy games for me are "Empire Earth" "Age of Mythology" "Age of Empires"
  6. I also like the link to the past one for Super Nintendo. There's lots of stuff to do on it, still didn't beat it though.
  7. This is the Digital Age and I cannot live without a computer. There is absolutely nothing to do other then watch TV. On the computer I learned many new things through the internet that I might have not even known of without the computer. I think a computer is absolutely necesarry in this age we are living in.
  8. I love listening to Shawn Hannity on the radio, that guy knows what he's talking about and always makes the Liberals look bad.
  9. I played it and I personally don't like it. The game is very complex and unlike being able to move your units separtely like in other strategy games, you have to keep your units together. I also don't like the fact that I'm on a budget and have keep paying for new soldiers and repaying them, unlike in other games where you buy a soldier and then you dont have to pay anymore.
  10. AOE II was awarded game of the year, I loved the game and the campaigns are great. This new AOE has to be better then the others.
  11. I love Empire Earth. That game has everything, it gives you units back from the ancient times all the way to modern. It has plenty of campaigns and way more things to do and try out then age of empires.
  12. I like age of mythology better because it has more functions such as god powers. I like the storyline in age of mythology but i was disappointed that the expansion version was very short. I think AOE has better campaigns and more scenarios to win.
  13. I believe in God. Our purpose in life is a test to see whether we are worthy of receiving eternal life. To live a good life all we have to do is follow our conscience and live our life to the best we can.
  14. i tried everything, still wont work. Does this mean i have to start all over with another account??
  15. I just created a hosting account and everything went well, but when i reach the part where I have to type my username and password in the Cpanel, it doesn't go through. It is the correct password and username, does anyone know how to fix this??
  16. This is not a perfect world. Peace is not possible because humans are not perfect, their are always people who don't agree on things that lead to rivalries and war. Even if we were all at peace, sooner or later a major disagreement will occur and it will lead to other wars.
  17. I really cant stand this kid in my class. He sits right next to me and he smells very bad. He keeps talking about wanting to kill people, and he says the most stupid things that not even the Pope would be able to stand him. And I try doing my work, but he constantly keeps talking.
  18. Yea, she still has feelings for you. Since she used to be your Girlfriend, it is kind of a downgrade for her to just be a friend, and that is what is bothering her. Maybe through time she will get over you and find someone else, then you two can become just friends.
  19. I loved Age Of Empires. Theres so much to do on it, especially the Campaigns. If you loved Age of Empires, I recommend playing "Empire Earth", it is just like Age of Empires, but you get to lead a civilization from the stone ages all through the Digital age, while Age of Empires only focuses on the Middle Ages.
  20. It depends on what sites you go onto. I learned alot of things from the internet, probably without the internet there would be so many things I don't know about. The internet is the fastest way of communication.
  21. Well Saddam Hussein was not a saint. Most of the Iraqi people are happy to see a tyrant gone. I think that if the United Nations took a more bigger role, such as working together with the United States and offering more assitance, then the US wont be doing most of the work and take the responsibility.
  22. Now that the US is in Iraq, they cannot leave. Iraq is right now in Anarchy, it has no order and no system of rules. The US has to stay there until Iraq comes up with their own constitution, their own laws, police force, and once Iraq can manage itself alone, the US troops will leave. IF they leave now, then Iraq will be covered with robberies, chaos, and all sorts of crimes without anyone keeping order.
  23. Well it's your mothers choice if she wants to be with him. Is it a bad choice? yes it is. But unfortunately you cannot decide for your mother, even though it would be better for her to leave him seeing at the things he's done. Try talking with your mother more and tell her how you feel about the stepdad, keep reminding her of the things he has done and she will think twice whether to trust him again.
  24. You should talk with her. If she is a good friend then she would listen. If she still stays jealous and tries to make your image bad, then there is nothing you can do. She cannot change the way she feels, try telling her that you want to be friends with her and ask her why she is being very rude about the art thing. If she still doesn't change then there is nothing you can do. Maybe one day she will come to you.
  25. The media is constantly portraying Bush as some kind of War Monger. We have seen Saddam use these weapons against his own people, the Shiites in the south and the Kurds in the north. The United States could not risk the chance of Saddam building these types of deadly weapons. The war in Iraq also marked the liberation of the Iraqi people. In the elections of Iraq, thousands of people showed up to cast their ballots, despite terrorist threats. This was a major event in Iraqi history. The people finally were able to have a voice in their country. People like us take freedom for granted.
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